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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 9.1] Tip Of The Spear (Battle of Sbuhfaba)

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YE 32 (after the events of Mission 8.4)

It was a quiet morning so far. Hanako looked over her messages...
Taisa Ketsurui,

Your ship is fully operational and most repairs have been carried out and inspected as fast as time would permit. Some cosmetic and non-mission-essential repairs were not carried out, as you and your Taisho were very clear that time was of the essence.


Taisa Irie Tomo
Star Army Engineering / Ketsurui Fleet Yards
Taisa Hanako,

Since the Aeon is working on the teleporter situation, I have another mission for you. The Eucharis is the stealthiest ship in the fleet, and you and your crew have proven yourself to be reliable in extremely dangerous missions...

The Mishhuvurthyar military has struck deep into Yamatai and we have been occupied in an unsustainable defensive for some time now. With the victory at Elysia Novus (which the Eucharis played a major part in), the NMX advance has slowed and we have an opportunity to go on the offense.

Specifics will follow.

Taisho Ketsurui Yui
Commander, Star Army of Yamatai
The golden-eyed Taisa went to rouse First Officer Hamada.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Iella sighed and swivled her head around in both directions, not really sure where to go. After a moment's consideration, she decided it was best to go left, and even if she was wrong, she would beggin to learn the layout of the place she was to call home.

If worse came to worse she was surely bound to just stumble into somebody who could point her in the direction of Captain Hanako. A deep breath, and she was off, wandering the ship.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Sune upon waking went to the gymnaisum on the Dock. He warmed up with his standard kata and then got onto one of the treadmills. He selected a standard program that would vary speed and angle to give him a good workout.

As he settled into his jog, he considered methods he could employ to investigate. I could conduct a query of Yamatai Security Agency records. See what was the last location they had for the Bouken. But such a query would take time, and its not important enough to use the Eucharis' authorization to expedite. I will send another message and see if I get a response.

The treadmill signalled the end of the program. Sune then returned to his quarters took a shower, put on a clean uniform and sent a message to Raia, and another to the Bouken.

Okay, now that I have taken care of that, I think I will get some breakfast. he thought as he left the cabin.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Kumiko yawned, and rolled over, debating if it was worth get up just then to continue work on her latest design. She'd kinda hit a kind of writers block in it, and wasn't sure if continuing work would help at all. Deciding that she might as well get up now that she was awake, she quickly got her stuff together and went to go get a shower, being sneaky so as not to wake Junko up, in case she wasn't already up.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Ramiro woke, and immediately slammed his eyes back shut. Ugh, my head, now I remember why I don't like drinking. He waited a couple minutes and slowly opened his eyes, letting them adjust to the light as they opened. Once he was convinced that he was ready enough to roll himself out of bed, he slowly got up and grabbed his clothing. On his way to the shower he quickly drafted a message

To: Ketsurui-Taisa
From: Valencia-Heisho
Subject: Meeting Request

I'd like to request a brief meeting with you, this is of urgency and would like to have this taken care of before we depart for out next mission.

Thank you in advance,
Nito Heisho Ramiro Valencia

When Ramiro was satisfied with the message he sent it off and then continued on to his shower.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

First Officer Hamada was already up, and mostly dressed, when the Captain came to call.

Of course, mostly dressed meant that she was not, at this point in time, completely naked. Her general appearance was that of someone who had in actuality only woken up several minutes before and had taken the time to put on most of the uniform, but who had not, as of yet, fixed her hair, donned her long skirt, or splashed water on her face.

When the door was answered, the face that greeted Hanako had several bobby-pins in its mouth. Hamada plucked them out to speak.

"Good morning, Captain. Do you know what they have for breakfast, this morning?"
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

ON: YSS Eucharis

"This morning we have waffles."

"Just waffles?" Hamada asked, taking one of the bobby pins and pulling her hair back away from her face. She fixed the dark green strands back on one side, and then began on the other.

"There is also bacon, eggs, and fruit salad," the Taisa added. "I need you to make sure everyone gets up and has their breakfast. We have a mission today."

The Taii tossed the rest of her hair back over her shoulder.

"Alright, I'll pass something over the ship's intercom, and have someone go around and make sure everyone is out of their rooms. Are we going to brief after breakfast?"

"Yes," Hanako nodded. She looked Hamada in the eyes for a moment. "This will be a dangerous one."

Hamada returned the look. Silver eyes met gold - the two locked for a few moments, before Hamada simply nodded. "I'll be ready in a few minutes. May I see the orders, or are they classified, this time?"

The golden-eyed captain nodded. "Something like that," she said. "It is a stealth mission to prepare a target for our main force's attack. We will have limited, if any, communication with home and will need to be stealthy. As you probably suspect, we will be tremendously outnumbered."

"Will the rest of the squadron deploy with us, or are we alone this time?"

"In the interest of stealh, it will be just us," Hanako said very seriously.

"Ah." Hamada put a hand on the doorframe, leaning, and considered in detail the bulkhead behind Hanako, her eyes distant. "So it's one of those. Would it be out of line to ask what you think of it, Taisa?"

"I am uneasy and apprehensive."

With a faint smile, Hamada returned her attention to Hanako. "You could say something a little more motivational, Taisa. But, I think I understand. We'll live, but it will hurt. Right?"

Taisa Hanako nodded reassuringly despite being totally unsure. "I will see you in the wardroom when you are doing getting everyone out of...hangover mode."

Hamada nodded, then, her expression searching and her light-gray eyes still seeming to gaze into some place far off; "If you do not mind me saying, Taisa, you should perhaps see to yourself as well. Right now, I can feel how worried you are, and if you stand in front of the crew like that, I think they might also worry."

The captain's unease was replaced by irritation. "Perhaps I should be angry instead," Hanako growled, hurriedly leaving the room.

Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Takeyu yelped as he smacked the top of his head on the bed above him; he always had a dislike for cabins, but more so if he was on the bottom bunk.

Rubbing his head, he got out of bed and let out a yawn; he had only been assigned this bunk not that long ago and wanted to get some quick z's before doing anything. "Shortest nap I've had," he commented and grabbed everything he needed for a shower.

He opened his locker and retrieved his uniform and draped it over his shoulder, then he popped his neck a few times and stretched his arms up into the air to relieve his tired body. "Guess I'll go take that shower, doubt the Taisa wants a smelly tech on duty," he said and walked out of the cabin. "So, I wonder what our next mission is going to be.... should be interesting," he smiled nervously.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Sune entered the wardroom surveyed the breakfast offerings and selected for himself some eggs, bacon, toast. He added a glass of juice to his tray and walked over to the main table. I wonder what state the other crew members will be when they arrive? I suspect a few of them will be a bit worse for the wear with the alcohol being freely consumed.

He proceeded to start eating his breakfast. "Charisma, what is the status of the repairs on the Eucharis?" He hoped that the ship would be ready to get underway soon as he was looking forward to being on the bridge.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

As Iella wandered, the smell of breakfast wafted down the halls. Having still seen no-one, she figured her nose was most likely the best thing to follow at the moment.

As she turned the corner, she found herself in the wardroom, and it was almost completely empty except for the man (Sune) she saw sitting at a table. She approached him.

"Excuse me, do you know where I can find Captain Hanako? My name is Iella Remi; I'm a new recruit." She said easily, walking around the table to see him better.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Sune watched the brown haired Yamataian female enter the Wardroom and approach him. sent a telepathic query to Charisma regarding the status and location of the Taisa, and the status of who this person was. A little lax on ettiquette, but she is probably nervous. I remember my first time meeting Hanako-Taisa. he thought.

"Remi-Santô Hei, the Taisa is apparently on her way to the Wardroom so she should be here shortly. I am Jalen Sune-Ittô Heisho Science Advisor for the Eucharis. You might was well get yourself some food while you wait for the Taisa's arrival. Oh and Remi-Hei be sure to bow when addressing a superior." He replied with a friendly smile.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Done with her shower, Kumiko quickly got in uniform, and headed to the wardroom. As she entered, she squeezed a last bit of water out of her hair before going over, and getting herself a bit of food, just some eggs and bacon, as well as some orange juice. Taking a aip of it, she turned around, looking to see who was here at this time of the morning. Noticing that Sune and another person she didn't recognize were the only people there (she'd been too occupied with her hair to notice before), she walked over, and set her things down next to Sune. "Good morning, Jalen-Heisho. I trust you slept well?" Before seating herself, she bowed slightly to Iella, and offered her hand. "Santo Hei Kumiko Endoh. I don't think we've met before."
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Iella was now embarrased, and bowed after the fact, "Yes of course. Thank you Jalen-Heisho, I'm very pleased to meet you." She returned the smile and bowed once more for good measure.

Iella had hardly even noticed the woman walking towards her until she was standing close. She smiled and returned the bow she was given. She gladly took the hand of Kumiko, and found herself feeling relieved that everyone was so kind. "Nice to meet you Kumiko-Hei. I'm Iella Remi-Santo Hei." She offered a friendly smile before excusing herself to get some food. Even though she wasn't very hungry, she figured she would need it.

She returned to the table with a small plate of eggs and a cup of orange juice, anxiously awaiting the appearence of the Taisa.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

"Good morning, YSS Eucharis, this is your First Officer speaking.  This morning after breakfast we will be having a Captain's Call at 0700, in the Wardroom.  We have received new orders, so all hands are required to attend.  If you aren't awake and out of your rack, yet, I'd strongly suggest you at least have something on to cover yourself.  This briefing is important, and I will be checking rooms personally this morning.  Do not let me catch you still asleep."

When Hamada took her finger off the intercom button, she was cognizant of several things. The first was that she had probably offended Ketsurui Hanako, the Captain, with her chilly manner. Hamada was more than a little bothered herself, though it was somewhat after the fact. She had given advice, to the best of her capacity. A certain part of her understood how Hanako might have felt, but it was the big sister, not the Taii.

Sighing, Hamada made the last little adjustments to her uniform and appearance. She had done her hair back in a simple, abbreviated bun, which meant that the dark green wave only fell to her shoulders today. She was also wearing a shorter skirt this morning. It came to her knees.

Adjusting it around her waist, she took one last look over her quarters. They were not perfect, but it would certainly do for the time being. She flicked the light off and started out to walk the berthings.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Takeyu slipped into his uniform upon hearing the first officers message over the ships innercom. "Guess I better get my rear in gear," he said as he straightened his uniform and looked into the mirror. He wanted to make certain that there were no wrinkles or anything out of place, least wise the first officer or the captain would get after him for a messy uniform.

As he exited the shower he rubbed his head, despite not having nearly as much alchohol as he 'normally' would have after living through a mission - or as it was back in his industrial days - a day in the devils den, he still had a headache from it. "I need to keep reminding myself that I haven't reattained my resistance to alchohol just yet," he said and walked into the wardroom.

He glanced about the room, taking notice of Kumiko first, then Sune, his eyes fell upon the new girl. Lots of new people it seems, he thought with his hand on his hip. He tossed the idea's around on whether he should greet the newbie or get breakfast. After a few seconds he decided to first greet Sune for the morning.

"Morning Jalen-Heisho," Takeyu said as he bowed toward the upper ranking officer. As he lifed his head he looked at the new girl and smiled gently at her. "You are new here yes? The name's Santô Hei Nayacesen Takeyu," he said and offered his hand.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Ramiro got out of the shower and, to his disappointment, discovered that Hanako had never gotten back to him. He swore under his breath as he started to put on his uniform. Why is it so difficult to get a hold of that woman all of the sudden. Once he was fully dressed he quickly left the room. After wandering the ship for several minutes he happened across the Taii. He approached and then stopped several feet away, bowing. "Hamada-Taii, do you know where the Taisa is? I have an urgent matter to discuss with her."
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Nika was still slumped on bed that morning. Though the night went out without much fanfare, it still tired the neko out as she groaned on hearing the announcement made by Shizu.

"Mmm... I'm up... I'm up..." She yawned, stretching herself and looked at the time, noting that she had at least half an hour before roll call in the wardroom. With that, she took her time to get proper and changed, then heading to the wardroom, only to bump into Shizu and Ramiro.

"Good morning..." Nika yawned, then realised her dis-respectfullness to the Taii, "Gomen!" She bowed, hoping Shizu wasn't in a bad mood...
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Dressed in her gloss-white-paneled Type 30A uniform, Hanako made her way across the gangway from the Ikoi starbase back onto the Eucharis, the ship that had become her home, even more so than the Sakura had. The Eucharis had even outlived its famous predecessor. She hoped the ship's lifespan would be a long one..but that thought reminded her of the imminent danger this next mission would bring.

She entered the Eucharis' wardroom, gave everyone a nod, and went straight to the food; she was intent on getting and eating breakfast before Ramiro and Iella started talking to her, think that perhaps a good meal would help settle her nerves.
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Hamada returned both of the enlisted's bows, carefully measuring only half their depth. When she looked up again, she said, without much concern, "In the future, don't bow. It's not necessary aboard the ship." Then she drew herself up and clasp her hands loosely behind her back. Hamada fixed them both in her placid gray gaze, one and then the other, but she found herself watching Ramiro in the end.

"The Taisa should be eating breakfast, just about now. What is your trouble? Perhaps I can help you."
Re: [Mission 9] Tip Of The Spear

Iella swallowed the mouthfull of eggs she had in her mouth and reached for Nayacesen's hand. "Yes, I am new here." She returned the smile easily and shook the man's hand.

"I am Santo Hei Iella Remi. It's a pleasure to meet you." It was at that moment that Iella saw Hanako. She waited a moment out of politeness, as the Taisa was getting breakfast. Once they had both finished eating, she moved in.

She bowed to Hanako, "Good morning Hanako-Taisa. I'm Santo Hei Iella Remi. I was told to meet with you today." She smiled.
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