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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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Since she did not have any NSB launchers equipped, Hanna Madsen used her forearm submachine gun to shoot down the red and yellow marked missiles. The weapon had an extremely fast rate of fire, so it would be perfect for shooting down the small and fast moving targets. After jumping onto the porch of the cabin with her sister, Hanna sighted her gauss cannon, and fired it at the L'Kor embedded within the forest.

"Solid Volumetrics activated!", Hanna said as she refocused her attention on the missiles.


Janna's NSBs began to launch out of her dorsal slot, firing at the missiles as they went. Janna took a few more shots at the shuttles with her LASR before she redirected her firepower towards the L'Kor within the depths of the forest. Janna also took steps to activate her solid volumetrics before assigning missile targets to her NSBs.
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Komorebi Surface
Tankette Line

Walter, a little late to the NSB party, released his fair share of small drones into the air as he worked on the last "control agent". In which case, it just saved him from a few stray missiles coming right for him! However he remained oblivious as he worked.

He equipped each control agent into the empty slots where his Type 31's used to be, and got up from the ground as he looked around him. Walter, while he made his control agents, didn't see the enemy drop from their shuttles. Fortunately he quickly got a general idea where the enemy is based on where they were shooting, and fires a few shots from his sabre-rifle.

The minkan was pretty sure he did not hit a soul.
Tankette Line

The machine gun of the Tankette continued firing upon the dropping enemy armors, disrupting and damaging those that got hit. As the air dropped reinforcements dipped below the tree line, Anastasia stopped firing.

She took the moment to position the Tankette behind some of the shields that had been created, turning the treaded beast on a dime to five the most cover. As the enemy armor started peeking, weaving in and out of the dense trees, the machine gun started firing again in bursts, pinning down some armors.
US? Needing Artillery support? Yoshida wondered, bewildered. Even as her NSBs she released from her leg pods quite some time ago joined in the destruction of the oncoming missiles. "I AM the artillery support!" Yoshida yowled as she hefted her type 33 grenade launcher. As The enemy armors had been approaching, she had taken the time to switch out her aeher gattling rifle for said launcher. She quickly set up, relying primarily on volumetric camoflauge rather than sheilding, and partial concealment granted by the jungle. It was then, that she began firing at an arc into the oncoming armors. Soon, it would be raining high explosive on their position. Hopefully with very little warning that it was coming- after all they were not quite so visible as missiles.
Komorebi - Zombie Mode Tankette Line

"Eden!" Meissa called out as she ducked behind one of the tankettes. "I don't think volumetric armor will work! We won't have our CFS to help us if we use solid volumetrics!"

Mobility here was key to success, and while Sora's idea was...acceptable, it was by no means a good one. It would be better to shoot down and dodge the incoming missiles rather than put up a phalanx and trudge through it. Volumetric armor was weak and would break after one to two hits from the missiles. CFS made an armor fast, and they could dodge the missiles, giving them more effective armor.

"Thank you for getting it too, Yoshida..." Meissa mumbled.
Mat used his longer ranged accelerated plasma rifle to attempt to pick off the missiles before they posed a risk. Hopefully a couple of good shots could cause a chain detonation in the swarm of missiles.

When the missiles got closer, he switched from targeting specific missiles to sweeping the beam across them like a slashing sword, in an attempt to hit more of them.
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Ume wanted to rush into the forest at the landing ships and try to ambush them, but if she was the only one to do it, even she would not survive, so she held off from doing so and held the line.

When the armors came out of the forest the first thing Ume did was concentrate her Photonic emitters in front of her, and create a 3 layer wall in front of her to use as cover.

Right after that, instead of releasing her NSB, she fired a small salvo of 3 Ke-M2-W2907-ARMA missiles into the middle of the engagement, but above them all. The missiles would create a burst of aether and chaff that would mess with the targeting systems of the incoming missiles, hopefully enough to reduce their numbers.

It was then that Ume released her NSB drones, high into the sky while everyone was distracted and sent them to fly over head and into the tree canopy, where they would begin firing down on the L'Kor to try and shake up their ranks.

As the NSBs made their move Ume concentrated fire with her SMG to shoot down as many missiles as she could while covered by her wall.
Tankette Line

As the enemy still bore down on them from a far distance, Meissa's detonated block of explosive just added to the chaos of the situation. Explosives detonated all around them and it reminded Eden of a fireworks display in front of her eyes, like at Kikyō No Sekku.

“Keep firing on—“ she was stopped in her tracks by the sound and what showed on her HUD as a direct hit on one of the armors, Reina Madoka’s. After a pause, she continued, “—The missiles!” Muyomi Peio had been shooting out the missiles and had to jump out of the way of an incoming missile. Cat-like reflexes and gymnastics training and abilities beyond the level of prowess, she was able to land a backflip with perfect execution. She then knelt to the ground and called out sheepishly to the team.

“I have our back with my new position while some of you cover the front!”

Eden swiveled her gun on her shoulder, continuing to fire at missiles. She heard Meissa and nodded then nodded to Iemochi after registering his input, thinking quickly… But quickly enough, she didn’t know. Within a handful of seconds, the missiles had ceased, though. Likely because of their inability to get past the Kaiyō personnel’s defenses. It was also because of Ume’s quick thinking on skewing the sensors with chaff, Mat's sword-like array of weapon fire, and Hanna's SMG penetrating the offenses of the L'Kor. Even Walter had helped, if not marginally, he had helped!

It was a second later that the un-downed L’Kor flew in and pushed towards the Kaiyō personnel’s line. Eden watched several of them fall or falter from those that had begun to shoot on the L’Kor themselves. The tankette had begun to take out individual armors as well as some of the away team like Yoshida, who was really just blazing away with her grenade launcher at the missiles. The majority of the L’Kor then reached their line and flew upwards and Eden spoke out.

“Teleport thirty meters towards the perimeter. Let them shoot at dirt!” She then set it up so that every member of the away team in armor could see what she meant. For those that couldn’t listen within two seconds and trigger their own teleportation units would be moved to a half-ring around the center of the embankment towards the southern tip of the cabin, but mid-air. That way they would have a good vantage point on the L'Kor closer to the ground and be able to fire on them with ease and peace of mind knowing exactly where the tankettes were and not to hit them. Meanwhile, the tankettes were told to fire on the likely second wave still in the forest, where they were already pointed.

Eden also called out to everyone a second time while she was in-between teleporting and being in one place, "Fire on the L'Kor PA in the forest, tankettes!! Rest of you, fire carefully to avoid the tankettes and Reina-hei, thrust up and don't teleport or you could get hurt and find Sutahira-hei!"
YSS Kaiyo II

Arbles continued to track the various armors with her array of lighter cannons, but was holding fire on orders for the time being. Her finger danced around the trigger, almost eager to blast part of this forest into atoms.

Ground Battle

With the reposition order, holding the solid light barriers was goigg to be impossible and useless. Sora primed her teleporter, tapping into a capacitor as she simultaneously powered up the barrier module attached to her back. As she effectively exploded into her new location via the teleportation, the archangel shouted a battle cry, her aether-spewing Maw tearing through anything and everything at such a close range.
Komorebi - Tankette Line

"Warping!" Meissa shouted, as her body was taken out of existence, and shunted to another area in existence.

She exited teleport a little bit above the L'Kor formation, and as she did, her dispatched drones flew to the four corners of the L'Kor deathball, beginning to fire into the swarm. She flung another block of plastic explosive into the L'Kor, hitting the detonator when it reached their midst. Her Aether Saber-Rifle lit up the air as it tore into the enemy, blast after blast of Aetheric laser not so much aiming for anything specific, but sweeping the air to swat them out of the sky. Hopefully the grenadiers would start airbursting them down.

"Suck Aether, barbaric heathens!" Meissa shouted in Seraphim, placing an arm next to the Saber-Rifle, and firing her Aether Projection Weapons into the enemy as well.
Tankette Line

Once the missiles had stopped coming, Hanna sighted her gauss cannon and continued to fire it at the advancing L'Kor before activating her teleportation unit. As she phased into existence above the L'Kor, Hanna initiated a strafing run against the enemy, firing her gauss cannon at full auto as she activated her energy cloak shield projector for extra protection.

While her focus was solely on the battle at hand, Hanna did not fail to notice Seraphim being yelled out over the comms.


Once, Janna Madsen had recalled her NSBs, she teleported along with the rest of the armor team. Utilizing her height advantage, Janna targeted her leg and shoulder missile pods towards the L'Kor and fired a lethal airborn barrage at them.

After hearing the orders, Ume kept up her photonic wall as she powered up her teleportation module. It only took a few seconds, but she did not want to expose herself during that time.

Once it was powered up she teleported to the specified location. Now that they were in fairly close range, the plum samurai switched over to aether mode on her weapon, the range was reduced, but she still had several hundred meters to work with. She rained down fire on the L'Kor, targeting their heads and chest to put them out of commission as fast as she could.

She did not recall her NSB though, instead, she left them to harass the L'Kor in the forest. Maybe she could get them to jump out of cover and into tank fire, and maybe she could just hold them back from organizing a powerful counteroffensive.
Mat teleported with the rest of the group, hovering above the L'kor forces. He unleashed missile after missile and plasma shot after plasma shot into them.

"This is what you get for trying to hurt my friends!"
Komorebi Surface

Walter groaned a little on the inside. As selfish as the thought is, he would have preferred to not be an active fighter on the field. Although he had only once choice: follow orders.

He regrouped his NSBs back into their little pockets in the PA's legs, and calculated his trajectory. "Affirmative, warping now!", responded the Minkan, as he thrusts himself through space-time, and teleported himself in the approximate area where Eden pointed out on their HUDs.

Walter unleashes his drones once again, and picks off each L'Kor one by one, shooting and slicing, while having half of his NSBs giving him supporting fire. He ordered the other half of his NSBs to watch the YSS Kaiyo II, in case he spots any damage to the ship.

However, as he glanced to the perspective of the NSBs watching the ship, he also noticed an odd straggler. A lone drone was hovering by the ship, which Walter thought was kinda on the large side. This, and it didn't appear to be a fresh drone made from Star Army tech to him.

Hm? What is that drone, and why is it here, of all places?, the Minkan thought to himself. He then spoke up, loudly and clearly to address his concerns. "There is a unknown drone hovering by the YSS Kaiyo II, and it looks suspicious. Shall I engage?"
"Chusa! Reina-Hei has taken serious damage!" Faye called out to Hoshi as the the initial report reached her terminal. "Interrogating for a full damage report now!" Her terminal began to feed the data of where the damage was located as well as the severity. She also watched Reina's life signs closely and noted the changes for debrief later.
Komorebi Surface

William concentrated on taking down as many missiles as he could, both forearm cannons firing. As the missiles barrage ceased, he held his swords in the ready position, but then heard Eden' s orders to teleport away. "Damn..." William thought aloud. His armor did not have that capacity, and even if it did he wasn't instructed on how to use it. He had no choice but to rum for it. "Please cover me!" The boy requested as he fired his thrusters and flew quickly to make it to the new position.

He fired his forearm cannons as he flew and stayed low to the ground. "Come on, come on...!" He said, as if trying to will the armor to go faster.
Komorebi Surface

Mochi fumbled for his teleport, hitting the jump just in time. Going on the offensive was a good idea, the enemy had cover in the trees while they were at a disadvantage in the open. However, the tankettes wouldn't be able to weather much fire at this rate without the Mindies bodyblocking.

Deploying his leg NSBs for cover as he came out of the jump, an idea sparked in his head - they can make their own cover. Grabbing a gas grenade from his chassis, Mochi threw it towards the majority of the force. Hopefully even if the gas didn't affect them directly it would provide indirect cover for the tankettes and hopefully them.
Yoshida grinned madly as the L'kor flew upwards. Towards the grenades she had fired at them in a steep arc. Normal grenades surely wouldn't have done much at that point, but by default, the munitions from the type 33/35 were set to airburst mode. It would be as if they were receiving flak rounds from above from their perspective likely. Yoshida tehn debated on wether or not it was a good idea for her to join the others- she was relying primarily on her stealth to avoid being shot at all together currently. It would almost certainly blow her cover to join them, and she would no longer beable to fire with impunity on the oncoming L'kor using her team's information on precisely where they all were.

She hoped Eden wouldn't yell at her for it, but for the moment, she opted to stay put, and readied the teleport for the moment she was shot at. Untill that moment came, if it even would, she opted to continue the barrage, and hope they wouldn't locate her position.
Komorebi Surface

Kikyo looked to Meissa while she teleported, cocking her head while gripping her rifle. The newbie soldier set her teleportation coordinates to the same height as her sister but about three and a half feet to her back and left. She materialized as Meissa screamed in her language. Kikyo felt her grip tighten on her rifle, a tinge of fear running through her spine as she tried to mimic her sister by shooting at the L'Kor armors.

She leveled her SMG at one of the open L'Kor and felt her hand go over the trigger, though suddenly she felt cold. Her hands trembled and shook her aim. Her heart rate spiked as well as her breathing becoming audible to herself. She was trembling while she tried to keep her rifle stable. She felt the sting of sweat mixing with the confused and terrified tears in her eyes.

She couldn't fire, she was afraid to kill.
Above Perimeter

Eden looked to Kikyō's HUD as she noticed something off, something wrong. She shouted into comms. "Meissa! Your sister!" Eden herself shot out several times with her gauss cannon into the fray before backing up and heading closer to the trees, away from the L'Kor. She raced to Kikyo's side and gripped her daughter around the hip. She brought her down to the ground with her and twisted once on top of her to cover them both.

She spoke briefly, "Excellent work, away team!"

Sora's aether attack and battle cry shook several L'Kor. They began to fall when she fired on them multiple times in just the right spots. They landed like four crumpled heaps on the ground around the tankettes. A L'Kor thunked against the tankette and then another. Hopefully the tankette drivers were inside.

Ume's NSBs and head shots and chest shots downed three and wounded others while Meissa's NSBs in the four corners pelted at the L'Kor while Walter's own did their work. Mat's plasma and missiles tore away at the enemy, killing off five L'Kor.

Yoshida's teleportation unit engaged anyway, as Eden had set it up to, and she was flung through the clearing and upwards, in line with the rest of the away team. She soon fired on those in front of her, though, and three L'Kor were shot down because of her.

Hanna's gauss cannon fire killed two L'Kor once she chose to focus her fire on individuals.

William's forearm cannons did a good job of besting the L'Kor but he had to make sure he used the right targeting systems. Currently his shots weren't locking on properly.

Then, the explosive hit.

Meissa's explosives were under the influence of a domino effect— they started blowing up one after the other next to it blew.

"We've won this round," Eden shouted after the spectacle of exploding power armors above her current position on the ground, back against Kikyō as she protected her, or Eden at least thought she was. She highlighted the white picket fence close to the cabin and ordered everyone to go there by having her sprite come into their HUDs and point to the picket fence.

"Form another line! This time along the fence-line!" She herself picked Kikyō up and sped towards the picket fence. Only, she was moving past the fence. She moved up the deck of the cabin and let go of Kikyo and spoke out to her daughter.

"Stay in here," Eden spoke smoothly. "It's not your fault. You weren't prepared."

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi responded to Walter, “Get that drone to a safe location, Santô Hei!” She turned to the Elysian small one, “Fire on them, Iemochi-hei! Come from above, angled so that there is no chance we catch on of our own.”

She looked to the Chui and said, "Teien-chui! Make sure Walter-hei works to get that drone off of the battlefield."
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