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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fourteen: Uekiya pt. I

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YSS Kaiyo II

The ship's native science guy checked out Asuka's scans as she worked diligently, the results from his queries coming in, a deluge of red flashes and negative error messages. This 'Pumpkin' was a ghost. SAINT might have something on her above his head but surely they'd put in some information to be shown if this situation arose?

From the corner of his mouth, he quipped over a question to his sensory counterpart, "Anything not like our materials? Laser spectrometry reading back weird?" A quick query, not missing a beat as he reported back to their illustrious captain. "Nothing on any database I can get into, Hoshi-chusa. Looks like educated guesses are the best we're going to get."

The shape of the enemy ship was obviously that of a Plumeria, one similar to the original Kaiyo. "Chusa, the Plumeria-class is only 25 meters high, if the team vector alongside the ship it may be possible to save them some fire. The cannons will have a hard time angling to hit them if they stay close to its flanks. If they get behind the ship, the main array can't hit them, they may even be able to punch through the rear ramp once they breach the shields and get a straight breach to the ship's vitals. The enemy might have forgotten to put the shield there to full strength if they're working around their own deployment strategy, it might even be a weak point if we're lucky."
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Alastair was doing his part to give over watch to the battlefield having been asked to take up the rear guard. There was some chatter over comms from the crew complaining about infantry being sent in to fight the enemy ship.

"Focus people! Our Mindy's are not blow up dolls you have to be gentle with. These are powerful machines able to slice open any ship." Alastair said over comms. "Next person to complain about being asked to fight is going to have to dislodge my size 12 boot from your ass after the mission!" A serious yet joking voice said.

Alastair knew this might had been a first for some of the crew so the idea of fighting a heavy armed ship might be completely crazy. He knew this was crazy but had faith in Hoshi and her game plan.
YSS Kaiwo II: Electric Boogaloo

Arbitrated nodded politely at Hoshi's explanation. It made a lot of sense. Of course, the armor team seemed to be having issues with breaching the ship's shielding. That made sense, their weapons weren't designed to take on a starship's defenses. She was considering asking about releasing a mass driver shell into the IYS ship's starboard wing-like nacelle, but the friendly armors had swarmed and clung to the enemy's surface like a group of bees. She just kinda kept her mouth shut. Too much risk of friendly fire right now.

Space in Uvuland

Arete kept back from the high-density cluster of armor currently trying to force its way onto the Plumeria's bridge - on top of there being plenty of people there already, a bulk of her loadout was focused on area-of-effect damage; perfect for completely annihilating anybody inside the ship once it was breached, but also... A bit likely to hurt friends too close to the blast.
YSS Kaiyo II

"Roger." Gravity muttered curtly and gently pulled back on the controls. The Kaiyo began to slowly rise up and above the other crafts, out of the way of their main guns. Both ships would have to change course to get a lock on them, meanwhile the Kaiyo wasn't making any agressive moves of its own that would prompt a fight with the strange ship that was claiming to help them.
IYS Uvularia

The aether torpedo and the explosive efforts of the away team knocked into shields of the enemy ship. Sacre was first in and would have to slow herself to not continue going forth into the ship as the payload seemed to move further than just the bridge. Several decks later, it slammed out of the ether as the bright pink of the torpedo eventually faded. An unfortunate end came to two members of the bridge on the port-side of the bridge as the aether ripped them from their mooring in life. Those left on the bridge were in AMES suits and had sidearms at the ready, pointing them at Sacre and Wyatt as the two made their way in.


"Those inside," Eden said in a digital message as visuals came up on her HUD, "take the bridge! Only kill the occupants once you have the captain, likely a Taii Honjô Harue!" She let her eyes slide once at the mysterious black Plumeria and then at the hole in the ship. She asked in an instantaneous digital message, "Mark-hei, with us, still? We need you inside!" She refocused her orders to say to away team and Mamushi comms, "Our SAINT agents, Harris-heisho and Kiseki-hei, need to find an alternative route of entry. Coordinate with Able-hei in his Mamushi and the Kaiyō II while doing so! Understood, Able-hei?"

After saying all of this, she made to drop through the hole that had been forcibly created atop the IYS Uvularia's bridge, noting a few crew members had gone in after Wyatt and Sacre and before herself.

YSS Kaiyō II

"Good work, Gravity-heisho. Is the entire armor team out of the vessel, Thesilis-heisho?" Hoshi asked.

"Iemochi-heisho and Chlorate-hei," the captain said quickly. "During this lull, please discuss how to best cooperate. In a perfect universe, Iemochi-heisho, you would be further training Chlorate-hei. In a more perfect universe, Chlorate-hei, you would be buckled in."

She then went on. "Some of them are already in," she said quietly to her left, towards Iemochi. "There's really nothing on her? She is a Mishhuvurthyar, despite appearances. A dangerous one, at that." The little captain clenched and unclenched her pink fist and her knuckles whitened intermittently. "Accessing records out her could prove difficult, especially without our SAINT officer on the bridge." She looked away, down and to the right. She began idly asking for access to classified databases' information in her digital mind.
IYS Uvularia

Wyatt followed the torpedo as far as the bridge, at which point the marksman jetted sideways and rolled across the floor before he came to an eventual halt on his back - cradling his weapon as metal scraped against metal.

The minkan rose up from behind a bank of machines with the anti-vehicle rifle in hand, finger almost squeezing down the trigger before the order to wait until they found the captain came thought. "Drop the weapons and lock your hands behind your heads!" over his suit's outward comms system, fully expecting a lack of compliance with the orders he barked out at the enemy combatants.

Wyatt wasn't sure of exactly how things worked around here but he assumed they had some kind of revival system in place to rise from the dead if they had ships resembling that of the SAoY, he had to be careful to not give away his intentions as he looked for the central and most important looking person in the room.

If Wyatt was ever in such a position where he was going to be captured then he knew his way out, a simple tilt of the gun into his lower jaw and a squeeze of the trigger to reset his day and secure whatever they wanted from him with the ultimate 'No' that Soul Transfer technology granted them.
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IYS Uvularia

Sacre braked hard to avoid going through the bridge completely. "Of course they say that after I've entered the firefight." She grumbled to herself as she dove for cover. As she did that, she let the automatic retraction system take her Xiphos and launched her twelve NSBs. The NSBs automatically darted away from her to give her a better picture of what was happening on the bridge.

The NSBs automatically linked into her suit's AIES and through that to everyone else. Everyone had available a fourteen point sensor picture of exactly what was happening on the bridge. "If anyone could tell me who the flea bitten Captain is. I'll be more then happy to drag her sorry ass home." She said to the Kaiyo crew as she took a moment behind her cover. She switched all of her weapons that had stun to stun, including the NSBs. She loved the little guys. She let the AIES do it's work of assigning targets before popping back out of the cover to open fire with her shoulder mounted Scalar Machine Gun and her own Scalar Submachine Gun. The NSBs fired their stun weapons at the same moment. Filling the bridge with fire from stun shots.
Near the IYS

The moment the shields went down, Walter pulled his Stars away from the ship, opting the have all of them by him as he kept dodging the incoming fire from the infernal vessel. Granted, he had nothing really to add to this fight, not even bothering to answer Sacre's question in anticipation of it being rhetorical in nature.

Quickly assessing the options, he decided to use his power armor communications to mark two spots on the Uvularia, and send them to Kiseki-hei and Harris-heisho; one spot is behind the bridge is colored red, and another spot is right in the middle, where the Army logo is typically located on a SA-issued Plumaria, and is colored blue.

"My advice, aim for either the cargo lift highlighted blue, or the zero-gravity passage highlighted red. The former is a blindspot for the turrets, can accommodate for more people in there, and leads directly into the Storage and Armory rooms of the ship. The latter is much closer to critical areas of the vessel like Engineering, the Bridge, and the MEGAMI, but you'll be within site of a couple of turrets and it's a smaller passage than the cargo lift."

Seeing that Eden already requested for Mark to back her up, Walter felt he didn't need to follow suit down into the bridge of the Uvularia. He only maintained his approximate position nearby Arete, that being the mid-left position of the away team. The Minkan was torn between hoping to see this conflict end quickly, and to get the chance to punch one so forcefully that a organ would dislodge from the rest of their body.

For now, though? He's just dodging like he isn't in a mentally-degrading Shonen anime.
Near IYS Uvularia

"Strategic analysis acceptable," Kyoi replied. "A captured armory will allow units to resupply from enemy caches."

"Clear," Kyoi stated as the large gun she was carrying began to vibrate again, charging with lethal energy, roaring to unleash destruction wherever she pointed it. She simply let it loose towards the designated area, the gun howling as it carved into the enemy hull.

"Teleporter, ready." Kyoi finished, ready to jump into the action, equipping her LATR to pick off any armors exiting from that location.
IYS Uvularia

The operators at their consoles had begun shooting at the armors, but it wasn't a fair fight for them. They were soon all incapacitated.

Eden dropped into the bridge, pointed to the blast shutter doors and then Muyomi, and went for the center-most seat. She unbuckled and then dragged the woman that was slumped there towards the opening in the bridge. She handed her off to Alastair Belmont with a jerky thrust.

"The Shoi will need an escort back to the Kaiyō II! The rest of you, take the ship with me," Eden said and then began working on the commands of the console the captain had been seated at. After a few quick moments, she said, "The MEGAMI has locked us out! Time to take her control room!"

Muyomi had already depleted the blast shutter and there was a clear hallway beyond it. Eden waited for some of her team to go forth from the bridge, knowing many were aware of the internal schematics of a basic Plumeria.
IYS Uvularia

After the torpedo exploded and breached the enemy vessel, William dropped down through the opening. Once inside, he was greeted by small arms fire from the crew which was quickly mopped up by the others.

As Eden dropped inside, and gave them their orders the Nepleslian nodded. "Understood." William replied as he moved further into the ship, his lance ready for whatever greeted him.
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They had secured the bridge in record time. Sacre looked at the blast doors, they could get through them, but it would take time. They would need to get through at least two blast doors, one of which was in a very exposed Zero-G passageway. However, the room which contained the MEGAMI was directly below the rear part of the bridge. The room was armored, but Sacre wasn't sure how much. She knew her Xiphos was made for cutting through hull for boarding actions and it probably wasn't thicker then hull armor. "Let's see if we can go down first," Sacre announced. There was one way to find out. Sacre moved to the rear of the bridge, just to the left of the rear doors. She ignited her Xiphos and plunged it downwards to cut a hole directly into the computer room.
Ragnar Halfdan stood several paces away from the crew on the bridge, almost comical to look at in a half crouch. He was qualified, but not particularly fond of, these types of space incursions. Ever since his reassignment he had tried to keep a low profile, do his work, and be left alone. There was now a helmet in between him and comforting gesture of running his hands over his head which wasn't nearly as aggravating as the drop of sweat stinging his eyes. Was hard enough trying to remember everyone's names, keep up with physicals, and work in a starship medbay; now there was mirror universes and zero gravity environments.

Do your damn job, keep your eyes peeled! The words pounded in his skull as he quickly blinked the burning from his eyes. He had been placed here because a medic had been requisitioned. These fellows didn't realize they got something better, a proper corpsman. Checking his pack, running a quick sweep with the handheld medical scanner just to be sure, and eyeballing each team member for any sign of trouble; Ragnar was ready to earn his keep here.
Wyatt felt like somewhat of an idiot for stuffing the NSP under his mattress in favour of a special duty revolver that he was already toting around two of, luckily Sacre had that front more than covered with her quite literally stunning array of drone fire but they supposedly had the captain now so the minkan had no complaints.

He moved over to where the floor was being cut into and took a thermite round out of one of the mags on his shield, cracking the casing enough to pour out a thin line of the metallic powder where the snake nurse with sass hadn't cut yet. The 50mm gauss bazooka was held off to the side as Wyatt drew the Aether Xiphos from his hip and the blade burned to life before the energy-coated blade was plunged into the floor.

Hopefully the two of them combined with the extra burning might of the thermite would make short work of the floor.
IYS Uvularia

Alastair had no sooner landed on the bridge before someone was thrust into his arms. He did a quick look of her to see what this captive looked like. After a moment he set a course for the ship. "Head out, will see that our guest is well taken care of. I need someone on my six to give cover. I am sure they will not like us stealing this person." He ordered as the thrusters on his mindy fired up and put him back into space.

Near the IYS

While he delayed for just a moment to give time for a wingman to show up he again looked over the Taii. Sure is a lot of fuse over this ship. From what I can tell she seems pretty harmless.
YSS Kaiyo II

Mikael had been here the whole time, even taking shots at the ship. But the whole time, most of the body functions not needed for combat were focused on that black clad ship. New universe, new rules, but black ships always meant trouble and he intended to find out as much about it as possible while he was out here. But he had to rely on passive sensors.

Then the massive explosion creating the hole warranted focusing some more processing power to that task. He followed in after the others. He looked for any identifying ranks on the AMES suits of the surviving crew and started to determine what the rank structure is.

"Kyoi-Hei, go with the team to the control room. I will see what I can do around here. Tear that damn computer if you must, but maintain the database. It will have a treasure trove of data to decrypt. Identify at least who are the computer's support staff. Make sure at least one stays alive for interrogation. I have a feeling shit will hit the fan though." Mikael would say to her on their channel.

Mikael would then focus his attention to what is left of the bridge. Something has to be around that could explain that other ship out there and why it was engaging this one. A datapad, even a piece of paper, something.
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“Commands identified and processed.” Kyoi replied.

“Request: Capture enemies. Technician request: Capture MEGAMI’s data storage.” Kyoi stated as all the away team were pinged with a request from Kyoi’s HUD indicator, a minimalist fox icon. “I will be joining in your assault.”

She flew towards the enemy bridge, jumping in the breach with them. It was a familiar sight, so much so that Kyoi subconsciously checked under the console for her snack storage before realizing that it probably wasn’t there. Well, she looked stupid, didn’t she?

Likelihood of such irrational behavior from opposing pilot: 2.86%, profiled from IYS data. Better uses of time were available, such as-I know, dammit.

“I need to remember I’m not the pilot anymore, and that they probably won’t have that convenient storage shelf I installed...” she mused, out loud, to the crew.

Oh. Now Gravity’s probably gonna check. Dammit, she left her stuff there. Value of goods left: 8 KS worth of chips and dip, 5 KS of assorted drink-Why was she accounting this so much again? Just let her have it.
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Able listened intently to Eden, coming back to pick away at the Uvalaria once again, trigger finger itching to do some more damage. He was delighted to see the fireball his torpedo caused, as well as the breach that allowed the rest of the team entry into the ship. However, his job clearly wasn't done. Clear an alternative route of entry for two of his SAINT comrades... Could do, he supposed. "Aye, Shosa." He replied simply. Flying over the top of the ship, he zig-zagged to avoid getting hit by turret fire, all while letting off pot shots at them with his aether cannons on his way to the other side of the vessel to search for a vulnerable area. As he turned his back away from the turrets, the turret pod on the back of his fighter covered his blind spots fairly decently.

This turned out to be not too necessary, as Walter had already relayed some valuable information to all of them. "Affirmative. Moving to breach cargo lift hull." Making a sharp turn to head that way, he saw Kyoi already going to work on the hull. However, as past experience had proved, the power armor simply didn't have the weapons capabilities to breach the ship's armor fast enough. "Kiseki-Hei, I recommend that you stand clear." He said clearly over his comms, lining himself up on an interception course with the ship before letting off a third torpedo, aimed straight for the cargo bay. "Fox 2." With that, he pulled off to the side to avoid the explosion, flying close to the side of the Plumeria before disengaging.

From what he could tell over the comms, the bridge was all but under the control of the away team, and an enemy operative had been captured successfully. All that was left to do was to breach into the control room, and with their advantage thus far of having air support to even get into the vessel at all, this mission looked to be all but a success. He didn't mean to give himself such an ego boost, but he felt like this wouldn't have been possible without him. It was a feeling similar to... Pride? No... He couldn't feel such a primitive emotion. Still, he couldn't help but smirk a bit. "Able-Hei to Kaiyo, awaiting further orders." He said, relaxing in his seat a bit.
YSS Kaiyo II

Sein continued monitoring the situation in terms of modelling the enemy ship's interior and possible locations of hostiles. That being said, things were going swimmingly well and in a thankfully straightforward manner. With the scenario in hand, Mochi took a moment to look over the more general field of scans. He carefully stared at the wavering lines of EM waves, looking for any peaks that would suggest long range communication or distress signals.
YSS Kaiyo II

Arbles turned towards the robotic crew member when Hoshi discussed the training idea... thing. Rrrrriiight... Right. I have to, uh... her eyes flitted about nervously before refocusing, and returning to the console she was stationed at. Hhherrrr... A robot. That can probably download all the skills they need. Right? I know Nekovalkyria can do that...

She spoke cooly, "I'll try my best to train her, but I'm not exactly a teacher... Oh." Looking more at that display of hers, the smol'st noticed that the other ship had, in fact, shut down completely.

...Not like that necessarily mattered very much, at the moment. The main thing Arbs ever had to worry about was using point defense, and Plumerias... Never really carried many missile-like weapons. And given the part where there were no enemy armors showing up, it was unlikely she'd need to cut any of them down. Then again...

"Chusa, I would like to fire at their armor bay in order to cripple any attempts at counter-boarding the IYS Uvularia may attempt to launch. I am asking for your permission, as our own soldiers are currently on board and there is a slight risk of friendly fire from doing that."

Space around the Uvu

Arete slid out of the damaged bridge, tailing Alastair as she did. "I'll be your escort, then. My weaponry is intended for void-based combat as opposed to inside the delicate interior of a starship we need intact, so I'm of little use down there."
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