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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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PA Bay

Faye had been ordered to help in the PA Bay, and that was what she had been doing. She had quickly suited up in a spare power armor just in case, and the Mindy felt like a comfortable glove over her thin frame. The Neko had been pretty much a face in the crowd, helping get the wounded to safety and into the hands of the medical personnel.

The Mission Ops was also busy directing support personnel to where they were needed most. Although it felt a bit odd being away from the bridge during this crucial time, she was staying in touch with her console through her digital mind. Faye also had requested Boss to inform her of any vital changes to the crew and ship's disposition during the rest of this mission.
Yoshida was unsure of what to do with herself after calling up the Kaiyo for enemy locations. Go after them and prepare to defend against their advance? Sit here with the main force and continue as normal? Or was somone else dealing with the incoming group and she just wasn't paying attention?

The kitty sighed- it was hard to focus. Eden really knocked her out of her normal flow for battle. Her desire to perform daring acts, impresive maneuvers, and deadly assaults in close combat all wilted in a near instant with her. So... she rose up, and fired with the main picket line. No fancyness for the kitty on this evening. Aside from th etossing of flashbangs to blind the sensors and the occupants of enemy armors with the sudden flashes. Even the most advanced of cameras tend to have issues with that, provided they don't have backup cameras they should be dazed at least.

Jax nodded, leading Leeta away from the warzone, and further out into unexplored territory. The trees were incredible, they seemed entirely random. On many of the planets he'd been to, the trees and other plants followed the rule of fractals. The branches on these trees, however, jutted out at odd angles and twisted in such a way which couldn't possibly be explained by modern mathematics. Surely through years of research and calculation, one could devise a mathematical formula to explain the growth of the Komorebi trees, but that someone was certainly not going to be him. He took a picture and jotted some notes down into his notebook. Smaller shrubs littered the forest floor, also appearing to neglect the rule of fractals. After a while, Jax had documented at least 8 new types of vegetation.

After wandering through the forest, they came upon the edge, which blended into a large grassland. Mountains could be seen in the distance, as well as some kind of...ship? Wide eyed, Jax stared at a massive object skimming the surface of the planet way out on the horizon. Immediately, he tapped into the communication line.

"This is Jax and Leeta, we are looking at what could possibly be an enemy ship approximately two clicks north of the landing site! Target is moving slowly towards your position."

Jax frantically shuffled through his backpack until he found a pair of binoculars, and brought them to his face to get a better look at the giant object.

"Oh my god..." he whispered.

It wasn't a ship. It wasn't any kind of manufactured object at all. It was a massive, turtle-like lifeform, perhaps a quarter-mile in length. It's back was relatively flat, and had what appeared to be...trees... growing out of it. Upon first glance, it looked to be quadrupedal. However, after adjusting the binoculars, Jax realized that it only had two front legs, with a large fin-like appendage dragging into the earth behind it like a tail. He stared in awe, slowly taking the binoculars away from his face and handing them to Leeta.

"Look." he said.
Forest Edge

Spearheading his small unit as they fell into a loose arrowhead formation, the shining line of power armored soldiers raced across the plain, soon breaking the thick treeline. Slowing as the foliage thickened and grabbed at their legs, Mochi quickly activated his leader module's software and marked those Eden had assigned to his unit. Now, on their HUDs the fellow team members would hopefully see arrows depicting each other's locations. "Alright, let's spread out a little so we can flush these guys out more." he muttered down comms, the software having automatically created a new channel just for the elite group.

As the enemy gun-toting Mat, Sora, Janna, and the others heard Iemochi's orders, Leeta heard Jax. She looked into the air and gasped as her eyes fell on the horizon.

"Chusa-sama!" Leeta shouted out. "Can we get a read on incoming hostile ship?"

She approached the Vekimen slowly, putting a hand up to Jax's snout. "You're going to be okay, let's just find some safety out here, okay?"

YSS Kaiyō II


Hoshi got reports from Leeta and Walter at about the same time and had to sift through them. After a moment, Asuka turned to Hoshi, mouth agape, but the Chusa put up a hand. She didn't want to hear it, she just wanted to try to see for herself. She looked at the view screens in front of her while she was plugged into the ship and saw for herself.

Hoshi called out, "Hyde-hei, we've got a hostile ship incoming! Looks to be a gunship. Four kilometers away! Kiseki-hei, get us out of here, ready or not. Iemochi-hei, prepare to fire on the incoming ship. Kikoru-hei," Hoshi said over comms. "When you can, wrap things up in there and get back to your place on the bridge! Arigatou!"

She then replied to the other request of her attention. She thought for a moment and then said, "One of the tankettes has been compromised. If it doesn't get repaired in five minutes, I want you to go in and help out there near the cabin. Until then, help a friend."

"Teien-Shosa," Hoshi said over comms.

"Hai?" Eden replied.

Hoshi's voice was clipped but warm, "Hold position but formulate a plan for your away team to help deal with a hostile gunship. Check back in with me."

"Hai!" Teien Eden said.

Power Armor Bay

Care did such a good job on Madoka that the grape green haired Neko started moving gently around, testing her pain receptors.

"Get..." Madoka began, then realized she couldn't finish the statement at first. "Get me in hemosynth," she finally said.


Cailey would find that the "systemic" problem was a small rupture in a valve-encasement that had made the sensors a bit faulty in their assessment of the problem, as well. Cailey would have no trouble at all fixing something like this.

Picket Line

Eden looked down to the tankette, saying, "I want a volunteer to stay with the tankette while Barlow-hei fixes it. I also want," Eden said, looking up as she crept a bit over the tree-line, not too conspicuously. "I want us to form a plan of attack with their ship as a solitary away team. We can't focus on what the YSS Kaiyō II needs to do, we need to focus on what we can do to make their efforts to stop that hostile ship succeed. Who has some ideas?"

For the most part, the L'Kor's second wave had been picked apart by those like Hanna, William, Yoshida, and those that had gone with Iemochi. But to those that were still around her is to whom she had spoken to as well as the newcomers, like Sacre, whose cannon and rifle fire power had only just begun to help thin the lines.

Eden looked to Hanna who had scaled back the aggressive expansion of enemies with her SMG and flashbangs, taking out seven. She looked to them all as she looked around for more enemies. They had shattered through the L'Kor three times today. She wondered if they all believed they would succeed another time. She knew she did.
YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

"Lifting off." Kyoi stated, as she activated the CFS propulsion once more, loose earth clinging to the field for a short amount of time as the Kaiyo lifted a little out of the ground.

The ship had a moment of weightlessness as the inertial dampeners tried to compensate for the new movement, and the little fox's stomach churned a little as the zero-g effect came in suddenly. Then it settled.

Komorebi - Kaiyo's Pylons

"Whoa-" Meissa exclaimed, as the ship she was against suddenly jolted and started moving. She flew away from it, as little specks of sand pinged against her armor.

"Eden, Kaiyo has liftoff. What should we do?" she asked.

YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

Once the armors protecting the pylons of the Kaiyo had removed themselves from the area safely, Kyoi hit the metaphorical gas pedal, sending the ship rocketing into the sky, the CFS pulling a small shower of earth as it took off.
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YSS Kaiyo II

"Hmph! Are they in atmosphere?" The sensors said yes, Boss agreeing but a moment after.

"Kyoi, do you think you can fix that please? Most of our weapons for this scale can't be used down here-our anti-ship weapons are mostly antimatter based save for the array."

Komorebi Surface

Sora sent a soundless confirmation to Iemochi-Juni, relocating to be ten meters to his right as they advanced. She checked her capacitors-still charging, but not for too much longer. Until then, she stuck with her LASR and the standard shielding-no sense having all the power-annihilating equipment active all the time.
YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

"I can try." Kyoi replied. "You'll hate me for this, but if you want me to drag them out of atmosphere I'll have to deliberately mismaneuver."

It would be risky, and certainly need the approval of a superior. But if they pulled it off right the Kaiyo could use all of its weapons at maximum effectiveness, and to some that would be well worth it.

Of course, they didn't have to take the fight out of the atmosphere. The main weapons array should be powerful enough for the Fuji to destroy another Fuji.
Picket Line

After the second wave fell apart below her, Hanna flew back to the picket line and landed next to Eden. She was glad that her AIES had registered confirmed kills on her end, but the battle was far from over. Iemochi had taken her sister into the forest on a scouting expedition. Hanna had a few misgivings about the wisdom of splitting up the group, especially in a defensive operation where they were outnumbered to this extent.

Hanna had held doubts regarding the capabilities of her Elysian officers in the past, but she had never said something directly about it to Eden or Hoshi. So far, Mochi's team had not accomplished anything of strategic value. Once again, Hanna decided to hold her tongue on the matter, in case that reality changed any time soon. Perhaps she would vocalize her doubts once they were out of active combat. For now, Hanna decided that her best course of action would be to occupy herself so that she could not speak out of turn.

"Teien-Shosa, I volunteer to stand guard over Barlow-Hei, while she repairs the tankette.", Hanna offered as she jogged towards the smoking machine.



Janna Madsen had assumed position ten meters to Iemochi's left side. The cyan Neko had her LASR sighted on her shoulder as the group stalked through the forest.

While Janna had little idea what Mochi's tactical plan was, she trusted the judgement of her superior officer, and kept her eyes and sensors alert for any enemy activity.
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The Smokin' Tankette

Anastasia listened, looking around the small cockpit of the Tankette. She quietly responded to the commanding officer, checking over the volumetric displays. "Repair may be too hard on our resources our here. The main mount has been decimated, and her armor can't take much more... It'll need a full size fabricator."

The Elysian kept their calm mentality, instead thinking constructively. She flipped over in the cabin, peeling back the metal casing between her and the miniature aether reactor powering the machine. "I can stabilize the engine from here, after that it might be best to send it back."

The technician started working, ensure ensuring that the aether reactor was not going to overload, and that the circuits leading to the melted turret were no longer active.

After a long amount of silence, a loud bang could be heard from inside the Tankette. Than another, than another. After one last hit, the twisted top hatch of the Tankette flung open, stopping halfway on its hinges. The head and shoulders of the technician rose out of the hatch, along with a light stream of smoke, which was dissipating slowly. Scanning the horizon briefly for security, Anastasia pulled herself out of the compromised Tankette, landing on the ground between the Tankette and the cabin. It was in... worse shape than she had hoped, with no sight of the turret around.
YSS Kaiyo

The light arms fire struck the Kaiyo II's turrets, but the srtong armor plating shrugged of most of their potential damage, letting the shots fizz off of their surface. As to be expected, Nerai'tha made quick note of this. "No significant damage to the turret plating, Ma'am. T'is but a scratch. Aether reactos are under inspection as we speak."

Her fingers dartled over the touchscreen, opening and dismissing all sorts of tabs and indicators. "With an OK from the engineering team we'll be ready for whatever maneuvers Kiseki-hei has in mind."


Picket line

The shot struck the Separa's helmet, and while it didn't do any significant damage, the impact alone was strong enough to give his head a good thump. Had he been focussed and ready it wouldn't have fazed him as much, but with his mind distracted by the adorable little chibi in from of him it hit oh so hard, making him flince and reel back reflexively. "Ack!"

After the fight continued, the L'kor advances eventually stopped, and the forward team headed off into the woodlands, leaving Abart as one of the few people left behind to hold the line. His head felt a bit heavier than usual, showing that he wasn't yet used to fighting for such longer periods of time. Now that the advance team had set out, the line had a breif moment of rest, which the tan snakeman gladly made use of.

'Squatting' on the ground behind a tankette, he quickly checked and rearranged his munitions. He'd spent a little over half his capacity, increased by all the storage room under the big ellipsoid shield. "Hmm, well the most common option would be to form a distraction, but against a ship like the Fuji, coming right at them that's not going to do much....." She snek muttered to himself again, unable to kick that habit of his. While he didn't really intend to, the others sure would be able to hear what he was saying. ".....weapons won't do much.....the prisoner?....maybe..... a lure or something.....kinda dirty....."

Not really a direct answer to Eden's question, but it did provide a decent angle on their situation.
Picket Line

Ume kept her fire on the remaining L'Kor near her and Eden, while she let Eden get a bit of a lay of the land. Inwardly she was happy that Eden made a choice to prioritize possibility over doing exactly what they were told, so she spoke up when a plan was needed.

"If it's a star ship, our best option would likely be to get under it from the ground, and while the Kaiyo draws its attention we fly up and board it." The purple neko always loved boarding actions, but she really did feel it would be a good idea.
Picket Line

Sacre moved closer to the damaged tankettle, getting a better medical scanner reading of Barlow. She also went over the personnel that she could reach with her scanner again, making sure that everyone was still ok. While she scanned, she left the weapons that could be controlled by the suit in their auto fire positions. She was more concerned with making sure everyone remained healthy then with personally fighting the battle. She made her report in a cold, calm voice. "There are no severe injuries on the field at this time. If we get the chance to board the gunship, we are in good shape to do so." She was just a Santô Hei, she really didn't have much she could advise on, except medical issues.
Yoshida glanced up- just for a moment before quickly moving down to cover her friend. "I've got it!" There was a small pomf as a dust cloud formed around from her impact to the ground near the tankette- as she had disabled her CFS once more before getting too close. She then quickly turned to watch Anastasia work on her wounded metal steed, frowning slightly. "Need something moved for you? Or uh... Weilded together?" She wasn't exactly confident in her ability to do the latter, but if it was needed she could manage. Or, she thought she could at least.

"Very well, Chusa Hai. I shall help my friends immediately..." Walter responded, and tabbed off the communicator.

He heard the rocketing of engines; the engines of the Plumeria ship he was hired to care and maintain. They're going to fight the enemy ship... He silently wished for the best. The reluctant Walter gives Chlorate a look of regret, and takes off to the picket line.

There are two different kinds of people in this world: those that fear the belligerent, and those who fear the peaceful. You got good reasons to fear the angry meatheads out there, whom will snap at just about anything and slam heads up in some aether engine with no hope of coming out alive. However, some fear the peaceful just because they have no comprehension on the limits to the inner peace of the calm and content, and they hate to see such nice people reach the boiling point.

Walter was simmering with frustration. It isn't even at untold levels of vexation, just enough to ignite a fire that had been starving of fuel: motivation. He cues the Mindy 4 AI to look up the ship that the mysterious AI friend, examining everything about it. "FA4 Grunt edition...Capable of flying fast and submersion... Really hard nose... " He mumbled as he skimmed through the content, dashing at breakneck speed.

Picket Line

Before Walter arrived, he cleared his UI of the virtual documents that plagued his vision. The L'Kor massed in a pile of bodies, strewn all over the earth like revolting icing on a good cake. The two ships hang over the field while people have been getting in groups; especially one group around a smoking tankette. That matchbox is not going to help anybody; even if I help Barlow, at best I can just patch up the armor. It's smoking and it doesn't even have a turret, what good will it do aside from being a bomb?

He spotted a handful of L'Kor corpses not far from him, charged his defunct Aether Sabre, and hacked away at the helmets of the dead PAs! On his knees, he chopped away at the metal casing, chunk by chunk, searing dead flesh, revealing wires and lumps of circuits. He summoned one of his femtomachines, and instructed it to create milligrams of Francium material. The material spontaneously combusted as it was being created, making it into a makeshift tool of sorts. The drone gently heated the metal around the circuits, allowing Walter to pluck them off freely.

Generally, power armors have all of their respected circuits in the same places; the root of this phenomena being general common sense, and how it aligned with every intelligent species. Rather fortunate when you are trying to find spare parts in the last minute, honestly.

"... May the stars above forgive me for this." Walters' prayer only but a murmur. "I am only doing my job." he gets up on his feet and runs off into the forest again.


The engineer ran past the lush scenery, coming back to Chlorate. Given how fit he is, he barely broke a sweat between running back and forth, and grasping at parts in a semi-barbaric fashion, however he knew his job isn't done yet.

"The electric magnetic pulse most likely fried some receptor circuitry in the engine and VTOL maneuvering systems." He told Chlorate as he got closer to the relatively massive drone. "I got some parts from L'Kor power armor that are functionally similar, however it is possible that you will not be able to go as fast as normal, or you may even stutter mid-flight, considering these circuits are just similar. Unless you are a Freespace-born AI or something similar in resilience and adaptability."

Walter walks up on top of the Grunt, whips out a cylinder made of Aluminum, tipped with Copper, and slams it on the green hull, causing the cylinder to buckle and meld with it. "My apologies for desecrating your current form!" He apologized to Chlorate, as he watches a small area around the heating agent glow a little from the heat that it generated. The engineer waited for a few seconds, raised a primed sabre, carved out a hole in the newly-made structural weakness, and proceeded to rip out dead circuits.

Ripping out circuits is the easy part, however adding in new ones is a challenge without proper tools. He only had a fabrication module, a Aether Sabre, and his own intelligence. No special kits or anything of the sort, especially the kind made specifically for the most hardcore of technicians. However, utilizing his fabrication module to fabricate extra wires, Francium as a controlled source of heat, and lead to connect all the wires together, he essentially wired up it together. Albeit, Walter did have to make use of manuals in order to get the correct inputs and outputs.

"Okay Chlorate, fresh ... similar circuits are in place. Are your engines online?" Walter asked the sentient Grunt ship.
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Picket Line

William stood after taking on the enemy L'kor, and he flicked both of his blades dislodging some viscera that clung to it. He looked over to Eden when he heard the request.

The Nepleslian was no strategist, so he was content to listen to the others and go along with the idea that sounded the least suicidal... However, if he was told to do it, he would. He had a duty to Princess Aiko and by extension, the Kaiyo.

The replaced circuits emitted some sparks as she started the ship. She slowly started hovering, though due to the placeholder circuits she was a bit wobbly. Her engines and thrusters would occasionally flicker or even spark, upon when she could visibly be seen wobbling more, though she was managing to stay above the ground. "N... Not in optimal condition, but they are online," the green drone responded. "Thank you. Have the electrical anomalies stopped? Is it still safe here?"
Power Armor Bay

"Get me in hemosynth." The Nekovalkyrja requested. It was already on Care's mind of what to do next. For the moment, Madoka was stable, meaning she could afford to move her without risking further damage. Care gave a simple nod, arms moving to carry her bridal style. Care, herself, was not programmed within a particularly large model, but it had the means to carry people of larger size. Though it did require a shift in balance and change in where her center mass was calculated- The point was that she was capable of carrying her.

Moving through the corridors of the ship, she took what she believed was the most efficient route back to the Medical Bay. Those moving through tended to step aside or cleared the way. Stepping into the near-sterile bay, her pace slowed as she approached one of the available Hemosynth tubes. An awkwardly occupied hand pushed a button on the device, causing the tube to open enough for her to place Madoka within. Closing the tube, she would proceed to start the Hemosynth tubes procedures, allowing the specialized device to 'work its magic.'

Walter scanned around him, standing on the green drone; aside from a few heat signatures here and there, probably that of his crew, nothing stuck out to him like that electric assault did. Even still, his mind was more concerned with the condition of Chlorate. The circuits he found weren't coded in the same format, so he's worried about the possibility of invalid values. On top of this, the circuits were clearly not made to handle the input this vessel provide, judging from the sparking.

A fine example of Nepleslian manufacturing... The sarcastic Hyde thought to himself.

The troubled engineer took a breath, and responded. "No, I don't see any of that nonsense... Although I don't think we should stay here. I doubt any amount of trees will keep you safe here."

He looked toward the clearing, right about where the Cabin is. As much as Walter would prefer to keep Chlorate out of everyone's hair, that option is already out of the window now. "We're going to have to move up to battlefield again. I don't want you in harm's way, but I suppose it's either being shot by stray fire or another direct hit by a electro-magnetic blast. Just don't stand by the Pickett Line, and keep your thrusters off unless you need to move."

Walter looked at the ground, where he threw the piece of hull that he carved out of the Grunt drone; it has been melting away, turning into a puddle by the heating agent that is now melded with it. So much for covering up the hole...

"You should be fine, this fight will hopefully be over soon..." Walter reassured; he patted the hull. He didn't know if Chlorate felt any more assured from the gesture, but it gave him a bit of solace.

"Understood," reported Chlorate. She slowly increased the throttle, which made her thrusters and the circuits spark noticeably. She began to rise above the trees, wobbling in the air. "I seem to be detecting some errors, I do not know if it will hold up... Probability of reaching destination: 78%." At a steady, slower pace, she approached the clearing. "Due to the replaced circuits, this ship's systems are not very stable. Sustaining damage will likely immobilize me again." She started to descend in the clearing, wobbling around, the sparking slowed as she decreased her throttle, however it was still there. Some of the placeholder circuits were getting warm, it seemed they could potentially overheat if Chlorate put too much stress on them.
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