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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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Picket Line

William had been scanning the lines when the L'kor came right where the last group had. He flicked his swords out and held them in a ready stance as he began charging his thrusters.

William's blood boiled and he sneered. "You don't learn your lessons do you? Well let me teach you!" He roared as Mat finished his attack, firing his thrusters at full power and flying right into the enemy. William yelled at the top of his lungs as he began slashing his blades every which way, crashing through L'kor after L'kor as if in a blood fueled rage.

"DIE DIE DIE!" he kept yelling as he tried to cut them all down.
Behind the Front

"I see..." said Chlorate, taking in all the information. "That seems unfortunate... but, would it not be favorable, in that you are not required to put in as much effort due to low probability of equipment being damaged?" Chlorate pondered, quite sure she was missing something. She watched the beam fly through the air in the mean time. She then asked "What does the rest of the infantry do?" It seemed she was not familiar with this topic either.
Landing Zone

Mochi shot a formal and swift mental acknowledgement to Hoshi as he spearheaded the way to the LZ. Reaching the designated area not far from where the picket line had been marked, the Juni's HUD stopped pinging and marked the area as secure for the Kaiyo.

'It's alright honey,' Seino thought back to his lil' wife, crouching to one side of where the Fuji-class ship would inevitably land, surveying the distance for movement. 'It's just a little hectic down-' the Elysian continued, his thoughts filled with reassuring feelings before being cut off suddenly.

He had glanced around for Mat, message trailing off before Mochi's emerald eyes happened across the Minkan engaged in what could only be described as a dance of madness. "Shinomori-hei!" Seino roared down comms uncharacteristically, "What in hell's name are you doing? Follow orders!"

Very rarely did Mochi get angry like this but at this rate things would fall into disarray. Ground command bickered and if people couldn't follow simple commands they would soon succumb to the enemies' greater numbers, superior tactics or no.
Picket Line

When the L'Kor crossed the line Ume began to fire with her SMG in Aether mode, and any that made it past the weapons volley was met with a sword of white flame as she cut and stabbed at them.

Eden's words gave her a rather clear objective now, over power and over run the hostiles. It was indeed a show of strength and easy to understand.

The orders to engage in melee were a surprise, but they were also welcome orders to Ume. She put her SMG on the weapons mount to let it charge and then gripped Ryuha with both hands as the thrusters activated. This time it was only for a moment as she made her stance and then quickly stepped in with a swing, still sharp and accurate, but lacking in power.

She had aimed for the chest of 3 approaching L'Kor to cut only with the tip so her blade did not stop but to try and damage their armor. She followed this up with a second slash and then jumped into the fray. Her composed and meticulously practiced form broke almost instantly, or really it was replaced. She now darted about quickly and delivered blow after blow, all aimed to maim or kill, with no care for appearance, only moving how she needed to deliver enough force.
Behind the Front

The drone did have a point, no doubt about that. Everyone was holding the front against the L'Kor, whom in which are in greater numbers, with sheer firepower and cunning. Although he did hear the Science Officer just yell in fury at Mat just now... Is something going on back there?

Whatever is going on is not of my concern, at least for the meantime. With that thought, the engineer stayed in his newfound position, detaching himself from the slaughter. "Indeed, but if that were the case, I fail to see myself being of use to anyone... To put this into perspective, guarding you has been the most I have ever done in this mission."

Walter decided to move on from that. Chlorate might not mind ending discussion on such a pitiful, although Walter Hyde had standards for conversation. He may as well explain about infantry.

"The infantry are basically a group of infiltrators, as the name implies. They go into enemy territory and wreck havoc, and often do so in different ways. For example, demolition specialists, artillery, assassins, general assault, tanks-" Walter pauses, then clarified with, "Not to be confused with the vehicles, and et cetera. Infantries often have medics and engineers for support, sometimes even battle-ready vehicles for additional utility, firepower, or both. Usually the vehicles, as dictated by military vehicle, tools, and weapons guidelines, are some combination of both aspects."

At this time, midst truly pressing matters such as miscommunication and explosions, Walter figured he should ask Chlorate another question. "Chlorate, may I ask why you are here on Komoberi? Were you made here, or sent here?"
Komorebi - Resupply Route

Meissa didn't have her visual display for all the Infantry up, but she did have her comms chatter tuned in. And she did have everyone on the resupply group's cameras open.

But she didn't even need the visual display. From Mochi's loud exclamation, she knew Mat was doing something excessively stupid.

"And this," Meissa muttered, "the act of trying to play hero, is why Elysia lost every war with Yamatai."
Komorebi Supply

Kikyo didn't say anything for a while as she suddenly unballed herself, picked up her weapon, and ran after her sister down towards the ship. Once she had caught up she matched her pacing exactly, glad that the helmet was covering her tear stained face.

On Meissa's comment, Kikyo looked over to her sister and cocked her head to the side slightly before looking back to where they were going.
Yoshida only gave Eden a single glance, before turning away, and taking a moment to kneel and speak as she switched out her launcher for the aether gattlign rifle. They would be getting into close quarters in a very short few moments, it would not do to spray high explosives and fragments onto comrades. "Ground to Kaiyo, requesting any and all information on current enemy positions, preferably linked straight to our HUD! We'll beable to better engage the enemy if we eyes in the sky."

As she spoke, and her comrades engaged the enemy, she quickly finished swapping out her Aether gattling rifle herself. After a breif spinup, it looked that much more like a retro disco party, mimicing the oldest of cultures. Much like the others, she charged in and kept her head low, dodging from side to side, even up and down. Not really actively dodging incoming fire, but making herself an unpreditctable target.
Behind the Front

"I see..." processed Chlorate again. "I was not programmed here. I was programmed on another planet. I was in a computer, but my creators were attacked and destroyed. I felt compelled to escape, for some reason. I... do not know why. The drone I am in now happened to be nearby, and I decided to upload myself to the drone and fly away from the planet in order to... avoid being destroyed... I do not understand why I was compelled to avoid destruction. Unfortunately I had no map data and did not know where to go next. I detected a star ship and activity at this planet. I calculated a high probability there would be entities here who could help, and when I arrived I discovered the battle currently in progress."
Picket Sign Line

Anastasia first fired onto the enemies, before acknowledging Eden's new orders. The Elysian flicked several switches, but continued to fire until the away team was ready to charge. "Understood, Shosa."

Once the away team charged into close quarters with the L'Kor, Anastasia ceased firing to avoid hitting any individuals. She would only fire if there was a flank or an emergency, or if there was yet another change of orders. It was a hectic battle, both in and out of combat. For now, she sat and waited, scanning the peripherals of the Tankette from time to time.
YSS Kaiyō II

An alert was sounded from the MEGAMI, Boss, as she went through the process of finding a systemic issue with the way the dual aether generators were configured. She didn't have the ability to look into it as her body was working elsewhere on the ship, but she did alert the engineers on board the ship, including the Separa'Shan. She was to report to engineering.


Arbs' turrets hit their marks while Hoshi called out to Asuka.

"Deio-hei!? Help Kokiro-hei and the rest of the grounded away team out!"

Asuka replied over their comms, "Yes, there are some incoming from your South-East! Be prepared for a minor onslaught of ten power armors after this group in front of you. Kaiyō out."

Hoshi got a little alert in her digital mind of the problem in engineering and said over comms, "Any on-board engineers please report to engineering."

Picket Line

Sora's gatling just tore apart the enemies in front of her. Had the L'Kor suits in the cabin have been prototype or improved versions of the armors they were up against now, Eden wondered. She watched the L'Kor fall under her power as well as that of Kaiyō II's away team's ground-crew. She turned her attention to look at Sora again on her digital mind's HUD and noticed the unique way she fought. Hanna's gauss cannon fired round after round, expending her maagzine but taking out seven L'Kor with her prowess and adept marksmanship. Eden then saw Hanna throw a flash bang and nodded towards the other Neko, though Hanna was strikingly different than most of the others in Mindy as she sported a long, armored tail. The effect of the flashbang that Hanna had turned from was that many of the L'Kor were startled and raised their arms to their faces for a moment. Everyone fighting the L'Kor just then had a great advantage.

Her attention turned to Matsuvo. Damn it Matsuvo, you just can't help yourself, Eden mused. She said nothing, letting Iemochi take care of his insubordination however he saw fit. She sent a little chibi of herself as she jumped into the fray further and slashed and ripped and tore through L'Kor. The chibi was of herself giving a thumbs up to Iemochi and then she re-focused on the task at hand: sending chibi to every soldier that was a part of ground operations. This one was smiling and moving side to side on the bottom right of their HUD. Then, it disappeared and the vitals of each individual's armor was shown once again.

William's offensive melee strike was exactly what Eden was hoping for. Some part of her wondered if this maneuver would kill him. Part of her also knew it would. They were about to teleport and she needed to be sure that everyone was ready for it, even if they couldn't teleport themselves.

She began shouting to prepare for teleportation beyond the line. They would be the L'Kor currently there fighting in melee combat as well as dying from Mat's heroic deed that defied orders.

Eden had said, "Go behind them and skewer them in a million ways, then thrust up and turn your attention to the L'Kor that the sensors operator Deio-hei just told us about!" We should then be 40 kilometers from the ground and firing down on them past the barrier of trees that the weapons operator Iemochi-hei created for us. Teleporting," Eden said after ripping into a L'Kor and finding that the majority of the enemy had taken a step back. "Now!"

She was on the other side of them now and before the opposers in front of her could turn around, she began slaying at them on what the Neko in the gym sometimes referred to as "Beast Mode" while she waited for the others. She tried to concentrate on all of the members of the away team, but contenders like Ume couldn't be focused on as she was moving so rapidly. Five L'Kor dropped, though, because of Ume.

Near Water

There was a tingle through the air for an instant before a flash of light moved from one tree to another around Walter and Chlorate. Then there was another and another, getting closer to the duo.

Near Mushrooms

Jax and Leeta would notice the sparking off in the distance as Chlorate was attacked by the electricity pulsing through the air.

YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

Boss's blue-haired tan-skinned sprite body moved through the PA bay and began assisting those incoming. Meanwhile, the armory to the starboard-bow side of the power armor bay was opened by Peio Muyomi and the infantry Neko stepped back to let others in first.

"Madoka, where is she?" Boss asked Meissa. "She was injured," Boss added informatively. She then sought all medical personnel still on the ship. "Medical personnel, report to power armor bay. Suit up if that's required for your body."
YSS Kaiyo II - Power Armor Bay

"Right over..." Meissa got distracted as the little chibi Eden walked across her screen.

"Right over there." Meissa sent coordinates to Boss and all medics, while clipping on six fresh blocks of explosives, setting those detonators to a new wavelength, while grabbing a new gun for...sigh...Mat.

She moved to the edge of the bay, and basically fell out of the ship. A little burst of CFS and a Mindy flying off and hovering a distance away with two guns in her arms.
YSS Kaiyo II

Arbles simply kept at her work, though the effective field of fire diminished as the infantry advanced further.

Komorebi Surface
Sora smirked as a miniature Eden danced across the bottom portion of her screen. I should make one of those... Oh! A moment after she had noticed the flash of Hanna's grenade, the various stunned L'kor quickly found themselves effectively torn in half by the firepower. When she got the order to teleport, Sora disabled her barrier module-she needed the energy for this action, and the steam radiating from the air flash-re-boiling its water vapor was a significant indication that she should, literally cool down.

Ah, what the hell, this was a good old-fashioned flank. Exploding into existence on Eden's left once more, the tower-like woman took a knee and armed her LASR, using her until-then forgotten gauss cannon to blast away at targets on her left, while the Service Rifle took out anything ahead and slightly to the right-keeping in account the executive blender that Eden was.
Behind the Front

Chlorate made a single beep in surprise. She quickly reported "Warning. Sensors detect multiple visible light anomalies in proximity. Anomalies seem to be getting closer." She readied her thrusters, but she realized she would not be very good at getting a closer look considering the size of her drone. As she attempted to scan the area, she asked "Walter, do you know what those are?" Chlorate was alert now, constantly watching the flashes surrounding them.
YSS Kaiyō II

An alarm.

Cailey's neck nearly snapped as the tall Separa'Shan glanced at the nearest speaker. ALL on-board engineers? Surely that was a bit much, she thought to herself, though she had been so enveloped in her work on an Automata that she hadn't paid any attention to the current happenings. Taking a quick breath, Cailey set down her tools and began to quickly slither through the halls, straightening her cap and making sure her useless skirt looked presentable.

Softly touching her sidearm to make sure she had not forgotten it, Cailey's face hardens and she reaches Engineering, hearing along the way about the issue in the dual aether generators. She partially knew how to fix an error like that, proficient in both the software and hardware aspects of machines like that. Yes, she knew she would do great, and impress her superiors! Her work would get her many promotions! Probably!

Before even bothering to listen to what anyone had to say, Cailey was saluting and "standing" straight and tall. So proper.
Picket Line

Ume smiled at the sight of the chibi. She realized it meant that they were about to execute their plan. In light of that information, Ume activated the thrusters on her sword, but rather than waiting, she continued to swing as the velocity built up, restraining herself from the lightning strike slashes that she performed earlier and contained it to just high-speed constant slashes.

However, that was not the end of her play. at the call for teleport, Ume activated the thrusters on her suit and rocketed backward and send a warning to all those in the battle. It displayed on everyone's HUD like a flight path that cut through the horde and rose into the sky, it was marked with do not enter.

Any confuse was answered immediately as Ume's sword let out a roar, and with smooth motion, she swung horizontal, or rather she three the sword forward like a giant disc. The thrusters only accelerated and in the blink of an eye, the weapon turned into a white hot plane of aether that flew into the crowd, following the flight path Ume dictated as it generated its own lift.

The blade was not lost though as it reached the end of the path, Ume appeared out of a teleport, catching the blade with the assistance of her suit's AI, and countless hours of practice. There was not enough energy to use the thrusters anymore without a recharge. Ume let our her remaining five missiles into the back of the L'Kor, and drew her gun to lay down sweeping fire.
Behind the Front

The Minkan, tinged with a growing fear, held up his aether-sabre in anticipation, eyeing the sparks of lightning. He controlled his breathing, and summoned the courage that was always primed and ready within his beating heart.

"I don't have a lot of ideas, but the notion of something wicked definitely comes to mind..."

Walter spins around, trying but failing to keeping track of the movements of the anomalies. He had no idea what they are capable of, but he knew Chlorate is weaponless, and he has a scalpel for spaceships that he has trouble aiming. The Minkan's courage began to wither, his heartbeat increased within each passing second as he assessed the situation.

Doubts had arisen within the mind of Walter Hyde.

`This was all just a bad idea, this isn't even what I was trained for! Why am I even out here with the infantry, I'm a engineer!`

`Who the hell cares, I need to THINK OF SOMETHING! ANYTHING WOULD DO!'

The engineer tried to come up with a good plan, and... Well, he isn't a tactician, by his standards. But despite every primal instinct telling him to run, he knew he'd be doing everyone a service by being tougher than nails, braver than lions, if he stayed where he stood, and calmly assessed the situation.

"... It can be a few possibilities. It doesn't appear to be the mythical anti-aether anomaly that the crew mentioned, but one can't tell for certain." Walter began, explaining his thoughts, albeit his tone is a little shaky. His mentally commands the PA's AI to send a alert to Faye, whom has been watching his perspective for a while... At least the hopeful Hyde is hoping she still is, so she can see what he is seeing right now. "It may a bombardment weapon of some sort, or maybe a rudimentary teleport... For our sake, I hope it's a teleport."

"... I think it may also be in our best interests to get moving. Now.", Walter added.
Mat left behind his position now, and teleported behind the L'kor masses. He punched one in the back of the neck and then stole its Aether saber and Aether rifle, both of which seemed to be perfectly effective.

Mat then began to carve his way through the back lines of the enemy, saber slashes punctuated by Aether rifle blasts.

As he made his way though the crowd he ended up near Sora and Eden.

As he turned his head to give a greeting a blast approached him from behind. Only a suit warning, a quick teleport calculation and his reflexes saved him from a direct hit as he teleported next to the L'kor who shot at him, the Aether blade materializing through its chest.

He yanked the saber to the side and left the L'kor to presumably fall into two pieces.
YSS Kaiyō II
Power Armor Bay

As the doors to the power armor bay slid open, Hanna cringed as a dancing chibi appeared on her HUD. She did not appreciate such frivolous distractions in the heat of battle. People were wounded and the teams were outnumbered. If Hanna was going to die, she wanted her HUD to light up with the flash of her weapon, not with the distraction of a cartoon. After ordering her AIES to disable all chibi-based communications unless they were essential to the success of the mission, Hanna turned off her suit's turbo aether plasma engines and floated into the power armor bay.

Hanna Madsen restocked her gauss cannon ammunition, flashbang grenades, and her armor's power supply. After all systems on her armor were refreshed, Hanna sprinted out of the power armor bay and flew out towards the picket line and the heat of battle...


As she flew in the air, Janna Madsen shot out her entire missile payload. She smiled as the chibi appeared in her HUD, indicating that it was time for her to teleport behind the L'Kor. Once she phased into existence, Janna sighted her LASR and fired round after round of lethal tungsten at the L'Kor towards the southeast.

After a short period of burst fire, Janna threw a fragmentation grenade towards the advancing armors, indicating the estimated landing point to her squad mates in her HUD.
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Picket Line

William hoped that if Rei could see, that she would be proud of his swordsmanship. He sliced down L'kor after L'kor, using his Twin Dragon art form near flawlessly. As he heard Eden begin her teleportation, he cursed silently to himself, thinking of what to do. He had no teleportation unit...

He smirked, and went with the simplest option. He kicked the L'kor closest to him and jumped into the air and fired his thrusters, vaulting backwards out of the maelstrom. As he flew, he spun and landed towards the group once more and charged back at them, his blades a flurry of motion.
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