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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 7] - Siege on Sector 72

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If it wasn't for the bracing that had been done to the Rifle, Robert would've been knocked on his arse - however, since it was bolted to the car, the entire car shook, and he only felt the power in the grip, but even then it rattled his insides. The bar it was mounted to bent slightly with each shot.

However, whatever was on the receiving end came off considerably worse. The Gauss rifles usually came with a warning not to fire at 'Un-Armoured Personnel', and the reason why became immediately obvious as the tentacled Nekovalkyrja was reduced to a red stain.

As for the Ripper, the shields were only able to cushion some of the depleted uranium slug's impact, making a considerable hit, piercing through its left arm and staying there. Then came Vincent's onslaught, hot on the heels of Robert's, tearing off one of its legs and then the chest - killing the brain slave inside and sending it toppling down with a crash.

The other two Rippers in the area saw the shuttles, one took a shot at John's Jilanth with a forearm Aether Beam, hitting the shields of the shuttle. This was compounded by a broadside of missiles...
"Ack, I didn't count on that," John mumbled as he watched Enzo stall, but it was a good attention getter, and his Mining Laser had managed to carve a line through the Square up towards the Clearway, unwittingly hitting the the Ripper occupied there, and giving it a good run for its money, and reducing the Nekovalkyrja standing next to it to slag.

John swerved the shuttle sideways, then circled the area, trying to avoid the missiles. He'd forgotten about storing countermeasures, since the Shuttle wasn't equipped to deal with these sorts of things.
"Shit, shit, shit..." He cursed as he kept his STL speeds inside Drift's dome construction, "Uriel! Look for something, anything to get these things off of our arse!"

The refugee who was just south of the bus stop, inside a building leaned out and attempted to shoot a missile tailing John's shuttle out, and one fell to the ground with a burst. There were still a few more missiles, though.

A flurry of lead started heading the crew's way from whoever was left standing, and it'd take some fancy moves with the Truck to make sure it didn't get hit too hard, especially by the beam from the lone Ripper at the Clearway, and some quick legs to ensure that cover was taken.


Luca, however, had a different problem. Everyone was focusing on the Square, but he noticed that the Nook had more enemies in it than the square, and they were headed in his direction, having seen him. Luca fired his shotgun into a non-mutated Jet Bull, and did it again as he clambered into the building and noted another heading towards him.

Then there was the Nekovalkyrja and Ripper who were sitting pretty, "I'll handle him," The Nekovalkyrja said as she charged towards Luca with an assault rifle. Luca barely had a moment to jump out of the way and return fire, but not before noticing that the Ripper was barrelling towards him to watch and provide extra pressure.

As Luca was steadying his shotgun to fire again, the Nekovalkyrja was within melee attack distance, and a flash of diamondised blade revealed her intentions. She attempted to stab Luca, who parried it with his Shotgun, but had it knocked out of his hands from the force of the blow.
She then followed it up with another slice, cutting laterally across the chestplate of the WIND armour. Then again with a flourish as he was reeling back from the previous hits. She was roaring with delight with every blow.

His chestplate had taken some nasty shots, but was otherwise holding up. Luca, however, felt the force behind each attack.
"Lady," He asked with a disgusted look, "Are you gettin' off to this?"
She replied by attempting to shank him in the kidneys with a grin, but the captain sidestepped, grabbed her by the arm, kneed her in the gut and headbutted her. Every attack hurt her, but it hurt him just as bad, even with the armour overlaid. A struggle ensued to maintain possession of the knife and turn it towards the captain.

That's when the Ripper pointed his forearm cannon, and the menacing blade at Luca, and the sounds of a charging beam could be heard. The Nekovalkyrja loosened its grip in confidence that the Ripper would finish the job.

This might've been bad - but this gave him an idea.
"You'll love this, then," He retorted as he swung her in front of the Ripper's charging beam, making some distance to kick her firmly in the chest and released his grip. He then ducked and rolled under the incoming attack.

She stumbled backwards and into the blade, firmly impaled as the beam finished her off. The heat of the beam could be felt as it hurtled through the building, nearly missing one of the GP-ORV vehicles, and very nearly missing the Captain.

He was on his feet in front of the Ripper, and all that he had to deal with now was a very, very angry Brain Slave.
"Oh, crap," He mumbled.
Getting a shot at the Ripper Luca was dealing with was going to be difficult, since there was a risk of hitting the Captain.
The roar of motorcycle engines could be heard rising in volume from the far end of the nook. Rosh and his companions had arrived on the scene. When they spotted Luca, they gunned their engines and moved in on his location; each riding skillfully through the doors and alleyways in between. When they reached Luca, Rosh stayed behind whilst the other three went around and began firing their plasma pistols in concentrated bursts at the ripper.

Rosh lowered his face mask and gave Luca an icy stare of acknowledgement. "Mister Pavone. We are here to help you in the combat effort. Despite whatever animosity you may have for me or I for you, Drift is my home. So, I have pledged all of my resources to aid in protecting it."

With that, Rosh lifted his own Type 27 and fired all ten round in heavy mode straight towards the Ripper.
Back in his stalled out Deix, Enzo was turning the engine over and over again, still to no result. He noticed the enemies in the square dwindling, yet he still stood as a sitting duck amongst them. He also noted with extreme distaste that his shuttle was vulnerable to friendly fire as well. He spat the cigarette out of his mouth and crushed it under his boot before doing something very stupid: opening the rear airlock.

The doors hissed and squealed as they pulled open, cigarette smoke wafting in tendrils from the cracks. Gunfire filled the air, and for the first time Enzo could smell the squids. He paused briefly to light another cigarette in hiding behind the door. When he was finished, Enzo took a jumping start to sprint across to Zeta's ORV. He felt the hot sting of an aether beam smashing into the ground behind to him, singing of sparks and fire to his feet. With each bound, the filthy drifter made it one step closer to the ORV. As he made the final stretch, he drew his EMP pistol and jumped into the bed of the truck with a roll.

"This was a bad idea, guys." he said, firing shots from his EMP pistol into the fray. "And my new shuttle's still out there!"

His whining was coupled with heavy smoking and slight coughing; yet somehow still steady aim. It was as if the vagabond were used to firing weapons while smart-talking, smoking, and choking.
Robert noticed the railing and said "Hey guys, I don't know how many more shots this can take. Can ya do anything for it Arin?" he grunted as Enzo jumped into the truck. "When do we ever take the smart course? Just keep shooting." he aimed at the ripper firing from the square. "Take this Squidy!" he shouted as he shot off another round, bending the rail a little more.
"Get ready to hold tigh folks!" Shouted Zeta when it started getting really hot around them. But she saw Enzo running to them. "I am stepping on it, when Enzo is on board!" She sadi to other and fired another burst on mutated Jet-bull. It finally brough him down.

There was a lot of fire around them. Mainly from Neko and mercenary in front of car. But vehicles face was made fo durandium and withstood enemy's fire so far.

When Enzo jumped on and started firing his gun Zeta showed the real meaning of lead foot. "Hoooold on!" she yelled and caught steering wheel. Volley of aether beams hit the place whece car was justa second ago. "Really tight!" she added. THey were behind bus stup and in relative safety from the enemies in the square in the second.

But there was still Neko by the wall on ther right, firing at them. Zeta saw burned spots on her car and she got angry. She pulled wheel in her hand to the right and steered her vehicle at the enemy. Neko's face was full od surprise when car hit her. Car with them weighted at least a ton and it pressed her to the wall. Only beacause of a short distance Zeta didn't have much speed so it looked like Neko was not killed. "Somebody take out that merc on left." she shouted caught railing of her front window, took out her mancannon stood up and aimed at Nekos angry face over the railing. Then she pulled a trigger. Nekos face exploded. Good. Thought Zeta. Now she has to turn the car so Robert can fire again.
The beam from the Ripper then started crossing towards Zeta's Jeep, eventually cutting into the bus stop - and it would've been a moment closer before Enzo's expeditious retreat had left his shuttle to hang in the air ominously, before suddenly falling out of the sky and landing in front of the bus stop - absorbing the beams.

The force of the impact made the Bus Stand topple, with bits of concrete rubble, bent rebar and plastics pelting the GP-ORV. Kicking up a sizable cloud of choking, sight obscuring dust, but no explosion. The shuttle was still intact, although it had several holes in it courtesy of the still standing Ripper - who was now no longer standing due to a gauss bolt smashing into its hips and knocking out the servos from Robert.

Enzo's shots into the fray struck the Jet Bull that Zeta was referring to, freezing him to the spot and making him fall over in agony, possibly killing the parasite somewhere inside him before taking him with it.

"Zeta, I am noticing heat and electricity signatures in the area," Echelon's voice cracked to life from the Car's radio, "I fear that the fight is going to continue, and reinforcements from the NMX are in the area."

Echelon's fears were confirmed as two Rippers shimmered into view, one in the Clearway and the other in the Refuge, fresh and ready for combat - but not sporting any shields. The occupants of the GP-ORV couldn't see this, and would have to exit the safety of the cloud to see it. Fortunately, this worked both ways, as missiles and lasers missed the GP-ORV by metres.

"Wait, there's a third one," Echelon told Zeta over radio.
Before she could contemplate what the Freespacer meant, the distinctive sound of a Fingale's Revenge rifle firing could be heard from the building between the Nook and the Highway. They couldn't see who fired the shot from their dusty position.

"Nevermind," She said quietly, "There are only two - for now it seems."
They were punctuated by the sounds of more Jet Bulls flooding in from the Highway and the Refuge, possibly ten or fifteen of them.

"Get the mortar out!" A woman's bellowing voice could be heard yelling over the din of footfalls just north of their position and hearing the men and women respond and act, "Their car is in there somewhere..." Then the voice was drowned out by the sound of something getting set up. Whatever it was, it sounded like it'd hurt if it had the chance to fire.

Meanwhile, up in the air, John had managed to continue circling, as the missiles were still hot on his tail - however, they sometimes collided into each other, blowing up thunderously and hilariously. This only lead two last missiles to follow him.

"Geh, this's worse than the time I took up evasive manoeuvres in Training!" He grumbled as he kept it together, "Except this time the missiles are real, and the fate of a station hangs in the balance! Uriel, surely you've had experiences worse than this, but let's not add 'getting missiled to death' to it!"


Meanwhile, in the Hospital, Galar was watching the events unfold.
"I hope they know what they're doing..." He frowned as he watched the fight unfold, then sighed with anguish at the NMX reinforcements, "This is worse than I thought."

"Sir, they're doing their best," One of his assistants attempted to reassure him.
"But it isn't enough," He shook his head, "We need something more to quell this invasion, from within."
"The exterior has so far held up well - and the presence of the independent vessels and others, including UOC forces has turned the tide," The assistant smiled in his direction.

"Maybe all isn't lost, but -" He was cut off mid sentence as he heard a crash from inside the hospital, punctuated by the sounds of screams, "What th'?" He stammered.

A very heavily mutated parasite host was crashing through the hospital, and it seemed to have come from one of the beds, as the medical garb illustrated.
It was charging towards Galar, but its rampage was cut very short by someone unloading the whole magazine of a pistol into its head, and Galar's own 10mm sidearm.

The man who stood over it had recently had his damaged eyes replaced with a single, unnerving, Cyclopean camera. The blood on his face and body had been washed away by hospital staff - but he had the sense to hide a pistol, just in case.

"Who're you?" Galar asked the Cyclopean man.
He ejected his spent magazine, "I used to be Tim. Call me Deadeye, former Jet Bull Sniper," He loaded a new one into it and pulled the slide back, smiling lightly, "Need a hand with the invasion?"
Uriel had taken a bit longer than anticipated to solve the riddle of the guns' functions. It was rather embarrassing, but John didn't seem to notice so the Archangel didn't bother to mention anything.

"No sir. I'd prefer we didn't." Now with his new knowledge at hand, the ex-pilot began to pelt the Misshus in the Clearway with heavy fire.
Zeta couldn't see much thanks to the cloud of dust. She reversed from the wall and little closer to the nook. She also heard Vincents car driving near them. Thanks to her Wind armour she could at least breath easily. She held her Fatboy tightly, looking around for any enemy silhoutes that could rise from dust. She then herd Echelon and heard two Rippers landing and thirdy being got down by Vincent.

She didnT' know where those two were adn they couldn't see where her car is. Enemy fire was hitting ground and walls jsut few meters away. Then she heard other Jet Bulls's shouts.

She turned to Enzo. "Bloody hell! Did she said mortar?" she said to him. She stayed in car for now, but she knew, they should get out of here. Vehicle was starting to liability, but it had Gauss rifle, which was very effective weapon. She couldn't drive against enemy, because they would blow them to pieces, and because Vincent'a car was in the way.

Thay also couldn'T stay, because they would mortat them to deat. And she also wanted soem grenades, which she had not. She grabbed cars radio and said, "John, if you have some free time, could you blast those bastard with mortar. I hear them setting it up in refuge. Some blasting would be just peachy!" Too bad she didn't know John had his problems.........
Naoko's world jolted.

The eyes opened. Light fliltered intermittantly through the cracks in the satchel hood where it was flopping around free, very quickly. The ears flicked, and heard the sound of some battle joined and the whine of an armor being very clumsily operated from within. She didn't recognize the sound, but it wasn't a MINDY. The nose smelled soot, blood, gunpowder, and steel. Her bare skin felt the warmth of the metal around her from the batteries overheating. It was downright unbearable, actually.

The brain woke up as a lose bullet, casing included, bounced up and hit her in the back of the head. For a couple of moments, she saw stars, but then she only saw red.

"Nande ka?!" she growled bitterly, holding her head, "Oyasami onigaishi yo?! Urusai! Urusai, urus--"

There was another explosion, this time nearer. The pack, which had seemed like a good hiding spot, jolted violently and tossed her hard backwards against the armor's side.

"Ittai ittai itta-"

Another jolt.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit..." Luca was cursing to himself as he evaded the Ripper over the course of a few minutes at a near constant rate between breaths. He'd gotten his HHG out and fired RED rounds at it, he'd emptied an entire moon-clip worth of the stuff at the Ripper, which'd only annoyed it - but it was a sufficient distraction.

He made his way back to where he started, and he saw the roaring engines of motorcycles. A smile came to his face when he realised that Rosh had come in, guns blazing. The initial assault made the Ripper stagger, and after his words - his unbridled assault saw it go down in a steaming heap.

"Well, Rosh," He said, extending a hand for a handshake, "I'm glad you've considered my offer. Now, shall we assist the rest of my crew, Enzo included, in kicking NMX arse and securing a reward?"

He had to reach for more ammunition in a quieter place of the building, and he put his hand behind his back to reach for another moon clip, and realised that his hand had touched something soft and squishy.

"Oh no don't tell me the platypus has followed me," He groaned, since it couldn't have been a less opportune time for the situation to occur. It was at this moment watched Enzo jump out of his shuttle, land on the jeeps and let the shuttle fall to the ground in a dusty explosion. He feared for his crew.

Or so it seemed. He took a moment to listen carefully to what he'd touched. It sounded like Yamatai-go, it sounded small, and it sounded angry. Luca knew that brand of angry any day of the week.

A smile came across his face. He had a pocket-sized killer in his back ammo pouch. He pulled her out and put her down on the ground as he loaded another moon clip of RED into his HHG.
"Boy am I glad to see you," He said to the very sleepy, very stroppy and very small Nekovalkyrja, "Y'see, there are SMX and NMX after me, and I need all the hands I can get to kill 'em."

He was just able to make out the mortar. He snatched Naoko back up in his spare hand then made a furlong dash into the Square, and noticed the dust was starting to clear. His crew was alright, but they needed his help.

"Hi guys, I come bearing the gift of Naoko, and some other backup! Enzo, you may know 'em," Luca nodded in their direction, as he pulled his M'Cel upwards and fired blindly into where Zeta was motioning, however, his grenade went long, and instead fried the ranks of NMX troopers further back whilst leaving the mortar unharmed.

"Damn," Luca cursed as he popped the spent shell out, still hot, and loaded a new one in with a snap.


"Zeta, I think we have that problem licked!" John replied over radio as his Jilanth let the Rippers know that he meant business, with Uriel finally figuring out the controls, all he had to do now was a quick flyby on the ones that had the Mortar. One had been shot to hell, whilst one was still standing by threads.

However, John didn't have time to stay still, since missiles were still following him, so getting the shot in would be tricky, but even if it missed, the element of surprise could scatter its crew from the mortar.

That's when another sniper shot could be heard, and it didn't come from Vincent, it knocked out the still-standing Ripper in the highway.
It was getting easier to deduce where the shot was coming from, but not who was firing.

Echelon remained quiet on the radio, unusually so.
Rosh reloaded his Type 27 and heralded his squad forward, barking orders to each of them.

"Gentlemen, this is an endeavor of extreme importance. Remember yourselves and do not forget our purpose here. Kroger, Shinai, you two are with me. Ferris; I want you as an outrider for their vehicles. We will crush the enemy in this engagement as we have all others. Now, head out!"

With a rush of air, the bikers shot off towards the battle field, one stopping at the damaged truck and the other three blazing into the horde of Jet Bulls, weapons blazing.

When Enzo caught sight of the backup he cocked his head to one side. He tried to remember if he had known any bikers. He ran off a list of names: "There was Big Jim, Jimmy Biggs, Mikey Biggs, Stu-Bear, Reggie-pottamus, the Wolfpucks, Marshall Lugu, Fat Frank, and thats ones guys that I'm pretty sure gots nicked in Funky City: Old Fat Stevie-Bear Biggs. I don't remember no Yammie biker friends... What the hells is yous talkins about?"
"Thank you Johnny! I owe you a drink," said Zeta and jumped out of car. "Rob stay with Gauss, you should be able to fire freely. Dust si starting so keep you head down and shoot those rippers. Car should handle it. Arin you keep you head down and take wheels, if it will get hot, reverse out of here." With that she jumped over her car and leaned at the back of Vicnents vehicle, which blocked path between Nook and Refuge.

Luca was near the Nook firing hsi grenade launcher and there were biker riding around attacking Jet Bulls. Zeta leaned from behind car two and saw silhoutes near metalic device through dust that didn'T sit yet. She knew that must be mortar, and started firing at its operators with short energy bursts from her FATboy.

Bikers were pretty handy but Zeta still didn'T trust Rosh yet. He was after Enzo afterl all. He is probably trying to get captain on his side, showing him how he is fighting for station and how good guy he is. Well fat chance, captain Pavone won't let Enzo down.
Robert gave Zeta a thumbs up before returning his attention towards aiming his rifle at the last ripper in his field of view. He braced himself for the recoil and fired.
Things happened that her tired brain didn't exactly comprehend. Words were spoken, maybe to her, and maybe not to her, in a foreign language that she wasn't in the mood to remember.

When the dust cleared, so to speak, she latched on to the armor of Luca Pavone, dodged an ejected shell from his weapon, and vaulted her way up onto his shoulder where she crouched down and latched on as best she could. Dust and chunks of destroyed earth whipped around her, biting her skin. The hum of low-grade, high-frequency radio waves and transmissions pounding through the air assaulted her telepathy, while the bursts of sound and weapons fire blasted her ears, threatening to deafen her. It was all very immediate, and highly confusing.

In the distance she heard the chunk and whistle of morter fire, and it brought back bloody memories. Letting her air out in a slow animal thrumming, she began to find her focus again. The sounds around her became less intense. The radio waves became words, and the words formed into langauge. It was Nepleslian after all.

"An-chan," she sent, selecting the wavelength with the most traffic, then responding to the voice amplifier in Luca's suit directly. Her intonation was perfect in spite of the normal radio crackle. "I was trying to sleep, yo? What gives?"
The final shot from Robert's Gauss Rifle bent the bar so hard that it broke. Now the rifle either had to be carried around by someone with better strength, or Robert would be knocked on his backside with every shot - even if he braced it in a prone position.

As for whatever was on the receiving end, Robert's shot whizzed past Rosh's mercenaries and struck the Ripper, knocking it off balance. However, it was able to hurl a beam of energy into Kroger's jetbike, blasting it in a metallic explosion. Kroger was launched backwards, and his legs were heavily lacerated and singed by the blast, but he'd recover in time if he was picked up.

Not content to go down without fighting, he unloaded his Plasma pistol into the Ripper, screaming a litany of curses.

The other three bikers were able to bring the Ripper down by firing their own plasma pistols rapidly into the hulking armour. However, they'd attracted fire from the other Jet Bulls, forcing them to turn around or suffer some severe damage.

Zeta, however, was quick to fill the gap by letting shots from her Fatboy filling the air. The energised shots scattered through the square, and towards the bridge crew, striking them. The one responsible for firing the thing had his fingers on the button, and made a sudden jerk as he fell, misaligning the Mortar and aiming it away from the downed GP-ORV.

The rocket still fired, though, and it skimmed along the ground, missing the bus stop by metres, and Enzo's Deix, and it flew into the building near the Clearway, and it went up in a fiery blast that disappeared quickly. The rocket was obviously meant to damage personnel, but the flames caught on the building, and the impact weakened the foundations.

John and Uriel were able to put their money where their mouth was, with HEX beams raining down on the NMX in the clearway - but it also lead to damage to the station, piercing the pavement and some of the inner machinations of Drift - which were already under high stress.

Luca, meanwhile, was calm amongst the storm of combat going on around him, watching it all with Naoko nearby. He had a slight smile on his face after watching John and Uriel take down what was left.
"This is what's going on, Naoko," He said quietly, "A bloodbath, but I'm unsure of who's winning..."

As the dust finally cleared, it became apparent that there were bodies everywhere of NMX infested troopers, including Nepleslians, Geshrin, Yamataians and Nekovalkyrja who'd been infected with Parasites. That's when another thing dawned on Luca.

The bodies were rising slowly, and initially walked with a shambling pace, but as the parasites got used to the circumstances that the bodies had been subjected to, they clipped into a brisk jog.

There were many of them, and the crew of the Phoenix was surrounded.

"There is no way our luck can be this bad," Luca cursed as he drew his shotgun, sighing with a frown at the circumstances as he pumped a fresh round into his shotgun with a satisfying clackety-clack.
"Mr. Pavone," Echelon told the Team over radio, "I have made a prediction."
"Have you now?" Luca asked in a hurry as he blasted a zombie's body away, "What might that be?!"

"I estimate that there are a hundred and forty five parasitic Zombies in your immediate area," Her tone, still cold, showed some inflection, "Your chances of survival are minimal."
Luca blinked, rolling his eyes a little, "Can you keep that information to yourself next time?"

"Keep it together, stay close, and aim for the back with explosives!" He commanded over the din of growling and screaming. His M'Cel was hanging next to Naoko, with a loaded Plasma explosive in it that was yet to be fired. All that had to be done was the hammer pulled back.

The three motorcyclists were separated from the rest of the Phoenix in the eye of the storm, but their advantage was the ability to run circles around the horde.
Their downed man, Kroger was still in a supine position, firing his Plasma pistol at some of the outliers of the horde that wanted a piece of him - but he couldn't last forever.
Robert started cursing as the heavy weapon suddenly came away and he nearly dropped it. Instead he slung the weapon as best as he could and grabbed his own Fatboy. He ran after Zeta, firing at any infested that came near him. "Damn weapon broke free," he told Zeta as he caught up.
Enzo clambered out of the truck and cut a path to Luca with his EMP pistol in one hand and his 10mm in the other. When he reached Luca's position, he switched his weapons out, drawing his dual Knucklers. With very little concern for the cigarette dangling from his lips, he swung his head around to get his hair out of his face whilst switching the knucklers into full-auto. The lit butt flew lightly into one of the nearby zombies, who stared blankly as sparks bounced cheerfully off of his head. Enzo took aim at the smoldering embers and let out a spray of bullet from his right hand. Within the same motion, he sprayed in an arc around himself and Luca with his left.

"It's just like mowin' the lawn, Cap'n Pavone." he said, still spraying idly into the band of zombies.

Nearby, Rosh had managed to make his way to Kroger, who was barely sitting upright. He snarled at the inconvenience of a wounded soldier in his command and jerked the man up by his lapel, swinging him over the bike. Kroger tore off his helmet and threw it at one of the nearby zombies before reloading his pistol.

"I ain't defending my fuckin' home from itself, boss. That guy I just shot was my pool buddy." said Kroger.

Rosh backhanded the wounded man and sat him upright behind him. "There is no time for your nonsense, Kroger. You will have to find a new game to waste your money on."

From his new vantage point, Kroger spotted Enzo and Luca back to back not far away and pointed them out. "Look boss, there's about seventy-five thou KS just sittin' right there, killin' zombies... and there's a little Penny Eater too! Let's get 'em."

Rosh gunned his accelerator and drove in the opposite direction from Luca, making sure to jostle Kroger in the process. "Do not underestimate the model NH-12, Kroger. You may quickly find out how much you and a 'penny' have in common."

Eventually, Rosh had reached one of his compatriots, Shinai. He gracelessly slung Kroger onto the back of Shinai's bike and leant in to speak to them outside of the radio frequencies. "You two go back to the garage and get the sidecar with the machinegun. I'll stay here and fend the filthy swine from our prey." They nodded and shot off, headed back the way they came.

With that, he motioned to the third biker, Ferris, and made for the blasted out metal corpse of a Ripper. Without a moment to spare, he hefted the Zeusanium blade and yanked it out of its mount on the Ripper's arm. With some elbow grease and some help from Ferris, he managed to quickly mount it onto the front of his bike.

Rosh smiled as he patted his new toy delicately. He motioned to Ferris once more before riding headlong in the direction of Luca and Enzo, skewering a few zombies along the way. When he reached the two of them, he lifted a hand before turning to open fire with his Type 27.
"Aah, hey wait!" Arin exclaimed at Robert and Zeta's fleeting form. The both of them had more combat experience than she did and because of that, the Representative would normally be inclined to trust what they asked her to do in the heat of battle. But alone in a jeep she could barely drive against an estimated one hundred and fifty assorted infected citizens? She wouldn't think anyone from the Nix could fight their way out of that, okay, maybe Vincent. But a Male Mercenary ID-SOL and a Female Corporate Nepleslian is just about opposites.

Things were exploding everywhere, Arin wasn't sure if she would be safer anywhere else even if she ran. Besides, Robert and Zeta will be back soon, right? Clumsy fire from the newly infected wizzed over her head, causing her to tumble out of her seat and into cover behind the jeep. The Representative didn't know what to think anymore.


Arin picked up the live grenade that just fell out of her Fabricator and tossed over the jeep and at the zombie's general direction. "Go AWAY!" She yelped, and repeated the procedure for the potatoes thereafter.
Robert spun around at the explosion coming from near the jeep. "Awww crap, we left Arin back there." he dropped the gauss rifle off next to Zeta. "I'm going to go get her. Vincent'll kill me if she gets eaten or infected or whatever they do to you." he ran back to the jeep. "Careful where you throw those things! I'm coming for ya!" he shouted out with his Fatboy held at the ready, firing at any infect that got in his way.
Damn it. They finally took care of Jet Bulls and ripper and now there were zombies everywhere. Zeta fired her Fatboy full-auto into on of bigger groups of mindlesss walkers. Three of them went down instantly and she changed magazine. She saw Robert running off to Arin. "Keep her safe Rob!" She shouted back at him.

Earlier Rosh took his man who was on the ground and took him away. Thanks good he was in the bloody field of fire. But after a minute Rosh was back and started tinkering with dead ripper. What the hell is he up to?

Zeta didn't have much time to think about that. She was shooting zombies. Another magazine out. She was to her last three energy cells. "Bloody hell," then she saw Gauss rifle next to her. She was in Wind armour and was fairly strong herself. Maybe she could take a round or two easily. But maybe it will broke her shoulder. No time to think about it. She turned her head back to captain and shouted.

"Skipper I am going for that mortar!" She said to him what came ot her mind. "Give me some cover would you?" Was she sure what was she going to do? No she wasn't but her captain and her friends were in danger, ant there lied big weapon who could take car of many of zombies at once nad Zeta knew she can use it. She has it programmed in her head.

She slung fatboy on her back and took Gaus rifle. It was heavy but with WIND armour strength enhancer it could be wielded effectively. She aimed into one group zombies and braced her self for impact of her weapons butt. "Bloody hell this is gonna hurt," she just said and fired. Suddenly she was punched into her shoulder by angry elefant, which made her make three steps back before falling down right on her butt. WIND took the impact, so her shoulder didn't hurt. Much. But what Gauss gun did to Zombies was unbeliavable. It cut through them as knife thourh butter.

Zeta quickly stood up and fired two more rounds ending with her on the butt again. But it made her way through horde. SHe leaned Gauss where RObert left it before. They might have need it later. She then let Fatboy into her hand. She grasped it tighthly and sighed. "Okay here goes nothing," she said to ther and moved forward. Mortar wasn't far, but zombies weren't far from it too.
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