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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fourteen: Uekiya pt. I

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YSS Kaiyō

"I need both Dokusei-hei and you, Santô Hei, to work together on this one! Please re-calibrate the—" Hoshi was saying to the engineer that had just comm'd in, but was cut off by the MEGAMI, who appeared on some screens and spoke.

"One identifiable IYS scout ship has powered down stealth two AU out."

"Gravity, bring us about to—" Hoshi began before being cut off once more.

"Pumpkin's ship is firing on the unknown vessel." Boss said and Hoshi only had time to breathe in before Boss spoke out again, "Ship has been obliterated. We are being hailed."

Hoshi nodded and Pumpkin was again on-screen and said, "You'll be asking for a meeting?"

Hoshi was succinct, "Yes."

The red-head asked, "My boat or yours?"

"We'll be seeing you on ours," Hoshi said, then added, "unarmed."

"I will have an escort of two. We will be armed with only ourselves. We'll bring a shuttle. Deck five?"

"Yes," Hoshi said with a hiss. "Follow us to new coordinates."

The transmission cut after Pumpkin nodded, a cherub-like glow emanated from her pink face while she did, and then Hoshi spoke.

"Boss, make preparations to have a meeting in the wardroom between those coming to the ship and command staff. Prepare an armed guard. Give me a line to the sensor dome."

"Hai, Chusa."

She said to the engineer and scientist, "New orders: work with the sensors to find an area of space where we'll be safe from intrusions."

Power Armor Bay

Alastair and Arete made it back to the Kaiyō to a warm welcome of two unarmored Nekovalkyrja and one telepathically spoke out while keeping their distance.

"Please power down CFS! We'll take her to the med bay while you're un-suiting from your armors!"

IYS Uvularia
Computer Room

The MEGAMI's body was taken out and the controls were easy enough for Walter to unlock and work his way around, given he had a history with the machines of this universe.

"Hyde-hei, destroy the ship and everyone in it," Eden said when she noticed the MEGAMI readout in front of the technician showed he had control of the ship. She then called out to everyone. "No more scouting the ship, re-group on the YSS Kaiyō II! Everyone, teleport or fly back to our own ship's armor bay, whichever makes sense for you. I'll stay with Hyde-hei to be sure this thing blows! Alder-hei, Sanssinia-heisho: you two are in charge of getting that MEGAMI's body onto our ship. Go, go!"
The Waifu Chamber

"Affirmative Shosa, Solid copy" Wyatt spoke as he knelt down near the unconscious MEGAMI's body and detached the buttpack from his lower back, laying the bundle out on the floor. A type 28 environmental suit that he had packed for emergency situations was retrieved and the buttpack was stowed away once more.

He began stuffing the unconscious figure into the his somewhat oversized, cornflower blue environmental suit and used the thread gun to bind their limbs with a few well-tied knots - he had no idea whether the neko needed it or not but it would suck if the woman's head suddenly exploded when they left the ship.

The minkan stood up and threw the neko over his shoulder as he did so, holding the 50mm gauss cannon in his other hand like the hero of some action movie as he waited for his serpentine counterpart to ready up.

"Transporting HVT" he spoke, floating upwards and beginning his descent back across to the Kaiyo-ii - barrier shield as active as ever.
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Mark looked around confused, what had he been doing? There was a waypoint for the mission objective being back at the kaiyo. "What, what is going on? What was I doing? I was waiting for something, what was it," he asked himself.

Orias just laughed at him in his head.

Mark decided to head to the waypoint, plotting the jump point. He activated his teleport module, the next moment standing in the armor bay. He looked around confused, trying to figure out what to do now.

"What is our current objective?"
YSS Kaiyō
Power Armor Bay

Alastair was glad to be back on the ship. More so having been tasked with a very important role to bring back this captive. He thought for a moment as the request to hand her over.

"Thank you for the welcome party. Please standby while I de-armor as I wish to be the one to take the captive to the med bay." His tone was polite and cheerful. He felt compelled to be the one to take her to the med bay. While she might be the enemy he had much respect for his foes and while under his watch would be looked after.

He handed her over while he docked his power armor. He wasted no time to get out of the suit and walk over to the Neko that was looking after the Taii. He held out his arms to have her returned to him.

Sacre followed Wyatt, keeping a gentle hand on both Wyatt and the bound Megami. The instant they cleared the shields of the IYS ship, there was the flash of teleportation and the three of them appeared just outside the shield bubble of the Kaiyo. They dove in, landing moments later in the Kaiyo's powered armor bay. "HVT on the Kaiyo. Where do we want it?" She asked. Suspecting that they would be headed for the secure cells in the Medbay.
IYS Uvuvuvuv

“Aborting current objective, and extracting.” Kyoi stated as she got up, folded up her fabric, and warped out. How peculiar. Something that the MEGAMI did must have caused the panic.

Whatever. Get out, get out, get-

The enemy ship promptly overloaded behind Kyoi as the shots landed. That’s why! That’s why we should get out, a very good fucking reason isn’t it?

She huffed at herself, and began the flight home.
Bye Felicia... I mean IYS U

"You heard the commander, fall back to the ship. Collect any secondary items that you can and Double time!" Mikael said to Kyoi as he made his way back up the hole and out of the doomed ship. He would lethally shoot any unconscious crew members along the way. One to make sure none come to and try to undo, one to thin their ranks, but also deep down out of some sense of mercy. He also did not notice the junior enlisted was in the process of teleporting.

Once he cleared the edge of the ship, he gunned the thrusters to as high as they could. He still kept an eye on the other black clad ship. Something about it still didn't sit right with him. It must be an equivalent of SAINT with the color scheme and lack of emissions/radio silence it was exhibiting. And intelligence services are never one to trust.

As he got closer to the Kaiyo II, he would start to reserve his speed just soon enough that when he careens into the power armor bay he will just do a rolling crash into it and not be a smear into the opposite bulkhead of a wall.

YSS Kaiyo II Power Armor Bay

Once he was done rolling and skidding to a stop, he just laid there for a bit.
IYS Uvularia

Everyone was leaving in a hurry, Ragnar heard the orders. Never met the speaker but they seemed keen on not being ignored and the Kyoi 2 had a sealed environment so there was no obligation to protest.

People often talked about how seemless the control of a powersuit was, intuitive even. Hell, everyone swore by it, but Ragnar swore he could feel it. Alien, distant, weight that shouldn’t be there. Void take it all, I hate space; Ragnar thought to himself before realizing he was catapulting towards the mech bay.

Doing his damned best to pull off a three point action vid landing, he was fairly certain all he managed was to hide his sparks, scrapes, and crescendo of sound in the trail of the authoritative figure he followed out of the breach. Happy to be in the three point pose, execution aside, Ragnar allowed himself a “Hello there.” To the figure now laying oddly on the floor a few feet ahead of himself.
IYS Uvularia, YSS Kaiyo II

Coconut simply watched the few over-zealous armor pilots rush in after the fighter's Aether torpedo smashed into the IYS ship, and decided that she would remain topside for security purposes rather than jumping headlong into the confines of the enemy ship. From her view on the hull, she watched as the other ship suddenly unleashed its main array, obliterating some speck in the distance that had briefly been identified on her HUD as an enemy escort. Before too long, and without much of an event or much real fighting (Coconut had done almost nothing aside from trying to weaken the shields) they were recalled back to the YSS Kaiyo-II. Without much thought, the former infantry Neko took off, heading back to her assigned ship, and seeking refuge in the armor bay, waiting for some real combat, rather than just blindsiding some unfortunate and mostly defenseless ship crew.
Sensor Dome

The captain had been in the middle of saying something, but then stopped. Uhhhhhhhh, he thought to himself, recalibrate what? Something must have been up if the captain stopped before finishing the orders. The sensors did report a ship appearing, probably from stealth, and then dissapearing, with bursts of energy coming from another ship in the area. At least we have allies here.

After a couple moments, the captain reopened the communication line. Odo was to work with a scientist and find a suitable area of space to hide, basically.

"Understood bridge. Sensor dome out."

After he closed out the line, he opened a direct line to the scientist he was told to work with.

"This is Hei Odo." He said as he worked. "I am recalibrating the sensors for long range scans. Which would be a better choice, somewhere in deep space or inside a solar system?" He waited for the response.

William cursed silently to himself at the new orders. He had to get off the ship fast and fast.

The Nepleslian moved to the opening in the ceiling and fired his thrusters, causing his massive frame to lift off the deck and up through the opening. He then quickly passed through the bridge and then into the vastness of space.

He looked back at the ship quickly, but then turned back towards the Kaiyo II and flared his boosters. He shot through the black, and opened his comms. "I'm up and out. RTB." He said over the squad comms.
Orion had been merely inspecting the bridge after the rather explosive break in into the IYS Uvularias bridge had taken place. The Blue sniper wasn't very comfortable with the idea of going exploring further into the ship, and after the new regroup order rang out, he concluded that he wouldn't have had much time to do so anyways.

The Mindy clad hawk rocketed out of the bridge rather hastily, tightening himself just a little and adjusting his heading towards the YSS Kaiyo, arriving shortly after.
MEGAMI Chamber

Walter silently stayed behind as most people just got the hell out of the enemy ship. During this time, the technician had sent a few Star Servantines through the maintenance conduits, casually ripping apart the internals as they zipped into Engineering. Without the humanized MEGAMI to keep the ship safe from sabotage, he watched through the eyes of the cameras as his hands flew about, ripping machinery apart by the handful.

This is not including how Walter's messing with the settings of absolutely everything, setting up a domino effect to where the Uvularia will develop a runaway reaction within the Aether Generators, just in case that someone on this ship shuts down the encoded Self-Destruct Sequence. A smile widened on his face, as he rigged the entire vessel to be a timed aether missile. If only he had something to fire it at... His mother immediately came to mind, but he later discarded it. Walter didn't want to have so much fun with the task he was given, after all.

All of his floating gauntlets returned to Walter Hyde, and began packing up his toolkit before the Minkan messed with the coordinate system. Aether energy began bursting through the hull, the maintenance conduits, and some walls, ceilings, and floors that constitute the hallways. "Eden-shosa, I have rigged the ship to jump in thirty seconds, and to self-destruct within five seconds afterwards. During the countdown, this whole thing is going to become a increasingly hostile environment to the enemy. That should prevent them from trying to stop the ship from exploding."

Upon that statement, the technician primed his suits teleporter. "I will see you back on the ship, Eden!" With that, he initiated the teleport, going right to the Kaiyo II.

YSS Kaiyo II
Power Armor Bay

The Minkan teleported into the room, and the first thing he thought was... He was very thankful for how intuitive the Mindy was. Didn't meld into the floor or anything, like in those science-fiction horror books.
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Able listened in on the orders given, before watching the power armors once more glide from the burning wreckage of the IYS ship, back to the Kaiyo. Well, looks like that was that, then... A pretty easy mission, or at least that's what it seemed like from his Mamushi. To be fair, all he had done was punch a couple of holes in the hull of the ship. He had no idea what was going down inside the thing.

Any suspicions of the additional ship seemed to lessen as it fired on an incoming scout ship, pretty much obliterating it, to Able's surprise. He simply gave a raise of his brows, for once unable to come to a definite conclusion on things. Friend or foe... That was a real gray area, with these mirror counterparts. Hailing the bridge of the Kaiyo, he cleared his throat. "This is Able. Returning to vehicle bay." He spoke, taking a direct course back to the ship.

YSS Kaiyo
Vehicle Bay

Once the Mamushi passed the force field separating the bay from the merciless vacuum of space, Able slowed his thrusters to a halt, deploying the landing gear and setting the fighter down gently. "I've landed. What would our next course of action be, Shosa? Any word from the captain?" He said over comms to Eden.

As soon as this was said, he powered down the craft, popping the cockpit and jumping out before dusting off his uniform. "I have to say... That was a lot less intense than going up against Kuvexians. If I wasn't so thankful for our victory, I'd be disappointed at such an anticlimactic ending." He added, trying to make a joke, but having it land flat with his deadpan delivery.
YSS Kaiyō II

"Deep space or the closest thing to, Odo-hei!" Hoshi called out, "Gravity, get us out of here!" Then, to the avatar of the olive-skinned woman, she said, "Bring the Shoi to the bridge."

Power Armor Bay

"Our mission is not over," Eden said to her away team comms. "This was merely phase one! Be on stand-by, ready for combat!" She teleported into the power armor bay and racked her Mindy in record time, watching as Alastair finished doing so as well. "I need medics and SAINT to the medical bay! I'll also need a small guard there."

"Shosa!" said a Nekovalkyrja, Muyomi. "The IYS MEGAMI!"

The MEGAMI of the blown ship had tremored violently and her femtomachines had triggered an automatic decommission of the body upon the death of her ship.

Muyomi nearly whispered, "I think she's passed..."

"Hell!" Eden cursed. "That's just great. Boss?"

"Yes?" the YSS MEGAMI chirped.

"Have our ship-board technicians, Peio-hei, and Iemochi-juni work on getting the IYS MEGAMI up and running once more! Take the MEGAMI to the fabrication bay," Eden said to Boss and then those near the enemy ship's MEGAMI. "Hyde-hei, to the med bay, please."

"Aye," Boss said and spoke to Iemochi, Odo, and Kiki.

Boss spoke, "A few guards are requested in the shuttle bay and wardroom for a meeting with those in the black Plumeria."

"Sounds like some of you need to towel off and head across the hall." Eden patted Mark on the back as she made her way to the middle of the power armor bay and exited it, to the zero g passageway and went up it.

The MEGAMI spoke to Alastair Belmont. "Please meet Taiyou-chusa on the bridge for further orders."
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