Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Setareh Wing [Mission One] Metal on Metal


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
The fleet that the newly-formed Setareh Wing called home flew in a loose formation. The VSV Arha, a Vajra-class Cruiser, was surrounded by four assault frigates, two scout ships, and a medical corvette, all of which were varying hues of orange, from electric to tan beige.

The wing's mission was to patrol for activity outside of the Iruotl system. The Astral Vanguard efforts were focused on ending the Diaspora that created conflicts between far-flung Iromakuanhe factions, particularly squashing The New Veyrin Republic, to unite all Iromakuanhe under the flag of the Astral Commonwealth within the Astral Cluster. The War of Reclamation had been progressing for six successive AR, each of which pushed The New Veyrin Republic further from the Iruotl system and closer to its knees.

Naak Behea, Setareh Wing's commanding officer, had unplugged from the entry ports and slipped out of her Erla II VANDR, silver and black hair falling to her the waist of her linksuit as she did.

“Continue the patrol on the area we’ve been working on,” she ordered a black-skinned Sund Wakir named Ekia Verha.

The redheaded Ekia had come to the hive-like VANDR bay prepared, wearing her linksuit and ready for anything. On Naak's order, she hopped into her Erla II. An automated rack placed her VANDR onto the MASC-based linear accelerator launching system, which catapulted her through a canal, out of the cruiser and into open space, which enthralled her to no end, as frame running was still new to her.

Her Vector Transition Drive kicked in and she was soon flying at cruising speeds, the shining colors of the fleet behind her eventually become nonexistent as she moved into the area to be patrolled. Some time later, her passive subspace mass sensors were alerted to movement and the ANIOS aboard her Erla II, Rebirth, spoke to her with the voice of a young woman, programmed to have a questioning lilt to the way she spoke.

“300 astronomical units away, Ekia, what would you like to do?”

Without hesitation, Ekia engaged the Vector Shroud and Phantom Sink System, compressing the space around her unit while imitating background radiation and noise to effectively blend in both visually and to any sensors.

“Vector translation initiate!" Ekia said to Rebirth and in a second, she had jumped to half an AU away from where the VANDR's scanners had picked something up. It was enough space to get a visual, but not enough to be shot at. “Soono…” she said in an exhalation.

“Confirmed, those are Soono frames,” Rebirth said back to her. “Do you see the station behind them?”

“Section 5,” Ekia muttered to her own frame, citing the Astral Vanguard Military Policy. ”Armed Disarmament.”

“They are certainly New Veyrin,” Rebirth agreed. The Astral Vanguard had been tasked with forcibly disarming rogue paramilitary installations, and this was one that had to be taken down.

With her VANDR's MASC-assisted radio, she called back to the Arha.

“This is the VSV Arha!" came a lively reply. "Adjutant officer, communications, speaking.”

“New Veyrin spotted,” Ekia shot back to the communications officer. “I repeat, Republic starship spotted! Soono frames spotted!”

“Copy,” came a terse reply. “Your wing commander, Naak Behea, and the Sengraiv are being informed.”

“We’re coming back to you,” Ekia informed the operator. To her Erla II VANDR she said, “Vector Translate again, Rebirth!”

In another second she was back at the VSV Arha.

Naak Behea had all but jumped in the bath. Her pink skin was shed of the linksuit and only a towel was draped around her when she got the call. She relayed the information to the rest of her wing and, in a flushed excitement got dressed. She strode out of the doorway and into the VANDR bay and saw her team assembled, waiting.

“This sortie is not about crushing our opponent,” Naak said emphatically, “but deconstructing the Iromakuanhe we face, reassembling them to become not an opponent, but one of us. This is not about fighting others, but accepting those just like us. Today Iromakuanhe do not fight other Iromakuanhe, but take them back into the fold. We are here to do a duty to them, not to our superiors or ourselves, but to alleviate them. I want us to take down what they have built up, and I want us to allow them to employ what the Astral Commonwealth has already built for them when they come back home.”

She went on.

“This will not be a fair battle. We have trained in capacities they cannot fathom and we can fight with capability unimaginable to them. This will not be a fair battle, but a battle, nonetheless.”

“Altair, Sanjaya, Irfan Song, Dr. Zoren,” she said before a pause. “I want you four to be with Padme, our FIOMNI. You will be our first line of attack.”

To the mechanist, Nanise, and Ekia, she said, “I want you three to be with me. We’ll be right behind them, ready to assist. Get in and go ahead! Your VANDRs should link up with what Rebirth knows about the station and its coordinates.”

With that, Naak got in her VANDR.
VSV Arha: Hanger

"Attention!" Vaytulri Dr. Tarkus Zoren bellowed as Naak walked out onto the flightline. The doctor was Setareh Wing's new NCO...

"Lanranr on deck!" The doctor stood at attention, chalk white skin looking weathered as it always did.

He listened closely to the CO orders. He gave Naak a toothy smirk, when she said he was going to be on the frontlines. Dr. Zoren truly was a field physician. However he had also served during Third Outer System Conflict several years ago, and made a name for himself as both, a skilled surgeon, and an excellent pilot. He nodded his head to Naak as she finished speaking and moved to stand in front of the assembled pilots. "You heard the boss! Get to your VANDRs and form up. Get the lead out of your asses!" He yelled in his gravely drill sergeant voice.

He ran and quickly boarded his own So-M2-1A Raevr VANDR that the doctor lovingly named Enigma. He moved and shooed the techs away as he entered the cockpit and fired up the systems. "Let's go, wakey wakey Enigma he said to the craft's ANIOS, which had a soft women voice. If anyone would have heard it, it would sound almost like a nurse, and had the same demeanor.

"Me wake up? You're late doc! Let's go already, time to hit the floor." Enigma said.

"That a girl." Tarkus said, patting the the metal cockpit. "This is Vaytulri Zoren. Enigma launching!"

"Pft... 'Irfan Song', like I don't know who she's talking to! I'm the best!"

The supposed best assessment aside, Irfan was already down at the flightline. More specifically, she was already loaded into her So-M3-1A Haidan. The machine known as Lucidity was undergoing some basic maintenance and she had come back to tend to her craft. She was no proper mechanic when it came to this sort of technology, but she understood enough to help run some basic diagnostics with her own ANIOS. And, much like her, the voice of the machine fit the more tough of her group's mecha. A tough, masculine soldier with enough edge to keep the normally free-wire pilot restrained and under some sense of sensibility for her commanders.

"Girl, it's time to deploy. Finish properly linking up and ready yourself for battle!" Lucidity had practically blasted across its speakers loud enough that many near the open cockpit could hear him.

"Pft! Pft! Pffffffft! Shush Lucy!" Completing the proper link-up with her suit, the girl moved a hand to brush the sweat from her bushy eyebrows. While the machine barked about how it wasn't 'Lucy', the woman was preparing her lengthy ponytail as she slid her helmet into place. To give a final touch to her preparation ritual, the Eyr Ranr woman gave the smallest of touches to the tips of her horns, giggling as she thought about their Guardian boss-lady getting worked up in her imagination as Irfan was rewarded for her piloting.

Taking hold of the controls, however, caused the machine to silence before chuckling at her attention to the controls and quick posturing.

"I'll forgive you this time, Irfan! Let us go and make them write of this day!" "Haaa~, that sounds like fun! This is Irfan Song, boss-lady! Lucidity is launching and gonna keep the doctor safe! You sure we can't crush them? I never get to have fun in this death machine, so maybe we can crush some of them?"
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VSV Arha, Hanger

Ace combat soundtrack, First flight

Walking over to his Reavr VANDR , Soaring Hawk, Altair rapped on the hull of the craft, speaking excitedly. "Open up Hawk, we get to go for a flight!" The ANIOS of his Reavr manifested itself as a stern caretaker, serving to keep him on task in the heat of battle. "You're going into a fight. Not going out for a joyride. Be careful, after all there are two of us in here."

Hopping into the cockpit and linking with the craft, Altair took a moment to ensure that the controls were working as intended before having The Reavr align itself with the launch bay and spoke, "This is Altair Khorvash. Soaring Hawk launching!" and accelerated, enjoying the rush of speed. As the Soaring Hawk exited the hanger, Altair did a few rolls, savoring the sensation of freedom that came to him with every flight.

Taking orders and moving quickly, the FIOMNI, Padme, placed herself in the blue and grey cockpit of her Erla II. As the entry plugs moved into position, the Immersion Control Pod formed indentations for her blue horns, which were a lustrous composite of blue and glowing gold that were testament to her synthoid body. She integrated with the sensor clusters and communications nodes, weapon spreads and power systems in order to fully immerse herself in the living weapon.

“Ready to follow you all on out!” Padme spoke out in an endearing, childish way to those ahead of her.

She launched through the capture-mesh insulated canal and was propelled out into space, where she faced those already out of the ship.

Padme addressed them crisply, "Engage Vector Shroud and Phantom Sink System, then Vector Translate there! We'll be within cannon range! The Erla II MCPA's range is 45,000 kilometers and for the Raevr and Haidan's SCPA, that means 60,000 kilometers! D'ruha!" She didn't need to say anything more and Vector Translated to their Wing's destination.

~45,000 KM From New Veyrin Space Station

Padme kept her Vector Transition Drive on while she moved about in front of the station, facing 20 interspersed Soono frames that were lingering close to the station. She took aim and fired continuously, nearing the 60 RPM the cannon could put out, guiding her shots precisely and effectively.
45,000 km (ish) From New Veyrin Space Station

Hot on Padme's mecha-heels, the Haidan was quick to appear. And, of course, immediately firing the SCPA as the machine lurched to its side to start running a strafing volley on the battle-group. Within the machine, Irfan was far from pleased at being unable to get close and put her machine's 'claws' to the test against their enemies. It wasn't bloodlust, but rather the disappointment at being restricted to a more safe and laid back combat.

"Well," she said between the charged shots of her head-fixed particle accelerator, "I guess for now I'll hold back and help you guys out. Can't get any closer without getting outnumbered or stuck too deep and near that ugly station!"

The Eyr Ranr pilot pushed herself and the ANIOS of the Lucidity just to stay mobile. Firing off missiles at this range could be useful, but the point defense of the station would have made quick work of them before they likely delivered their payloads. With the Haidan, she was more or less lacking the fun and thrill of the "melee"-type situations it was at home in. The warning sounds of a return volley gave ample time to dance and dive-between the shots, however, as she looked for the opening to go against their numerous opponents.

"If we don't find cover to draw them out, they could possibly overwhelm us when they rush forward. We really wanna sit out here and fire at them? I mean... I know we're that good, but is our luck that good? Getting caught out in the open when we just VT'd could be a very bad situation!"
~45,000 KM From New Veyrin Space Station

"Do you see cover?" Padme asked with less cheer than she had expressed earlier.

Naak chimed in on MASC-assisted radio to Irfan Song's Haidan, "This is not the time to try to make judgement calls when they've been made for you, Marbalri! If they rush us, they'll be crushed by our melee weapons. If they stay where they are, they'll be crushed by our long and mid-range assaults. Muna be with you!"
45,000 km (ish) From New Veyrin Space Station

While she didn't see cover, the pilot couldn't help but grump at being scolded.

"You heard 'em! Keep letting them have it!" Her ANIOS barked out angrily, getting the pilot's grumbling but finally resulting in the woman remaining otherwise silent and following orders. Finding cover, in her head, made sense when they could probably drag the Soono out, pick a few off, and then carry or simply utilize their fallen bodies for cover. Using melee weapons also meant they could save more of the machinery rather than potentially destroy it.

"Stupid... stinking... boss-lady. Pft... this just isn't fun! Sitting ducks who can't even provide me a challenge..."
Approximately 45,000 KM From New Veyrin Space Station

Altair had just Vector Translated to the location of the rest of the wing. Checking the range to his targets, he saw that most of his weapons in humanoid form would be ineffective. He spoke to his ANIOS for a moment. "Hawk?" "Yes Altair?"
"When we get back to the ship can you remind me to ask about mounting a shocksword cannon or two on you?"
After the short exchange had finished Altair triggered the transformation to RAMS mode. Now that his long range cannons were active, he began firing to disable the enemy frames, shifting targets every four seconds in time with the charging cycle of the weapon.
Approximately 45,000 KM From New Veyrin Space Station

"Hey! Cut the chatter!" Dr.Zoren called as he zipped pass Padme and Irfan in his Raevr's fighter configuration. "Lucidity stay back with Padme. Hawk, on my wing. We will fly in and stir up the hornet's nest." He said as rolled Enigma over and increased his thruster output to full.

"Oh man! Haven't had this much fun in a while. You ready for this Doc?" His 'nurse' asked.

"You know it Enigma." Tarkus said as he went to work. "Multiple targets locked on." He opened a comm with Altair. "Hawk! You break right at this nav point. I will break left. Work your way around so we can pincer them in with Lucidity." He said pinging a point in space for his sensors to see. As he waited for Altair to form up on his wing he locked on a cluster of Soonos and began picking them off with his sniper shocklance cannon. He systematically locked on, fired, cooldown, and repeat...
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Karuah recieved the orders from the Wing Commander and made her way into her personal Reavr frame and got to work on a quick systems check. However though she finished her check quickly she did not rush to take off.

A masculine voice spoke up from inside the cockpit in response to this though. "You still take your time with your launch." The calm and refined voice was the ANIOS system and it almost sounded like a butler with the way it presented it's speech.

Karuah smiled softly at hearing the ANIOS speak up and replied softly "Someone needs to watch our back Saeid, besides if I'm the first one shot down I can't do repairs." She then turned her attention towards the wing commander, activating her MASC-Radio.

"Wind Commander, what will our task be, support or a second wave?"
~45,000 KM From New Veyrin Space Station

The FEL Burst Cannons shot out randomly from their tails of the Soono frames, which couldn't see the Raevr, Haidan, or Erla II as they were nearly invisible to sensors. The Soono fired at where they MCPA and SCPA cannon fire was coming from and those in the Setareh Wing that moved after firing their cannons were less likely to be hit by the non-methodical shots being fired at them.

All of the enemy shields were half that of their combatants, exemplified well by the way none of the Setareh Wing had taken heavy damage.

With the destructive potential befitting a Vanguard Intelligence Agent such as himself, Zoren found himself watching as some his targets all but vanished in violent and sudden outbursts. After their cannon fire had hit their targets, several other explosions could be seen by the members of the sortie. The resulting dispersal of debris from the destruction of Soono made it evident they had downed five enemies and struck even more.

As Altair and Zoren moved into position, the Soono nearest Altair shot out its cannons wildly at his projected position, firing directly in his path.

Padme spoke out to her commander, "We've quartered them!"


After she had gotten mission status from Padme, Naak said to her VANDR, "Time to move it on out."

She then told Karuah, "If you can attack, do so, but keep yourself safe and out of harm's way as much as possible. We'll be relying on you, but you already know that. Launch at your leisure. I won't be waiting for you." Then, opening up a line to the rest of those that had not launched yet, said in a resounding voice, "It's our time provide the secondary offensive! Launch!"

Naak pushed through the canal, into open space, Vector Translated, then was on the battlefield, further advanced than the rest of the Setareh Wing. Spotting the Soono form closest to her, she moved in near enough to make out the grafting of the Agridinn and, using her Phantom Edge, cut the right arm from the Soono. It raised its left to shoot a moment too late, as she had plunged the sheering edge of the compressed space field into the body of the beast, causing it to go limp on her blade.

"I'm here for you, Setareh Wing! I'm in the middle of the group of Soono, Doctor, pushing them out towards you and Altair! Altair! Evasive action! Irfan, hang back as the doctor ordered and wait for them to come to you!"
Approximately 45,000 KM From New Veyrin Space Station

As Altair saw his commander begin to push the enemy into close range, he shifted his Reavr back into humanoid form for enhanced mobility and evaded the attacks of the Soono and shot off a missile at the one that had shot at him. He then pinged Hawk with a query;
"Hawk, What weapons do we have at our disposal in normal mode?"
Responding almost immediately, the ANIOS said, we have our Star Adder missiles, our Shocksting RCPAs, our VT driver. We also have some secondaries, including our point defense LEMB array and our PSAD swarm missiles."

Pulling up the Shockstings and the Star Adders, Altair had Hawk lock onto several of the enemy Soono frames and thumbed the trigger to launch. After the missiles had launched, Altair pulled into close range and began to fly loops around the enemy formation, peppering them with his wrist mounted Shockstings.
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Karuah gave an affirmative back to the commander before she left and took a moment to wait after her launch, wanting to give her time to draw some attention before she left on her own. After about a minute she made her way onto the launch path and from there into open space. "VTS online, we're switching to ARMS. Take care of the system change over Saeid."

After a few switches were flipped, the entire frame began to twist and rearrange itself into the shape of a fighter craft. The inside however remained mostly unchanged. The display simply cut out a moment before turning back on with a different HUD. The lightning inside also changed some to highlight the controls that should be used as opposed to the controls for frame mode.

"VTS conversion complete." Spoke Saeid's voice, a hint of pride in it's tone.

"Okay now we just activate Phantoma Sink..." As the Mechanist spoke she switched on the Pahntoma system and then punched in the coordinates for the battle. "...and Vector Translation."

~45,000 KM From New Veyrin Space Station

Saeid appeared on the battle field, a few kilometers behind the main line. Siib followed by Karuah's voice over the communication line "Karuah and Saeid on location." The Reavr class frame then put more distance between itself and it's allies making sure it wouldn't get caught in retalitory fire before it began to fire with its SCPA cannons, just trying to suppress anyone trying to return fire for now.
45,000 KM from New Veyrin Space Station:

Dr. Zoren let a wide, toothy smirk emerge as the Soonos exploded one by one. The Enigma gracefully dodged the incoming fire and banked hard to port pulling a high gravity maneuver, he grunted against the weight the g's were putting on him as he ended his bank to the left with a corkscrew to avoid the oncoming fire. "Hawk! Watch your ass!" He called as he flew behind a large patch of debris and transformed his Raevr back into its standard form.

He quickly took cover behind a huge piece of debris and locked on to several more Soonos and fired a spread of PASD Missiles , before opening fire with a salvo from his RCPA Cannon. He continued to fire volley after volley, salvo after salvo. Attempting to drive them into the next assault. When he heard the CO come over there comms he laughed. "Hey Boss! I thought you were gonna miss the party. Can't let me get all these kills." He said as he fired again.

"Doc, watch your flank! They are trying to get the drop on you!" Enigma scolded.

"Shit..." Zoren muttered as he swung his cannons about and fired at the incoming Soonos. "Keep up the pressure! They will crack soon." He added over comms.
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Alongside Setareh Wing's Erla VANDR IIs, Raevrs, and Haidans, one relic of a Vanguard Ranger stood apart. The old Erla was taller and bulkier, though only barely and only by Iromakuanhe standards, and was only armed with its Divine Fists and defensive flails. Its organic alloy hull shone dully gold-orange under the VANDR Bay's lights, unpolished next to the more well maintained Vanguard mechs. Big sensor suites sat locked in each of the frame's shoulder hardpoints emblazoned each with Saalsari script reading "press" and "Astral News Distributor," respectively.

Inside, Nanise Elisara lazily toggled her Erla 1b to life as the ship's automated launch systems ferried it into takeoff position. But her seeming sluggishness was more brought on by method and determination than a lack of desire. She wasn't even a Vanguard Frame Runner like the others! And it was her first real combat sortie, no less. A Solanii Laiz Pistol sat in the empty second seat behind her, atop her rank-less duty uniform jacket; reporters weren't supposed to carry, but it gave her piece of mind to have nearby.

"Opacity, interface with Padme and get us approval to link up with AND through a Vanguard Intelligence filter," Nanise said to her VANDR's VCANIOS while finishing up last minute calibrations for her long range audio-visual equipment on an overhead panel. The cockpit's illuminated electronics gave a momentary flicker as the frame's MASC drive began spooling up, even before the VANDR bay locked it into launch position. It didn't worry Nanise, though. Opacity was old technology, not unreliable technology. "I wanna go live as soon as I get a good shot of the action."

"Three steps ahead of you, Nani," the ANIOS shot back after a small pause, his digital voice marked with a friendly and confirming manner.

"That's because you've gotta be to keep up," Nanise told him through a giggle. "Are you re—"

"You're cleared for launch, Nani," Opacity interrupted, before abruptly thrusting into space a moment-and-a-half later. Nanise was glued onto her seatback for a few seconds as her VANDR accelerated, but quickly stabilized once they were out into the void. On her cockpit's HUD a little connection symbol fluctuated to life, signalling that she was on-air with a twelve second delay. Beside it, a chronometer blinked 23:16 Maekardan standard; just in time for prime time. Without delay, she engaged her MASC in FTL mode to get closer to the action while simultaneously adjusting the live shot's crop.

"This is Nanise Elisara for AND News with a special report from the rim," she said with as much newsworthy professionalism as she could despite a sudden rush of nerves. Bright flashes and eruptions danced off in the distance as her comrades from Setareh Wing fought the opening moments of their clash with the New Veyrin terrorists. "Broadcasting live to Maekardan and the Commonwealth!"
Roughly 28,000 mi From New Veyrin Space Station

Of all the wing, Irfan was certainly the one losing her normally peppy mood. Everyone with their more agile and breakable Frames was getting to go in, but her and the Lucidity were being forced to stay back. Her machine thrived up-close, allowing her to tear things like the Soono to shreds with a sweep of the arm. Now, the girl was barely able to maintain an at least controlled but puffy-cheeked frown within her cockpit. The others were endangering themselves, yet the daredevil pilot had been ordered to stay back!

"Stinking.... no fun... urgh!" She tried her hardest to not relay feed over the comms and failing, one of many of the Haidan's lances striking true among the exploding targets. Maybe it was some terrible fate that meant she couldn't even try to fly her machine in combat, but she certainly was blaming their all-mighty leads currently. She'd been assigned a Haidan and imagined she could do plenty of daring combat missions, especially after her training snafu that held her up for so long... yet here she was being forced into actually playing the role of support. None of the enemy machines slipped the line... none of them were escaping the more-or-less hidden Astral Vanguard machines. It was a massacre that wasn't even allowing her to test her abilities beyond basic aim-assisted shooting. But, of course, maybe a support ship having bladed hands was misleading. Surely others had been sure to complain and keep the Haidan back and behind the mainline, rather than using its arsenal entirely.
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“In my experience, the majority of the time real war is one the most boring things you can imagine.” The crisp, robotic sound of the Supemacy's VCANIOS cut through the chatter of the comms, it's unusual tendency to occasionally speak up for matters other than informing it's pilot of betraying it's relatively old age for a system in a second generation frame. “If things start getting exciting Song, it means something has gone very, very wrong.” The bronze-skinned Ivuori who piloted the Erla 2 added to the reply, his deep voice possessing little more emotion than the NI residing in his frame.

And then he was upon them.

Not far from the frame of the Lanranr of the wing and within distance to engage the formation of the Veyrin's Soono in melee, space itself twisted and warped as it had done for Naak instants before. Though a combination of it's Vector Shroud and the Phantoma Sink obscured it from most of his sensors, it was certainly close enough that the enemies cameras could see that like then an Erla 2 emerged from the violation of physics.

In it's right hand was the model's signature Advanced Blade System, the variable weapon having at the moment formed itself into a massive blade of Agridinn edged with Veyrinite and shrouded in compressed space. In the left, it held the Advanced Tactical Arrestor between it and the squadron the wing had sortied against, an over 4-meter long solid block of the same material to comprise the Phantoma Edge.

Though the strange mechanics of Vector Translation forced machine's using it to emerge in a standstill, the Supremacy burst into movement near instantly. Faster than even the enhanced mind of a Vanguard pilot could do unassisted the Supemacy's NI locked onto three different opponents, launching a short-range salvo of nine PASD missiles from the Star Locust launchers on it's lower back and thighs. Meanwhile, Samjaya pushed the bleeding edge frame into a flurry of blows at the nearest Soono before it could maneuver away, changing targets to the next nearest in a burst of speed if he managed to cut apart his current one.

Its style was a strange mixture of beauty and brutal efficiency that perhaps exemplified the VANDR themselves. It kept the ATA up between himself and his opponent during the duel, employing a mix of feints, rapid thrusts aimed at critical systems and slashes at the extremities of the NVR weapon. Seemingly erratic thrusts from the VT Drivers in its legs and shield sought to maneuver it outside of its opponents guards or the firing arcs of supporting Soono's without telegraphing its movements. Not that getting a solid shot on it or telling the true strikes from feints was particularly easy with the virtual particle laden afterimages left by its movements due to the Phantoma Shroud system. Meanwhile, twelve VT Fangs sprang from the ATA, all dozen drones zooming about his enemies to exploit weak points in armor or take out any exposed systems.
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Varying Distances From the New Veyrin Space Station

Sanjaya's offense resounded powerfully and his PASD missiles made easy work of two of the three targets, the charged particles generated blasted on impact after leaving small blue trails of light around their targets. The third had moved away from the missiles quicker than Sanjaya had perhaps expected his target to move. His NI alerted him to the fast-approaching enemy, who released a Disposable Molecular Disruption Geyser towards Sanjaya. The Soono Sanjaya had struck in a sudden and short period blew to bits, some of which would have hit him if he had not been so quick to dash away. The fifth opponent Sanjaya had targeted, this time with VT Fang drones, was swiftly diced apart by them.

As if Irfan had willed herself an opponent, two Soono locked on to her position and her NI warned her of the distant but very real threat. If she aimed and shot one, she would still have the other to deal with, but if she approached them and was close enough to slash and swipe with her Haidan's powerful VT Claws, she would have a good chance of out-powering them versus being destroyed by incoming fire.

Zoren's PASD missiles took down a Soono while his RCPA took down a second, then wounded a third that, in retaliation, fired a series of shots at the doctor, nearly hitting him. It shortened the distance between the two of them and fired its FEL cannons straight at his legs, sheering one from Zoren's VANDR unit. It fired again, but had no chance against the Raevr's prowess.

Shockstings and the Star Adders flew from Altair's VANDR, throwing some Soono off their guard enough for Padme to rush them after he had passed, cutting the ligaments off of one with her VT Sword and slicing through the mid-section of another. Naak was close behind her, pushing her own sword into the body of the now-armless Soono Padme had just ripped the arms off of. Altair was blocked in his path by cannon fire that blew apart the the shoulder emitters of his Raevr.

Padme noticed this first and said over comms, "Karuah!! I need you to receive Altair! Altair, draw back! I'll cover you!"

Naak, after confirming his VANDR was in fact in disrepair, said, "I second that!" As she said it, she took enemy fire and her shields were diminished. She avoided the incoming Soono by Vector Translating close to Nanise's position and she noticed the Soono frames were down to less than five from that vantage point. She knew what to expect of the enemy, at this point, and what to expect of her team.

"Padme, patch me through to Missions Operator!"

"Right away!" Padme chirped.

"Lanbalri Ki Lea, missions operator for the VSV Arha, speaking," said the missions operator with a cool tone befitting a CiC specialist.

"Status update on the fleet!"

"The Sengraiv has given permission for three of the four frigates to come at your ready!"

"We've all but taken down the Soono Frames and will be ready for them at my command!"

"Jarin's fortune, Lanranr," Ki Lea the missions operator responded.

She made the quick calculations and was nearly ready to enter the next phase of the mission, but first wanted to see the Setareh Wing crush the enemy frames completely.
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Approximately 45,000 meters from the station
An explosion wracked the Reavr frame. Altair was barely able to hear the comms over the warning tones.

"Altair, draw back! I'll cover you!"
"I copy!" Altair exclaimed.
Setting a course for the Karuah, Altair vector translated. Space seemed to warp for a moment before he was snapped back into reality in front of the mechanist's VANDR

"Hawk here in need of repairs!"
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