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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fourteen: Uekiya pt. I

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YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Condition one. Combat is now. Activating Nekovalkyrian combat instinct and system optimization...

An unnerving calm settled over the Type 33's face as her tail flattened downwards. She was a war machine. She would act as such and eliminate the enemy with extreme efficiency at the moment the order entered the unfathomable matrix of her mind's operating system, passed into its sensory input, and the first order decoded by what her internal processor model knew how to. It would make its way through her neural network and send signals to make her lift off from the power armor bay and ready her LASR, her designated long-range weapon. During the lift-off, her suit would immediately use its scanners and cross-reference off of all other scanners available to her use, to detect and mark enemies for her to eliminate.

This was the plan. A simple one -- but an efficient one. The margin for error existed, but her power of improvisation was a formidable one.

No, stop overthinking it! Just get in the action! Work it out from there. Kyoi's left foot raised up, instinctively, and smashed down against the hard metal floor of the power armor bay. Her CFS vaulted her out the door, and she held close to a point defense gun on the Kaiyo, waiting for her superior to come to her position.

"Unit deployed. Holding position at spherical coordinate 50 meters out, 100 degrees theta, 120 degrees phi relative to Kaiyo center of mass." Kyoi stated. "Awaiting allies to designate their assault vectors."

Now we improvise.
YSS Kaiyo II

Mochi blinked a few times as Asuka asked for control, raising a distracted eyebrow in surprise at his absentmindedness. "My apologies, I didn't expect you to want to take on controls alone. I suppose your notable experience allows you to do so despite lack of green panels. I'll be here if you need me."

It was probably an unthoughtful thing to say but the Elysian was too caught up in what was happening on the viewscreens to care, despite it being divorced from his normally compassionate disposition. In a swipe, he'd transferred all controls over to the starship operator, being left with just the condensed readouts and analysis tools minus science equipment or array controls.

Operating with the cut-down suite, the Juni busied himself with Hoshi's orders, operating much more swiftly than he would have done with the distractions of the equipment. In no time, he was analyzing the images of the enemy captain, body language and more, running her through all onboard databases. Mochi glanced at the more compacted readings he was recieving from Asuka's preliminary scans as the queries ran, being her second pair of eyes for anything out of the ordinary, if this was ever ordinary.
YSS Kaiyō II

"Good," the little captain said to the engineer. "We can't leave our away team here, but, Gravity, I want you to make it hard for either main weapon array to fire on us."

She noticed the way Iemochi more than halved his console controls.

"Learn to share, Iemochi-juni. This ship needs you working with Deio-hei! Boss, allow Iemochi-juni to utilize the science equipment on board this vessel through his console and do not let him for a second think he is not a valuable member to this bridge. We need you at your best for this mission, Juni!"

"Understood," Boss replied over comms and Iemochi would notice his console alight with information once more. The ability to take away or add controls to and from himself or others on the bridge was no longer present.

"Now, Iemochi-juni." Hoshi said, "I gave you an order after my conversation with Pumpkin. Do you remember it? If not, it was as follows:"
Juni, gather all possible data on this Mishhuvurthyar woman.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Alastair did a power dive out the doors of the ship and was free in the vacuum of space. He did not waste any time bolting towards the enemy ship. Having been asked to support the rear he had to throttle down his Mindy since with the drone pack it allowed him to fly faster than those without it.

He placed his hand over one of the pouches on the Mindy. While he was not allowed to collar the crew, enemy was another story. Goal was to shot to kill but if he happen to bring back a few for questions so be it. Why miss out on a chance to learn more about this other universe.

"Lets rock and roll teams. We got a date with ourselves and we can't be late." He said over comms as his aether blade powered up.

Odo braced for the transitions between universes as he saw the engine power up. The feeling that passed through him was weird. It was as if something was pulling him, trying to rip him from the fabric of the universe. Hard to explain, harder even to feel, it wasn't painful just disconcerting. But in a instant it was done.

He started securing and trasnferring the TTD back to Aether engines almost immediately, along with the rest of the techs and engineers here. It wasnt but mere minutes afterwards that the lights dimmed and a change to combat readiness was called. Here we go, its what I trained for.

While automated security measure came into play, likely activated at some console on the bridge, Odo secured his station. Anything that was loose got stowed away, where it wouldn't be able to be thrown around in any conditions. He made sure his service pistol was holstered but accessible. He also grabbed a repair kit and put it down besides him for access in rapid response scenarios. Most of this was stuff drilled into him at boot camp. He also tried to keep an eye on the other more experienced technicians to see if he had missed anything.

Finished, he stepped back up to his workstation displays and double checked the security measures, everything looked good. He wasnt sure if he was supposed to report that he was at combat readiness, but he assumed the bridge had more important things to worry about and someone would contact him if they needed him.
YSS Kaiyo

Arbles was a bit nervous when the Kaiyo II made its jump between universes. Mostly... Mostly for the children in her womb. Sure, the lovely twins were conceived in this place, but she'd very much prefer them not being born here. While there wasn't a risk of that happening right now, her due date was getting pretty close - only a couple more months at the latest. The Kaiyo I spent almost that long in here the first time around...

When the "Pumpkin" woman suddenly appeared on-screen, the smol'st of crew members had to send curious glances towards the current captain and sensors operator - the similarities in the physical appearance seemed rather surreal. As the initial order to arm the starship Kaiyo II was sent, the redhead hesitated briefly. "Chusa, maybe we should-" The partial objection as she went about her task while speaking was interrupted by the arrival of a new starship, the IYS Uvularia. The little one's fingers suddenly made short work of the remaining checks - unfortunately there wasn't enough time to mess with the electronic blanks, given that combat was effectively immediate. A series of very unpleasant-looking "Lock Detected" signals were probably flooding the IYS sensor girl's screen right now... Giving a pretty accurate indication of how many guns the fully armed and operational battlesmol was about to use. Which, for the record, was a lot of guns.

"Chusa, if you would like, I can most likely annihilate their bridge with our weaponry here. It would put the power armor team at less risk."

Power Armor Bay

Arete was quick to form up near the middle-back of the departing group, flying backwards to get a look towards the strange, apparently unexpected Plumeria. The one that was apparently not an enemy... That works out for now, fewer enemies means less danger. She was starting to feel a bit comfortable with the idea of just hopping between universes, actually! Though... Fighting someone in the first day of moving between them was a bit less fun.
YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

Walter's Star Servantines gripped onto his arms and legs prior to the Minkan vaulting out the ship. This was... Honestly not what he had in mind whatsoever. Are these the enemy? After he got himself to the center-left, his gauntlets detach and float by him. His NSBs deploy shortly afterwards.

Are these even the enemy? Is Hoshi just being a bad captain again by possibly jumping the gun on someone who genuinely wants to help? Then again, an inner Imperial instinct told him to be alert about this, this IYS ship is a bit too... Spooky for his tastes.

Yare yare daze.
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YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay/Space

The sudden changes and warnings that went on in the ship piqued Coconut's interest, she had been in a starship during combat before, though it had been quite a while, she readied herself for whatever came next. as the bay doors opened, she looked out and saw what was before them- it wasn't much of anything aside from the vastness of space; and one, no two other ships. And then they were given the order to go, with the XO being the first one out the door.

Keeping her position at the middle of the pack, the Calico Neko took off without a word and followed, training her LATR on the enemy ship, looking for any and everything that might come moving out of it to attack them. She observed, patiently trying to find a target and ready to strike the moment she identified one. Her Mindy armor hurled forth, and, despite the speed, the lack of sufficient particles in space meant that the Molecure tape held firm, at least for now.
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YSS Kaiyo II
Arm the bridge... Chlorate glanced at her arm. No, that wasn't right, she meant the other definition of arm. She looked up from her arm at the weapons station.
"Affirma-" Chlorate began, only to stop herself with a confused beep. It seemed the weapons station was already occupied, so instead of moving, she stood there, unsure of where to go.

"Eh...?" Kiki asked as the security measures engaged and Boss announced the change in readiness condition. She had already known what to expect from the TTD being used, so to be honest she was more caught off-guard by the readiness condition changing so quickly after its usage. Were they already there? Did they already encounter the IYS Kaiyo? Hmm... Well it was maximum... so it was possible... She remained alert, in the event that this was the case... This IYS Kaiyo crew sounded pretty powerful, so she didn't doubt that the basic security measures wouldn't be enough to prevent them from getting into the Engineering bay, should they have managed to find their way on board.
YSS Kaiyo-ii
Power Armour Bay

Wyatt dove out of the door along with the rest of the armoured unit, there was a brief sense of bliss before the thrusters of his suit fired up and it's form began pressing against his body from the acceleration. Not too slow and not too fast, the marksman maintained his position at the left-flank as they rocketed towards the IYS ship - his cyclopean helmet shifted slightly to the side in order to get a good view of the black ship, the one they had been told to not attack.


The helmet pivoted around to its 'default' position as they continued to fly, Wyatt liked to think he had an idea of what his counterpart would be like yet truth be told he was just making assumptions based on... well based on nothing really but his own thoughts so blindly guessing was a more accurate term he supposed. The minkan had no idea what to expect besides the picture his crew had painted about them, for all he knew his counterpart was about to die in the gunfire that was surely only moments from being unleashed.

Ah well, not much he could do about that - he wanted it to be a little more personal but if that was the case then so be it, as long as the crew came out with most their limbs still somewhat intact.
YSS Kaiyō II

"We need to gain intelligence from that ship, not destroy it outright," Hoshi said to the round one. "Remember that we're flying blind in this universe. All we have is..." Hoshi's eyes had strayed to the emission readouts she was perusing that were coming off the black Plumeria. She nearly whispered as her eyes sparkled while she thought hard, "Ourselves."


Eden flew steadily onwards until she was atop the IYS ship. Turrets began firing mercilessly on her and her crew and the XO let her hands find a place beside her hips as she made herself a difficult target by flying near-erratically around the PD fire. Lauren Strong was close behind, faltered once, and was clipped by an anti-mech cannon. The Nekovalkyrja tumbled in space for a moment before she righted herself and noted that her AIES showed yellow in her chest and shoulders.

Eden noticed, "Report, Strong-hei!"

"Strong-hei, not down for the count!" she replied sheepishly, embarrassed.

Eden called back, "Good! Keep it that way!"

Muyomi was to the side of Eden and moved in close to the grey hull of the IYS ship, activated her aether beam saber rifle, and unleashed its wrath against the bulge of the bridge on the upper portion near the prow of the ship.

"Their shields are too strong!" Muyomi called out over the away team's comms while she looked to the XO.

Eden lifted her hand, palm facing upwards, and pushed all of her fingers twice up and down. Muyomi thrusted away from the ship, yet was close enough to it to be out of the ship-based turrets' and cannons' strike zones. Teien Eden activated her aether cannons that were mounted on her shoulders and began to barragethe ship's shielding.

"Now!" Eden yelled out once she let her shoulder weaponry rest.

Muyomi moved in and began trying, once more, to cut into the hull. Her aether blade couldn't get past the shielding.

"Teamwork!" Eden said to the away team.

The XO marked the weakened point in the shields where she had been mutilating them on her own on the HUDs of the away team that were near the ship. Muyomi jetted up and away from the blueish hull while Eden, again, shot out at the IYS Uvularia, hoping she would be joined in doing so by her team.

“Order acknowledged, squad command.” Kyoi replied. “Issue analyzed: Enemy vessel has too high shield regeneration for one target to penetrate.”

The database of weaponry opened up, Kyoi’s Nekovalkyrian mind filtering through all of them to find the perfect weapon to use for the situation. She flew back inside to access the armory, coming out after quickly switching a shoulder capacitor for her LATR, her hands carrying an even bigger gun.

“Target analyzed. Hazard warning: imminent death if hit by beam.” she stated over comms again, flying out with her new gun.

It hummed in her hands as it charged, vibrating ever so slightly. A ship’s main cannon felt great when firing, but the soldier could not deny that firing one of these with your own hands felt amazing. A weapon of handheld mass destruction. One of these alone could topple a skyscraper.

The gun charged, and Kyoi pinged the people in the area. “Clear.” she stated.

Wyatt kept tight to the formation as they flew, the bulky weapon in his hands was held close to his chest in an attempt to minimize the risk of it being hit as the PD fire came raining down on them. Then came the order to weaken shields, Wyatt dropped down a meter and banked left until he was in a better position to comply and not hit any team mates - but he maintained pace with them as his barrier shield roared to life.

"Opening fire" Wyatt called out over comms as he raised his 50mm gauss cannon up and rested it one his forearm shield.

the trigger was pulled back seven times as the armour piercing round in the chamber was cleared and then the mag of thermite-filled rounds were emptied toward the target. The now empty gun was tilted 45 degrees to the left and pulled back, the edge of the shield caught on the magazine and wrenched it free before the weapon was pressed to one of the full mags mounted to the shield and it was ready to fire again.
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Walter, since he didn't bring any guns in him at all, had at first opted to punch the shields at Eden's command, if only to out immense pressure in one spot and tax the shield generator alongside the rest of the crew. Abusing shields like this is bound to work.

He glanced over at the others; one of them even has that very powerful gun that went into circulation recently. That Neko has quite the gun... On top of that, everyone else doing their best as well, too. Walter resolved to do the same, and thus silently, and with a air of righteousness and confidence, he has his Stars clutch into a drill made of hands. While not sharp, they're still made of the hardest stuff in the sector, and they can go pretty fast if they fly right, even at the speed of swords with gravitic drives installed. With a thought, the large drill spins at max rotation, and charged at the shield, ready to collide with the surface of the IYS Uvularia.

"Meteor Strike!"

His projectile rammed at the shield, flexing only a bit, but still attacking the shield with ferocity. Walter felt a tad cheeky and silly for doing... Basically anime things. It's not normally like him to do this. Or is it natural to him, and that being raised in a hostile environment made him supress the desire to go all anime? Walter needs to reflect on this once the mission is over.

As William closed in, the ship began to fire at them with CIWS. He rolled out of the way and also began to fly erratically. His massive armor gracefully dodging the incoming projectiles. He fired back at the ship with his railgun then watched as Muyomi moved in to strike at the hull with her saber.

He watched as her saber bounced off the shielding and cursed. Maybe if he could...

Before he had a chance to stab at the shields himself, everyone began to open up with their weapons. Change of plans then...

William loaded another high explosive shell and fired again where everyone was concetrating their fire.
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"They're trying to break open a ship's shields with Powered armor?" Coconut thought to herself, somewhat confused. Having expected to be fighting other powered armors rather than the ship itself, she was momentarily taken aback, but regained herself quite quickly. Swapping the magazine currently in her LATR, which was filled with standard ball-type ammunition, she instead inserted one with high explosive ammunition. As the Calico Neko approached, she began firing carefully placed shots on the spot they had been ordered to breach, while having her AIES take care of a randomized flight pattern to keep the point defense weapons from being able to pin her down. If any of the shots started coming close to her approaching armor, she would fire a Mini-missile toward the weapon, until the point she was too close to the ship for them to shoot at her any longer.
Orion had made his way to the Power Armor bay, after having smiled to Anastasias 'go get em' sugar' comment. Once the light blue winged and just a little bit nervous Elysian had arrived at the PA bay, he instantly suited into his Mindy, with the usual dual 50mm Gauss Cannons, the Gauss Extension backpack and those nifty countermeasure augmentation pods. After having grabbed an Aether Beam Rifle, the Hawk decided to hang around Abart, the resident infantry snake and a rather close friend. He didn't attempt to start a conversation mostly because of his diminishing anti-social issues, and because the subject was already engaging in another conversation, and this particular Elysian didn't want to be rude.

Once arrival at the site, and orders had been thrown out, the light blue winged hawk jumped out of the Power Armor bay and directly into space, following the Away team towards the target.

Dodging through any enemy fire being directed at him, the PA clad Orion aimed at the weak points marked out by Eden, and activated his shoulder mounted Gauss Cannons to aid in the efforts to take down the IYS Uvularias shields.
YSS Kaiyo
Vehicle Bay

As soon as Able had gotten word of the two enemy ships, as well as the infantry engaging, he was more than ready to get out there and show his crew what kind of damage he could do. Starting everything up in one fluid motion within the cockpit of his Mamushi, he took off at a blinding speed from the vehicle bay of the ship, out into the depths of space to meet their mirror counterparts head-on.

Flying upwards and twisting around to position himself above the Kaiyo, he got the chance to see the entire battlefield from a nice, high vantage point. Wait... Why were the infantry engaging the enemy vessel? Such an action seemed like suicide to Able, at least. Regardless, these kinds of situations were fitted for those of his expertise. Going full-throttle for one of the two enemy vessels, the one he was ordered to fire upon anyhow, he let one of his aether torpedoes go flying, skimming its shield with his fighter before letting another torpedo fly for a different part of the shield, hoping to weaken it in several spots. Both projectiles traveled fast, and illuminated the otherwise dark surroundings with their glow before Able quickly retreated off for the Kaiyo again.

"I truly mean no offense to the Chusa, but isn't sending the away team to disable the enemy shields a bit foolish? Truly their guns will tear them apart. Mindy-class power armor can only withstand so much." He spoke over his comms to the ship, all while dodging turret fire from the vessel he just pummeled. The Douryo couldn't help but wonder something, as well... What were the full possibilities of his counterpart meeting him out here for a dogfight? Even non-sentient droids could fly. He'd been one, after all, so he would know. So far, the field seemed devoid of another fighter but himself. Now to see if that would last...
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Sacre launched with the rest of the Infantry as they sped towards the IWS ship. The crew was hitting the shields without much impact. From her posision in the middle, she didn't like their odds of surviving the assault. The heaviest of her Mindy's weapons wouldn't even scratch the shields of the Kaiyo. Perhaps with concentrated fire, they might be able to scratch the shields. However, it wouldn't be enough. Not unless the Kaiyo fired danger close to her infantry.

Sacre watched as Able's fighter zoomed by, launching a torpedo. The torpedo should do the trick, enough to take out the shields for a little bit at the least. Sacre jumped in line behind the torpedo. "On me. We're going to follow the torpedo in." She said to the group. Sacre's plan was simple, follow the torpedo in. She would be just close enough to avoid getting hit in the blast. She would let her suit do the flying for the last seconds. If the shield was still up, then Sacre and those following her would pull up before they pancaked themselves into the shields. If not, then Sacre would land on the hull of the enemy ship. Inside the shields, if they went back up. She grabbed her Aether Blade Xiphos and lit it as she followed the Torpedo in.
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Having dumped one mag measly mag into the shield with very little confidence that all the combined fire would do much by itself, Wyatt saw the medic-snake's plan as more than sound. Just follow the big thing through the hole it makes, simple right? "Jumping in queue" Wyatt spoke as the torpedo began to pass by, he fire his thrusters to fall in behind sacre and maintain speed with her, the minkan trusted his own reflexes would be good enough to stop himself from slamming into the shield if the torpedo didn't do its job.

It seemed like a better plan than waiting around, plus his counter-augmentation pods would help ensure the torpedo at least got to where it needed to go.
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