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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 7] - Siege on Sector 72

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Robert raised his half eyebrow at the amount of weaponry that Enzo bought. "That is a lot of guns." was his only comment however. He looked around. "Hey, does anyone know where Vincent got off too?"
Seiren just happened to be crossing the entrance area of the Big Bird when Arin showed up, glowing green. He immediately felt a little nauseous as she got closer, the radiation affecting his small body faster than a normal bodied person. Granted, the medication she had taken did make the overall effect not as bad, it still was quite sickening.

"Wow, I heard that the 'Spacers had some crazy areas, but getting this irradiated?" He commented, following Arin at a relatively 'safe' distance. "So, uh. . . need help with something that requires me to be at least two meters away?"
Arin slowly turned her head to meet Seiren's gaze. It would be nice if she had a helping hand, but what she was about to assemble was top-secret NAM stuff, her company rank was barely enough to qualify. Besides, with her doubling as a secondary light source on the Big Bird, she wont be able to accompany Luca in the technical role. Perhaps the tiny tinker can help with that.

"Help... Luca..." She groaned, and then shambled off to her workstation.
"Alright," Luca said upon seeing Seiren nearby and smiling in his direction, "It's your time to shine anyway," He then addressed the crew who'd be following him, "Alright, we know the drill, and so do our enemies - be ready for anything, and when in doubt - kick some Merc arse!"

"What about the rest of us?" Melissa asked, "We're still fighting fit,"
"Stay back and defend the Big Bird," He replied, "In case they try and make a retaliation strike."

He and the team he'd assembled then begun to move forward, with the Drift Militia and Police force in the streets. By now, the news had gotten around that Luca and his crew were going to clean up the town, so the citizens had the good sense to stay back, with some of them locking their stores and taking cover, whilst a few others did so with weapons.

"Mr. Pavone, with all due respect," One of the police officers' assistants asked him as they walked alongside, towards the centre of Drift, "Although Governor Vanatosk has authorised you and your to go ahead and fix this problem, we still need to do our jobs,"

"If you can try and seal off the area near the Crater Nadir bar, or send out a search for this guy who looks like..." He made a description of the Captain of the Jet Bulls, "... we'd greatly appreciate it."
"Okay," The assistant said, as he then replied the commands to his Freespacer Automata, "I want officers to seal the perimeter of CTR_Sec_72."
They then disengaged and went off in their own direction, barking orders and getting the police the area into position, to assist the Phoenix.

As Luca was getting closer to the bar, it was in sight at about a hundred metres away, and the other shops had closed up and left cargo boxes outside in a hurry.
"Alright. Panther and Enzo might be ahead of us, so we'll move in and-" Luca commanded as he heard the sound of a 'THOMP!' and a black ball an inch and a half across was sailing towards him, trailing smoke, "HIT THE DECK!"

He suddenly leapt to the side and kept low as the grenade hit the ground in front of where he was standing, exploding in a spray of firey goo and exposing the inner machinations of the ship and destroying them, which was a bad thing on a Freespacer vessel.

Up on the roof of the 3 storey Crater Nadir bar was a bald man with a large, almost revolver-esque grenade launcher in his hands, and a mad expression of gleeful rage on his face. This was the guy they were after.

"We're going to make this real difficult!" He seemed to pull a pump lever, which cycled the weapon and ejected the used 40mm casing, "We're a step ahead of the cops!" He called out in a mock as he saw a team of policemen approaching from the flanks. He put his hand to an earpiece, and then the cops were suddenly under fire from their flanks.

He turned back to Luca's crew, "Thanks for making my job easier! Sic 'em, boys 'n girls!" He then hid behind cover as the sounds of hooting and hollering for blood could be heard.

"Well, I intend to make this as difficult for him as possible," Luca grumbled as he noticed a team of Jet Bulls heading towards him, and taking cover in strategic locations with weapons raised. These ones seemed more professional than the previous louts. They were spirited, but armed and dangerous.

Luca barely evaded a few bullets before firing a shotgun blast into the chest of the nearest jet Bull, and he was still standing. It was also apparent that he had a helmet on.
"Great. They've body armour," Luca cursed as he pumped and fired another shot, this time to the head. At the close distance, the pellets shattered the visor and hit home, flooring him, "But, their heads ain't bulletproof, mostly."

Then other shots rang out, with the captain hugging a wall to evade, as other gunfire could be heard ringing out through the sector.
The crew had to take 'em down, move themselves and forward as they did so and get to the building, by any means. Cover was ample, pulses were high, and it was a one way street to the Crater Nadir.
Enzo was taking it pretty well: At first, he walked casually through the arcing grenades and zig-zagging gunfire, a cool look of indifference on his face. After one shot whizzed a little to close for comfort and grazed his ear, coolness just wasn't a factor anymore. The grizzled vagabond dashed between cover of different types, drawing the dual Knucklers he had purchased just for a similar occasion as this.

He slipped behind a wall and lit a cigarette one-handed whilst switching each Knuckler to semi-auto with the other. He peeked out to see the locations of the nearest Jet Bulls and saw Luca's shot blast and noticed the armor. He cursed under his breath and switched out the other Knuckler for the Tiger's Tears. Enzo peeked out once more to set up his new tactics. He decided against using tactics when a stray bullet caught his cigarette.

"Why, yous dirty, no-good, sons-of-bitches!" he spat, flicking the Knuckler back into full-auto.

"I'm gonna blow holes inna each an' every one-a-yous!" he screamed, sprinting into the smoke and chaos. In a matter of seconds, he had come upon his closest enemy, who had taken up suppressive fire against Luca. His snarl turned to a wicked smile as he idly sprayed the man with his Knuckler, as if he were a weed in a garden. As the bullets knocked him around, the man spun on the ground, lifting his hands to his face where one had gone through the side of his nose.

Enzo closed in on the downed opponent, observing all the dings and scratches in the armor when none of his bullets had pierced. He was still smiling. The armored opponent groaned, and began slowly reaching for his weapon, still in pain from his wounds. Enzo stepped on his arm and turned the heel of his boot.

"This here revolver will easily penetrates your pussy armor," he said, his voice quivering in a mixture of anger and glee. "But I thoughts about it hard and, you know what?"

Enzo pressed the barrel of the Tiger's Tears up against the man's bleeding face.

"Fuck that."

Enzo pulled the trigger on the weapon, leading to the obvious results. It was as if someone very strong tried to put a brick into the helmet with the head still in it. A big brick. The massive recoil of the weapon was almost completely absorbed by the helmet. Enzo wiped blood off of the barrel with his own shirt. He began to laugh out loud but he was cut short by a voley of bullets cutting into the ground near him. He turned crazily and sprayed in their general direction with the Knuckler while he jogged back towards Luca. As he closed in on Luca's position another Jet Bull approached him. Without blinking, Enzo lifted the Tiger's Tears and fired. The recoil knocked him stumbling backwards, but the impact of the bullet did its job, knocking its target flat onto his back, which most likely had a hole in it.

Enzo's stumbling ended up with him on his back as well, right next to Luca and his wall.

"Hey boss!" he greeted Luca, lighting a new cigarette, "Gots any bright ideas fors this and-gague-mant?"
Panther was pretty far from the fight from where he was, but could see how the battle was working out. Hmm they probably can work it out somehow, the Luca will probably work it out somehow. I have work to do. He then looked up and grinned as he could make out a sequence of random Freespacer junk jetting from the wall he could use.

His first jump could have been better, but he managed to climb up and run up to a flag pole doing a flip up to an object that could have belonged in a human bathroom, perhaps it was a sink. He managed his way up close to the roof within jump distance but decided to wait for the right moment. He needed to wait to see if the target was distracted enough for his landing, or if he had been noticed.
Robert cursed as the bullets started flying towards Luca. He drew his pistol, dove for cover and started snapping off shots at the closing flunkies. "Where's the crazy, musclehead when you need him?" He shouted over the sounds of the fray. Robert peered around the corner looking for his next move towards their boss.
It all happened really fast. Grenade flew to them, Luca jumped to ground followed closely by Zeta. Grenade exploded but luckily didn't hurt anyone of the crew. "Bloody hell!" shouted Zeta as she stood up and drew her energy pistol. She fired few blind rounds at mercenearies while following captain, ending behind same wall as him.

She kneeled, holstered her pistol and started taking out her SMG from backpack. "Those wankers would like to play with us? Well it would be pretty unpolite to not answer to their wishes!" she said with smile as she took SMG in one hand and put two extra magazines in pocket of her jacket. She ten looked from behind wall and sprayed nearest mercenary. Aiming at upper body and head.
Robert dashed from his cover firing at the nearest Jetbull and drawing his knife in the other. While the bullets just bounced off the Jetbull's body, the knife with it's wielder's full wieght thrown behind it penetrated the Merc's throat. Robert held onto the knife and drew it along from the left side to the right side, nearly decapitating the Merc. He held onto the body using it as a shield while he continued his charge towards the next Jetbull. "C'mon let's get these guys!" he shouted over his shoulder while throwing the half-decapitated body ontop of the Jetbull he'd just rushed too. He grabbed that Merc and set him up into an Arm-bar lockout takedown. "They aren't that tough."
At a loss as to any sort of proper response, Uriel remained silent.

Rather conveniently, the large duo had strode to the end of the street where Crater Nadir Bar stood. In fact, they'd been just about to turn back and look elsewhere, but now that the shooting had started, Vincent and Uriel had two distinct advantages: standing far to the right of the front doors, they were out of the main line of fire, and were thus far not considered hostile by the Jet Bulls. As soon as the gunfire began, and the shouts erupted- especially those of Luca and Enzo caught his ear- the Patrician spun on high alert, each hand dropping toward a weapon; his left gripped the Tiger's Tears' handle, his right gripped the haft of his Xiphos.

"Vincent, suppressive fire. I'm going after their leader." It was more a command than a request, and the Archangel didn't wait to find out the ID-SOL's answer; more than likely he looked forward to testing out that new piece of artillery he'd purchased. Trusting this line of thought, Uriel Hisshana sprinted toward the fray, noting that most Jet Bulls had their focus elsewhere. It was going to start out rather easily.

Even at a full sprint, the mercenary never heard Uriel coming, never saw the perfectly crafted blade arcing skillfully toward and through his neck. The monomolecular edge, added with the Hippeis Xiphos' extra weight and the Archangel's strength made for as clean a decapitation as one could ask for. The first victim's partner was alerted by the sight of blood flying past his face, but was too late; The Elysian's revolver was already an inch from his face, and only a single round was needed to finish the job.

Having dealt with the immediate threat, Uriel leaped for the 'sky' once more, and beat his wings mightily. The gleam of a grenade launcher in the burly leader's arms made him reconsider the idea of landing. Plan B was to begin strafing runs with his Tiger's Tears until the Jet Bull captain stopped to reload or Uriel ran out of ammo... Or died. There was always that option too. He shook his head, though, to clear it of that thought.

He flew out of sight, landing on another rooftop lining this street (Nadir Street, maybe?) and counted a slow ten, then lunged toward the Crater Nadir flying high and fast, and taking his time to aim between each shot. Unfortunately, he was also aiming to kill, unaware this man was needed alive. Uriel only knew that he was leading the assault against Luca, and that made him a threat.
Panther watched as the fleshling with wings flew up above the field of battle, Well, no better distraction than that. He then jumped down to the roof of the bar from his perch and landed on all fours. He then pulled out a couple of his butterfly knives and threw them quickly at the grenade launcher man's neck and head. After he threw them he then took out the machine pistol he picked up earlier and began firing that in the general direction.

Hopefully the grenadier was dead by then, Panther had more up his sleeves if not however.
Seiren, before he had left, grabbed his modified Mancannon; he had figured by this time that assasination attempts and the like were the norm and it was better to be safe than sorry. The Mancannon now sported a crude foregrip along with the stock that was purchased, making it a nightmare for his opponent and only slightly less of an inconvenience to use.

When the firefight started, Seiren immediately dove for cover behind one of the nearest cargo crates left lying around by the civilians.

"Luca, you really have a lot of friends, don't you?" The Yamataian joked, loading his main gun. He was hesitant to get in the fray because, well, he wasn't exactly Mr.Veteran when it came to battles nor was he quite confident in his ability to not get hit. By the time he struck up the courage to move, the rest of the group seemed to have made quite a bit of progress in annihilating the opposition. Seiren peered around the corner and took aim at one of the closer troopers that hadn't been annihilated by Enzo and Uriel's onslaught and fired.

He forgot about the recoil.
"Well, gotta keep friends close," He yelled over the din of battle to Seiren, whilst pumping his shotgun for another shot behind the relative safety of, "And your enemies closer!"

He then sprang up, leaping over and dashed forward unerringly, weaving past bullets with grace, giving a goon who'd also come out of cover a faceful of boomstick, and anothe faceful to someone who had his head up.

He jumped with a roll towards the ex-Jet Bull's cover, failing to notice that a grenade had blown up next to him and give him a liberal spray of pain just before he'd gotten in. His jacket had taken a good amount of the brunt, and his roll had minimised some of the damage, but he was still hit hard.

"Gnghh," Luca grunted as he had his back to the crate and put his shotgun away, instead withdrawing his HHG and pulling the hammer back, he made a glance towards Enzo, "I think Uriel has it covered!" He explained as he nodded his head upwards. He then stood over cover, and fired two very quick shots at someone who was busy watching the Elysian do his thing.
Enzo, meanwhile, was able to see someone in his field of vision, taking aim at Luca with an assault rifle and himself.

Uriel's ploy had worked, and he managed to land a couple of shots at the Grenade-launcher wielding baldy, but he'd taken just as much fire. The Jet Bulls that weren't busy with the police were taking aim at him, hitting his wings twice, and a shot to the left thigh, and right shoulder. His next landing would sting a little.

This'd also given way to Panther's ploy, which worked like a charm since he noticed two bodyguards whilst the grenadier had a sidearm, who were focusing on Uriel. The butterfly knives had pierced the grenadier's throat and bald head. He staggered, trying to feel for the knife, and then turned around.

"FUCK!" He yelled as he tried to bring his sidearm to bear, a single-barrel sawed-off shotgun and fired it from the hip in Panther's direction before falling back from the recoil, as his two bodyguards were continuing to harry the Elysian.
They'd only noticed this, and had a moment to swing their rifles in Panther's direction.

Panther had a moment to react, with the shotgun blast coming closer as his senses screamed for him to evade.
Uriel had attracted a little more attention than anticipated, and came down faster than he would have liked. He had no choice but to aim for a rough landing on the Crater Nadir's rooftop.

Another bullet, this time to the shoulder shifted his course, and a fourth tore a lovely gash in his thigh. Gritting his teeth, he drew his treasured Hippeis Xiphos once more, and raised it high. The last round of his revolver was spent on a wild and unlikely shot at the bodyguard nearest Panther before being released; Uriel now gripped the sword in both hands. The Tiger's Tears clattered across the bar's rough surface, collecting its fair share of battle scars.

The Archangel's wings curled like parachutes, pain lacing through the left one as he did so. This slowed his descent, but there was still much momentum as he came crashing down on the bodyguard farthest from Panther and plunged the Xiphos into his chest cavity via his throat. The pair thudded on the rooftop heavily. The Elysian twisted his torso into a sideways roll, right flank first so as to spare his other wing from any more harm. His fluid movements were enough to keep momentum and yank the Xiphos free of its fleshy sheath. By some combination of sheer will power and grace of God, Uriel managed a smooth transition from prone to standing, sword raised at the ready before him and stained with the blood of more than one man.

Uriel was breathing heavily, practically gasping, but determined to remain a lethal opponent despite his current state. Forgive me, Lord, for my stupidity, and may I think more thoroughly in the future.
Zeta's bursts didn't have much of a use, firing an SMG from this far was not that good. She needed to get closer.
"Cover me, Rob!" she yelled at Robert behind a crate next to her, but she didn't wait for him. He might've been too busy to cover her. All that mattered to her is that he was shooting anyway.

She sprinted along the street as the grenade exploded on her right - and next to Luca. Well she was covering his flank anyway. Can't jump before him for anything, now. She had to concentrate on killing the mercs.

As she ran she spotted an alley on her left - and a merc in it. Zeta was a little surprised to see him, and Merc was little surprised with her storming in like this. Zeta was quicker, she didn't stop.
She knew her SMG couldn't shoot through his armour. And she knew she would probably not hit head while moving so fast. However, if she stopped, the merc would have a chance to get her.

Zeta also remembered one imprint that she had in her brain. If you are in front of a man with a firearm, you must kill him. Run straight at him. There is good chance it will startle him and make him miss.
Just like what was in front of her now.

The merc screamed a little and fired from the hip. His bullet went about two feet on Zeta's left side and hit a wall. Zeta didn't give merc a chance to fire second shot. She was already at him, having SMG in her left hand and raising her right hand - her robotic hand. Her fist fell on his face, giving him a mouthful of very durable metal alloy.

"Eat this!" She shouted as the merc was spitting out his teeth, and crumpling under the weight of her attack. She then gave him a nice stomp in a face to ensure he will be sleeping through all this and kicked his gun away.
She than backed to the wall and leaned out to see Crater Nadir and uncovered merc right in front of her. This merc probably hear a scream of his now-teethless friend and was ready for anyone from Lucas crew. He was ready and he fired.
"Bloody Wanker!" shouted Zeta as she fell back into cover.

When she looked out again, she knelt. The other merc was probably a little slower and didn't expect her presence. She aimed at him and fired a burst at his face. He look rather surprised when two .45 calibre bullets hit his face. One hit right under his nose and second into his left eye-socket. With a sense of satisfaction Zeta leaned back behind the corner.

She could felt some liquid on the tip of her nose. She raised her hand and touched it. Seiing it was blood. As felt her nose to find out one of bullet, "corner-merc" fired grazed her nose a little.

"He really WAS a bloody wanker!" she shouted. Well, a bloody wanker with pretty good aim.
Robert flashed Zeta a quick smile. "Glad to see ya up here. Now let's beat our boss to their boss." With that challenge set for himself, Robert hurtled the cover he was using. He used his full wieght to jump on and bring the merc down. Two quick slashes to his throat finished the job. "Beat you up there, Boss." he shouted over to Luca.
Enzo reacted quickly when he caught a glance of a merc pulling his sights over him and Luca.

"Not smart." he mumbled under his breath, puffs of smoke escaping from the side of his mouth. In action, Enzo made a diving jump over his cover; pushing Luca's head downward on his way over. In thought, he cursed himself for pulling such a maneuver because it place him in the open. Which left him no choice but too engage immediately.

Enzo landed broken into a sprint, and leaning forward in a momentus one, at that. Each muscle in his body worked in tandem to push his weight across the battle field. With the number of mercs thinned out significantly, this wasn't as dangerous as before. Still, there was a man with an assault rifle pointed right at him. Enzo lifted his Knuckler and sprayed the offending merc. Said merc stood rigid against the spray of bullets, only stumbling back a few feet.

Still, it was exactly what Enzo needed. He leveled the Tiger's Tears with the stumbling opponent and fired one shot into the man's chest. With his momentum, the powerful recoil of the weapon only served to slow him down. He continued his brisk pace around a corner and fired two more shots from his Tiger's Tears into two more mercs. One hit in the chest and the other in the stomach. Enzo frowned at what as, for him, poor pistol marksman ship.

Without much work, Enzo found himself infront of the bar with one bullet left. He knew two of his crew mates were on the roof, and one of them was wounded. He smelled money in the act of rescue. With a greedy smile plastered onto his face, Enzo dashed over the barricade in front of the bar and snatched one of the mercs around the neck. He backed himself up to the door with his human shield held tight. The other mercs barely seemed to notice, busy with Zeta and Robert. Enzo sighed as his tactic was useless and in his disdain, shoved the mer forward, right before putting the last bullet in between his shoulder blades.

Enzo ducked into the bar and switched out his weapons. He readied the Type 30 in Heavy Mode whilst he crawled through the door, eyes open for any occupants.
Panther was about to fire his guns before noticing it was unneeded and was going to focus on the other two. However he felt danger and glanced over back to his dead target who was still moving and aimed his weapon. Fear gripped the Kohanian as his mad dash became a quick sidestep but was a little too late.

To his credit, he missed most of the shotgun spray but still had two pellets hit his right leg, and one on his right arm. The force pushed him back making him do a short aerial spin before slamming hard onto the ground. He still managed to keep his mind straight as this wasn't the only time he was shot on a given day, only to manage seeing the winged human take out the other two goons.

The cat man smiled, The fleshling is pretty good, he thought as he attempted to get up before feeling stabs of pain then laid back down. "If by good fortune, the spirits will ward me of danger."
"YEAH, IT'S TIME TO KILL PEOPLE!" Vincent shouted, lifting his Finagle's Revenge to a firing position. The gun was huge and heavy, and unsurprisingly cumbersome to handle - even for someone with Vincent's massive stature. Combine that with the fact that it was a huge red gun and Vincent was basically painted as a target.

Until he fired.

The sound of the gun was very quiet in comparison to the havoc that the round wrecked. Heading for the roof of the Crater Nadir Bar, the depleted uranium warhead hurtled through a wall and upwards through the cieling at a terrifyingly deflected angle, turning a Jet Bull's leg into a gnarled stump of bleeding sinew and bone.

Vincent turned and ducked as the auto-loader fed another round into the firing mechanism, hiding behind a pile of discarded trade goods.
Robert stopped for a second as Vincent's fired round made it's big boom. He looked back to see Vincent finally entering the fray. "You're a little late Vinny! We already killed most everybody here." he called back towards the huge ID-SOL. He turned towards a merc that was still staring at where Vincent had disappeared, making an easy target. Robert quickly slipped behind him and snapped the merc's neck. He motioned for Vincent and Zeta to catch up.
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