Junko blinked the darkness away and noticed that she was staring at an unfamiliar overhead. She had spent enough time aboard Star Army vessels to recognize standard overhead plating, but for the life of her she couldn't place the ones she was looking at now. Puzzled for a moment, she moved on to the also unfamiliar sensation all over her body. That took a little less time to work through, and she managed an answer: she was still inside an M2-2A Mindy. The why evaded her for another tantalizing second... and then it came flooding back. She sat up in a rush, head whipping about inside her helmet as she searched for any sign of her shipmates or the shuttles.
There were no shipmates in sight, but both shuttles were in plain view in what she realized now was a shuttle bay, likely aboard an NMX vessel. Lime's shuttle appeared fine, but the one she was on was, in addition to being mangled, roaring on the inside with the white flames of a high temperature fire. She surged to her feet, rushing to check for survivors, but promptly toppled over. Thinking she was just dazed, concussed at most, she stood up again. When she fell a second time she glanced down, wondering what was wrong with her legs. From mid thigh down, both of her legs were gone, the armor appearing to have sheared off. The armor's internal tourniquets and her highly efficient NH-29 physiology had completely dampened the pain and kept her from physical shock, but the startling sight took her aback. Noticing then, too, that her rifle and armor add-on modules were all missing she finally figured out that she must have been thrown from the shuttle on impact, apparently clipping her legs on the way out.
Now, she was alone, behind a few crates in the corner of an enemy shuttle bay, combat ineffective with no legs, armor and shield integrity down, most of her other armor systems offline, and, to her surprise, only her butt pack. How it had stayed with her she didn't know, but she quickly dug for and found the NSP. It was a little worse for the wear but appeared functional and she hefted it as she scuttled backward against the bay's bulkhead. She couldn't fight and, not knowing the tactical situation, she couldn't run. Forcing down a whimper, she fired up her communications suite.
“Any Star Army units, this is Takeda Junko. I am requesting immediate assistance. I am severely wounded and combat ineffective. Holding position in the shuttle bay. Please help.”