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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Fourteen: Uekiya pt. I

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Space around the IYS Ukulele

Walter smiled, about to be the first one ti enter the new hole in the ship, and-

No, wait. People are calling him to do technician work. Well, more like Kyoi Kiseki calling for all available technicians to have a crack at the MEGAMI to get their data. Turns out, he's the only guy who's a technician that's deployed in the field. Not to mention, Arete is going out with another man-

No, Walter. Cool it. Alastair asked first, Arete responded because she acknowledged she wasn't equipped to work effectively onboard the enemy vessel. Do not lose yourself! After a brief internal monologue to psyche him out of his jealousy, Walter sent a small congratulatory text to the angel's PA. [Good thinking, you're getting more comfortable being out here than when you first started!]

After he sent that, Walter sent another one as he entered the bridge of the IYS Uvalaria, basically saying 'Sorry'. He might not have anything to apologise about, but... Gah! Serious Walter, Lovesick Walter, which is it going to be?

He saved that question for later, opting to stand by Sacre as she worked at cutting a path down into the MEGAMI chamber beneath the exposed bridge. Walter noted how he felt that has always, always been a design flaw that just irked him to no end; why would you put these two rooms right here, at the frontmost section of the ship? That's just asking for a heavy-damage barrage to break through the shield and one-shot the whole ship. If he were in charge, he'd put both rooms in the dead center, and work his way out from there. As the Minkan entered a silent trance, sort of spacing out as he waited, a pair of Star Servantines went to his hip, and plucked his Blacksmith Toolcase; he'll need it.
IYS Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemuhwem Osas

"Take my rifle," Kyoi stated to Arete as she detached the gun, throwing it into the void of space. "Give Walter yours. We can be much more effective."

Without even caring if Arete actually caught the gun or not, Kyoi drew her Aether Saber-Rifle, assisting in the cutting procedure that they were doing.

"Caution is advised. All MEGAMI units are equipped with anti-tampering measures."
IYS Uvularia Bridge

At the mention of anti-tampering measures and the potential explosive or other painful side effects there of, Ragnar stepped closer to the rest of the party on the bridge.

"I know I'm the new guy here," he chimed in over comms, not comfortable with other forms of communication yet, "but lets try and keep medical necessity to a minimum?" He tried to edge as close to the cutting team as possible without getting in their way. The pose was no longer an awkward crouch but more akin to an animal ready to pounce as he held a hand at the ready to snatch a crewmember and the other hovering over the general equipment pack which held whatever extra gear he could scrounge and get his hands on without filing paperwork.
IYS Uvularia Bridge

Mikael will never get used to the way Kyoi replies and speaks. Those of her kind we odd, but this was too odd for him. He makes a mental note to update his observation report on her. Oh yes dear viewer, he does indeed do psych evals.

Mikael continued his search on the bridge after looking at the new guy for a long moment. His face hidden by the opaque helmet.
Mark stood back as cutting began, his shield and rifle ready,...but it was also as if something clicked at the mention of tampering. Wait, how was he onboard the enemy ship already? Last thing he remembered was the stretches. This disconnected him greatly, and made his heart pound as the sensation this experience gave brought a feeling of fear.

"I have you covered. Deploying drones for multiple angle coverage," Mark stated as NSBs from both his dorsal and leg launchers spread out around and trained on the AI core entrance.

Come on Mark, keep it together, keep it focused. You need to hang in there, for them,....And You.

"Why do you so desperately cling to what you have been slowly losing already? What is so great about lit match you call an existence? Give up Mark, I already have,", Orias said weakly in his mind.

Why?! Because I have a family, people I love, and a crew I care about! And....I want you to live. I want you suffer as a mortal.

"you suck"

revenge always does bitch.
YSS Kaiyō II

"We have people in there," Hoshi said, simply to Arbitrated. "Be ready to shoot down any enemy armors. We're not creating a potentially lethal event today for our own crew, though, by shooting the ship they're inside of."

Iemochi's scans on the black Plumeria's communications lines would show what he likely already knew: they were being jammed by the YSS Kaiyō II's electronic warfare suite.

Hoshi called to Boss, "I need one the engineers to get up to the sensor dome; I have an idea."

She comm'd in to the Mamushi, "Good work, standby."


The MEGAMI, Boss, said, "The captain would like one of you to go to the sensor dome on deck one."

The blast shutter door's access panel showed green. All they needed to do was press a button and it would open for them.

IYS Uvularia

People were ready to move in to the MEGAMI's room through the bridge and Eden wasn't going to stop them.

Eden said, "Sanssinia-heisho, Alder-hei, you've made it through! Take precautions while entering!"

"William, come back to their bridge." Eden said to the Nepleslian, "We're going directly down."

Mikael Harris would see that his passive scans on the black ship showed everything one would expect from a Plumeria near a battlefield save for the lack of communications going in or out.

Computer Room

It was laid out like any standard computer room on a Plumeria. The coffin-like bed for the ship's MEGAMI was empty and a pale, green-haired woman spoke quickly from next to it while pointing aggressively.

"The whole ship knows you're here and they're coming for you!"


The Taii was stunningly gorgeous with a sleeping face and deep black hair. She was limp in Alastair's arms.

Wyatt gave the hole a quick once over before he dropped through the still red-hot, new opening and his boots hit the floor of the computer room. His eyes rested upon the artificial construct that had begun pointing at him, for an artificial intelligence designed to run a military ship it seemed to be maybe a little too overconfident - to the point where it was giving intel that seemed to only benefit the invaders.

"Heads up, the AI is telling us we have more OPFOR en-route, over" He spoke over comms, he had a slight hint of skepticism as to whether the AI was just being chatty or if this was some kind of angle it was playing. He felt it was the former but regardless he had relayed the information.

Let them come.
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IYS Uvularia
Computer Room

Sacre dropped into the computer room, long as the blast doors stayed closed, they were going to be fine. Sacre had to assume that the enemies knew what was happening given the MEGAMI was still up. "How long do we need to give you?" Sacre asked the techs who would be working on the MEGAMI over the comms.

Sacre kept her Xiphos in her hand, trying to figure out what was going to be the best angle to take. She switched her 20mm to the armor pircing sabots. They had thought they might need to get through some tough armor, so they had been issued. Sacre was willing to bet that it would go through the door fine, so when they started cutting, she could shoot them. It would be hard to cut while being shot at.

As she considered, she moved to the blast doors, considered the angle she would need, and drove it through the controls. It would hopefully prevent the MEGAMI from opening the doors at a inoppertune moment and give her NSBs a route to the passageway outside. She sent two through, one to the top of the passageway and one to the bottom. Hidden away in corners. With luck, they would not be noticed. She shut down the drives on those NSB so that they could relay data on the hallway for longer. She kept four in reserve and used the rest of them to test how close they needed to be to recharge. She set up a system for them to fly into the hallway, shoot, and then return to recharge. They would give the armor something to worry about and slow them down.
MEGAMI Chamber

"Yare yare daze..." Walter jumped down the hole into the computer room. He isn't sure if the computer would automatically recognize his signature or not, although right now he isn't going to care if he gets found out or not by the enemy. "Shut up and stay helpless, you rusting Imperialist bucket. This kind of training on these computers are still fresh in my mind, no way it will take more than ten minutes," Walter answered, his dialogue shifted from the computer to the people in this room who were in his side.

His Star Servantines open the Toolcase, and take out a variety of tools. Torchcutter, laptop, pliers, his gauntlets have grabbed each one and held onto them, as Walter the Octo-Minkan looked about for only a moment to find the data storage.

"Everyone on their toes when they come in here, remember this room is guarded by more than personnel." He approached to one of the several featureless computer systems, and immediately got to work doing the process of removing the data drive from the MEGAMI. While his own eyes focused on this one spot, he also had one NSB watching the laptop as a pair of Stars worked the keyboard, and the rest devoted to watching for any suprise turrets.
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YSS Kaiyo II

"The captain would like one of you to go to the sensor dome on deck one."

The computer made the request to engineering in general and Odo volunteered for that duty. He moved over to the blast doors and hit the button to open it. It slid open and he took off down the hall, making his way to the sensor dome.

Sensor Dome

Once he made it, he pulled up the workstation display, bringing up whatever functions he thought may be needed, the multiple telemetry from passive sensors crawling across the bottom of the display. He opened a communication channel to the bridge.

"Bridge, Hei Odo here. Im at the sensor dome, waiting for orders." He kept it as simple and short as possible, not wanting to clutter the communications net up.
IYS Uvularia

"10 minutes..." Mikael would respond flatly, mostly to himself. Considering the situation, he had a feeling it was going to expand greatly.

His search not wielding any results, Mikael then proceeded to activate his suit's optical camo and slowly check out the rest of the hole created by the torpedo. He needed to know just how many blast shutters/doors the opponents can sneak on to them with. He was also curious if it went past the armored computer room and into engineering. Alternative points of entry into the rest of the ship was ordered after all.

As he got past the rest, he would move in a very slow manner with his forearm weapons at the ready. He was really missing the daisy's drone at the moment. He put the AIES into as passive of an emission state as he could. No point in making it easier to track him with internal sensors.
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IYS Uvularia Bridge

Not wanting to be left alone, and noticing a trend of everyone hopping down the glowing breach into the room below; Ragnar followed suit. He wasn’t paying attention to the computer beyond it informing them that everyone on the enemy ship knew exactly where they were.

Opting to let those more comfortable in the mindys prepare their ambush, he stood between the most likely incursion point and the man who seemed to be in charge of handling the computer. Raising the scalar smg and pretending to be a competent human shield; Ragnar couldn’t help but wonder if he came a bit lightly armored.

“Ten minutes is a long, long time on an unfriendly ship...” he muttered into the comms.
YSS Kaiyo II

Anastasia continue observing the bridge activity intently, looking back at her console to monitor system output. She raided her head as Hoshi called out to Boss. Her hands fell back to the console as she released the blast shutter sealing the sensor dome in preparation for Odo. Only moments afterwards, the Elysian looked up at the blue-haired Nekovalkyrja. "If i may, what are you planning on doing with the dome?"

The Science Show!

Meanwhile, in the science lab... Kaori had gotten down to business. Binders and notebooks were being relocated back to their rightful storage spaces, equipment was being cleaned thrice and shelved, and all instances of general debris were being eliminated with extreme prejudice. The small Neko didn't let her stature stop her from placing things on the top shelves, though she did look funny while doing so. Fortunately, no one was here to witness the event. Though nothing inside had changed, she could hear and feel the commotion going on outside ships reinforced walls as the Kaiyo pulled up and away after warping. The emergency lights in the lab came and went with a red flash as the readiness conditions came into effect- but she was already stationed. She didn't bother stepping outside to get the scoop though, there was still far too much work to do. She spoke up with a normal voice as she paced across the room to the next tabletop of disarray. "Boss, what's happening out there?"
IYS Uvuvuvvvuuvvuvuvuvuvuvuv

Kyoi opted to not join them in the breach. There were more than enough people in the hole already, they had the job on lockdown. Strategic analysis showed that it would be better for her to cover the hallways, due to the fact that one grenade could end the mission — and failure was not something to look forward to.

So she opted to deploy her invisibility fabric, belly to the floor, LATR barrel ready to shoot any hostile armor. Solid decision. Note: Request proper cloaking device. Fabric may not be completely reliable at all times.

“Taking point.” Kyoi once again stated. “Be ready to CFS jump out, combat units. The LATR does not have enough power to kill groups of hostiles.”
IYS Ukulele
MEGAMI Chamber

Walter heard that comment from one of the newer guys, among others who sounded doubtful. As he peeled apart the computers casing, he replied with, "I said it cannot take more than ten minutes. I don't go at a granny's pace when I am doing my job, but we are in a very dangerous room. The Imperials have bolstered their cyberfare to surpass all others, much like every other shiny gadget. Because the MEGAMI does so many critical functions, these computers are built to be so painful to crack open by anyone except an Imperial Technician. At any given moment, a Imperial MEGAMI can self-destruct, it can send reinforcements, it can kill us all by itself by taking control of the turrets that are in this room, it can double down on cyber defenses to lock everything and anything out, there is a lot that can and will go wrong if you do not do one step correctly."

"People like me? We were pushed in Basic Training to the point we asked our trainers to kill us, and they are willing to do that just so they can worm out the weaknesses in our personalities. As an former Imperial, my life would be in jeopardy if I got shot once, if I failed to fix anything once, if I failed to meet on time once, if I fail at all then I would be subjected to aggressive humiliation tactics, which they can do because we were made into true cannon fodder the moment we enlist into the military. Imperial Yamatai is a absolute hell, inside and outside of the military. So you better believe I am not going to do this in ten minutes; I am going to do this as in the shortest time possible, but I'm also going to make sure this racist calculator doesn't kill us all. Just do what everyone else is doing and watch my six, and if it all goes peachy, then we can duck out a lot sooner than ten minutes. That is my damn promise, and I'll die before I break it."

Walter Hyde was clearly talking to Ragnar-hei, but he also left his comms open so that everyone would hear him making that promise. Walter wanted everyone to know that know he was a damn traitor all the long, and that he was very, very motivated keep it that way. In the meantime, he cued his power armor to create a ten minute countdown, and the sole battle technician worked his gauntlets even faster. His laptop flashed with the IYS logo as Walter imbued it with his spreadable firewall, and a full pair of gauntlets began furiously typing on it, application after application flinging and flurring about on the screen as he was forcing his way into the very advanced computer; he will make sure it will do nothing but call for help, all the while making sure the data won't get corrupted when he gets it out of the computer's clean, organized gut. In the meantime, other pairs of gauntlets are dismantling the casing around the computer.
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MEGAMI Chamber

Once Walter had finished his monologue, Wyatt spoke up from his corner of the MEGAMI chamber. "Quit putting half your effort into sounding cool and put all of it into securing the objective for us, 10-4?" he spoke over a direct line to Walter's suit, the usually fairly monotone voice had a slight hint of authority behind it whether that was noticed or not.

The whole mission thus far had felt... too easy, as cocky as that may sound. It was still far from over however, so the marksman raised the butt of his 50mm gauss cannon and cracked the green haired woman across the face with it.
IYS Uvularia
MEGAMI Chamber

None of what the tech had said, having felt like a subtle retort to Ragnar, made the corpsman feel any better. It did feel good having a full list of all the possible injuries to come; and the inner optimist chimed in about only about half would be instant death.

“Noted, sir.” Ragnar gritted his teeth. I’m a corpsman not a breach specialist, he allowed himself to gripe mentally. The stakes clear, he used the majority of his physical bulk to leave as little view of the tech from the hallway.
IYS Uvularia

William walked slowly down the hall, scanning for threats when he received the call from Eden. He mentally opened a private communication with his aunty, and replied. "Yes Ma'am. On my way."

He made an about face and hurried back to the bridge. As he reached the room, he stopped and walked over to Eden. He then looked down into the computer room. "Incoming..." he said over the squad channel before his massive frame dropped down the hole and landed in the room with the others.

He caught the tail end of the the conversation and nodded to himself. 10 minutes. That's how long he would need to hold. He moved to the doors and stood like a golem as he guarded the others.
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Alastair floating out in space just outside the enemy ship. He had a foe in his arms ready to fly back to the ship. The stars flickered behind him, dancing a twinkle like none other. This day his team would be putting out some of those stars. For in order for the dim to be seen the bright must fall. The enemy was the one that would not make it home this day. A lot was on the line that this mission was a success.

"Alright Arete, cover my six in cause a few of the bad guys get the bright idea of trying to take back our prize." Alastair reached into the Mindy's belt pouch and took out a collar and wrapped it around the captives arm. A smile crossed his face as he thought how many people he had tricked into thinking these arm bands were collars. Had someone looked at them closer they would have noticed these are too short.

"Heading back, lets go." His thrusters fired up full with a course set for the ship. He started to think what would become of his captive once he returned.
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IYS Uvularia
MEGAMI Chamber

To be quite frank, Walter felt embarrassment more than anything; monologues aren't something he loved to do anywhere but the shower, and yet... Damn it all, he got into that mood. His heartrate spiked, and a detailed analysis would reveal those feelings within him.

"Yare yare daze," he mumbled as he continued doing his job.

Stupid monologues. Stupid, stupid monologues. He cherised verbosity, but... Really Walter? Here? He's pretty sure everyone heard of the lousy, out-of-the-blue emotion-driven rant. Everyone.

The deep-seated shame was enough to both work faster, and to consider eating a incendiary grenade.
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