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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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After throwing the decapitated head at the captive, Hanna frowned when she heard Kokoro-Hei's voice come over a comms channel. She paused, standing with her weapon lowered as she listened to Kokoro-Hei's diatribe against her actions. Before Hanna could respond to her, Abart'huse had also addressed her.

Balling her fists with anger and hatred seeping throughout her gestures, Hanna opened up a private comms channel with Abart'huse and Yoshida.

"Do not talk to me about honor or mercy. I have but one purpose in life: to kill and to be killed. Honor and mercy are foreign concepts to me."

Once the final word left her lips, Hanna abruptly cut off the channel. Theisillis-Hei and Kokori-Hei could respond to her if they so desired, but her tone and manner had a callous finality to it that grated against the ears of her scrupulous audience.
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YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi stood and called out as she pointed a finger at Saki, "Check on engineering, Teien-chui!" The pipsqueak then turned to Arbitrated as she sat down. "Arigatou for the alert, Iemochi-hei!"

Then, to Mochi, she spoke, "Iemochi-juni, I will keep that in mind but currently we are about to climb out of atmosphere."

Hoshi looked to the fox, "We don't have much time! Once their atmospheric weapons are in range, we'll have to maneuver away from them as best we can. I want you to be at the ready the moment Teien-chui gives the go-ahead! Same to you Iemochi-hei!"

To Meissa, she said, "We could use them, take them down and bring them to the cabin."

Atmosphere East of the Cabin

William would notice some heat signatures ahead and a boxy installation of some sort on his sensors.

Atmosphere North of the Cabin

Sacre would not pick up anything on her scans for some distance.

Atmosphere West of the Cabin

Ume would see as she looked up the tree forts, but nothing on the ground besides overgrown ferns and base of the trunks of the spire-like trees that rose up hundreds of feet. She would have to go up if she wanted to see anything of importance.


As Janna's blade connected with the receiver of her five shots, their helmet burst apart, cracking from where the blade had entered to where the shots were fired. That was one more kill for Janna at the same moment Iemochi, too, put down his target.


As one of the infantry Nekos passed, she grew excited to see Chlorate's form and asked, "What is this? A program or a miniature sprite? I've never seen a FARS do this. Given, I haven't seen FARS too often. Oh, I've got to get going. Bye, cutie!" She waved to the AI and then was off again.
Komorebi - Near YSS Kaiyo II

"Alright, then. Going in for capture. Kikyo, let's punch things."

Meissa charged her teleport up, and winked out of existence. Almost a fraction of a millisecond later, she appeared behind one of the L'Kor, her hand already swinging towards the head to grapple it and slam the poor L'Kor against the side of the Kaiyo after some speed build-up.

Yamatai be damned to hell and back if high command wasn't happy with her obtaining at least the suit of the "elite" L'Kor troopers.
YSS Kaiyo II

Misaki gave a quick, "Hai," before turning her chair around and beginning a very brisk walk out of the bridge. She soon transitioned to a hover and rocketed herself down the vertical passageway, turning back to head for main engineering. As she reached the doors, she dropped back down to a regular stride and walked through the doors.

She looked at no one in particular, her eyes floating to the reactor. "What is wrong with it. Boss, give me a diagnostic."

Near YSS Kaiyo II

Kikyo whipped her SMG's aether bayonet from it's place along her left leg, slamming it home on the end of her weapon. While it was extremely lethal, it could incapacitate if used right. She was going of intuition as she dove after one of the so-called elites, aiming to puncture the armor about the leg so he couldn't run.

She gunned her thrusters to gain speed before making final adjustments to her dive, coming in from behind and above.
Atmosphere West of the Cabin

Now that she was so close, Ume chose not to send out constant feeds of data to her squad leader, after all, it might be noticed by any ratio equipment and her cover could be blown. She made a quick decision to climb up one of the trees that had some distance from the fort. This way she would not be noticed immediately because of the sound or indentations. Once she was at the top of her respective tree she looked over to the fort and carefully made her way through the treetops, photonic camouflage still active.

"Honor and mercy?" Yoshida said incredulously. "Your one purpose is to be killed or be killed?" Yoshida asked again, sikning further into a well of disbelief. "Please. You're a soldier, I'm a soldier. We live to serve Yamatai! Obeying all orders, and regulations. I'd have happily killed all of them but we have very specific rules about how to treat prisoners of war, Santo Hei. Its no wonder you got demoted." Yoshida spoke outloud this time, as Hanna denied herself the privacy of a channel. As she spoke she made wide, exaggerated gestures, even pointing accusingly at her more than once.

Yoshida gave one final sigh and a shake of her head before she pointed at the drone, and then to the tank. "Hey you! Hover on in there! Don't want to be shot do you? Oh and uh, the captive too."

Walter chuckled, feeling the last of the tension flow out of him. "It looks like someone has already taken a liking to you." He observed as he watched a nameless Nekovalkyrian run off. "That is reassuring, at least."

The engineer stood by the FARS, taking this moment to look around him. One good, long, look all around him. To him, it appeared like... Barely anything happened. Barlow-hei 's tankette sustained dama- Implying the tankette can handle any damage directly is only comparing a cardboard matchbox to a reinforced briefcase.

At first, Walter Hyde felt guilty for even thinking of such things. No one knew what they were facing, even Chusa Hoshi made that clear. But... They were simply stronger. Yet the L'Kor kept diving in, one after another... Walter turned his head once again to the dead bodies he had scavenged not long ago; they were among tens of bodies, maybe even a hundred or so, of their enemy. His infantry-mates have killed so many, and yet it doesn't matter if anyone here died; they'll just come back. They chose to let it affect them, as if death had any meaning at this point.

It hit the Minkan just then that... This is nothing different from PA training in military school. There is no consequence for failure for us, is there? The only obstacle we could face is with each other, but even then we are borderline a perfect union, Walter thought to himself. He looked at his own hands, recalling the moment when he got Chlorate to move: he just took some circuits from tech he didn't know proper, to fix something else that he didn't know proper, and it worked to an extent!

His thoughts got interrupted when Yoshida-hei started yelling at a fellow soldier. He smiled, feeling some relief. Well, I suppose we haven't stopped growing yet... And it is presumptuous of me to think such thoughts so soon. I am most likely still a little upset for not making myself as useful as I wanted to be out here. Yeah... That's probably it.

"You may want to follow that suggestion, Chlorate. Stay close to the Tankette, Barlow-hei will take care of you just as well as I have." He told his small friend, and pointed to the Elysian engineer by the Tankette. "I shall find that absent turret in the meantime; it isn't like I have anything else to do, right?" The leisurely Hyde walked off after giving her and Barlow a wave.

"How dare you accuse me of disobedience!", Hanna responded bitterly. "You don't care about those damn birds out there. What's so special about this one? I made no direct threats on the prisoner, but you don't seem to understand the difference between a reminder and a threat, Kokoro-Hei.", Hanna finished, raising her voice to a distinctively high-pitched and feisty tone. Hanna shivered with rage as she spoke, her hands balled up into angry fists, indicative of her emotional state.

It was clear that Hanna believed that military discipline and the chain of command was important, but only to better increase the efficiency in which Yamatai annihilated it's enemies. After all, she was a perfectly-crafted weapon of war.
"Affirmative," the drone said, hovering over to the tankette along with her hologram. She entered the tank, and after a few seconds the head of her hologram peeked out of hole the turret used to occupy, looking at Walter. "Oh and... cutie? Taken a liking to? What do these phrases mean? I apologize, I do not know," she inquired. She was pondering this, as these phrases were foreign to the machine, more so the "cutie" part as, well, the robot didn't understand what cute was.
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Walter stopped and turned, looking back at the peeking AI. He answered, "Why, cute is a descriptive connotation that entails the objective opinion that you are attractive or enduring in some fashion. I don't think the Nekovalkyria found you attractive, however."

He shook his head and chuckled and continued on his search. "Well, your character is most certainly enduring, at least in the eyes of some."

Alright then... Turret hunting, I hope. Walter began scanning the clearing, utilizing his sharp eyes and the acute senses of the Mindy. I could just not bother to retrieve the turret, but personally it would be a waste of omni-material in the fabrication area if we did get so lazy. Now, where could it have landed...
YSS Kaiyō II

Boss replied by ascertaining the problem for Misaki and pointed her in the right direction by saying where it was Misaki had to go and what she had to do.

Atmosphere West of the Cabin

Ume would find an abandoned tree fort. No technology or even much furniture could be found. She did, however, notice a thick layer of leaves and pines on the floors of the buildings in the trees. They had long since left.

Above the Cabin

Eden called out to Hoshi, "What is going on with the Kaiyō?"

She heard back, "Problem in engineering. Be prepared to take on the ship with us."

Eden shouted to the remaining team members near the cabin. "Prepare to strike, but I want someone with that prisoner and AI!"
Atmosphere East of the Cabin

William finally noticed something on his sensors. Several heat signatures and some sort of installation up ahead. "I have something here. Heading in for a closer look." He said over comms as he pointed himself downward, quickly building up speed.

The roaring in his ears would have been deafening at this speed had he not been wearing his helmet. The wind whipped by him at incredible speeds as he pulled up just above the trees, trying his best to avoid being detected by whatever it was.
Downed Shuttle, Komorebi

Iemochi-juni gave Sora a cheeky wink, asking in a cheery voice "What? You think she won't give me a big hug like this?" It only registered after he winked that she wouldn't be able to see in his power armor. Running a hand across his optics to clear them of the thin red tint, Seinosuke tuned to the others.

"Let's get back to sweeping. There mustn't be many left now so we should be able to head back soon enough." he added, leaving the L'Kor inside as he emerged into the natural light once more. Grabbing a polka-dot leaf from a strange plant that appeared to have its roots in the air and most of its leaves half-buried in the soil. The blonde ran his Xiphos across the item, cleaning it before sheathing it with a rasp of metal on metal.
Cabin/Picket Line

Once she finished speaking, Hanna turned on her heels and exited the cabin without giving Yoshida a chance to respond. She had orders to follow, so she did not want to waste her time on the argument. Hanna decided that she would let Yoshida take care of the prisoner and the AI. After all, Yoshida had expressed her lack of confidence in Hanna's morality. Things would proceed more smoothly and efficiently if Hanna simply left the matter alone.

Once she was outside, Hanna flew towards the defensive perimeter and set herself up for the oncoming attack.



After killing her target, Janna scanned the rest of the shuttle for more half-alive bodies before leaving the shuttle. With her gun sighted, Janna scanned her surroundings for any more L'Kor survivors, stepping cautiously around each body that had been killed.
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Komorebi surface
Cabin interior

Abart quickly got overwhelmed by the sheer intensity by which the two nekos spoke, or rather, yelled at eachother, not helped my Hanna's earbleed-worthy shrieking voice. It's true Hanna's action wasn't disallowed, but in pretty bad taste nonetheless. Oh well, nothing to be done about it now...

With not much else to do, Abart slumped a bit, now that only he and Yoshida were inside the cabin. He figured she wouldn't mind as much if he relaxed for a bit, resting his upper half on top of the avian-flavored snekroll while supporting himself on one elbow. "Hmm..... wonder what's for dinner tonight..."

Misaki looked at the pipe rupture before barking out orders, "Someone get me a patch kit and a vice. Now!" The Second Officer floated up to the rupture, careful not to get into the Aether being leaked out. As soon as she got the kit and the vice, the Neko went to work. She opened the kit, removing a clamp-like device that sat about the width of the rupture and then some. Opening the clamp, her ears went down slightly.

"I hate this part..."

Misaki lugged the clamp over the rupture, the raw aether fire burning her coat away and burning her skin and flesh. Her other hand grabbed the clamp's other hand and rolled it closed around the valve pipe. Ignoring the pain by deactivating her sensors and wiping the tears away with her left hand, Misaki took the vice as well and attached it above the part of the clamp covering the rupture. It made a very metallic stress noise but held.

As the second officer returned to the deck, she pointed at the engineer as spoke loudly, "Go!" She echoed the call to the weapons operator on the bridge as she returned. She was going to ignore the burns and rended flesh for now, she needed to be on the bridge. After all, she was still afraid of Med Bays, even if they were new and shiny.


Kikyo's diving stab reflected of the shield, the soldier flashing her legs out to impact the ground with an audible thud. She immediately raised her SMG up and made for another stab while she scrambled to try and get one of her EMP grenades off of her belt. Worst off, she was going to use her strength in hugging to incapacitate the L'Kor elite and pin the grenade between them.

That wouldn't hurt right?

Atmosphere West of the Cabin

Ume landed gently inside the abandoned structure. It took only a quick glance to see that it had been abandoned for some time. That was a good thing, however, it meant that she did not need to keep radio silence anymore and that it was one less worry. She opened her comm line and contacted Hoshi. "A structure was found to the west inside the trees. It is not currently in use though...doesn't seem like it has been for a while."
YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

"Systems seem to be working!" Kyoi shouted. "If you know a god, pray now!"

Without much further warning she slammed on the CFS propulsion, sending the Kaiyo rocketing past two certain Mindies trying to grapple two certain L'Kor armors, very careful to not bump a Mindy but hopefully bump one of the L'Kor. The Kaiyo hurled on a path tangent to the curvature of the planet, zooming over the enemy L'Kor ship, exposing its sides that had no guns.

A classic bait. The L'Kor weren't very bright, and they probably should take the bait...right?

It didn't take long until the questing Walter Hyde found the missing turret. There were bits and bobs of mechanical and electric bits all around it, the gun is bent out of shape, the casing is scorched and torn, it generally looked like it took a direct hit from a rocket-propelled grenade.

"As expected, it is sort of unusable in this state. Nothing that a recommended personnel cannot fix in a few hours, of course." He said to himself as he activates his suit's CFS, and his hands grapple onto wherever the Minkan can get a good hold on the turret. Through the combination of cranking his CFS up and his own dexterity, Walter performed a leap upwards, hoisting the turret, and quickly got underneath the turret so he could carry it on his back when he landed back down.

Upon landing, he felt the turret way down on him, however much like he hypothesized, the effect was akin to carrying fifty kilograms of weight underwater; awkward, but definitely manageable. He walked back to Barlow's tankette, feeling almost like a turtle.

"Here you go, Barlow-hei. One busted turret!" He announced, as he hoisted it up onto the tankette. The vehicle didn't show signs of stress from the additional weight, so Walter assumed that the vehicle can still go through more punishment before expiration.

Of course, just in case, Walter decided to bring out his fabricator drones, and went to work reinforcing the busted chassis with extra material.
Sacred helmet flashed an injury alert, but it was on the Kaiyo. She dismissed it, she wanted to help but was not in a position to do anything about it at the moment. She quickly assessed where she could be of the most use. Near the Kaiyo, where there apparently was some fighting. No one was hurt, yet. So she rolled in, activating her teleport and appearing where she had a drop on the L'Kor and letting her huge shoulder cannons rip into them.
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