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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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Behind Picket Line

Walter held his breath, hiding a certain and reasonable fear of Chlorate dropping from a high height, and most definitely making her impossible to keep airborne. In his honest opinion, he isn't concerned with Chlorate putting a lot of thrust into it's movement, since that entire business is localized in the engines and the VTOL system. His real concern was Chlorate doing anything under the very general umbrella of "change of velocity", mainly running too many maneuvers at once.

Of course, the fact that the spare parts were made for lower voltages isn't making this situation any better. If Chlorate did so much as a aileron roll, those circuits are going to melt on it, and this ship won't be going anywhere anymore... I don't think it can even flee without bursting the circuits. Walter grimaced as he observed the L'Kor circuits, sparking and smoking.

He did have a few ideas on what he could do in that situation, and although none should be life-threatening, all of them would be hard to pull off. That, and it is only a hunch. Hunches have gotten Walter Hyde this far, but he wondered if he can keep having blind faith like this. Engineers rely on calculated risk, not luck.

When Chlorate landed, thankfully intact, he decides give the drone the details. "Your replacement circuits are, fortunately, still holding together. Although you're probably aware that they're on the verge of melting into liquid plastic, too... Just don't move unless you need to, let them cool off. In the case that you must fly, fly cautiously. It can handle going at your maximum speed, but it can only handle minor changes in velocity. You turn on a dime, that circuit melts. You do any fancy tricks, it melts. You go from zero to one thousand kilometers in under thirty seconds, it's going to melt."

The Minkan sighed. He'd rather spare Chlorate the details, but he would rather do what it takes to ensure he does not mess this up. "I'll find and scavenge for more of those circuits, restock the fabricator, and try to help the others when possible. I might also try and find a weapon for you..." Walter's spine buckled at the thought of resorting to make one himself... What would he even make? He should probably wait until later. "Just sit tight, feel free to call on your communicator for help if you need it."

He jogs over to the smoking tank; he figured he could go over there first, see what he could do.

The Smokin' Tankette

Walter Hyde goes to the Pickett Line, where the smoldering tankette lay. Hanna, Yoshida, and Barlow were all there, looking at the tank. If he were to be perfectly honest, he had his doubts that they need his service. Although as his mother said, it never hurts to try.

"I-I beg your pardon..." Walter spoke up, and then cleared his throat. "I am sorry to interrupt, but is there something I could help you three with? I could not help but notice this tankette is in critical condition."

To put it bluntly, in his eyes it looked like some toddler took a tin tank toy, ripped the turret off, and put dents into the front with vigorous slamming. Only the stars above know where that turret is now...

Kikyo continued to continue switching targets and pulling the trigger on her SMG, sending bolts of aetherical energy towards the attacking L'Kor. Her aim was beginning to get snappy as her movement begin to increase to a more darting pace. She had swallowed everything now, her trembling covered up by the combat-adrenaline high...

And her rising bloodlust.

YSS Kaiyo II

Taking a hypothetical step back, Teien 'Battle Mom' Misaki began observing the battlefield on a grander scale, tuning the sensors through her console to see what she could see at range. She was becoming more of an observation and over-looking position, as she was becoming tired of sitting around listening to orders and watching from her comfy little chair.

"I'm going to see if we can see any stragglers, reinforcements, or anything of the like. Report pending."
Forest Edge

Mat followed Mochi's orders, spreading away from the rest of the group slightly and keeping an eye out for the enemy.

He spoke over the new channel to the rest of the team;

"Any idea what kind of enemy presence were expecting? What is our objective aside from eliminating the L'kor?"
Picket Line

Eden looked to Meissa and Kikyo's position and then at the pair of L'Kor in power armor that had just swooped above the tree line. The same L'Kor that had been hitting the turrets and the same ones that Meissa and Kikyo had been ordered to take down.

Eden said only her wife's adoptive daughter, "There, Nashira-hei," and marked the two L'Kor in question as they ascended from their positions a hundred meters away from the Elysian and Neko.

"We will not waste time with an idea like that as a group, but I want you to set something up with the prisoner, Theisilis-hei," the Shosa said. "Jôtô Hei Hatoyama, excellent. It echoes what Sanssinia-hei said. Arigatou you two."

Eden then called up to the Kaiyō to see if they could attempt a boarding action.


Iemochi came upon a L'Kor shuttle —the same kind that had self-terminated on their first run-in with the L'Kor. It had been shot down in the flurry of activity some good distance away from where the majority of action had happened. It was tilted on its side and thrusters were burnt and missing. Sensors would indicate to Iemochi that there were two L'Kor inside.

Matsuvo happened upon a wounded but not dead L'Kor. The power armored soldier brought their nub of a thigh up in the air and Matsuvo may have been able to notice a sense of confusion and then profound understanding about the L'Kor's body movements as the warrior realized half of his leg was missing.

The L'Kor noticed Mat closing in and turned to him, and looked around for their weapon. They didn't see it and so aimed his forearm weapon. He kept aiming it and then lowered the weapon. The L'Kor's suit was dead.

The Archangel found that there were quite a few L'Kor alive, but only barely, as once again another hand lashed out towards her as she walked.


The AI would find that the electrical damage had done too much harm than good in her final moments with her little drone. Though Walter's home brew tactics to fix the shell that held the AI were helpful, sooner or later, something would end up happening to her to hurt her beyond repair. Would the AI herself die if the shell she inhabited did? This was no time to find out.

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi straightened her mouth in a grim look and looked at the stats on engineering.

Hoshi asked her engineer, "Vasilia-hei! Are we good to go?"

Hoshi then nodded once to Kyōi and said quickly while she waited to hear back from the Separa'Shan, "Get us up there, Kiseki-hei, but only after a green light from engineering. Our people are on the ground, though, and may need us. Remember that and keep close to these coordinates. Iemochi-hei, be ready at a moment's notice."

It was then that she heard from Eden. "We're taking them up. Save that for another time. Scout the planet."

Medical Lab

The Neko would take a few hours to recover in the hemosynth tube and right now in the medical lab it was just Care, her patient, and —of course— Boss the MEGAMI.


The situation had gone unchanged in the engineering section of the ship. There was a small rupture in a valve-encasement that the engineer had to compensate for.

Picket Line

"Hai!" Eden responded to Hoshi. She looked to everyone on the ground. There were a good many fighters left here to keep fighting the fight, but it looked like that was not what was called for at the time.

To her team, she said, "If I haven't given you somewhere to go yet, I want you scouting the planet for any other installations. Go!" Her eyes drifted to where she suspected Kikyo and Meissa were fighting and she, too, went above the tall treeline to witness the progression of the fight so far.

"Roger... commencing reconnaissance." William said softly over comms, before he blasted off into the sky. After climbing for several seconds, he took off towards the direction he had seen the enemy dropships had came from.

As he flew, he scannedthe landscape for anything that looked like an enemy starport or airbase. William figured the transports had to have come from somewhere...
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Komorebi broken-off infantry force

The oversized Elysian jolted at the sudden limb-based attack, dropping her oversized weapon and instinctively grabbing at the arm as it impacted her chest-an advantage of being so absurdly tall was that people rarely could get to your neck. She wrenched the arm away and swung it out in front of her, tossing the feathery fiend into the air briefly before grabbing them by the shoulder, and slamming them down onto her spiked knee.

Moments afterwards, Arinori retrieved her gatling rifle from the dirt and took another look around-there was a bit of smoke near Seinosuke's position. "Watch out, several contacts are hiding in the woods around us. Be prepared for hit and run attacks, or ambushes." Saying that, the heavy aether weapon wouldn't be the most useful in this situation... But Sora didn't have a place to put it.
Komorebi - 2v2 Meissa and Kikyo against the two armors

"Alright, Kikyo, let's do this." Meissa told her little sister, whose accuracy seemed to have jumped upwards by huge margins. Must be that inborn Nekovalkyrian trait kicking in.

"I'll take left, you take right..." Meissa told, as she launched a flurry of Aetheric beams at the left L'Kor.

Kikyo nodded to Meissa and dashed off towards the right hand side with speed an new-found grace. With her suit aiding her aim to lead the right L'Kor, she fired off a burst with confidence, chasing it with another to be sure. Her movements were still erratic to evade returning fire, and she kept up speed as well.

YSS Kaiyo II

Misaki gave a slight grin, "Sensors are showing no further reinforcements. Will continue to sweep just be clear." It looked like this was going to be the last group coming in, and hopefully the last entirely.
Picket Line

With the free time she had, Ume made her way over to the resupply crates and a quick adjustment to what she had. She put down her SMG and instead picked up a LASR with the over barrel grenade launcher. It would be much more effective at range and in the open. Part of her wanted to refit her shoulder equipment but that would take too much time and the shoulder cannon was still useful despite it's in atmosphere limitations. She made sure she had enough ammo and reloaded her SiZi as well.

Once she had everything situated she slowly lifted up and did a quick glance around the area and took in the landscape. She spotted an area filled with much larger trees than usual, related to the redwood in fact. She quickly made her way in that location, she felt that might be a good area to hide a base.
Away-Away Team

Arrowhead breaking through the dense foliage into the forested area proper, Mochi buzzed back over comms to Mat. "We weren't expecting this large of a presence I don't think. We're to take back the cabin as our primary objective."

Right at this point a glint caught the Juni's eye, something reflective in amongst the strange polka-dot trunks. Venturing a little towards the anomaly, team in tow as point man, Mochi brushed a branch aside to reveal a craft. One he'd seen before - a L'Kor shuttle. Not only that, it was occupied.

Janna was the closest to his position, according to radar. Making sure his voice wasn't broadcast externally, Seinosuke still whispered instinctively "Madsen-hei, rendezvous my pos. Got a downed shuttle, two contacts. If we get the drop on them, we can take them out while keeping the shuttle for capture."

Sora shooting off down comms, Mochi quickly responded. "If we can capture any of these guys or any of their tech, SAINT will be happy." He himself had captured a couple things in the past and he liked to think some black-panel somewhere had done a little dance of joy when he sent them in.

Allowing time for the cyan Neko to prep, the Elysian approached the craft, careful to keep out of sight of the shuttle windows and not crack any foliage underfoot. Reaching one side of the entrance doors, he nodded slowly to his breaching partner, slipping his Xiphos from its sheathe. A gun wouldn't only damage the shuttle, it would be less effective in this extreme close quarters.

With that, he sprung in first, keeping low and quiet before he pounced onto the nearest enemy, bringing the tip of the sword downwards towards the contact's neck.

"Hai, Juni.", replied Janna.

Mentally and physically preparing herself for close quarters combat, Janna Madsen sheathed her LASR and pulled out her Special Duty Revolver before switching it to the heavy setting. With her free hand just below the weapon, Janna leaned into the opposite side of the shuttle entrance and fired a point blank at the head of her target while thrusting her now activated forearm aether projections at its neck.
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Komorebi surface
Picket line

"Eh? Oh, uh.....Hai!"
The pondering Separa fellow awoke from his aimless murmuring by Eden's clear and sharp voice, snapping back to attention. He had been told to "set something up" with the L'kor prisoner they had taken in earlier. At this moment they were still unconscious, but who knows what could happen? For now Abart just had to keep the avian soldier from doing anything rash, and he had just the thing.....

"Right, restraining the prisoner now..."

After making sure they weren't carrying any more weapons, other than the armor's forearm cannons, the Separa went ahead and carefully wrapped the lower 2/3ds of his tail around the captured L'kor soldier. As soon as the arms, legs and wings were neatly tucked in, he strengthened his grip, keeping a tight hold on the now completely immobilized armor. Good thing he could still make use of his CFS to move around, otherwise he wouldnt be exploring the area along with his squadmates so easily. However teleporting would be an issue while carrying the prisoner around the whole time. "This one won't be moving for a good while, Shosa."


YSS Kaiyo

Nerai kept a close eye on the status in the engineering systems as well, awaiting the go signal from the tech crew. Even if the reactors were operating fine, there were still a few systems that had to be readjusted afterwards. Just minor adjustments, sure, but still necessary to ensure proper functioning of the ship.
Othwr than that the supeeficial damage to the turret platings was indeed not much to worry about. Nothing the Yamataium couldn't handle on its own.
Away-Away Team

Upon hearing Seinosuke's emphasis on capturing equipment, Matsuvo responded to the science officer.

"I've got a L'kor Aether rifle and Aether saber. Both of them work fine, unlike our stuff. And I've found..." Mat paused for a moment, "I've found a downed enemy soldier. Almost fully intact power armor set, only missing a leg."

He knelt down next to the ex enemy soldier.

"Should I bring this back along with the captured weapons?"

Chlorate double checked her systems to be sure, and realized she had no choice. She called Walter on her communicator. "I have rather... urgent news..." she began. "My sensors are indicating the electrical anomaly did more damage than I originally interpreted. This drone is compromised, it is not repairable. I do not think it will last much longer, the damage could cause my systems to become completely destroyed soon. Please hurry. At this point I must be uploaded to a new body or form, but I require your help, I cannot see anything I could upload myself to nearby." Yes, Chlorate was afraid now, in fact Walter could even partially hear this in her voice. But as afraid as she was she still attempted to dismiss this. She looked around from her spot in the clearing, but unfortunately in her large and heavily damaged form there was no way she would be able to find a new body without help. She kept an eye on all her systems, knowing the clock was ticking.
The Smokin' Tankette

Anastasia was checking the exterior of the Tankette when Walter and Yoshida checked in. "I'm... not sure yet." She replied, somewhat unsure.

"The Tankette weapons are either compromised or out of munitions. The armor is going to fold if it takes another hit. There's a ship on the way, and no time. Id say there's no reason to try and salvage it for now." Anastasia sighed, standing up fully and looking at the rest of the squad and tankettes. "If we move out, I'll disable the engine. Eden-Shosa, what are your orders?"

Walter immediately picked up on the trembling AI's plea for help. He, too, was riddled with worry, but he kept all of it within himself. Oh no no no no no no, I didn't know! I didn't have the proper tools for a diagnostic, I didn't even ask Chlorate to run a diagnostic! What do I do, what do I do?!

The bold engineer, whom cracked under the weight of the problem, spurted, "Miss Barlow, I hate to be so forward, but we have a friend that is in dire need of a new host, as soon as possible! That tankette may be on the verge of breaking down, however", the Minkan gestures to the big, green jet fighter sitting in the clearing, "if she doesn't get herself into a new vehicle right now, that Grunt drone is going to have a total systematic failure, and she is going to die if we don't get her into that tank."

"I can run immediate repairs in the hull to keep it from folding, but please, help me save Chlorate! I have strict orders by Chusa Hoshi to do so, and I don't want her to die now. " He sounded a little heated, and perhaps desperate. It is typical of a Santo Hei's that aren't Neko to be this way, anyways.

Anastasia stood there and listened to Walter's plea, taken aback slightly by being referred to as a higher up. She didn't express it on her sleeve, but she wasn't a fan of the idea. Plugging an unknown AI into a tank was borderline lunacy, and she didn't even know the AI like Walter did.

It wasn't until Hoshi's orders came up that the technician budged. "...Fine, plug her in. While you do that, give me a minute..."
The Elysian technician rounded and slid under the craft, using a key fob to open the exterior access to the engine by lifting one of the bent plates. Her work was simple and quick, sliding her hands across the access panel on the miniature aether reactor. Soon, the Elysian was on her feet again, bits of grass and dirt stuck in her feathers.
Picket Line

As Hanna Madsen looked at the panicking engineer, doubts began to creep into her head about the wisdom of Walter's course of action.

Why was he spending time and effort on this AI...especially in an active combat zone.

Why was he attempting to upload a foreign AI into military hardware?


"What is the wisdom in...why are we doing this, Hyde-Hei? This is SAoY property, even if it is damaged. You're putting the cybersecurity of the Kaiyo at risk by doing this, I can't allow you to put a foreign AI into a tank.", Hanna said as she positioned herself between Walter and the tankette.
Picket Line

Granted, Walter Hyde knew that no one was going to do this, except maybe if he told them he had orders from the Chusa herself to protect the civilian AI. However even still, there's going to be people like Hanna-hei who are going to be a real thorn in his side about SAoY regulations.

"Yes, yes, I understand, I am fresh out of Basic Training. I know why it would be dangerous to do allow unallowed artificial intelligence to have access to Star Army manufactured machinations; why else would we have a regulation against modding our technology? However, as I have stated, orders are orders! I requested Chusa Hoshi on what to do with the drone, she said 'Get it off the field and protect it!', and so I got it off the field to protect it. I was asking her questions, clarified the location and setting to her, and then she was attacked by... I honestly have no idea what."

The Santo-Hei settled down, and answered with seriousness and sincerity. "With all the respect I can muster, and be certain to know I have more than enough of that to give around, I know what I am doing is wrong. I may even get demoted for this behavior," He gestured over to the Grunt drone. "but I will have you know that I, Walter Hyde, rarely tell a lie or keep a secret. And I will have you know that the drone contains a civilian in there. If we don't do something now, she is going to die, and it will be on your head. The Na-FA4 is not designed to withstand an electronic-magnetic pulse attack, nor go past 10 hours of maintenance. There is no way to fix that drone now, and there is no other option to house an AI aside from that battered Tankette that doesn't even have much weaponry left."

He has done a good job maintaining the cold composure thus far. Walter continues with, "Chusa Hoshi will know of all the details of my mission, through my own eyes and my honest heart, regardless if you get in my way or not. If a job of a nurse is to save those on the brink of death, then engineers are supposed to protect them from it. You are going against not only a direct order from Chusa Hoshi, but also directly interfering with my job, and generally being a unproductive member of the team right now. Endangering others through disobedience and general misconduct, as well as intentionally interfering with ones duties, are punishable crimes as stated in Star Army Regulations. As previously stated, you are putting my escort in a position she won't survive in."

He tapped the side of his helmet, and said, "Disagree all you desire, but if you do not stand aside and let me do my damn job, then I will have to bring this up to authority and let them decide this instant, at the worst possible time for there to be a petty squabble over a life on the line. I could call Chusa Hoshi, or I can call Shosa Eden; take your pick."

Walters heart raced. He was insulting a fellow soldier on the field, and he didn't even know if it was called for. Why didn't I just stay in the ship... Walter thought to himself. Wwwwwhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???
Picket Line

"Taiyou-Chusa ordered you to 'Get that drone to a safe location' and nothing more.", Hanna responded curtly. "We are not uploading a rogue AI into military hardware, nor do we have orders to do so. The drone is in a safe location, we have no business with the AI."

"If that AI is going to die, then we can always create a new one, one that we can trust. This AI could turn out to be something more than it lets on and it could override the AIES on the tankette to hack into our power armors. Tell me Hyde-Hei, what happens to us when our armors get compromised by a rogue AI?", Hanna said in a hostile and condescending manner, her voice raising as anger seeped into her tone.

"The AI will freeze the joints in our armor, immobilizing us and leaving us vulnerable to enemy fire. I can not let you proceed."
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