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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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Komorebi Surface

Gooey rocks? Jax's interest was instantly directed to what the bubbly Neko had just said. Yes, I imagine Iemochi has greater matters to attend to.
"I appreciate your assistance. Your mention of... "gooey rocks"... has certainly intrigued me- I'd love to take samples. May I inquire your name? Unfortunately, I haven't had time to greet most of my comrades in my short time on the Kaiyō."
Jax adjusted his gear, pulling a pair of gloves over his hands and double checking that his notebook still had a pencil attached to it, and followed her.
Floor 2

As the armor raised it's wounded forearm towards her torso, Hanna's energy cloak flashed on while she continued to push her assault.

In a temerarious fury, Hanna's blades slashed at the armor's head in the manner of an uncontrolled berserker as she attempted to strike at its head again and again in an attempt to kill it.

As if on cue with Meissa's growl, Hanna unleashed a savage and high-pitched yell as blue-white energy discharges flashed before her eyes...
Floor 1

Walter, all the while, has never moved from the area he was ordered to secure. Hearing all the unholy growls and blood-curdling screams only motivated him to stick to what he was ordered to do. Regardless, he remained calm and and collected.

These people know no form of decency! Walter thought privately to himself. Honestly, I can understand if that Neko head made the infantry distraught, but by the stars above, this does not make Star Army any better than the L'Kor that we're fighting against.

The deep-thinking Minkan sighed, and looked around the living area once again. Such is the way of wars, I suppose. Some of us wear a mask of mirrors, and assume the form of the terrors we face. He raised his eyebrows, and nods to the thought. I am going to need to write that down when I get back to the Kayio II.
VIP Room 1

William waited several tense moments before the door opened. When his mother answered, he bowed slightly. "May I come in Sensi-Sama..." He said evenly, calling Rei by her formal as Aiko was just beyond the door.

"I thought it best that I be by you and Princess Aiko during the operation, unless you wish for me to do something else." He added softly, his face blank and expressionless.

"Hai, Shosha." The confidant, full voice of Arinori Sora cut through Eden's radio, as the largest infantry-honestly an intimidating sight even for allies-stomped down the stairs with armored footfalls. Once back into the open air, the Santo Hei floated upwards, flapping her wings with habit as she dashed towards the now-landed Kaiyo II and its armors, now deployed. Settling down in front of Anastasia's tankette, she spoke, "Eden-Shosha has assigned us to rendezvous with you."

She seemed really confidant, standing there with her gatling cannon. She'd probably be terrifying if she used the tanks as a mobile platform of sorts, or at the least be an incredibly effective area denial infantry.
Floor 2

Ume was a bit surprised by the adorable little chibi Eden that got sent to her armor, but she understood the instructions from it just fine. So she sent a chibigram back of herself with a sword in hand, winking at Eden, along with it Eden's HUD clearly displayed a red zone that said do not enter. Such a thing would not be needed with the weapons that a MINDY armor was fielded with now, but Ume did have one weapon that was an exception.

The L'Kor power armors were more durable than she expected, and her shots did not entirely destroy it. However, that gave her a chance to cut loose. She quickly stepped forward and twisted her left side to the front. Her left hand reached back and grabbed her specialized blade Ryuha.

There was the roar of thruster engines that drowned out most sounds near by. The sound was quickly followed by a flash of white light, the glow of aether, as Ume drew her sword in one smooth motion and brought it down towards the L'Kor. The speed was far faster than what the armor could do on its own, the white hot blade assisted by boosters along its spine.

With the ramp whirring down, the cavalry deploying with a nice PA escort, Sein balanced his plasma flamer across one shoulder, offering a friendly wave to his favorite Separa as everything clicked into place. Satisfied the mechanised force was mobile, the Juni slung his weapon to arm. With a few flicks, it was hot enough to melt these alien trees like ice cream under a scalding shower.

"Eden-shosa, this is Iemochi-juni. Be advised, tankette formation en route to position now." With that, the Elysian squeezed the trigger hard, literally the torchbearer lighting the way to guide the bulk of their forces as dragon's breath leaped hungrily before his figure.
Yoshida sighed quietly. It seemed pretty intense in there of course, but one couldn't always be in the eye of the storm. She watched their suroundings carefully as she noted the Kaiyo communicating with the odd drone. She wasn't sure what to make of it herself, but as long as they didn't tell her to shoot it, she would assume that it was at least, somewhat friendly. The fact it didn't send out cries for help on an open channel rather than just have its distress signal on before was a bit troubling though.

But, the cat couldn't think of that now! She had a job to do. She carefully began sending the NSBs out on short ranged patrols, to go out and peek around, or get a bird's eye veiw, before swiftly returning. Several times over. Even if probably ineffective, it was safe, and allowed her to remain where she was posted to guard the cabin. As she organized this, she wondered if it wasn't going to be so bad, but surely there wouldn't just be the few in the cabin?

"Well... Lets stay sharp!" She said to herself, forcing a grin and cheery tone. She had been a little down throughout this, it was time to fake it till she made it back to her normal, happy self.
YSS Kaiyō II

Yoshida's NSBs came up with something at the same time that the Fuji-class' sensors lit up. There were small, almost imperceptible dots on the horizon to Yoshida's NSPs and a blip on the sensors as an apparent grouping of shuttlecraft on the bridge appeared.

"I want all personnel to know about this development!" Hoshi said aloud. "ETA on their landing is what?" She asked the MEGAMI Boss to find out for her while she settled into her chair. "Ten minutes! I want us in the air and firing on all of them."

Floor 1

The shields had been completely downed on the L'Kor armor Ume was targeting and the slash gave them pause. The fighter stood with their arms ready to attack, unmoving, for an instant before sliding one way and then another, falling to the ground in two hunks. Eden hopped off of the L'Kor and pinged Ume with a flashing red cross-hatch on the L'Kor's power armored helmet while she hurriedly moved out of the way while still training her weapons on the L'Kor in case Ume didn't react soon enough. That was unlikely as her high-powered sword only needed to be pulled back before springing forward and into the skull of the L'Kor.

Floor 2

Hanna's target's helmet showed wear and tear during the first few milliseconds of Hanna's movements until a second after she cried out in a kiai, it was sliced all the way to its skull and it knelt to the ground, hand going to protect its head.

Meissa's right wrist would feel the body being pummeled by her, swaying to one side and another, before the shots into the heart region of the torso eventually made their way past armor and Meissa would be able to see the cracking and splitting and eventual breakage of the armor. One more pump of fire and the L'Kor would be done.

YSS Kaiyō II
Aiko's Quarters

Rei nodded, "Go fight, Musuko." She nearly closed the door on him, but kept it ajar to hear his response.
Komorebi Cabin - 2F

Meissa opted for a classic "clean" kill technique against her enemy.

With an almost animalistic snarl, her fist flew forwards and connected with the L'Kor's exposed heart region. A blow that could crack the sternum and the ribs, and stopping the heart's pulse. If the heart kept pounding for some odd reason, it would cut itself to shreds on the small shards of bone.

Her other fist then went into a left hook, her fingers in a claw, going for the throat.
Komorebi Surface

Kikyo nodded to her mother, despite not being within her gaze. She stepped off out into the area in front of the Cabin and gave a simple, "Hai. Stepping out." She primed her SMG and began looking around for both L'Kor and a marker on her HUD that gave the approximate location of the Kaiyo II, the tankettes, and their escorts. After finding the marker she was looking for, she followed the Archangel to the tankettes and stayed quiet while she spoke.

She turned around towards the tankette's left and began to scan the trees to see what she could see, and see if they were being potentially flanked.

Floor 2

Hanna was enraged.

She had spent more energy on this kill than any other, having abandoned all of her training in favor of raw aggression and unbridled rage. Her now-bloody swords had slashed at the armor again and again, and the damn bird was still alive. After seeing the L'Kor throw a hand over its head, Hanna paused for a brief moment to take a breath and to simmer her animosity. She was angry. Angry at herself for failing to control her temper, and angry at the L'Kor for being so hard to kill.

Hanna resolved to finish the kill as cleanly as possible.

With another savage and bloodcurdling yell, Hanna raised both of her swords and threw them in a deadly arc aimed at the L'Kor's neck...
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Komorebi Cabin - 1

Suddenly, Walter heard the sound of wood snapping and crunching, as soldiers in power armor crashed somewhere on the first floor.

I need to check out the commotion, quickly! With that, Walter sprinted to check it out. His mind raced with anticipation and worry; did someone get seriously injured? Did a L'Kor break into the cabin? Is the structural integrity of the cabin being compromised?!

He goes around the corner, and finds.... Ume and Eden pounding a L'Kor to near death. The damage in the proximity of the fallen foe indicated that it was the doing of those two women. Walter stared blankly at this scene, and slowly slipped out of sight to the South-West area of the cabin. He couldn't think of anything else to do, in all fairness.

Speaking of that matter, he knocked on the walls; Eyup, the cabin's still sound and sturdy. Just making sure... thought the subtly awkward Minkan.

He stood there, and stood there, and stood there, thinking lots of things whilst he listened to the absolute carnage upstairs.
Komorebi Surface
Mechanised Unit

"Hai!" Sutahira said, rushing out of the cabin, finding the marker of the tankettes and making his way to them.

Sutahira reached the mechanised unit as they started down the ramp of the Kaiyo, joining the escorts. He scanned the surrounding area, aware of the new development of the shuttles incoming. This was gonna be fun.

Shiro gently sighed, and turned around upon hearing the orders, running back down the stairs and out of the cabin, eyeing over all the corpses one more time. He followed right after Arinori, feeling quite a bit intimidated by her size. He slowed up a bit and followed a bit after, to prevent from running into her, and to also not seem odd. He finally slowed as he got near the Kaiyo II and the tankettes, walking up towards them with his gun lowered. He didn't say anything really, and kept his head lowered a bit, but his eyes were fairly wide.

Do we get to ride on them? He asked himself, with some curiosity. That would be safer...Right?
Floor 1

Ume found herself satisfied with the results of her first cut and smiled behind her armor. Her work was not over, however, and Eden had given her another marker for the other armor.

She did not waste a moment and attached her SMG to the adapter on her back and then held her sword with both hands. She could swing it again right away, but it would be as a normal aether powered blade. The thrusters needed time to fire up for another full powered swing, and that was exactly what she gave it.

It took a few seconds for the system to get back up to full thrust, so Ume was thankful for Eden's assistance. Once she was ready she quickly stepped in the close the distance, the aether igniting along the blade once more. However this to it was not a simple vertical slash, instead, she got in extra close and slammed her foot against the knee of the L'Kor to for him to fall.

The moment his head passed her torso the engines roared and another brilliant slash was unleashed, targeted right at the enemy's neck.

Three more bodies thunked to the ground in the cabin and Eden stepped over the body that had just been downed by Ume and was out of the cabin. Her arms went wide as the wind whipped around the front of the cabin and passed by Eden as she looked towards where the Tankettes were now peeking over the slope. Fire was dispersed safely by Mochi, but that didn't mean the tankettes and their escort didn't arrive in a halo of fire. Eden teleported close by and asked the bridge a question.

"How are we doing over there?" Eden asked over comms to the Kaiyō II. She had heard chatter and wanted to know more. Eden then went towards the tankettes by flying close to the ground before she pulled up and punched up into the air.

"Form a line on the ground around the house," Eden relayed to her team as she looked into the distance, seeing the faint dots denoting shuttles. "We've got company."
Komorebi Cabin - 2F

"Order acknowledged, Eden." Meissa told her commander, withdrawing her drones and re-attaching her Aether Saber-Rifle. "How many of them?"

Meissa walked outside calmly, hopefully with Hanna following her. Her mind was already at work, figuring it out. Ideally they downed the shuttles before they landed. But she didn't have the power to issue that command.

So she stood there. And watched. Right next to the really tall birb and her own boyfriend.

"We really should shoot those down..." Meissa commented.
Mat knelt down on the ground outside the cabin for stability. He began to acquire targeting data for his gauss cannon, Aether cannon and his accelerated plasma rifle, though he held his fire.

"I've got firing data on those incoming." He called out.

"Should we take them down now or...?"
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