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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 7] - Siege on Sector 72

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Enzo stuck behind with the police after the incident to 'help' them gather evidence. By that of course, it is implied that he was stealing weapons and ammo and selling them for pure profit. He was having so much fun that, when he recieved a message from his Uncle Lucco detailing a lead on his ship; he nearly split the station open by throwing an armful of M'cel rounds down in excitement. He quickly thumbed a message to Luca telling him an important matter had come up, and ran immediately to go rent a shuttle and break the blockade.


At the ISC Big Bird, a man was walking with a relaxed pace towards Luca. He was a tall, blonde, Yamataian with brown and black fatigues tucked into a pair of leather boots. He also had a Type 27 NSP displayed unabashadly at his hip. He smiled as he made his way to Luca through the crowd, raising his hand to various people he recognized.

When he finally reached Luca, he stretched out a thin hand to shake.

"Good day to you, Mister Pavone." he said, "My name is Rosh Funaka, and I am looking for someone."

Rosh held up a picture displayed on his communicator. The picture was of Enzo, minus a few scars. "I am looking for this man, Mister Pavone. And I know you've been with him. He is a deplorable man, with no doubt duplicitous intent upon you and your vessel. No doubt he intends to steal it somehow. I ask your help in bringing him to justice. In return... I am willing to tender my services to you. I am a former marine and an... 'Investigator' around this station. I can be very resourceful to you. What do you say, Mister Pavone?"
Robert followed Luca while sheathing his pistol. He walked out of the building and noticed one of the Fatboys that a merc was using. "This looks nice." he muttered to himself as he quickly searched the merc for any extra batteries and caught back up with Luca.
Seiren was slow to follow Luca up the stairs. He was busy trying to make sure there weren't any Jet Bulls still around - and raiding one of the bodies for a Styrling Ripshot to replace his Mancannon for everday use. By the time he had gotten upstairs, it seemed like the entire party had moved upstairs. On his way up, he passed most of the party, making it rather difficult to get by.

Once the Yamataian finally got upstairs, his jaw dropped.

"A Ripper? Here? What have I gotten myself into? . ." He mumbled before getting the brilliant idea of raiding the thing for usable machinery. It took him a minute or two and a few cuts, but he managed to pull a loosened panel around where most of the stab marks were off. And what a prize lay underneath. An Aether Generator, still mostly intact, just happened to be where that panel was. At this point Seiren realized he wouldn't be able to carry anything else if he went for it, but this was enough of a find to replace just about anything else he could raid from NMX tech.

Several minutes passed before he could wrench it out (With a little help from the plate he took off), but the inventor was quite pleased. There were many things he could do with it, just so long as he didn't use it in Yamataian airspace. With all prizes in tow, he left the building, ignoring the clusters of militia and whatnot and made a beeline for the ship.
Uriel gave it a glance, uncertain at first. When Luca gave her a thanks, the Patrician was reassured of the contents' safety. He popped the cap and emptied the vial's fluids down his gullet, and in seconds quite a few amazing things happened.

For starters, the pain simply vanished, replaced by an alarmingly dull sensation, like parts of him were dead and immobile. He wasn't feeling quite as sluggish either. In fact, he felt almost normal. The sudden change was almost frightening, but for now he was willing to forgo any inquiries. Uriel really just wanted to get the wounds tended so he could get himself back in the conflict, and made his way into the Big Bird as quick as he could. The next step was finding a medic.
Back to the big bird then. Though Zeta as she walked from building. Looiking at it now, it didn't look so good. Holes from small arm fire everywhere. And we shouldn't froget about Vincents big gun.

Zeta walked around dead mercs and looked at their equipment. There were few rather nice things. She found Lorath Hand Cannon which is alway nice. She picked it with spare ammo she coudl find and threw it in her bag. Then she found fatboy. That is nice too. Fatboy ended in now full bag with spare batteries from dead merc.

Then there were some more pistols. Only covert ops was interesting but in the end Zeta didn't took it. But then she found a real treasure. Handheld Gauss Rifle. That monster was able to shoot Power Armor. Just the thing they needed. Only that it was moret than meter long and heavy as a pig. Zeta just sighed and put large rifle on her shoulder. With this even rippers won't laugh. But Zeta was not looking forward to firing this monster. That recoil will hurt. Without her cyber-arm she wouldn't even consider it.

With monster-rifle on her shoulder she hurried to catch up with others. When they got to Big Bird some strange guy came to Luca. Telling him how Enzo will steal Big Bird. Zeta frowned upon him. She really didn't like the idea of some wanker coming and telling stuff like them. She had an urge to hit him over the head with gauss rifle. But that would probably kill him. Well she will see how will captain deal with him.
Vincent recovered his position behind the busted stall, removing the Finagle's girth from the heavy countertop. The mercenary hoisted the massive gun to his shoulder and set out across the little barricade between the Crater Nadir and the Big Bird.

Along the way, he encountered a rather handy trophy. The mercenary kicked a corpse aside as he was walking - one of the Jet Bulls caught in the initial volley - and the dead man rolled off a gore-caked Handheld Gauss Rifle. Vincent, never one to pass up the opportunity to get a new BFG, wiped some of the blood and guts from the gun and then balanced its barrel over his free shoulder. As he marched back to the Big Bird, the merc managed to recover two more magazines scattered across the area where he had found the weapon's owner.

Eventually he arrived at the Big Bird, where Luca was interviewing some strange man dressed in an odd uniform with a Yamataian accent. The man mentioned something about Vincienzo, and him being "duplicitous". The ID-Sol didn't know what "duplicitous" meant (his programming and conditioning hadn't included a massive vocabulary), but he knew trouble when he saw it.

So he merely did what came naturally to him: Vincent calmly strode up to the man, sticking to his blind side, balanced his Handheld Gauss Rifle by the barrel in one hand, and then swung at the Yamataian's head.
Rosh heard his instincts whine about a large object just outside his peripheral. In response he flung out the arm which was holding his communicator and it took the full force of the blow. His instincts, honed as they were, remained unaware that the large object was being handled by an ID-SOL. He crumpled under the impact, feeling the familiar pangs of a broken limb. His arm was crookedly leading to the rifle, which he held loosely in a injured grasp.

"You vile creature!" he shouted, drawing his Type 27 with his remaining good arm, "I approach in a civilized, mature manner, and you respond with violence. You've wounded me!"

His face had lost the calm smile which sat upon it before, and was left in a snarl. He pointed the Type 27 squarely at Vincents head and armed it in heavy mode. The Yamataian was quick to compose himself, but cautious enough to keep his weapon pointed at Vincent as he straightened.

"Don't you think there are more important issues to be dealt with at this moment?" he began, "I'm only trying to support you in your endeavors. You're friends with a very, very bad man. He has hurt a lot of decent people and stolen a lot of valuable items for the purpose of his 'business' as he calls it. He is a liar, and I am only trying to help you see what you're dealing with. And yet, your first reaction is to sic your dog on me with no undue haste, before even hearing me out. Mr. Pavone, I am appalled, to say the least. Your reputation as that of a do-gooder is besmirched to me now."

Rosh winced with pain as his speech increased in volume. When he was done, he sighed. Without taking his gun off of Vincent, he lowered himself to retrieve the broken communicator and slid it into his pocket. His next words were slow, yet simple: "I will not attack you or your crew-mates if you do not attack me anymore. However; I intend to extract my investment from Vincienzo Bortelli, and expose him as the liar and thief that he is."
When Zeta got to Big Bird she let Captain talk to that yammie. SHe leand gauss gun against the wall because it was bloody heavy. THen she opened her beg to bettar examine her loot. THen VIncent came and swinged he Gauss.

Zeta was a little surprised. He actually did what she wanted to do in the first place. Too bad that Yammie didn't got hit in the head. She was looking forward to see what would it do to his melon. Instead of that she took out Hand Cannon she looted first and check its cylinder. It was full.

Yammie took out pistol and aimed on Vinc. SHe just smiled and stood up with her large revolver. Man was focused on Vincent so she just quitly walked in his back and little to the left about 2 meters from him. She aimed revolver on his head and cocked her gun. It could be heard pretty easily. It was about the time man ended his monologue.

"You better not attack us mister," she said to him calmly. Ready to shoot his head off. "If you attack one of us I will attack you. So please hoslter that gun. And how dare you coming here saying one of us is liar and traitor. You know I should shoot just because of that. But it is captains choice not my. But righ now I would rather trust that stealing scruffy bastard than you." Her voice was calm and her cyber-arm steady. She was out of his reach too. He should now this is check-mate. Even if he'll try to kill VIncent he will die too.
Robert looked between the two heavy hitters on the crew that apparently had taken a dislike to this man. He sighed as he pointed his newly acquired fatboy at the unlucky newcomer. "I wouldn't suggest making a wrong move here." Robert growled. "Most everyone here is a little tense. Especially my large, pissed off friend there. You know how it is after ya get shot."
Luca had just gotten up off of the operating table, having bullets removed, bandages applied to his wounds, and a healthy dose of painkillers. All that needed to be done now was an ammo restock at the Big Bird, but suddenly Rosh had gotten in his way. The crew was quick to act in his absence, however.

"Somehow, I think you've failed to do your research," Luca smiled in Rosh's direction as he put his jacket back on, "There's a reason you see my face in some magazines, even though I haven't asked to have my picture taken."

"There's a reason why I've got these people following me," He motioned to everyone who'd stood up, "People like Mr. Bortelli, too. Y'see, his ship got stolen, and he was marooned on a pod in open space," Luca noticed that Rosh had levelled his NSP with Vincent, "I found him. He owes me."

"He's doing it in a service that he does best - and I've seen him deliver."
Even though Enzo, as a person without a goal was deplorable, selfish and sneaky. As an asset, he was deplorable, selfish and sneaky - but he had a greater goal to work towards, which didn't just consist of getting his ship back.

"He's a liar, and a thief, and that's what he does best, but he's a friend to. If I do find his ship, I'll make sure he returns whatever he's stolen from you," He then paused for a moment, making a mental backspace, then tilted his head with a rhetorical question, "Wait a sec, aren't Yamataians supposed to be savvy about keeping an eye on their valuables around Nepleslians?"

He then gauged the bounty hunter's reaction.
"Ohh, tough crowd," He smiled, wishing to toy with the bounty hunter some more, "Aren't Bounty Hunters supposed to be independent, resourceful sorts who aren't stupid enough to ask the employer of the person they're after," He rolled his eyes nonchalantly as he continued, "And the employer happens to have, oh, I dunno - saved the Galaxy?" A Cheshire cat grin came across his face.

An explosion could be heard just northeast of the clinic the crew had set up. This was followed by the screams of militiapeople getting slaughtered. All this time they'd been talking, there were people dying.

"Oh, and by the way," He bellowed over the sound of the bloodshed, "You might'nt have gotten the memo, but," He took a deep breath, as fire raged in his eyes, "THE STATION HAS SQUIDS INVADING RIGHT NOW, I'D WORRY ABOUT THEM INSTEAD OF YOUR F-" A well timed blast cut his curse short, "-ING VALUABLES!!"

Luca was absolutely furious, pulling out his HHG and levelling it with Rosh, "Now get the hell out of my sight, and leave my crew alone."
Sebastian blinked in his son's direction. Is he really willing to stand up for the dregs of society from a bounty hunter who's probably right about what he says?

"If we live through this, I'll throw some friggin' cash at you and call it even, but don't you dare touch Enzo - or we'll tear your head off."

"Long story short, we decline your offer," Sebastian said, as peacefully as he could, "Now, sir, if you'll excuse us, we need to suit up before heading out into the breach."
Luca gave everyone the nod to lower their weapons, and pushed Rosh aside, heading towards the Big Bird.


"Arin," Luca asked as he was getting his WIND armour suit on, with a GUST armour kit augmenting the armour, "Good to see your health has improved a bit, what've you prepared for us, anyway?" He was now fully armed and restocked, this time with the good stuff, including 40mm plasma grenades.

Some of the crew's Plasma ammunition was in scarce supply, so it'd have to be used sparingly, and with accuracy. Two WIND armour suits were available for anyone to pick up, Melissa and Sebastian both nominated to stay back and defend the Big Bird and had put their armour forward.

Then John came forward, giving a nod to the Captain.
"Yeah?" Luca asked the pervert pilot.
"Just asking, do you think I can get away with flying a shuttle indoors?"
Luca blinked, "Nobody will notice," He then smiled as he slipped the helmet on.
"I'll need a co-pilot to do the weapons, though." He said, folding his arms as he motioned to the original ISC Phoenix, a Jilanth T2 Shuttle, "A pilot, I am. A gunner, I'm not."
Seiren watched the debacle of Rosh with amusement for a moment before heading onto the ship to deal with his loot and all the little cuts on his hands from trying to deal with the devilishly sharp plate he scrapped. He set the mess at his 'workbench' then headed back to the main bay. The Yammie was aware of the crisis, but didn't want to think about it and freak out like many would.

Once Luca finished his little speech, Seiren volunteered to use one of the WIND armors. Better to be well armored when you're not all that strong on your own.
Zeta just had to smile after things Luca said to that wakner of a bounty hunter. When things calmed she holstered her gun and went inside the ship.

Time to head out was nearing. Zeta reloaded her fatboy and checked amunition for Gauss rifle. WIth weapons ready she went to look what is Luca up to. He was puttin a WIND suit on. A WIND suit! Such a marvelous thing and it looked like there was still one extra. Since it wasn't the site Vincent would fit into as an ID-SOL she went and grabbed it. With few glances she figured how to put it on. It was programmed into her after all.

With this suit she will be able to hold and fire that Gauss rifle with no sweat. She used magnetic connector and attached FatBoy to her back and her newly gained revovler to her hip. She then took Gauss rifle which had something over 200 shots in it. That should be enough.

She came to Luca armed to the teeth and saluted just for fun. "Ready to roll skipper!" She said with optimistical voice. She was not exactly happy seeing Seirein puttin toher WIND suit on. He was no fighter after all, she would be more happy with Robert at her side. But Seiren was techboy and he could come handy. And he would be to no use with no head.
Once he was patched up and ready to go, Uriel reloaded his Tiger's Tears. It wouldn't do much good against a Ripper, but any squid that wasn't in a suit would be doomed. He had just snapped the chamber shut when he heard John requesting assistance.

The Archangel thought about this for a moment. He wasn't well equipped for combat against armored foes, he had no armor, and the others all were far more capable in their current conditions to handle whatever came their way. "I'll command the guns," he declared, striding into the cockpit.
Arin beamed, it was time to shine! At least more than just literally.

"I manufactured a stock of BLACK HHG shells." The Representative opened her literal lead box to reveal more lead in the figurative sense, rows and rows of black colored cartridges that glowed (is that even possible?) with sinister intent. "Normally any Nepleslian that is issued with these will just be told to point and shoot and not ask any questions, but in this case I have to reveal certain classified information for your safety."

The resourceful Nepleslian woman begain her 'Matter of Fact' sales pitch. "Each BLACK shell contains a small device powered by a strong radioactive source that simulates the action of a highly invasive medical scanner of which is highly lethal to NH-Series and their derivatives including yourself. The Company disavows any responsibility for injuries or death from the use of this product. Please be careful, Captain, and return any unused shells for safe disposal."

She then turned to the other main HHG user on the ship and produced an identical lead box with identical contents. She tilted her head at Vincent and smiled cheerfully "Point and shoot!".

Finally she presented the emasculated Sniper rifle to Enzo. She had cut down the barrel as ordered and changed the rifling ratio to one optimized for that length, that was the best she could do in the given time. However the weapon would still kick like a mule and she predicted that the con-artist would only get one shot off before breaking his wrist, to reflect this the Representative's sole prototype for a rifle-cartridge sized BLACK HHG round was loaded in the chamber. Arin pulled open the bolt sans magazine to make it clear to Vincenzo (Which she still had a dislike for). She then said, very seriously, emphasizing every word. "Point. And. Shoot."
Vincent removed his WIND armor from the locker it was stored in, applying the kit piece by piece as he gathered weapons from his stockpile. The Deviance remained in its position, as did most of the hulking mercenary's arsenal. The two HHGs remained holstered around his thighs, as did his Lorath Hand Cannons. The HGR remained slung across his back, and the Finagle's Revenge was still level on his shoulder.

The hulking mercenary accepted the glowing irradiated shells from Arin with a simple nod, pulling the helmet of the Gust-reinforced WIND armor over his head and replacing all of the standard shells on his HHGs with BLACKs. "Much appreciated," Vincent grunted, before making his way down the entrance ramp and waiting for the rest of his team to figure out where to go. It was clear that he was leading the infantry formation.
Rosh watched in anger as the Phoenix crew moved to their stations and left the triage area. He gripped his Type 27 solidly in his remaining good arm and shoved it into its holster. "This is not the last time I will trouble you, Mister Pavone." he muttered crossedly, acid bubbling with each word.


Enzo was just about to enter his newly rented shuttle and make for the whereabouts of his ship single-handedly when the first explosion went off. His potential shuttle and nearly every other shuttle in the area was destroyed. The crooked vagabond lifted his ODM to point at the clerk without looking away from the chaos, a way of wordlessly asking for his money back. A smile creeped across his face as he noticed the clerk edging the rest of the money he had towards him as well. He leant forward and snatched about half of it. "Don't you know, I'm a do-gooder now?", he asked the clerk, not waiting for an answer before dashing off to the last remaining vehicle available for 'rent'.

Enzo was very disappointed to find the remaining shuttle to be an old, beat-up Deix with nothing to speak of for weapons. He was also very disheartened by the fact that the only way out was closed to to the lock-down of the sector. None-the-less, he commandeered the shuttle for his own purposes.

When the shuttle was finally in the air, Enzo raised the radio frequencies to contact Luca. "I dunno if this's the right channel or nots, but either way, here goes: Enzo Bortelli here, I'm on the south side of Sector 72, and I gots transportation, what's your vector Phoenix. Repeat; What's your vector, I don't know how to fly this thing so's I hopes it's close."
"Thanks," Luca smiled in Arin's direction as he took a pair of moon clips of BLACK ammo, and put them on his belt. He had RED rounds loaded, for a little extra kick, "Arin, you're an asset to us all." He gave her a light pat on the back.

Luca's total loadout was his shotgun, with only 60 shells of plasma-belching ammo on hand, plus , his HHG with two moon clips of BLACK, and five clips of RED, his M'Cel grenade launcher with ten plasma grenades draped on his chest. His favourite weapon was his fists, augmented by the power of the admittedly light armour he was wearing.

Two jeeps were combat ready, John was in the air, near the Big Bird, but keeping low, so as not to show off his presence before the fight.

"Mr. Pavone, I have prepared a map detailing the current situation. I cannot pinpoint exact locations of the NMX attackers, though," A map was put forward from Echelon for the crew, and Luca inspected it, looking at the opportunities. ((See OOC thread))
"Seems like we only have one place to set up," Luca mused as he rubbed his chin, "The NMX might be just about everywhere, and the Militia won't be able to stand for long. How long will it take for us to get there?"

"I estimate at least a minute or two due east of your position if you all take transport, and the area I've suggested is probably the safest to set up in. I cannot be certain what the exact numbers are, but the estimate given by Polysentience reports should be correct."

He then received Enzo's communication, then consulted the map to check Enzo's position, "Stay on this line. John's going to be up in the air soon to give you a hand with flying. Stay low, and when I give the signal, come towards this location marked here..."
The coordinates were sent to his Deix. The only weapons on Enzo's Deix were a simple laser, made for breaking apart asteroids or space debris. This shuttle seemed to belong to a miner or salvager. Either way didn't matter. ((ADR 3 Laser.))

"Alright, let's get on the jeeps, and discuss the plan on the way there. We've no time to waste!" He ran over to one of the functional Jeeps, and sat in the open back, "Everyone staying behind, be vigilant!"
"No worries," Melissa smiled as she pulled the hammer back on her rifle, "I won't let one touch this ship."

"Neither will I, nor your mother," Sebastian nodded as he put his GP-1 rifle up, and Anna produced an NSP from under her dress, from a hidden holster, "And son?" He asked.
"Yeah, dad?" Luca replied, inclining his head.
"Kick some arse, for me," He smiled in the Captain's direction, "You remind me of how I was, back in my prime. Recklessness, durability, leadership, and a crew like yours." His smile broadened as he reminisced for a moment, remembering the better parts of his career.

A warm smile came across Luca's face, "Thanks, pops," He gave a wave goodbye to his dear old dad and mother, "I'll bring one home, just for you."
He then realised that he had to focus, "Alright everybody, LET'S GO GO GO!! It's us or them!"
"Let it be them then," Zeta said to boost morale a little, hers and the others, This going to be one bloody hell of a fight. There will be rippers and other NMX forces. Zeta hadn't ever fought in a war. She just experienced a few firefights. This is going to be something new. Something tough. And there is a chance that not all members of the crew will survive.

Even so, Zeta was prepared to die, if it helps Luca survive. She didn't even know if it was her programming, or her free will captivated by the charming commander. Either way this is how it was. She was ready.

She ran to the Jeep Luca sat in and put heavy Gauss rifle in between drivers seat and passengers seat.
"Someone brave and strong can try to use it, but you better brace it against something first. It will kick like an angry Nep-marine." she said while she started the car. "Everybody hop on, I am ready to roll. We'll stop for nobody, and who forgot to pee has a real problem now."
"Aye-Aye, Cap'n Pavone," Enzo quipped with no hint of seriousness in his voice whatsoever, "And let's be bringin' these scurvy dogs under the might of our blade! Arr!"

The shuttle wavered as Enzo got used to the controls. It had been a while since he had flown anything other than his ship, and the aerospace controls were becoming unfarmiliar to him. With a few more movements, he had the shuttle stable enough to fly to the drop zone. Below him he could see militia soldiers arming themselves for combat. He also spotted the laser sitting oh-so-cutely on the front of his shuttle. He slamned a grin onto his face as he searched the cockpit for an arming station. He found a very simplistic targeting computer, covered in a layer of dust.

"This mights end up bein' a little fun."
The Berelai blinked profusely, she could have sworn she was talking to Vincentzo. Nevermind, she'll bring the rifle along just in case.

"A-!" Arin blushed at Luca's kind words. "I-I'm just doing my contractual duty thats all!" The little contact that accompanied it was not followed up with a groin kick and hot potato down the shirt... The Captain was one step closer to fixing his little mistake.

With her home nation at war with the Mishhus and now the innocent Freespacers and 'Nix crew, Arin summed up her courage to perform her contractual and moral duties. This certainly made her brave enough but not strong enough. No matter, the brain is mightier than the sword and the Representative was not lacking in that department. She removed two of the rotating table-clamps from her workstation, wielding both ends together, attaching one end to the handguard of the HGR and the other end to the top rollbar of the GP-ORV. So far so good, she jumped into the seat next to Zeta.

"Let's go!" She exclaimed excitedly.
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