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RP: YSS Kaiyō Mission Nine: Mamemameshi

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Flying Away...

Walter Hyde, using the abilities of his PA, stayed rooted inside the gunship as the station was being blown asunder.

Now that this chapter drew to a close, his mind drifted off to a world where only his most objective thoughts existed. This was his first time in combat, and even though Walter secured a handful of kills, even when he gave his very being into this fight, as time went on he felt that disconnect, that feeling of impartiality. His parents have seldom talked of their war days so the seeds of war fever wouldn't be sowed in Walter's mind, and even then what they did talk about it, it sounded like a grand heartfelt struggle. A struggle that breaks and reshapes men like a workout breaks and reshapes muscles.

So after all of that, after everything he had been through after two missions, why did he still feel that unbearable presence of lingering melancholy? What could be missing...?

Perhaps it's just because of the simplicity of the missions instead. Walter did say for himself that he preferred to be on the ship. Perhaps he can talk to someone about a change of position instead. Yeah... That's it. Nothing is wrong, after all.
"We're returning to the Kaiyo so you can get medical attention." Sacre said matter of factly to William as she worked quickly and efficiently to fix the bleeders. She could tell that the overall rate of blood loss was slowing, enough to where she was getting more certain that he would survive to reach the Kaiyo's medical suite.

Sacre's attention was on the scene in front of her. Unless someone else was hurt, then everything she needed to worry about was right here. When Mark interrupted her, she looked up at him. She considered carefully for a moment, she knew better then most how easily things that could be used to heal could also be used to kill. She didn't like his look, something about the way his Neplisian features combined with his red eyes and hair. She had an impulse to stab him, repeatedly. However, she suppressed the impulse, not all Neplisians were her masters. William wasn't like them. Never the less, even if Mark was a trained medic, she hadn't worked with him before. In fact, she was not exactly sure where he had come from. "No." She said firmly and then went back to working on William.
William nodded at Sacre's words, showing that he understood. "Okay..." He replied softly. He looked around the hold to find a new face, that wasn't there only a moment ago. Was it? He couldn't remember. He was just so tired...

"No. No sleep. Not yet." he thought to himself.

William forced himself to focus. Then it hit him, how to focus. In's his mind's eye, he practiced his techniques with Rei. "1...2...3...4... Again." He thought, as he walked through the steps over and over in his mind. However, his thoughts became muddled as he started thinking about the numbness in his legs. "Sacre... how bad is it?" He asked, looking up at her. His soft blue eyes looking dull.
YSS Kaiyo

“Seems like mission complete...” Kyoi started, stretching out.

Then the “SOFT Member Downed” notifications came in. Kyoi took a little time to process that fact.

Great. Was it an error? The objective was compete — maybe the L’Kor had them trapped?

Teleport signals argued otherwise. Save for two.

Kyoi sighed and slumped back in her chair while moving the Kaiyo into position.
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When Eden noticed that the gunship had fully reached space around the station while the structure of the station itself began to disintegrate and crumble beneath them, she readied the rest of the away team.

"Be ready to jump! Kaiyo's pilot has gotten her in position!" Eden called out while she herself prepared for teleportation.

The last time she had instated a jump for her team, though, and forced it, someone had died. She didn't want that again. She didn't force the teleport, only reiterated, "Plan to pop into the cargo bay."

The team didn't need to see what was in the power armor bay for themselves.

Jambavan Ersus romped after his snekbud through the hallways, through to the hangar and ship, where the rest of the Kaiyo's crew were clustered, the metal of the floor screeching and buckling under the strange forces that assaulted it.

He hoped the modular teleportation unit he'd slotted in between his shoulderblades was up to scratch, his armor was useful as an artillery piece but it had nowhere near the versatility or fine-tuning of a Mindy.

"See you on the flipside, Abart!" he shouted over the screech of cracking steel. Praying the HELGA's jump would work first time, his red HUD targeted the Kaiyo cargo bay and he willed himself to disappear. In an instant, the massive snowbear was gone.
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As Miko forced the enemy armor back into a corner the notification links for the away team started to pour in. His attention shifted for just a moment, a moment that would forever be burned into his mind. With a red background and white letters read, Hanna - KIA.

The realization rippled out across his being. The single tear was still mid flight inside his Mindy as the safe guards released. Those looking on would see this like a scene out of an anime they watched growing up. His aether blade doubled in size and suit started to glow. Unlike those shows where the hero would burst in to save the day, this day would have no happy ending.

Like a single drop of water hitting a puddle. As it made contact, something inside Miko snapped. The smile had been replaced with an evil grin and his body thirsted for blood. The flame of love had been snuffed out and vengeance had taken its place.

Time for Miko had stopped. His heart yearned for the pain to stop. Out of pure instinct Miko turned to see the enemy PA charging at Eden. The Aether blade reached overload as he swung it at the enemy. His mind repeating No more death. The 14 foot long Aether blade reaching across the room to strike down his foes. The reapers sythe forged from the fires of a dying love would strike true, strike with no remorse.

The 4 drones flanking Miko on both sides went into overload as they fired at the enemy pushed back into the corner. Electric sparks showered the floor as they fired and shattered making a loud metal clang as they each hit the floor.
"The cargo bay? Why not the armor bay? Did you say something about ana and hanna? What?" Yoshida's momentary confusion, aided by the joslting gunship, was only allowed to take hold for a moment before she noted that her superior was being shot at! Of course she rushed into action, in the literal sense. A headlong attempted tackle to the gunning armor, relying on her barrier module and her own agility for protection as she rushed into melee, swinging her Gatling rifle. But this guy was quick It felt good to beable to focus on fast paced combat like this- at least untill it was time to warp away. With how this one moved, barely ducking and dodging each blow, she wasn't quite sure she would win one hundred percent of the time- especially when she noted her sheild was taking a beating from the pistol's fire. She felt like she nearly had him- or maybe it was the other way around given her sheild status when time time to teleport came up.

And so, before she could strike a disorienting blow leading to a death spiral for the soldier, or that soldier could do the same to her, she followed suit with the rest of the squad and teleported away, shaking with adrenaline and what could only be described as unsaited bloodlust. It was good she had a helmet on, or her wild, almost feral expression would have been there for all to see.

"...Haahh... Hahhh... is it over?"
Mat teleported into the power armor bay, appearing with a pop. He slumped down against a wall and checked himself for injuries.

"Whew..." He mumbled, and then attempted to wipe his brow, only to have his suit's forearm clank against its faceplate.

"Oh right. Armor."
Kaiyo II
Cargo Bay

"Indeed we have." Walter Hyde responded as his helmet came off. He brushed his Raven black hair back, and sighed. "We have bought SOFT enough time to destroy the reactor. However, ", his eyes looked to Miko as he said this, "it stands to reason we've lost more than we expected this mission."

Walter Hyde will shed no tears for the Kaiyo's losses and mistakes... But he will still feel regret. How ironic that the people that have died were the first two people whom he talked to in the last mission... In a cruel way, this was a blessing meant for the technician, in the guise of a curse for those who don't share Walter's conundrums. It was a sign that there is hope for the young Hyde's questions to be answered

Do they still cry? Yes. Can they grow? Yes. Will Walter find peace, and have all to his questions answered? Perhaps he will.
YSS Kaiyo II
Repainted Power Armor Bay

Sora was kneeling down on the sopping wet floor of the bay, a collected pool of neko blood dribbling out of her armored fingers like thick oil to join the mass below. Her other hand, letting the LASR clatter and splash to the floor, gently clutched at the MINDY's faceplate which had been slightly perforated by spaghettified shards of her comrade's armor. Even though Arinori-hei had cut off her communicative functions as to spare everyone else her bout, a muffled and yet still powerful scream, bloodcurdling and quiet, emanated from the armored Archangel in the air directly around her. Her body was trembling slightly as the rest of the infantry team had teleported into the mess, limbs going limp again as her body seemed to be broken, defeated despite the incredible success of the mission.
There was a burst of injury notifications and two death notifications that came across Sacre's HUD. Sacre clamped the vessel she was working with to process them. Everyone who was injured was on the Kaiyo already, and the dead were beyond saving. There was nothing for her to do about it. Something in the back of her mind shouted that she should care more. However, Sacre didn't let herself feel anything. She couldn't let herself feel anything. Because if she did, she was afraid that everything else would come falling apart.

She refocused on William's question. "Bad, but nothing that can't be fixed. I've seen worse." She neglected to mention that almost everyone who she had seen with worse died. However, he was stable for the moment.
Mark had picked up his armor pieces and re-magged them to the suite where they locked together again and walked back to the cargo bay feeling useless and still more confused as he looked at the face plate of his helmet. Mark put the hem back on and tried to clear his mind to make sense of what had just happened. And the site of the injured man, with no aid to give that would be accepted.To awake in such an alien place, to meet strangers in the middle of a battle, and to be lead around without answers was almost maddening. He knew not what to do, or what could be done. He simply sat down in the corner of the bay and held his legs to his chest as he tried to search for answers. His memories were all just nothing but blurrs, with only one image clear enough to make out followed by a phrase. "Peace to the fallen, and revenge for the wicked." he whispered to himself as he focused on the image of a crimson sword pointing down with a pair of large black wings detailed in white. Mark took of his helmet revealing his features once more as he turned the helmet in his hands before he saw the very same symbol near the faceplate's brow, his glowing red eyes examining it carefully as he searched for it's importance.

Eden snapped her attention to the crew and watched as one by one they teleported or vanquished the enemy.

"More will come, we have to go!" Eden called out and before she could leave, she looked down the hall to see a Kuvexian for the first time, unarmored.

A female with huge oddly shaped hands and feet and a general humanoid torso and appendages. She had a long waving icy tendril of a ponytail and gold painted nails. She got into a defensive posture and began yelling in her own language at which time, Eden forced jumped until everyone was back on Kaiyo. She didn't want to have to do that, but there was no other choice.

She took off her helmet once CFS were powered down and the sweat and hair clung to all parts of her face, almost. She brushed it aside and began undressing from the Mindy while speaking.

"Pyrrhic victory, everyone. You know the stats, I'm sure. But we made the mission goal a success and got to get closer to the enemy than all but the Eucharis have gotten! We should be proud of our efforts and use the knowledge we gain for the next time we are needed in this war."

She went on, "Get to your beds and rest for a couple of hours. Hoshi will call out times for debrief. Dismissed."
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