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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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Komorebi Surface

Mochi, having forced his way through the unrelenting foliage for many hundreds meters, finally chanced upon what he was looking for. Murmuring under his breath, the scientist took a knee as his HUD and sensors ran the numbers and came up green.

Keying his dorsal unit, the Juni hailed the Fuji-class ship. "Kaiyo, this is Iemochi, I have a possible LZ." Swinging his gaze from one side of the clearing to the other, he added "Seems clear, advise tankette deployment on my location. Will secure the area for your arrival."

With that, the Juni rose up, priming the flamer before prowling the roughly defined border of the clearing. It was funny, he realised after a moment, that there were now two - soon to be four - Iemochis. He hoped the new crew wouldn't get confused and chuckled at the thought, the sound carrying unnaturally in the blanketing silence.

He could begin burning a path back to the cabin but he'd been holding off until now for the sake of stealth and it made little sense to light up a pyre before their ship was safely down.
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YSS Kaiyo II
Cargo Bay

Beside one of the two tankettes stood the long power armored danger noodle known as Abart'huse, having been assigned as an escort for the tankettes as they were deployed.

Or at least would be once they would get the orders to drop, which haven't come in yet. Twiddling his thumbs a bit, he looked over the impressive looking machinery, which had that unmistakable feeling of dependability that all tanks had to them......even if he himself was both longer and taller than the thing.

"You sound a bit more chipper than usual Ana..." He said, patting the outside of the Tankette with the back of his armored fist. "...liking your new gear?" He thought about what it would be kile to drive a tabkette like this. From Anastasia's attitude it seemed quite interesting, but had the feeling he'd never find out for himself, as there was no way he'd fit inside of the thing, let alone have feet to work the pedals. If anything he was more like a smaller but more mobile tank himself. Such a shame...



A wide variety of indicators, dials and statuses, flickered about on the Systems and Safety operator's screen, not noting anything out of the ordinary. Neraitha had done her thing in grouping all the varous systems on her console to make managing them a lot easier and intuitive, though that meant that at this moment in time, she had nothing to do......yet.

Her long, olive green bang with lighter highlights, swayed a bit as she blew on it from time to time, staying silent as to not interrupt or disturb the Chusa and rest of the bridge crew with less important things. As long as the order to drop the tankettes hadn't been issued yet, she just had to wait untill the moment it was time to drop the cargo hatch.

While she had been in situations like this far more than once, this time it was a bit different, as she would also sending her little rascal of a nephew down on the ground to go with them, something that, despite knowing both of them were professional soldiers, felt pretty weird. In a way the waving lock of hair was a bit relaxing, but nowhere near enough, evident by the slight, nervous wiggle of her tailtip across the bridge's deck. At times like these the strangest thoughts can cross someone's mind.

("Geez, why dont we have any Separa tanks yet?......or make some into a tank...or.....yeah, that...... Barrytank..... hehe...")
Yoshida itched to dive into the cabin like the others... But it just wouldn't have made any lick of sense. Her weapons were not suited for it, and there were already enough angry neko swinging around hunks of metal like they were trying out for the color guard. Instead, she trusted her team was more than capable of utterly devistating the enemy. No matter how much she wanted to take a l'kor, and beat them savagely. Instead, much as she had said, she watched their backs- looking outwards in every direction. Somone had to be the ookout, afterall.
Komorebi Cabin (Sky)
Something a bit unexpected happened. Rather suddenly, perhaps attracted by the commotion going on around the cabin, an FA4-A "Grunt" drone slowly approached, floating above, almost looking at the cabin. But something was wrong... This drone seemed to be without its weapons, and it was trying to send... a distress signal? But... wasn't it just a drone with no occupant? How and why was it doing this?
Komorebi Surface

Moments after everyone else made it to the surface Mat touched down himself, wearing his power armor with a customized loadout. He hoped it would make him set to deal with almost every situation. As he touched down he looked around for enemies to engage.

"Sorry I'm late to the party."
Kaiyo II

"Bring her down, pilot." Hoshi asked, "Are we ready for anything that may come our way, Iemochi-hei? How is the ship running, Thesilis-heisho? Any major damage to the away team that I would want to know about, tell me, Kikoru-juni."

She crossed her legs and idly pulled on her tights and let the fabric bounce back towards her pink skin after she had let go of the cadet-blue cloth. She kept her hand close to her thigh and then breathed in deeply, almost yawning. Her exhale sounded like a quiet, "Hmmm..." There was a small, pleasant smile on her face and she was looking between all of the screens in the bridge that were currently showing the video feed from the away team, save for the centermost ones, which showed the feed in front of and behind the ship itself.


The L'Kor Hanna was attacking was sliced by her first blade's strike superficially, then the next strike plunged deeper, past skin and muscle, then again and again the L'Kor's organs began to be ripped up by the Zesuaium blades. It fell in a heap and grasped at its entrails that fell from its belly but was soon still.

Ume's targeted power armored L'Kor was rammed into the wall and flailed a moment while Ume shot her SiZi against their armor. When she flung herself away, prepared for retaliation, she would be able to see the L'Kor's torso was showing wear and a slight crack. That was the point where the hyperactive Neko should keep forcing a break. They readied their own forearm cannon and shot it out at Ume, focused on her person.

Meissa struck the power armor in such a way that the L'Kor lost their footing after struck and tumbled down the stairs towards Eden while the winged one's drones shot out at it.

"What the fu—" Eden cursed. She hopped up just as the L'Kor was directly in front of her, then when the L'Kor was in her previous position, she plunged down, blasting her forearm cannons as she did. They went off, round after round, into the L'Kor's power armored back where they now rested. They tried to turn and roll over, so Eden held their shoulder with her free hand and straddled the armor with her legs, shooting out more and more until the L'Kor stopped struggling.

"Scout the second floor with me!" Eden said to Meissa's comms as she floated upwards, about to follow Meissa. To Sora's, she said. "Arinori-hei, form up with Meissa and myself." Then to Hanna, she said, "Madsen-hei, have our backs." To the team, she said, "The rest of you, be ready to storm the top floors at a moment's notice, but for now, secure the ground floor. Kokoro-hei! Take the North-Eastern corner. Madoka-hei to the North-Western. Shinomori-hei, the South-Eastern. Hyde-hei, the South-West corner of the cabin, please!"

With that, she was following Meissa properly up the stairs.
Komorebi Surface

Kikyo, having not the slightest idea of what to do, gripped her SMG with a large feeling of fear yet adrenaline. She stood up on the cabin's deck and watching the outside with intensity. Her slight quivering was masked by the armor, she looked just as stoic as everyone else, just with a very high heart rate.

Her head turned every few seconds to observe the nearby foliage. Her finger was on the trigger of her SMG, though she was sure she wasn't going to jump and accidentally blow someone away. This thought stressed the new soldier a little more, but she swallowed what she could and stayed at her post.
Komorebi Cabin - Upstairs

Meissa stayed at the top of the stairs for a bit, cleaning out the remaining L'Kor while waiting for Eden.

When her commander arrived, Meissa split her drones to scout every hallway while she waited.

"Searching for contacts..."

YSS Kaiyo - Bridge

"Bringing the ship" the fox replied to her CO. The Kaiyo now joined as the final instrument of destruction descending upon the earth to cleanse the world, its hull glowing a dull red as atmospheric entry turned it into a falling star from the heavens, ready to show the L'Kor the wrath of Yamatai.
Komorebi Cabin- Sky
The Grunt drone faced towards the Kaiyo II, analyzing it for a few minutes. It continued sending distress signals, despite being a drone with no cabin and seemingly no pilot.
Komorebi Cabin

The tech-head nodded to Eden, responding with "I shall do so swiftly!" He noticed that her armor chipped, although orders were orders, and he would rather obey those orders, rather than stand out.

Walter holds his weapon in one hand, and sends out his own small swarm of drones to scout ahead, with him following suit. Utilizing his own brain power, along with the Mindy's AI, the Minkan scoured his own section thoroughly and swiftly. Seeing that he no longer needs his drones, he calls them back into their right place within the suit's legpods. He noted that this cabin would look much nicer without the blood and feathers.

He wondered whether or not he should openly broadcast via telepathy... To his credit, he isn't broadcasting anything personal, unless this corner of the cabin is someone's fetish. "South-West section is clear, everyone!", Walter mentally broadcast to the infantry crew.
Really Bloodied Cabin
"Hai!" Sora wasted no time taking her assigned position with the explosive owl and the golden-eyed kitty. Holding her LASR at the ready, the oversized Mindy took up the entire width of the staircase, guaranteed.

Bridge of the YSS Kaiyo

"Aye, all weapons are ready; the positron cannons, however, are loaded with antimatter rounds. We won't be able to use them in the atmosphere." The smol's voice seemed... Oddly relaxed considering that experience shows she enjoys that specific variation of her available weapons.
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YSS Kaiyo- Power Armour Bay

Hayakawa Shiro looked over his Plasma Rifle and decidedly tucked it under his arm, looking down at where he had to jump, gulping. He didn't exactly feel entirely confident in himself, but had faith his armour would save him if something dreadful happened. As he jumped down, he quietly and nervously spoke, "D-dropping..." before almost crying out as he fell through the air, trying to ready himself for the landing. He moved his rifle closer to his body, basically hugging it, before he bent his knees, landing down on the ground and springing up.

For my first time, I did okay, right? He asked himself mentally, standing up entirely straight. Words couldn't really describe how nervous Shiro felt, given this being his first mission. He was hoping that so far, he hadn't entirely embarrassed himself landing down. He then checked over his gun and armour quickly, before rushing off towards the cabin as fast as he could. He surely didn't wanna be late for anything!

As he finally made it to the cabins location, Shiro stopped for a moment and looked around, before his eyes settled on the head. He felt a chill run right down his spine, causing an odd feeling, then he started walking closer to the cabin. He got right up next to a side wall, sliding along the side as silently as he could, his rifle in his hands, hoping to maybe check the back of the cabin for any hostiles. He was nervously quivering, hoping he wouldn't meet a fate like the Neko had. Shiro reached the end of the wall fairly quickly, and prepared to swing around, gulping very loudly.

Please don't mess up, please don't mess up, please don't mess up! Shiro begged himself in his head, holding his gun even tighter.
Komorebi Cabin

"Affirmative, Shosa!"

After stowing Ikari to Kaze, Hanna took out her SMG and positioned herself behind the rest of the infantry team as they prepared to storm the second floor of the cabin.

For now, her focus was wholly dedicated to the eradication of the L'Kor vermin within the cabin. Although she still remembered the sting of pain she felt when she saw the head of the Neko named "Sara" outside of the cabin.

That sting only intensified her focus as she sighted her SMG, utilizing the cover of the stairs to conceal her lower body from any potential enemies that could be on the second floor.
YSS Kaiyō II
Cargo Bay

Anastasia looked over the Tankette at the armored snakeman. "Well, I've been waiting to get some ground use out of these. You may not of known it, but I joined for armored vehicle maintenance. I've been... flexing with what I learned at the Academy after our starship technician was transferred." Anastasia's voice trailed off as she felt the ship slowly descending, hearing the open side of the chatter from the bridge.

"It's just about time." The Elysian commented, climbing up over the Tankette and down the hatch, sliding her wings behind her like stretched arms. It was a tighter squeeze then a normal Nekovalkyrja would have, but her wings had be desensitized for work in even tighter maintenance conduits. Anastasia got a feel for the Tankettes controls, starting the miniature beast into an idle gear. "Ready for the command to drop." She relayed to mission operations.
Komorebi Cabin

Ume focused her photonic shields forward to absorb the first few blast from the L'Kor but she did not just stand around to take it, with the photonics forward she activated the camouflage feature t0 hide her body. When the moment was right she lept from her position to a wall at the side, and then immediately pounced from that position directly at the L'Kor armor, she has already put away her SiZi so she had a free hand to grab the L'Kor by the head as she passed and slam him down into the ground. At the same moment her shoulder canon flipped into position and fired into the crafted armor at full force.

She could not idle though, everyone else had their attention on the second floor, so she took it upon herself to clean up the stragglers in her section. They did not not have armor or high powered weapons, it was like a cat stalking a canary. The plum neko leveled her SMG in their direction and fired a stream of bullets, their way, easily catching one and killing them. The other had ducked behind a couch to use as cover, but that was a mistake. Ume did not hesitate and kicked the couch back with all her force sending it and the L'Kor behind it towards the wall. She followed close behind it and met it at the wall and slammed her body into it and crushed the L'Kor between the furniture and wall, creating a pool of blood on the floor.
Yoshida frowned at the odd drone. She pointed her gun at it for a short moment, it didn't appear to have any weapons but... that didn't mean a L'kor couldn't be using it to watch them. Instead of simply erasing it from the sky, she fired off to the side near it with her forearm cannon- aether likely warming the drone's surface as if it was near a pleasent camp fire. Except this camp fire had only been there for an instant, and is quite good at removing one's armor, in the worst possible way. "Whover you are- get out... This is a fire fight..." She said this mostly to herself more than anything. She was pretty sure it wouldn't hear her from that distance anyways.
The drone slightly strafed away from the blast, turning to face Yoshida. It seemed to be alarmed, however, quickly sending several distress signals at once for a few seconds. It tried to open a communications channel with anyone that could detect its request, while venting its forward facing exhaust system in a pattern in an attempt to get her attention.
YSS Kaiyo - Cargo Bay

"Right!" From the corner of his eye he spots Anastasia squeezing herself into the tankette's tight interior, wings and all. He couldn't help but give a small impressed nod, with that classic "not bad" look on his face..... not that it was visible behind the mindy's faceplate tho.

"You two just go do your thing, i'm watching your six!" He said with a quick thumbsup, before running a final check over his suit's systems. Power, sensors, actuators, CFS, weapons, all up and running like a charm. The extra engineering personnel aboard the Kaiyo did make a significant difference, not so much in quality as mus as it did in time.

His loadout hadn't changed much since the last mission, as it was a pretty versatile one he felt vomfortable with. The ellipsiod shield hung proudly fron his left vambrace, underside used to mount some additional munitions for his LASR-SLAG, held in his right hand. The barrel of his 50mm Gauss sat firmly behind his left shoulder, while the same mini-missile launcher sat behind his right. A general equipment pack added extra munitions to both the weapons for a longer endurance. Nagashun knows how long they'll be there. Gripping his rifle tightly, he braced himself as he felt the kaiyo start it's descent.....


Through the swift descent the Kaiyo shook slightly, something the crew had already gotten used to over the years. Neraitha quickly snapped out of her train of thought, answering the chusa without fail.

"All systems running normally. Main reactor is showing no anomalies yet. Backup reactor on standby just in case the aether disturbance does occur again."

While she hadn't experienced any reactor malfunctions herself on her previous missions, the way that the Kaiyo crew described their previous ocurrences on the planet Komorebi was..... slightly worrysome, especially since it happened so sporadically.

"Hull temperature rising steadily, but within tolerance. Combined Field System working as intended. No stability issues to speak of.......landing gear and cargo hatch show no issues......."

Browsing her table of various systems of the kaiyo II she looked over all the various systems once more, double checking if she hadn't missed any important things.

"....Long story short, she's running like a charm, chusa! Also, it looks like the tankette squad is about ready to deploy as well."

With her FARS drone hovering idly over her shoulder, she turned to look at the chusa with a smile, looking at Hoshi sitting back in her command chair with a seemingly confident aura around her.....

Floor 1

The L'Kor bleed very little, but the sheer overpowering amount of breakage of their bodies by Eden, Ume, and Hanna as well as Meissa's drones meant that there was a considerable amount of the crimson liquid from the handful of now-dead creatures. With the bottom floor expertly cleared in the end by Ume, the away team was now to set up to take on the top floors and to take up positions on either side of the cabin.

Floor 2

Meissa's drones would notice two power armored L'Kor on the second floor of the cabin in the left-most loft space and three more in the right open space. They all were at the ready, guns pointed and it seemed those on the right were preparing to come down towards them.

Eden switched her HUD to see the feed from the drones and spoke out, "Fire when ready on those to the left, Nashira-hei. Madsen-hei, you're with her. Hatoyama-hei, if you would come up to cover me while I take on the right section of the second floor?"

With that, she waited on Meissa to move on out.

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi uncrossed her legs and stood up, calling out, "I want communications with that," she pointed to the viewscreen that showed the drone above the cabin sending out distress signals, "immediately!" She sat back down and connected back with spine, making sure the landing was flawless on Kyōi's part—which it was.

Soon, she felt the gentle touchdown of the ship and spoke out to Faye, "Nitô Juni, please be sure that Iemochi knows to get the tankettes to the cabin's location to set up a fortress of sorts there." She added, "At once."
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