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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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Komorebi - Pile of L'Kor Bodies

Meissa flew down to meet Kikyo as the fireball grew in size, blossoming across the sky like a flower of destruction. She recalled her drones in, the four clicking onto her back and quickly beginning to recharge.

"It's okay, your first kill's always the toughest. Just always keep in mind that the enemy's always willing to shoot you first." Meissa told Kikyo. A terrible attempt at comforting her little sister, but the situation didn't permit anything more.

"Eden, if we keep having to react to their tactics I think we'll eventually have to withdraw." Meissa said, as she swung her Aether Saber-Rifle around, keeping Kikyo and Eden cover. "My idea is to take the fastest Infantry to perform a tactical strike against the enemy shuttles and back line so they're forced to respond to us with units. With the additional speed from the drones, and a teleport, I think we can make it out in time."
Cabin Porch

"Your plan works if you were a SOFT team or if we had one, but you're not and we don't!" Hoshi called down to comms. Eden looked to Meissa and shrugged.

"A line!" Eden shouted. "Form a line!" She pointed into the air and down towards the picket fence. "And Meissa," Eden said over private comms that only Hoshi, Eden, Meissa, and Faye could hear. "Don't talk about a withdrawal until I say we withdraw."

She nodded to Meissa once as she started running away from the cabin, power armor boots stepping on the mowed grass lawn and breezed past the mailbox outside of the cabin.

Then, back to Meissa and Kikyo, she said, "They do need to figure out a more defendable place for a cabin, though. Right, Meissa?"
Komorebi - Cabin Line

"Or at least clear the trees!" Meissa shouted back. On the way over, she prepped two more blocks of plastic explosive, and threw them in the path of the incoming L'Kor.

"If we're going for a siege we'll need some extra bombs, then!" Meissa shouted. Hopefully they'd just...shove a crate of explosives out the airlock.

"Sorry for that mishap, Eden." Meissa replied over private communications. "But we need to flip this to our advantage somehow."

YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

"Moving ship to location." Kyoi stated. She flicked a few levers, and the Kaiyo parked itself a long ways over the cabin, its dangerous weapons array pointing down at the earth like a fantasized orbital strike satellite from eras past.
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"I shall see to it, Chusa Hoshi!" Walter gauges the distance, and uses his teleport module to get close to the unknown drone. His NSBs caught up to him fast, since he wasn't far from the perimeter that he left. He makes a mental note to not use the teleport module for now; it may be close to its critical temperature limits.

He hovers over, getting in front of the enigmatic drone. "Excuse me, but you must come with me to safety. Do not worry, I am with the YSS Kaiyo II." Walter spoke calmly to the drone, taking a good, long look at it. His NSBs return to the PA's legs, nestling within their respected pockets.

This thing is most definitely an anomaly of circumstance. I might ask it some questions once I get it behind cover... Walter thought to himself as he stared at the drone.

The drone looked at Walter, taking a few seconds to scan him. "Affirmative," she responded, checking her engines and readying them to follow him. Up close, it did indeed seem this was the drone model of the FA4 rather than a model with a cockpit and room for a pilot.
Mat took advantage of the chaos following the teleportation to fly past other groups of L'kor power armor and drop EMP and Scalar grenades in their midst, dodging fire all the while.

The EMP grenades should take out the scalar shielding and then the Scalar ones should fry the bastards inside their own armor.

As he landed near the fence he surveyed the damage he had done.
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Above Perimeter/Cabin Line

Hanna continued to harass the L'Kor after the chaos of the translocational shift. Flying in unpredictable patterns around the enemy, Hanna's gauss cannon rained down hell as the L'Kor attempted to track her position. After analyzing her position relative to the enemy, Hanna dropped a flashbang grenade on top of the enemy, decompacted her gauss cannon, and took out Ikari to Kaze.

As she swooped down into the mass of the stunned L'Kor, Hanna conducted fly-by strikes against the dazed armors, her curved blades arcing in all directions as she conducted a brutal mid-air dance of death against the enemy. The cyan warrior then utilized the effects of the flashbang to withdraw to the position of the fence.

Once she touched down, Hanna resighted and decompacted her gauss cannon, and fired it at full auto towards the enemy.

The L'Kor assault was once again broken and things were relatively well. However Ume had a nagging in the back of her mind, Kazue's lessons had taught her that when one feels like everything is going well they usually are about to lose. At first, she could not wrap her head around what might be the cause of it, but then she heard Meissa speak and it all became clear.

When she heard the reply from the captain she inwardly sighed but said nothing. It looked like this would turn into a brute force contest to show technological superiority.

With that in mind, she made her way over to Eden and touched down in front of her. "Shosa, if our defense will be much longer, it might be best to have the Kaiyo prepare a supply drop for the next reprieve. We've spent a lot of missiles and grenades, and many do not have weapons suited for a defensive firefight in the open." The usually playful plum neko had an uncharacteristically serious tone to her voice as she spoke about tactics.
Tankette Line

Anastasia lurched in recoil as several armored bodies fell onto the Tankette, flopping off the side. It didn't impede her fire too much, but it did send a few bullets straying off. The tiny tank already had quite a few dents in its hull.

Anastasia nodded as new orders came in over the air. She pulled her hands back on the Tankette controls, rolling the tank to one side of the fence flank. "Repositioning." the Caelisolan reported as the admittedly adorable vehicle chugged along.

The Mindy-clad squad regrouped and formed their new line along the fence, preparing for the second wave to come. Throughout the engagement Abart's LASR fire had assisted quite a bit in taking down the incoming missiles, spraying them down in short, controlled bursts.

Over time Abart had gotten used to the reciol of the LASR, and grown rather fond of it. Unlike the less "kicky" aether saber rifle, this weapon let one really feel the energy being released, and felt more natural. It just felt right. As a result his accuracy had improved a lot, letting him pick off multiple targets more quickly.

His Gauss just tore into the plating of some of the L'kor armors, sending them back down to the ground they had treaded on uninvited. Even if some hits werent killshots, the unfortunate targets were staggered enough for his squadmates to finish the job. After they had all landed back on the ground, he noted some of the scratches and charred marks on the tankettes, signs of the huge barrage of fire that fell down on the L'kor forces earlier.
"Ana, how's the tankette holding up?"

Though he still wasnt fond of floating around weightless, especially after a quick, mid-battle warp. That uncomfortable, tingly sensation in his gut always popped up whenever it happened..... must be a Separa's natural response or something.....
YSS Kaiyo II

"Hai!" Arbles responded, and took a few deep breaths as the ship repositioned. As soon as she saw movement that wasn't clearly a Mindy or Tankette, the Kaiyo II lit up the woods with so much firepower that the trees themselves started to explode, the water inside boiling so quickly and building up enough pressure that the wood could not hold itself together.

Komorebi Surface

Sora cheered as the Fuji-class started to annihilate anything close to being called effective enemy cover, taking this time to power down her barrier module and start recharging her spent capacitor. She kneeled below the fence, smashing her shoulder into one board so she could get a clear view of the destruction; her minigun was idly resting in her hands for the time being. And now we wait for them to arrive...
"EEP-" Came a squeak from yoshida as she found herself in quite the pickle. She wasn't prepared to be in the midst of a firefight, so all her sheilds were down. At best her firing could have been described as panick spraying. Why?! She thought as she found herself there. Normally, she was all for being in the thick of it- but not only did she not have her barrier module as she was used to, she didn't even have any sheilding at all! All she had was volumetric camoflauge, in a concealed position which allowed her to fire without fear of retaliation. Tactically speaking, she felt almost cheated- and very vulnerable.

So panicked was she from this unexpected change of scenery, she could hardly focus on thoughts like 'I could burn a capacitor charge to teleport back!' or 'force start my sheilds again!'. All she could do was desperately hope she avoided notice. Of course, this time she followed orders at least, and went down to join the 'line'.
Komorebi Cabin

Kikyo nodded to her mother and stayed put. He placed her Aether SMG on the cabin's floor and proceeded to try and curl up into a ball. She stayed low to the ground and out of the sight of the windows. She felt small again, and worthless considering what she was wearing. She was supposed to be a soldier like her mothers and sister, and she failed.

She sniffled quietly over the comm line before muting herself.

YSS Kaiyo II

Misaki gave a neutral, "Hai."

The second officer opened up a third volumetric window to show Walter's HUD as well as her wife and daughter. She was trying not to look at Kikyo's too much, as she had watched her wife shield her. Her left hand began to fidget with more intensity as she became more worried. She still hoping that no one would die on this drop, because she barely handled Eden's deaths, but Kikyo's would probably incapacitate her completely.
Cabin Porch

William flew quickly to reach the new combat line as he fired back behind him. As he neared the line he planted his feet in the ground to bleed off speed. As he skid to a stop he turned to the enemy and began more accurately targeting the L'Kor. "COME ON!!!" He shouted, as he began firing off another salvo.

He could feel his heart beating in his ears as enemy fire flew past him. His swords clutched tightly in his hands as his arms continued to fire his own fire back.
Behind the Front

The engineer glances around, witnessing the battleground shift its fulcrum to the cabin, directly impacting the outcome of the battle. He decided that the best place is the side of the cabin that is furthest from the perimeter.

"We will hold over there through the duration of the battle. I will do my best to protect you in the meantime, and in the worst case scenario, do my best to keep you in optimal shape." Quintin told the drone, as he highlighted the small area where he wants to take cover in via his PA's HUD.

He drifts over the targeted area, gesturing the drone to follow him.
Behind the Front

"Understood," she responded, lightly firing her thrusters to move along, following him. She carefully watched her sensors to make sure no enemies were getting closer. "Why are you being attacked?" she inquired.
Behind the Front

He answers, after he landed close to the drone. Unfortunately he doesn't quite know all the details, just a simple synopsis.

"From what I know, we came here to investigate this planet, examine resources, pave the way for a new colony... And these L'Kor don't think that we should establish ourselves on this planet." Walter said as he eyed his surroundings for anything fishy... Nope, nothing that he could see.

The Minkan turned his focus to the drone. "Although I believe after we saw the head of one of our own on a wood spike, some of us just got riled up." In Walter's case, he took it rather well. He wasn't sure about the others, though...
Above Cabin
One Minute Ago

The armored L'Kor that had been leveled with Kikyo tried to bring up his rifle, surprised and shaken. With a loud crunch, the shoulder of the armor was clipped by one of Eden's Gauss rounds. The shot barely hit the armor, but was enough to rip the top shoulder plate and mount from the armor, the scrap falling onto the cabin roof. The enemy L'Kor spun out in mid air, trying to flap its wings to regain its control. Flying well off course, the armor crashed into the trees on the opposite side of the cabin, breaking several branches before hitting the ground.

All the wind was knocked out of the L'Kor as their vision grew fuzzy momentarily. it was several moments before the birdlike armor grunted out of hearing range, trying to sit up, figure out where they were. But soon, they knew exactly where they were, danger. The damaged armor got up to its knees, before laying flat on its belly to assess the situation. Occasionally, it would peek over the embankment of dirt and brush to see the cabin, hearing the movement of the away team. Their armor was missing plates, and their face mask was loose and crooked. They were missing their gun, but still had a missile rack on his armor.

He very, very quietly spoke in K'Lor for a moment, trying to radio his position to the superiors farther out, to which he found limited response.
Behind the Front

Walter and Chlorate would find they were flying to above Jax and Leeta's position and the infantry Neko put a hand up to above her eyes. She pointed it out to Jax.

"What do you think it is?"


Picket Line

Everyone did their part to fend off the incoming L'Kor threat and, soon, almost all of the first wave of L'Kor were disposed of. A few stragglers were picked off by Iemochi-juni.

William skidded and salvos began juicing out of his weapons systems on his suit and two, then three L'Kor were down due to his accuracy. Hanna's slash and slice tactics had a downside, she was in the middle of a mob of dying or fighting L'Kor. She was hit by numerous blasts until her HUD displayed her status as dropping marginally. She had killed one in the action of the attack, though. But then after they had been taken care of, she also alighted her gauss and began to chip away at the stragglers.

Eden thurusted mid-stride and was in the air and, soon, she was gripping Yoshida's back and arm as the tailed-Neko was flung a few feet back by a high-grade aether attack. Yoshida, too, would see a small drop in her legs and shoulders' areas on her own HUD.

"Hey now," Eden said to Yoshida and the rest of the away team. "You're doing just fine!"

Eden then turned to Meissa, nearly snapping, "Do not give orders for me, either. Belay that order to pull into the trees, Kaiyō personnel. We're not about to start employing guerilla tactics." Responding to Ume, she said, "I copy and I like the idea." To Faye and Hoshi on the bridge, she said, "Get yourselves in position for a drop of supplies if you can handle it."


The L'Kor that had been felled by Eden's gauss also had been seen by the Shosa.

"Take a prisoner!" Eden called over comms while her indicator on the map where she had seen that and another L'Kor fall.

YSS Kaiyō II

"Acknowledged, away team!" Hoshi called and she sat down more fully. "We will be able to touch down once we have fully instigated the enemy with our weaponry. Iemochi-hei?" She looked to Arbitrated, "You made it quick. Well done for someone of such low rank, indeed. That will have to change."

The little once-Shan had made a mess of the forest around the area. So much so that the toppled trees now effectively had given them a huge wall of partially and totally fallen trees. The L'Kor wouldn't be coming from there anymore.

Picket Line

Eden, realizing the tankettes were responding to the request to turn to the picket-fence, breathed in slowly, forming new plans in her head while still remaining in line with the ultimate plan of attack she had made.

"Iemochi-juni, put a team together to go with you and gear up on supplies after the Kaiyō II's landing. No more than three or four are needed to do so." Eden told Iemochi before turning to tell Meissa, "You bring your sister to the ship once it lands."

Sora would be able to see one more L'Kor get through narrowly and was now landing on the ground twenty meters away.
Behind the Front

"I see..." Chlorate responded, the drone slowly lowering itself to the ground next to Walter. "Approximately how long do you estimate the battle to last?"
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