Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: YSS Aeon [Mission 7.4] Aeon Landing Site

"Uh, right." Said Trowa, quickly recovering his surprise. He threw two switches above his head and then grabbed the stick. "Here we go." The Yusou hovered then moved through the open hanger bay door. Trowa quickly moved the craft away from the Aeon. He didn't much like the idea of seismic activity.

The one eyed Nepleslian pilot brought their craft to about 300 meter altitude where they could get both good visual and sensor scans. He flew around the Aeon gradually moving farther away from her. As he did so Trowa was running scans on the atmosphere. Checking wind speeds, barometric pressure, cloud cover, anything that would tell him how to give a smooth flight. "I'll have atmospheric data in a minuet ma'am. Do you have a pacific heading in mind?"
Eun-Kyung stood a little, bracing herself on a support strut as she peered forward through the viewport. "No specific destination at this time. Just put us in an easy expanding spiral flight path centered on the Aeon. That should give us good coverage. Getting anything yet, Sakura-Hei?"

Eun-Kyung wasn't really sure what she wanted to find, or even if she wanted to find something. A nice, calm, thoroughly uneventful survey might be just the ticket. Still, the seismic activity had her concerns heightened. It was probably nothing, but past experience kept at least a little constructive paranoia in the mix. All things considered, she was looking forward to putting the feeling to bed once they were safely back up in orbit.
Sunflower pulled up the APC's systems, for what Eun-Kyung wanted she needed sensors that could detect seismic activity. There was nothing like that. She thought about options, and recalled that the Aeon had deployed an Orbital Geological Survey Platform when it entered orbit. She sent a series of commands through the Yusou's control system and beamed them up to the platform.

"Working on it ma'am. The Yusou does not have the sensors for ground scans, so I am connecting to the OGSP that we dropped off when we entered orbit. I should start getting telemetry from it in a minute or two." Sunflower replied.
The Yusou slowly moved in an ever growing spiral away from the Aeon. The atmospheric scans told Trowa everything he needed to know. He gazed at the readouts then climbed another 20 meters where the air was smoother. "Nice looking place." Trowa commented as he looked out the cockpit at the landscape below.
Data started streaming into Sunflower's console. She did a double check of the data, and the analysis by the OGSP. "Kim-Chui, I have data, I am relaying it to Eternity. According to the OGSP the reason for the seismic activity is that their is a volcano over in the mountains to the east of the Aeon. It is active with a lava flow making its way towards the ocean. The OGSP gives a less than 10% probability of anything catastrophic occurring in the next 24 hours."
Eun-Kyung nodded. Volcanic activity was a benign enough reason for the seismic disturbances, all things being equal. Even the 10% chance of a violent eruption occurring was acceptable. In space, she would never accept a fault tolerance of only 90%, but the Aeon could easily handle even the worst the volcano could possibly produce. Granted she didn't want to be caught in any pyroclastic flows, even in an AMES, but as long as the OGSP didn't upgrade its threat warning she wouldn't worry over much.

"Keep monitoring the telemetry. Let me know if anything spikes across the board. Heisho, get us a new flight path. I want us pushing to the area around the lava flow, with a nice clean approach for sensor sweeps."
Sunflower nodded, "I will let you know if any of the data on the situation changes." She turned her attention to the console and sent commands to the OGSP to continue its probing and scan deeper.

Rin looks down at the planet and smiles "hmm this is the planet the YSS Aeon is based on the moment" he smiles as the shuttle entered the planet's orbit, he heads to shuttles computer and tries to hail the Aeon "shuttle to YSS Aeon, this is Santô Hei Rin Okumura, calling to say i'm in orbit and coming down to the ship".

He gulps and hopes to get hold of the YSS Aeon before he gets close to the ship and starts to pace near the console not knowing what to do yet and wondering what the mission on this planet was.
From the shuttle speakers a female voice came forth. "This is the Aeon, Aeon-actual speaking. We are conducting an exploration of this world. Descend to our landing site, our MEGAMI Eternity will provide you with a landing beacon. Be aware the atmosphere is classified as toxic. Be sure to use an AMES when leaving the shuttle. Once aboard, make your way to the Wardroom."
Rin smiles and sees the new coordinates and types them into the computer, the shuttle slowly changes course towards the Aeon. He was getting very nervous as the Aeon came into view, "this is it, i'm finally here".

As the shuttle lands near the Aeon, he puts on the AMES and gets his bags from one of the lockers and steps towards the door gulping again. He goes through the airlock and out onto the planet looking around quickly then makes his way to the Aeon. He sees the cargo bay was open and walks into the cargo bay looking around "hmmm it is nice in here".

He checks to make sure that the atmosphere-containment field was up and takes off his helmet, he checks where the wardroom was and carries his bag up towards the room not knowing where to put them. He looks around the ship while he makes it way up to wardroom feeling at home for some reason.

He gets to the wardroom and walks in "hello?" he was nervous and looks around.
Katae looked up from her datapad to look at Rin, the image on it vanished with a thought. She was sitting at the corner table just to the right of the entrance. She took a moment to take a sip of her coffee supplied by Sachi.

"You could have left the AMES and your bags in the cargo hold. It is not like someone is going to walk onto the ship." she said as she put her cup of coffee down. She fixed her bright green almond shaped eyes. Waiting for the young soldier to present himself properly.
Rin looks at her "sorry ma'am i wasn't sure", he gulps "oh yea" he quickly salutes "Santô Hei Rin Okumura, reporting for duty" he looks around "i was told to come here on my decent to the planet". he looks at her "i was also told there would be an interview after i reported in" he was a bit shaky this being the first ship he would be on.
Katae stood up and looked at Rin with a bit of a scowl. "Well, that is correct. IF you had asked our MEGAMI Eternity when you stepped on board. She would have instructed you that I was here. Waiting for your arrival for your interview. Put those bags over by the table so someone does not trip over them and come over and properly report to me for interview." She said.
"Aye, aye." Trowa pulled on the stick and turned their shuttle east. It was pretty hard to miss an active volcano. He kept the Yusou far away from the area until he completed another atmosphere scan. "Ma'am, there is a lot of gasses and ash being released into the atmosphere. It may mess with our scans the closer we get." Trowa flipped a couple of switches and glanced at his interments before making his suggestion. "The wind is coming in from the South West. If we come at it the South West we'll be able to get much closer with less interference."
Rin gulps and walks over to the table quickly and puts his bags down, he turns and walks to Katae and salutes "Rin Okumura, reporting in for interview ma'am" he was shaking still and gulps again hoping she didn't see how nervous he really was about this.

He stands like that for a few more seconds then relaxes slightly from the salute and smiles thinly slightly paler than when he walked in "I'm sorry ma'am, this is my first placement and I'm very nervous" he winces slightly when he said this, he was always truthful but admitting to Katae that he was nervous seemed like a bad move on his part.
Sunflower was looking at her instruments. "Ma'am.. I am showing intermittent signal to the satellite. I suspect ash from the cloud is causing electrostatic interference. Should I signal the satellite to reposition before we loose contact and have to go higher."
Rin finished unpacking his stuff in the available bunk and looks around "no time for that", He makes sure his tool belt was secure and makes his was to the cargo bay.

Cargo bay

Rin smiles and sees Katae and salutes her "hello ma'am, I'm all unpacked and ready", he had the patches on and wasn't nervous anymore. "What should i do first, I'm eager to help" he looks around the cargo bay slowly.
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Eun-Kyung nodded as she received Trowa and Sunflower's inputs. She took a moment, pulling up a display of the area to visualize the offered solutions but it was mostly just for personal confirmation. What was there for an officer to do with such competent and communicative subordinates?

"Sounds good, Heisho. You have permission to maneuver as you see fit if conditions change. Just keep us from getting mired in all of that. Sakura-Hei, pull the Heisho's vector changes and base your repositioning orders on that. And if he shifts course again, you are free to give the satellite new instructions on your own initiative. Don't waste time asking me for permission; I trust you two to get it done right."
Sunflower linked the shuttles computer and comm system to serve as a relay between the satellite and the Aeon. The satellite was shifting orbit on its own in an attempt to reacquire signal. She reviewed the data streaming in. She could not believe what she was seeing. An alien craft with six legged creatures coming out.

"Chui, the first Away team has made contact with alien life forms. Sentients. They are attempting to make contact."
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Trowa turned around to look at Eun-Kyung, then turned to Sunflower and smiled. "I knew I liked her." He turned backed to his controls and said, "Aye, aye ma'am. I suggest that you take a seat though, things are likely to get a little bumpy." Trowa turned the ship so that it faced North-East and with the wind at his back headed closer to the volcano and the lava flow. The rising heat and gasses made the shuttle rock and jump but Trowa kept it under control. At Sunflower 's report about alien contacts he wanted a look but didn't want to break his concentration. So instead he asked, "Good looking birds, are they?"
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