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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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Power Armor Bay

Kikyo swallowed her fears and tightened her grip around her submachine gun as she twisted it to a ready position. She gave a quiet whine before stepping out of the bay with the intention of following Meissa and her mother more than actual sense. She tucked her weapon close to her body, her breath going rapid and her heart going nuts.


She watched her HUD's readings on altitude and speed as well as kicking her CFS to do it's work. She watched with intensity and adrenaline-fueled terror. As the planet got closer and closer, Kikyo began to adjust to keep her speed regular. Her audio began to increasing get louder as she entered atmosphere, making her tighten her grip to the point of nearly shaking. As soon as she reached the flare point, she gunned her CFS to start slowing down. She saw the ground beneath her draw extremely close, and smashed the brakes a few meters above the ground before falling about half a meter onto her feet.

She raised her rifle and tried to adjust herself inside the power armor out of habit. She felt weird but needed to focus on combat now that she was on the ground. She looked at Meissa and then to Eden before jogging to the center of the 'V' about two arm's length behind her mother.
Power Armor Bay/Planetside of Komorebi

A second after Hanna jumped out of the power armor bay, Janna followed, flipping her body into into a superman position as she caught the wind. After shifting into a falling position, Janna flew towards the right side of Hanna.

"Madsen sisters are airborne!", said Janna over comms as she descended.

The sound of air rushing past her flooded her ears as the ground got closer and closer. Following Hanna's lead, Janna utilized the CFS systems to slow down. As the number on the speedometer got smaller and smaller, Janna's fears of an accident of some sort were assuaged.

Her sister opted to land in a graceful roll, her SMG sweeping the area as her body retained it's balance. On the other hand, Janna landed on her feet and pushed herself into a prone position.
Power Armor Bay

Alright then, my turn. Walter calmly walked to the edge, looked over the planet that was (literally) clouded in mystery. Within the few precious seconds ticking by, he attempted to clear his head of all fears and anxieties, but then stopped halfway because he figured he'll still get them anyway.

He clutched his weapon, and began his ascent with one phrase. "Dropping now!" With that, Walter Hyde leaped off the ship, and into the clouds below.


Walter watched the dense clouds pass by, the only sound being his slow breathing as he faced absolute uncertainty. Also the ground, he definitely saw the ground coming up real quickly. The cautious engineer activated the CFS early, and gradually turned up the strength of the system, effectively slowing his descent like a parachute-less parachute.

Walter found the simile pretty odd...

The Minkan landed on solid ground with a thud, feet first. He did have to bend his knees to absorb some of the force, but the Mindy 4 took care of the landing without problems.

Looking around, Walter was surprised to see how beautiful this planet is. It made him feel better about his mission, happy to see that the planet didn't appear harsh and unforgiving. "Wow, the planet is so stunning from down here. I imagine a lodge would fit in quite nicely. You know, with the nice trees and all that." Walter remarked, no longer feeling on edge or pressured; just sort of relaxed.

The engineer approached to where the flare is at, his sabre-rifle at the ready
Power Armor Bay

When it was Ume's turn to make her decent she smiled and stepped forward, her submachinegun held snug under her arm. This would be the first time she did an into atmosphere combat drop in a Mindy4, well at least the first time that wasn't training, and the thought of it had her excited. "Banzai!" She let herself fall down towards the planet with a wide smile.

As she fell she kept an eye on her HUD, making sure her positioning was proper with the rest of the squad and that she would not pass them. her CFS kicked in to protect her from entry and give her more precise control of her movements. Her rifle came up once she was safely in the atmosphere and was ready to fire on any hostiles

Despite her speed on approach and not slowing down until it was almost too late, her landing was as elegant as it was dynamic. A powerful impact into the ground, but her body bent and coiled as she absorbed the impact, CFS shut down as well. Just as her motion was to come to a shop, she sprang up and took two hop steps forward, carrying out the momentum so she was not still, photonic armor glistened as it came online mid stride.
Power Armor Bay

Breathing a little heavier than usual, Mochi clenched his chunky firegun in both hands, watching the others plummet towards the ground so far below. "Oh mother." he murmured, shuffling cautiously over to the whistling opening.

With his concerned wife's words echoing around his mind, Mochi steeled himself with a indistinct yet defiant grunt, masking his growing sensation of anxiety. The blonde scientist replied reassuringly, instilling as much certainty he could into his words. I love you too Arbles, I'll see you again in no time. I promise.

Drawing one final, deep breath, Seinosuke fell from the heavens towards the hard ground. Emerald eyes glued to his heads-up display, Mochi tried to recall every step he had been taught in training while the trees below seemed to get larger and larger with each passing moment.

With a sudden "oh shit" the Elysian hammered on the brakes, juddering slightly as the Mindy's soles smacked firmly into the ground with a small cracking sound, a large branch underfoot splintering as if it had just fallen from the top of one of the nearby trees.
Airspace of Komorebi
Rapid Descent

Sora was attempting to hunt as much information as possible as soon as the cloud cover broke, focusing mostly on the cabin-the only real structure of note. The massive Elysian's armored wings left beautiful contrails as they sliced elegantly through the atmosphere, being used in a more conventional manner for minute in-flight adjustments.

Her voice echoed through the entire dropping team clearly, "Multiple contacts detected around the cabin. I cannot determine if additional unite are outside, however the ones I can see appear to be idle." Letting her CFS do the actual landing part for her Mindy-and of course herself inside of said Mindy-Arinori immediately raised her primary weapon... Onto an area with no targets. The door was closing already when her boots hit the dirt, no L'kor in sight.
Komorebi Surface

"Should we try to peek through the windows?" Meissa asked. Stealth was something she was okay at, and despite the lack of practice she was sure she still had some capability of stealth in her. And she had drones, which was basically the definitive measure in cheating when it came to recon.

Meissa then looked up and saw Mochi diving gracefully out of the sky like an eagle piloting a Plumeria.

"Never mind, there goes stealth for us, probably..." Meissa commented as Mochi stumbled to his landing, although one of her drones lay flat against the ground, slowly moving towards the cabin.
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Komorebi Cabin

"Iemochi-juni. You have your orders. Don't wait up for Amanozako, just go!" Eden called to the scientist.

She heard Meissa but wasn't ready to begin replying to something that went against the orders she had set out. They were to all stack up on either side of the door, Sora would open it in whatever way she saw fit, and Eden would breach. That's how she outlined it before they left the Kaiyō II, that's how it would go. Meissa would, though, see a little sprite of Eden's face pop up in her HUD as the recording of Eden giving those orders played in her headset.

Eden fulfilled her descent and was on the ground immediately after the Patrician had audibly surveyed the cabin's exterior. She hadn't idled for any time at all. Her front foot had struck the ground only for her back foot to take over for her by pressing into the soil of the forest planet. Then both feet were running at a sprint. Eden, too, had gotten visual contact to see the L'Kor idly sitting with their feet on the white bannister of the porch. They were living leisurely lives on the graves of those poor Neko that had once built this cabin with their own hands. Eden was enraged and a scowl showed on her face beneath her helmet.

The L'Kor had gotten up, of course, and her HUD tracked them as they went inside hurriedly while it scanned a Neko face in the vicinity. A name and rank appeared over the head of a Neko that was stuck over the flagpole that extended from a beam of the porch.

Fukumashi Sara
Santô Hei
Stationed on Outpost Komorebi

Eden passed under the piked head and flung her body to the left side of the door, hitting her back against the painted wood, splintering it. She was waiting for the team to stack up on the either side of it.

"Arinori-hei!" Eden called over comms, nodding to the door once everyone had their positions.
Komorebi Surface

Having taken a crouching position, Mochi stood just before their leader called out. "Hai, Eden-shosa. Good luck." Without uttering another word as the rest of the group peeled from the small clearing they had landed in, Mochi turned on his heel and began to jog towards the dense treeline that skirted the area. The lone soldier disappeared into the foliage, the sounds of the other Mindies fading behind the Juni.

Suddenly, Mochi felt like he was the only person on the entire world. No sounds permeated through the forest, just like he remembered, no birds, animals or any noise at all but the rustle of leaves and his own breath.

Pushing through the thorned brush and snaking vines with one gauntlet, Mochi began scanning his surroundings cautiously, searching for a potential LZ far enough from the insertion zone as to be secure and concealed from nearby enemies.
Komorebi Surface

Sutahira Medikku's Mindy Power Armor joined the main group, taking position behind the infantry on the right side of the cabin door. His FARS personal drone equipped with a first aid module tucked into his Type 29 Butt Pack, extra medical gear packed in extra storage wherever possible. His Barrier Shield module was ready for activation, which would allow him to jump in front of a crewmate to protect them or protect both of them while administering field aid. His ASP was holstered, He did not have a handheld rifle, as having that would only get in the way of him treating wounded friendlies. For that reason, he would remain towards the back of the group. His NSBs would be a good compliment, the small capsules on each leg ready to activate when he initiated a battle. Finally, his right shoulder sported a 50mm Gauss Cannon.

He had not been here before as some of the others had, so he would rely on them to give him a lay of the terrain and any potential hazards.

Arinori glanced upwards, scowling as she made out the impaled Neko head. She hefted her Gatling gun angrily and marched to the door, positioning herself opposite of Eden.

She nodded to the black-haired woman, before curtly and quietly speaking three words: "Ichi." Her hand reached towards the handle of the cabin's door and acquired a firm hold upon it.

"Ni." The extended arm tensed up, slowly curling the handle downwards.

"San!" The door was flung open outwards, allowing Eden plenty of space to peer, run, and shoot inside.
Komorebi Cabin

That Neko head was nasty. And Meissa decided the L'Kor looked nasty. Like vultures.

Meissa positioned her drones to fly in above, getting her a full visual of the room once combat started. Even if Eden didn't prioritize it, intelligence was still important. Otherwise SAINT wouldn't exist.

On Sora's count to three, Meissa readied her forearm projectors to materialize blades of Aetheric energy. It was a safer option in the house, and it was definitely better in the close quarters of the house.
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Yoshida's descent had been exceptionally rapid. She fell like dead weight, and allowed herself to reach terminal velocity as she followed a bit behind the formation. As she watched the numbers tick down, it was quite easy to aproximate quite trivial things like the exact gravity the planet had, and how thick the atmosphere was with how much resistance it was putting up. It was much easier, and more precise, to calculate exactly how long it would take her to hit the ground however. These things were easy, when you had a machine like mind, and the guts to hold back that question of 'what if i'm wrong.'

It was quite the sight to her. She almost wished they had jumped in from higher. Although... it didn't seem Kikyo had the same thoughts, judging by her tone of voice. "You'll be fine!" She said quite suddenly, after opening a private line with her. "Just breathe! I'll watch your back! And, if it makes you feel any better, I might get you some icecream." Yoshida actually giggled over the line, even as the ground rushed to meet her. Quickly, she began a mental countdown to stop, and in short order, found herself nearly kissing the ground. It helped that she didn't exactly instantly stop, but more of an extremely controlled, rapid slowing. Maybe I need to work on my sense of bravery, just a little more.

Her mood was seriously dampened when they reached the cabin. A strong urge to request to take no prisoners echoed through the cat's mind before she shook herself free of the chains. That familiar feeling of absolutely hating the enemy. It wasn't a good feeling, or one she should encourage or nuture. She knew that. But when it felt so good to hate, it was difficult to resist... Even as she stacked up with the rest of the crew, she wondered if the entire squad on the single cabin was truly a good idea- it would probably only have taken a few, and there was the problem of... everywhere else. But orders were orders, so she merely watched the woods around them, carefully, with her NSBs acting as extra eyes as they were released one by one.
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"Hai, Chusa," Faye calmly replied to Hoshi's order in a monotone voice. The displays in front of her relayed the status of every member of the away team. Should any of them suffer injuries or traitorous thoughts heightened mental states, she would know about it. The blue-haired Neko tapped several of the volumetric displays to summon forth and sort the incoming data.

"All away team members are green, ma'am," the operative told her captain as the away team dropped. "Tankettes continue on standby." As the mission continued, she would have more updates but would remain silent for now. However, Faye did occasionally steal glances at the other bridge crew members, including the rather small-looking Elysian that had been a part of the original Kaiyo crew.
Komorebi Cabin

Eden slammed through the door and saw a L'Kor waiting on the other side with a gun and no other armor. She twisted their wrist and the gun dropped to the ground with a series of thudding sounds after Eden had already taken the L'Kor's head in both hands and brought it down onto her knee spike. Blood and bird brains splattered across the front of her armor and the now-open doors. She turned to face her right where there were several L'Kor and she ducked and weaved their shots. She was marginally grazed twice by aetheric shots from a power armor.

Eden then called out to her team what she and the drones were seeing, "Five to my right. Only one is in power armerrr—" She was cut off as a someone came down the stairs to her side. "One on the stairs charging. I'm going after them! Nashira back me up." She stepped up the stairs as she began shooting out her forearm cannon and knelt down to allow Meissa the opportunity to come up behind her.


Soon enough but not so soon that this potential LZ was too close to the cabin and enemies, Mochi had chanced upon a well concealed, but small in size, clearing. It was about 300 by 150 meters—the same size as the Fuji-class itself.

YSS Kaiyō

"I'm reading an energy spike somewhere on the surface! It is likely reinforcements that are being called in!" Asuka shouted across the bridge.

Hoshi said as she steepled hands, "It looks like they want a fight and they're getting one."
Komorebi Cabin

Ume frowned at the sight of the Neko's head on the spike, this would be her first time dealing with the L'Kor and this single moment made her hate them. When she first enlisted that hate would cloud her judgment, but not anymore, she knew what she needed to do. Like instructed she prepared for the breach and readied her submachine gun. Her sword would need two meters to be used effectively, so she stuck with her compact bullpup, that was why it was her primary after all. However she switched it from aether to scalar, not to go easy, but so she could fire freely, without having to worry about collateral to any possible hostages.

She stormed into the house right after Eden like she was told, and quickly sized up the situation and let Eden handle the first one. The other's that began to fire was a bit of a problem, but with her photonic armor online she only had serious concern for the one in armor.

When Eden rushed up the stairs Ume briefly activated her thrusters to propel herself across the room, right up to the armored L'Kor on the first floor, and shoulder rams them into a wall. In that moment she released her rifle with on hand and pulled out her Special Duty revolver and fired two shots on high point blank into the L'Kor's torso before she jumped back to get some distance away from retaliation.
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Komorebi Cabin

Once Eden stepped into the house, Meissa had her weapon ready to fire on the left side while Eden moved right, making sure there were no other threats located on that side.

On Eden's call for help, Meissa took a millisecond to process Eden's situation. There wasn't enough space at the stairway for her to take any shots, but Meissa devoted a large portion of her suit's energy into the shield, and unsheathed her forearm projector and Aether Saber. She leapt up the stairs and over Eden, bouncing off the wall and targeting the armored L'Kor with both of her blades of shimmering Aether and two of her Wing Pack's drones, letting the other two drones fire at the unarmored L'Kor, the two dealing with unarmored L'Kor firing scalar pulses instead of Aether.
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Komorebi Cabin

In close quarters like these, a fight with an assault weapon is bad. Arinori swapped out her Gatling gun for her LASR, taking measured shots against the enemies on her commander's right.


"Can we get a fix on the location yet, Asuka?" The redhead, looking slightly nervous, coaxed her voice across the command center.
Komorebi Cabin

Walter was not mad at the fact that there was a head on a stake, right in front of the cabin. Not even a little bit!

Actually, that was a lie; the Minkan was smoldering, gritting his teeth as he stared at the dead Neko head right in its cold eyes. It was not enough to send him into a righteous fury, however. So, I suppose there are some others who are not above primitive forms of taunting, Walter thought to himself. Then it is only fair that we play just as dirty.

The engineer heeded the call of Eden, following the infantry into the cabin. He noted that, due to how he isn't equipped to take a beating, and he is carrying explosives on his person, that he should prioritize keeping everyone's gear in good condition over combat.

However, since everyone is doing a good job in keeping their armor in places that it should be, he decided to help out Arnori by giving her some supporting fire via his sabre-rifle. Walter didn't consider himself to be a true war machine, especially when compared to everyone else, so he was perfectly okay with the others getting a lot of the action.
YSS Kaiyo II Bridge

Faye noted the increased heart rates among the away team. Whether it was anger, fear, or just combat adrenaline, she would know about it. Her own heart skipped a beat as Eden's condition status blinked to note a change. Thankfully, the XO's overall status remained lime green, but one of her shoulder plates dipped into a more orange-ish green color, indicating that she took slight damage. Closing her violet eyes briefly, the missions ops breathed a silent prayer for their safety to whatever deity might exist out there.

"Chusa," Faye relayed to Hoshi, "The away team has indeed met the enemy. L'Kor presence confirmed planet-side." She neglected to share the Neko head spike warning the away team had witnessed. Although it did not turn her stomach due to not being the worst thing the older Neko has seen, there was no point in bringing the bridge crew's morale down while making some potentially sick to their stomach.
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