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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Eight: Hangeki

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YSS Kaiyō II
Aiko's Quarters
William's eyes widened at the command. He had a choice to make... follow the order of the captain, or the order of his mother.

With a nod and a mischievous smile, he bowed deeply. "Yes Mama... I will make you and the Princess proud." He said before taking off towards the PA bay.

YSS Kaiyō II

PA Bay

William entered the PA bay after stopping by his room and securing his blades. William smiled as he laid eyes on his armor. He hit the release and made sure his other sword was secured in its new sheath on the armor's back, the smaller swords placed in the hip sheaths.

He stepped into the armor and sealed himself inside. "Power up." He ordered, the suit complying. He knew he was going to be in deep trouble for this, but a son must obey his mother. He smirked as the process completed.With the thruster unit fixed in place he quickly moved to the opening. "William launching!" He said firing the thrusters and flying out of the bay.


William flew at high speed towards the away team, listening to the comms chatter. At Eden's words, he looked up seeing the incoming shuttles. William dropped in next to the group. "I thought you could use an extra hand. Your orders, Shosa?"
Above Tankettes

Eden descended and landed next to a tankette before asking, "Do you have information from the bridge yet? Do you have information enough to shoot them down? Orders will come from higher up and we will follow those orders, understood?"

She comm'd in to the captain and XO's comms. "Awaiting your orders down here. I've seen the hostiles you were referring to earlier. They are within range."


"We've been ordered to collect samples." Leeta told the Vekimen. "The goo made someone a little more... interesting than he was before he touched it."

YSS Kaiyō II

Hoshi looked to Saki, saying, "Teien-Chui, would you?" Hoshi sent Saki her plans and she asked the other Neko to forward them to Eden.

The decapitated head of the L'Kor she had killed was a trophy. Such things were meant to be shown off, even if they were in supposed bad taste.

After sheathing Ikari to Kaze and decompacting her gauss cannon, Hanna attached the head of her second kill to her utility belt and exited the cabin. Before anyone had noticed what she was carrying on her hip, Hanna was outside of the cabin. Once she was next to the flag pole, she deattached the head of the Neko from the flagpole and quickly replaced it with the head of a dead L'Kor, facing towards the horizon.

Before she lined up outside of the cabin, Hanna returned inside to place the Neko's head on a bed until better accommodations could be found.

By the time she had returned outside, Hanna had her gauss cannon sighted to the sky and the growing dots of shuttles that were approaching on the horizon.


After standing guard outside of the cabin, Janna Madsen turned her LASR towards the sky and locked her targeting systems on the approaching shuttles. The Neko took up a defensive position on the porch of the house, close to her sister.

"Janna and Hanna Madsen-Hei, in position!", Janna said over comms, speaking for her sister.
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Komorebi Cabin

Walter heard Eden's order over the comms, nodded, but hasn't spoken in response.

The engineer looked out the window, spotting all those little dots floating in the sky. Plenty of shuttles were incoming.

"Well, I do not think they are this livid because we took our cabin back.", Walter quipped as he walked outside, priming his sabre-rifle.

He kept close to the tankettes, having considered the thought of being under-equipped for this battle. This is the best I can do... This is just about the only thing I can do. Walter thought to himself, narrowing down his own options.
Komorebi Surface
Tankette Unit

Sutahira checked his systems as he stood by a tankette, his barrier shield ready to activate at a moment's notice as the dots of the shuttles grew ever larger. He unlimbered his gauss cannon on his right shoulder, acquiring a target lock on one of the shuttles. "Target lock acquired, ready to fire when the word is given." He reported, letting his teammates know their medic would not be sitting this engagement out. He was determined all of them get home safely, especially after seeing the fates of the previous residents of the cabin.
Komorebi - Tankette Line

Meissa wasn't interested in debating orders today. Although she disagreed with Eden's course of action.

Why was Eden so disagreeable lately? She placed a lot of emphasis on "Hoshi this, Hoshi that."

God dammit command. At least the rest of the infantry were taking Meissa up on the suggestion. And, hopefully, Eden knew deep down Melissa's choices were not insubordination, but a suggestion that would hopefully keep their mission perfect. And by perfect she meant "no deaths."

Stop wasting time, Meissa. She simply stood by, readying herself against the incoming shuttles.

"Very well then, Shosa." Meissa stated.

She found herself actually hating her job for once.

The arrival of William shook things up nicely as the anger dispersed from her head. She hated mulling over stuff like that more, and it would only cause her to make stupid mistakes in battle.

"Hey, William. How's it going? Better late than never." she addressed.
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Komorebi - Tankette Line

The Nepleslian smiled softly in his helmet. "Good to see you too Meissa-San." He chuckled, as he drew his Kaiyo sword, and selected another sword from his hip, the blade already turning red hot. "It could not be helped I am afraid." He added, not informing her of how he was not actually supposed to be there.

'Better to leave that unsaid...' He thought dryly.
Komorebi - Tankette Line

"Good to see you brought something that isn't Aetheric." Meissa commented. "I used my fancy new Aether projectors and it took me two minutes of beating on one guy to break the suit. The effects of in-atmosphere Aether is brutal."
Komorebi - Tankette Line

William nodded, placing the Kaiyo sword back in it's sheath and drawing his second sword, it too heating up and becoming red hot. "Thanks for the heads up. Looks I will come in handy for this battle then." He replied, checking his forearm cannons as well.
"Hai!" Faye replied to all of Hoshi's orders, taking note of any major damage the away team would take. Luckily, nothing serious so far. She also relayed the Chusa's orders to the tankettes before their departure.

The mission ops gave the strange drone an old look, but more important things took her attention away. When enemy reinforcements started arriving via atmospheric flight, Faye opened up a channel to all hands ground-side. They all would hear her icy cool voice over their comms. "Attention all Kaiyo personnel, this is Kikoru-Heisho. We are detecting likely hostile reinforcements approaching your position from above. Take defensive positions while the Kaiyo provides air support."

Hopefully, that would help get everyone caught up on the situation. After taking a breath to collect her thoughts, she simply finished with, "Stay safe, everyone." What the thin Neko didn't add was that she would be first to find out if otherwise.

As Leeta enthusiastically led Jax to the stream where the crew had previous encounters, he looked around in awe. The landscape of the planet was definitely something to behold. The air was crisp and comfortably cool. There was a slight breeze, and knee-height bright green grass swayed around him. Occasionally a grass stalk could be seen topped with seed husks, and Jax took the opportunity to pluck one up and insert it into a specimen bag for later analysis. Perhaps he could grow one in the Kaiyo lab upon their return.

When they reached the stream, he stared at it, perplexed. Jax fished his scanner out of his backpack and aimed it at the slow-moving water. The chemical makeup of the water was already registered into the system. Not terribly harmful. As he looked at the edges of the stream, he noticed the rocks that Leeta had mentioned. They were grey, slightly porous, and had red goo leaking out of them into the river. Jax knelt down to get a closer look. He poked at the rock with his gloved hand, and it gave way easily, more of the red goo flooding out of it. He took out a scalpel from his utility belt and carefully cut into the "rock." Veins carrying the red goo covered the inside. It was clearly not a rock. The inside flaked apart easily like a delicately baked biscuit. Jax peeled a piece off and felt it between his fingers.
Some kind of fungi. It didn't take long to piece together that the red goo was actually spores. The species had cleverly adapted to living alongside this stream, where all it had to do was ooze out the spores to be carried away by the water. As Jax looked further down the stream, the fungi species absolutely covered the banks. One wouldn't want to be out walking barefoot while these were secreting hallucinogenic liquid spores.

Carefully, he grabbed a tiny vial and pressed it against the bulbous fungal mass and collected a bright red sample of the stuff. He also took the half of the fungus he'd cut off and slipped it into a sample bag just like the one he'd put the grass germ into.
YSS Kaiyo

Arbles shifted about in her seat a little bit. Hopefully those shuttles didn't get too close. She heard of a few stories where Kuvexians would go so far as to pack their small craft with explosives, choosing to simply collide with a target to destroy it. She couldn't say if they were true or not, but she also didn't feel like letting them get close enough to prove it...

Tankette Line

Wow, Meissa really likes to talk like she's in command. She needs to know her place, and let the actual command handle the situation... The incredibly tall woman hefted her Gatling gun, checking its power readout just in case. In case of... Well, something. She thought for a few moments, waiting for new orders, as an idea formulated slowly...

"Eden-Shosha? I can transmit data for solid volumetric barriers to everyone here, providing a more predictable form of coverage against possible enemy fire."
Komorebi Surface
Outside Cabin

Ume received the orders and stepped out of the cabin, though she had just committed very brutal deeds, the moment she crossed the door way, the tension flew from her body and she was back to the energetic but restrained demeanor of just prior to her drop. If she stayed tense too long her condition would drop.

"I did not think they would be that sturdy..." She spoke aloud as she regrouped with everyone and looked up at the shuttles in the sky. "And they have more..." She sighed and put her sword back on her shoulder and held her SMG in hand.

"I'm no good at defensive combat.." She huffed but she did get into position.
"There's a group of shuttles coming in hm?" Yoshida noted as she spotted them. She would have warned the others, if it weren't for the kaiyo doign that for her. Instead, like the other infantry she readied up, and went a ways off from the cabin to pick a concealed spot to set up in, to give herslf easy access to both her aether gattling gun, which certainly couldn't be used to fire over long ranges like that with the bloom effect, and her grenade launcher. Which similarly, woudldn't reach that far. But if they were just a tad closer, maybe she'd get lucky and nail them with some airburst rounds. She doubted they would do much to them though.

She frowned at the head that replaced the neko's on the porch once she finally spotted it, and wondered who did that, but only for a moment. It woulnd't do to argue over such things! "So, from the sound if it, you had a hard time in there? Wish i could have joined! But it would have been terribly cramped!" She didn't speak to anyone in particular, but Ume had certainly confirmed what she had been hearing within.
Komorebi Surface
Cabin Front

Anastasia checked the commotion across the comms as she rolled behind the group ahead of her towards the cabin. She certainly didn't see anything through there, but there was no denying there was something coming.

The technician looked up and through one of the volumetric displays to see her, former, captain floating alongside as the cavalry rolled up to join the main group at the cabin. "I don't see anything, but I can use their predicted vector to send intercept missiles, if you order." The Elysian replied, checking out the information as the Tankettes fell into position with the defending group.

The Elysian let off the stick controls, bringing up a control panel to match the data coming in from the bridge. The missile pods and mounted gun atop the Tankette slowly adjusted to point out at the incoming pings, scanning the forested horizon ahead of the group.
YSS Kaiyo II

Misaki nodded to the CO's order and cued up the comm line, "Estimated ten minutes to shuttle touchdown. We are taking off to engage, further orders to follow." She then toggled the comm line to go straight to the drone she had spoke to before and ignored it's question, "Drone, state your identity and purpose. You are ordered to answer as you leave the combat area."

Komorebi Surface

Kikyo walked over by her mother, sending a quick ping of confusion and wonder over their neural connection before simply turning around to watch the flanks again. She really had no idea what to do, but she knew that she probably couldn't hit the shuttles with her Aether SMG reliably.
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Komorebi Cabin

The drone received the message, looking around. It replied "I am...", seeming to take a few seconds to load some data. "Chlorate. I require assistance, I was escaping a robot who would've destroyed me. I am now lost and do not know where to go."
YSS Kaiyo II

Misaki cocked her head to the side before going back to her blank face as she turn her head just enough for her voice to carry to Hoshi. "The drone is calling itself Chlorate, and is claiming to be escaping from a robot and is requesting help. Orders... Ma'am?"

The Chui looked back to her displays and went back to what mattered to her, looking through the HUDs of her her family. She had one ear listening for Hoshi's response while the other was waiting in reserve to hear any comms coming in. Her fingers were tapping the arm of her chair nervously, her eyes resting on the name plates reading both Eden's and Kikyo's names on the display projection.

She was worried, worried enough to temporarily forget her growing distaste for their new Captain in favor of making sure everyone came home.
Tankette Line

Eden was torn between creating solid volumetrics and being able to shoot down the shuttles with their weapons systems that had that kind of range. She looked to Kikyō and sent reassuring feelings while also outlining on her HUD a good place to stand beside Meissa and away from the easily targeted tanks.

"Arinori-hei!" Eden called out. "Exceptional idea! Prepare solid volumetric barriers placed at Arinori-hei's discretion, team. This will happen only after they're on top of us. If you'll remember their shuttles did not have offensive weaponry the last time we encountered one. It's only what's inside of those that we need to worry about. Tankette operators ready missiles on my mark! Those with long-range atmospheric weapons, fire on my word!"

She then flew up a couple dozen meters and primed her own gauss weapons, readying herself.

"Fire!" the Shosa said as she released twelve rounds in one second from both shoulder-mounts. She then waited to see what ensued from her own shots and what her team members would do, as well.


Leeta watched Jax and asked, "What is it about your species that makes you want to leave them behind? What made you want to come to the Star Army instead?" She stepped forward and trounced upon one almost typical mushroom that was a part of a ring, though they were all blue with red spots. "Oh ah..." She pointed down towards the ring and looked to Jax.

YSS Kaiyō II

"Chlorate," Hoshi said over the comms the drone was using, "This is Taiyou Hoshi, a Chusa in the Star Army of Yamatai. We will give you safe harbor with time and trust, but you have to do so for yourself, as well. Get out of the field of battle." She switched comms off and looked to Kyōi who had moved the ship up and out of the clearing and towards the shuttlecraft.

Hoshi said, "Kiseki-hei, continue on an intercept course. Take what shuttles you can out from here, Shan-hei." She turned to Saki, looking at the position of her fingers on the console and grimaced.
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