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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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Mat opened fire with his mini missiles to bring down the shields of his target, following up with a barrage of gauss cannon shots to finish the job, into account the winds and gravity for a shot this far off.
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YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

"Command accepted. Kaiyo, ready for takeoff, all personnel clear!" the fox shouted over comms.

The craft leapt a little bit as the landing gear retracted, the ship hovering over the ground using its CFS. Then, the craft shot upwards into the air, turning to face the shuttles.

"How's that for a shot?" Kyoi asked.

Komorebi - Tankette Line

"Eden, wing pack drones are in range." Meissa commented, after reading the status readouts.

Meissa sent her drones to begin attacking the incoming shuttles, mostly aiming to clip the thrusters and landing gear.

She tried to mentally figure out where the shuttles would land. Where...where...

"Does anyone have an estimated landing location for the incoming shuttles?" Meissa asked. Having no digital mind sucked.
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Tankette Line

"Copy that, Shosa..." William replied watching as the drop ships approached. None of his weaponry could reach out far enough to fire on the incoming enemy, so the boy checked over his systems.

He prepared himself to mop up what few L'Kor made it to the ground. He took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. He had to make Rei and Aiko proud...
Komorebi Surface
Tankette Line

Walter took what little time he had left before the shuttles arrive to look at what scenery surrounded him. He had a good eye for detail, which came in handy for his line of work, on top of other unexpected uses.

Tankette, Type 30, well equipped for anti-infantry and infantry sustainment.

Most of us have short-ranged weapons, save for a few people with Gauss rifles and missile pods. I, most definitely, am glad that the shuttles have no weapons of their own!

The engineer thinks some more to himself. But, considering the fact that they are shuttles, they are also normally not resilient to high damage weapons...

It was at this moment, Walter knew: he had a hunch on how to get around the the aether sabre's performance issues.

With no time to lose, he tossed his six blocks of Type 31 explosives on the ground, and activated his fabrication module. He activated his femtomachines, which quickly get to work on breaking the blocks apart to make small components, water, and three small chunks of potassium.

He hoped, and hoped, that this will work.
Tankette Line

Kikyo nodded to her mother and nearly ran to her sister. She ended up kinda jogging and half-stumbling when she kept almost running. She stopped by Meissa's left wing and looked over. Her slightly terrified face hidden by the helmet, but her death grip on her SMG was evident to anyone looking.

She was sweating, she'd never fought anyone before. She had only heard of what the L'Kor fought like, and she was trusting herself to be able to shoot.
Komorebi - Tankette Line

Meissa watched as Walter got to work disassembling the plastic explosives. Water, and potassium...Potassium bombs?

"Why are you making potassium bombs?" Meissa asked Walter, as she watched him disassemble the blocks of explosive. Her hand subconsciously moved to Kikyo's head, patting her a few times.
Tankette Line

"Not potassium bombs, actually. If I wanted a better explosive, I would have stuck with the Type 31's, which are superior in a lot of aspects." Replied Walter, as he assembled a handheld cylinder, and installed a plunger mechanism of some kind free he poured in water.

"Instead I am creating a controlled heating agent, ideal for increasing molecular activity in the metal plating. In this way, this gives Aether-based weaponry an advantage to offset the inefficiency of our weaponry.", the engineer explained further.

Truth be told, he also might have left his detonator on the ship, or dropped it somewhere in the cabin. Although Walter didn't mention that detail.

He screwed in claws, and also connected them to the plunger mechanism. After that, he shoved in one chunk of potassium into the main shaft of the plunger, using his strength to really get it in there.

Being the humble worker, Walter began on crafting the second "controlled agent".
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Tankette Line

Anastasia readied herself over the digital controls of the Tankettes weapons, allowing the computer to calculate the precise movement vector of each unseen target. She looked over the plans, before getting a 360 degree view of the setup around the Tankette, before waiting for the command.

With the word "fire" came, and with that the missile pods on the Tankette fired up, unleashing missile after missile in a quick yet steady barrage. Anastasia lined up quite a few, but was generally more thrifty with them. There was going to be a lot projectiles in the air, and she didn't want to loose all of them to a trick, or just plain clutter. With the barrage coming to an end, the Tankettes machine gun lined up, taking shots with calculated trajectory, drop off speed, and movement accounted for. It was almost too easy, which she had learned was a feeling to relish, but not trust.
Komorebi Surface
Tankkette Line

The plum neko found herself in an awkward spot, she could easily clear this distance and attack the shuttles if they did not have weapons, but she had orders to stay on the defensive. She for a moment nearly regretted her weapon choice, only able to reach them with her missile pods at the moment. This gear, however, was what Ume was best at, she didn't need to regret her decision.

She did not have many missiles so when the order came to fire, she delayed her fire just a moment so that the other shots would mask it and then sent up a salvo of 5 mini-missiles towards the shuttles with the hope of getting a solid hit on at least one.
YSS Kaiyo II

Arbles steadied herself, taking a look at the screen as it explained to her all the data she needed. Needless to say, the various light cannons of the Kaiyo, suited to taking down little targets like shuttlecraft, lit up brilliantly in streaks of aether.

Tankette Line

The HUD of every armor lit up near the ground with transparent, wireframe boxes forming the shape of several walls, primarily at chest height with additional crenellations reaching up high enough to provide even the tallest infantry member coverage. That being said, Sora was too busy designing the defenses to actually shoot at the oncoming shuttles; the walls as a whole were forming a loose arc around the tankettes with the context side facing outwards. A few of the projections were rearranged to widen some of the gaps between them, creating a section wide enough for said tankettes to easily drive through, should their operators feel the need. While a few of the armor team needed to relocate slightly closer to the enemy shuttles, the projections would certainly make up for the lack of cover caused by the taller Iemochi.
Tankette Line

Shiro walked behind the tankettes, staying silent. He had been eyeing over the scenery and the other soldiers with him, along with listening in on any conversations. He looked at the Tankettes and slightly smiled, feeling pretty safe, and then eyed the shuttles over, frowning once more. As soon as one of the tankettes fired off it's missiles, Shiro jumped a little, looking over towards it and noticing it had fired off its missiles.

Shiro looked at people firing off their missiles, believing he should probably help, and readied his own shoulder-mounted missile pod and fired off 20 mini-missiles towards the shuttles, with the belief he would get lucky and strike one...Or all of them.
Komorebi Surface
Tankette Line

Sutahira Medikku heard the word "fire", lined up his shot, and took it at one of the nearest shuttles. He wasn't able to see the extent of his damage, though, if he did any, because the tankette next to him fired, making him jump and look at it for a second as his gauss projectile zipped to his target. Though he was familiar with tankettes because of his time in basic and his first mission, it still made him jump. He turned back around and watched the rockets streak towards the enemy shuttle, feeling a little left out he didn't have a mini-rocket launcher. He would be sure to invest in one when he got back on the Kaiyo.

He checked the away team's vitals, nothing out of the ordinary except for some spiked adrenaline levels and blood pressure in most of the away team, which was to be expected as enemy shuttles descended upon them.

He took aim again, firing more gauss rounds at the approaching shuttles. He didn't have a digital mind, so he didn't even bother answering the question about where they would land. A Human could only guess, unless he was a math wizard, in which case he most certainly was not. At least not geometry and angles.

The first shuttle to blow seemed to be the spark that lit a fuse. All of a sudden dozens of armor began to spill out of the shuttles. They filled the sky just below where the shuttles where, which were now exploding or falling backwards then to the treetops as they were hit. They were barely seeable to those on the ground, but those in the air and on YSS Kaiyō II would be able to see them easily. The Kaiyō bridge crew, namely the third shortest Iemochi, gave a few shuttles and then power armors a rough time, killing them off with enough direct hits.

"Fire on them!" Eden called to those in the air with their weapons drawn already and began to fire her gauss cannon at as many targets as it could take at once. All but a handful of the shuttles had been downed, but now the power armors were what needed to be dealt with as well. Those shuttles that survived made emergency landings in the forest, dipping low until they were under the tree line.

"It looks like they're landing far from us, Nashira-hei!" Eden said openly. "We'll be dealing with them in time once we've gotten our head above the first wave."

Then, before too many of their mini-missiles and gauss rounds could kill all of the power armors off, they too dipped into the forest.

"We have a line," Eden said as she realized the enemy was ready for a new plan of attack and they were not. She lowered to the ground next to a tankette and spoke again, "Let's hold it! It looks like we'll be dealing with them all shortly..."

In a few seemingly long minutes, the power armors began to be seen through the trunks of the trees.

"Enemy sighted!" Eden called out.

The enemy's own missiles flashed into view in barely any time after visual was made and Eden began aiming and firing her forearm pulse cannon to destroy them when they were just dozens of feet from their own position. Those she could not hit in time, she outlined for other members to destroy with red, yellow, and green cross-hatches that denoted the proximity of the missiles.

YSS Kaiyō

"They," Hoshi said to Chlorate, "are the enemy!"

William gritted his teeth as he began firing off concentrated salvos from his forearm cannons towards the incoming missiles. He couldn't allow them through to strike the away team.

"I'll take these!" He called marking the missiles he planned on taking down as he quickly began putting up a wall of point defense fire.
Komorebi - HOLD THE LINE!

"NSBs! Everyone deploy NSBs, now!" Meissa shouted. "Get those drones on point if you don't wanna return home in a tube! Hit the red ones first!"

This was bad. They were running out of ammunition. They had heavy Aetheric weaponry so their range sucked.

Deploy drones. Recall wing pack.

"They've got too much cover, Eden. We need artillery support." Meissa told her commander as she started aiming more for the cover the enemy was behind, hoping to destroy it.

She stuck a fuse inside of a block of explosive, threw it at the enemy, and hit the detonator when it bounced on the ground.
Ground Team

Sora put up her solid-volumetric barrier regardless of he fact that she was the only person doing so, her Gatling gun spinning with a roar as it disgorged energy through the air, less focused on the missiles than she should be-instead she was steadily cleaving through everything in front of her, be it flora, fauna, or L'kor.

YSS Kaiyo

The second tallest Iemochi affiliated with the Army ceased her fire when thhe last armors either had been burnt out of the air, or managed to escape her influence. She considered firing again as they made their presence known on the ground, however there were a large amount of risks involved.

"Taisa? Should I attempt to fire at the enemy on the ground?"
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Komorebi Cabin

The drone stared at the shuttles, backing away from them. She took a few minutes to watch them, processing what to do next. With the shuttles approaching fast, she asked "What do I do? Where do I go?" She silently calculated probabilities, attempting to assess how long she would have before she was attacked and... how long she would last...
Komorebi Surface
Tankette Line

Sutahira watched the Gatling rip loose, activating his NSBs at the command from Meissa, also activating his barrier shield. He tried to target incoming missiles with his gauss cannon, but found it futile. He then started targeting the L'Kor in the trees, throwing slugs from his gauss shoulder cannon towards the tree line.

The scene was chaotic. L'Kor advancing through the trees, missiles flying at them, and various other factors like the Gatling that spewed fire at the enemy (and anything else in its way) started to overwhelm Sutahira. He somehow nailed an enemy, the gauss slug slamming into the L'Kor, throwing it out of sight into the trees. That's when he took a moment to pause, tapping into his inner calm that he called on whenever he was in a chaotic situation. His medical training wasn't only good for triage. He continued to blast away after this quick self recovery, popping in and out from behind the tankette next to him. He wasn't sure how long he could keep this up though. He had his ASP, which he had not fired yet and all of his spare ammo for it, but it would only be good in a closer fight.

Until they got close and his gauss cannon was either out of ammo or became a burden, he would be about as useful as a rock being thrown at a starship in orbit.
Ground Team

Having scorched a path for the tankettes to form a tight line formation, Mochi looked to the sky as per the Shosa's orders. Gauss cannon swivelling as he dialled down and dispelled the stream of white-hot plasma from his flamer, the Juni raised his head to the sky. Firing with surprising accuracy towards the shuttles, Mochi frowned as they brought down the targets, power armor descending into the forest.

This was bad, but they had the advantage of the cavalry. Looking over to Eden without taking his eyes off the burnt-out treeline as the enemy began appearing, "Eden-shosa! If they surround us we don't have enough firepower ourselves to hold a 360!"

Suddenly, with the onslaught of explosives Mochi began spraying into the fray with his gauss best he could, attempting to suppress the misslies at the source rather than going for the missiles themselves. His shield unit sparked into life as the battle began, ready for anything coming his way. "We need the Kaiyo to cover our flanks while we focus fire!" he shouted best he could over the screaming weapons and bangs.
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