Star Army

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RP: Setareh Wing [Mission Three] A View To A Kill


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
ON, Dahbi Class Colony
Near Al'Mizram
Ruh 23, 941
14:00, Commonwealth Standard Time

There was little in the way of boredom aboard the Dahbi colony among the wing. This day was no exception. The entire wing had come together to enjoy the relaxing environment of one of the parks in the Astral Vanguard's district of the colony.

Altair was already in the water of the massive artificial lake and emerged from it with what looked like sparkles emanating from his torso and hair as the water droplets both clung and were flung from him. Dr. Zoren was cooking different meats on a metal grill with burning coals heating the food, tongs in one hand and another ready to wave at any members of the wing as they showed up.

Naak was on her datarod as she sat in one of the many chairs gathered in a circle around an unlit fire pit. She wore not her duty uniform, but a loosely hung cowl scarf, a t-shirt, and black zoloat leather shorts, exposing her rose pink legs, and a pair of boots that looked fitting for riding jarin wyrms with.

The weather was set to perfection and the light pulsed through the colony as if by nature. The allusion ended where they could see space above them, through a skylight, though the view outside was impeded slightly by the inner ring of the colony, so that they could see space only to either side of it.

The Setareh Wing had brought their VANDR for ease of access aboard the colony while the VSV Arha and support craft scouted the region. Though there were many infantry and runners available on the station, nearly none were as experienced with the New Veyrin threat as the Setareh Wing's runners. There was a small compliment of VANDR aboard the colony, but none that had seen combat like Setareh Wing's VANDR. There were officers capable and at the ready, but none that headed such a formidable force as the Setareh Wing.

They were needed here.
Rozalija sat at the firing, awaiting and watching the barbecue anxiously. Dr. Zoren didn't need her help, but she was having trouble focusing anywhere else, or even turning her attention away from the grill for a split second. She wasn't dressed down, though her uniform was in relative disarray. Her hands twitched as if she were trying to remotely control some set of tongs and a spatula she hadn't been provided for this occasion.
Dahbi Class Colony

"Rozalija!" Naak said, informally greeting the quartermaster before saying more sternly, "Divine presence abounds if I'm to see you today."

She stood, clipping her datarod onto her short's hip loop and walked herself over to where Rozalija and Zoren both stood.

"It's nice to catch a glimpse of you amid the turbulence of the past missions. I would like to talk to you later about business, but, for now, let's talk about the good doctor's technique. He could use help flipping those, don't you think?"
"Lanranr," Roza acknowledged, sitting up straight. After Naak had arrived, Roza looked at her quizzically, and halted her efforts. After a moment in which she decided not to answer the question, she looked to Zoren for his reaction.
Zoren was grilling several types of meats on the grill as he waited for the others to show. However, one of the flight to particular intrest in his work. He looked up at Roza as he continued to grill.

As he was about to say something to her he was interupted by..."Hey boss!" Dr. Zoren replied. He was just about to do what Naak had suggested, when he passed an extra set of tongs to Roza. "Here. You take the left and I will take the right..." He said scooting over to make some room
Roza took the tongs, gingerly, much less confident about this now that her involvement was not imaginary. She very, very carefully attempted to flip one slab of meat, unsuccessfully, and it only escaped slipping down into the coals due to its sheer size. Her work to unstick it from the grill was not much more efficient.
The camaraderie, the promising scent of grilled meaty delights and the easy atmosphere were like a lure for Ishtar. Wearing a black pleated skirt that ended at her knees, it exposed calf high socks of white and low-top sneakers with a black strip running along the soles' edge. Her shirt was of an off-white hue, an emblem of the famed DJ ENtropic emblazoned upon its surface. Most everything else was covered by a short, waist cut washed out denim jacket.

Ever present, her guards accompanied her, all three, Akkad with one of its three eyes missing, Sumer and Naram. Well over eight feet tall and cloaked, they loomed behind their charge. Yet something was out of place, for instead of eliciting an intimidating presence, the Synthoids each carried something different. Akkad held a large cooler, Sumer packages of savory delights ready to be cooked and Naram, blessed Naram supplies for a prefab table and chairs.

Ishtar also carried her fair share. Which happened to be a bag of Sweetstones. Of which seemed to be rapidly disappearing as she inhaled them. Only to stop momentarily to look sheepishly at the others while her guardians glided forth to place their supplies were needed.
The sound of scrawling was all that Akjit heard as he scribbled away on his poly-paper. Eternally water proof and tough, it was as perfect to draw on as any paper, yet had the longevity to last for centuries. In his hand was a writing tool just as mundane yet amazing; its tip varied from something resembling sharp pen all the way down to dull lead if he wished, and at the touch of a small display that sprung up from its end. As he doodled away, the instrument traced over Naak's womanly form, oblivious to what was going on. Did she stand up? Walk about? See the others? No, he didn't notice, nor did he need. The drawing was taking on a life of its own! There was no stopping.

That is, until he saw it. The faintest flicker of pink out of the corner of his eyes. Those joyful strands of hair. The moment he looked up and saw her in the distance, he felt fear as his gaze darted back down to his greatest work yet.

Ishtar couldn't see this!
Contended that Roza and Zoren were working as a pair, Naak was about to take her leave of the two and sit back down when she caught the way Rozalija dropped the meat on the charcoals. She had to stifle a face of amusement at that and put a hand over her mouth as she moved away.

She waved to Ishtar and then glanced at Akjit with a faulty smile before grabbing the arm rest of her chair and slumping into it, back to the datarod.
Suddenly there was a splash in the lake and Karuah's head surfaced from beneath the water. She had been underneath practicing holding her breath, just to see how long she could. Something caught her attention once the water drained from her nose, it was a rather strong smell of meat. The whimsical mechanic swam to the edge and climbed out, clad in only a sporty purple two piece swimsuit. She didn't bother to dry herself of, her hair dripping and her body still glistening as she made her way to the grill. "Oh is the meat done?"
Dr. Zoren watched as Roza tried to flip the meat and almost dropped it through the grate by accident. "It's all right, here..." Zoren moved and flipped the meat back over and onto the grill again and continued to season and prepare the meat. He watched as the others relaxed and swam when heard a voice coming from the direction of the water. He looked over to see that is was Karuah. "Let me see..." He took a knife and cut into one of the steaks to make sure it was cooked properly. "Yeah! Come get some food!" He called to everyone as he started piling the food on a tray, and adding more food to the grill.
It was complete. Or...was it? No. No! Something felt wrong.

How? This lone figure on the poly-paper was drawn with the utmost care. The lines were perfect, accentuating every curve of Naak's body while the shading brought to life the subtle softness of her skin. Yet, it was alone, and the scene in front of him? There were more people around. What he had to have more! The metal plated pen glinted in the light as it blurred across the sheet, putting down line after line in a flurry of movement. Draw, delete, draw, delete, draw, delete, delete, DELETE! The framework removed, details were carefully put in place. From the faintest fiber of the bikini to every strand of hair, he drew with broad, dramatic strokes like a swordsman slashing at his foes. And then, Akjit stopped and stared. Karuah looked lovely alongside Naak. Yet, the poly-paper still felt bare. What was missing?

...oh, how could he forget? Ishtar was just standing right there. Yes. Ishtar. As this realization dawned on him like a slowly rising sun, filling his mind with a warm glee, Akjit grasped the writing utensil once more.
Among all the Wing, their signature buttlover was still absent. The good-spirited Irfan was, for lack of a better word currently, MIA... but she was certainly on her way.

"Ki, can you hand me my suit?"

"You're still not dressed, Irfan?"
"Of course I am. I'm wearing your panties."


By the time Ki and the long haired gal reached the lake, both were looking hot. The shorter gal was in a two piece, a cute red bathing suit that accented her body nicely despite her more slim build. Irfan, next to shrimpy Ki, was in a skin-tight one piece. Her markings were on full display for once, showing her artistic talent on her dark skin. The glitter of both meant they were oiled up and everything... but it was Irfan's butt that was the true star. Moving with the sway of her walk, her hair shimmering in a multiple banded ponytail, the girl was definitely an Eyr Ranr. She was walking the line!

"Alright, Song is here! I brought Ki, too!"
"Ah, Ki! Irfan," Naak said, uncrossing and crossing her legs. "Just in time to enjoy some food."

She holstered her datarod and stood, black and white hair moving about as she did. She picked up a plate and stood at the front of the line for food from Rozalija and Zoren. Motioning for Rozalija to put the food on her plate, she wondered if the quartermaster would be able to.

"Ishtar, thank your buddies for setting up seating and such!" Naak called as she waved with a free hand to Ishtar, who was about to be drawn by none other than Akjit. "Come get some food and sit down, everybody!"
As Roza spun and brandished her tongs, Naak discovered the answer was 'if she moved quickly enough'. While the Quartermaster was not exactly untrained at this, the skills required to make shots in zero-G sports, or whatever else she might have found to do in her career, did not seem to line up with delivering food to a plate.

Though the motions were relatively accurate, there was much more speed and energy in them than necessary; the opposite problem to when she'd been attempting to flip the meat, rather than fling it. After managing about a 7:3 ratio of food delivered to plate versus food to floor for the group in her first few flurries, Roza gave it up, handed in her tongs and sat down, with some irritation.
Karuah of course got in line quickly to get some food, however while eagerly awaiting it, she did not expect Roza to be just as excited about delivering it as she was with receiving. It was the first time she ever had to keep up with the food herself, but she managed to keep it on the plate and prevent any accidents, well at least on her own plate. She then sat herself down after getting everything and began to eat rather quickly, it was a bit of a sight to behold, she had great table manners, but they did not seem to slow her down. While she ate however, she noticed that Roza had given up on serving food, so she approached her.

"What's up? You were excited just a little bit ago." She continued to eat while she spoke however, after all she was hungry after all the swimming and holding her breath.
Altair had just come back out of the water after swimming some more. as he walked up onto the beach, he shook his hair, sending droplets of water scattering.

After drying himself off and taking a seat, he greeted everyone.
"Hi everyone! Sorry for not saying hello sooner, but I was having a lot of fun in the water."
While Ki had been off and ready to grab some grub with a small smile, Irfan tugged at the white fabric of her swimsuit. It was bold, but thick enough that even in water she wouldn't be giving spectators too great of a show. The design left much of her back exposed, though, so it did look gnarly from the back. The cute cut-out around the stomach showed off her abs flawlessly as the Eyr Ranr moved to sit down while the ship's mission operator gathered a second plate with a roll of her eyes. But rather than sit down normally, Irfan plopped down onto her keister and let one of her dusky legs lay out in front while the other was bent at the knee and crossed over the thigh of the stretched out limb. Her hands went back to prop herself up, a coy smirk on her face as she watched Karuah talking with Roza.

"Pft... dang right just in time to enjoy, boss. I couldn't find my suit, so it took us a while to get over here... Ki really knows how to handle the mission~."

"Irfan, enough of that. Be a proper soldier, like you should be."
Walking past Irfan to put her plate of grub down, Ki continued over and sat cross-legged nearby. She looked toward Altair, rolling her eyes at the Eyr Ranr contingent continuing to be goofballs. It was more like an episode of some kid's show rather than the wing being on the job, especially with even Naak herself enjoying the downtime currently.
"Just 'un-volunteering' myself," Roza muttered in response to Karuah. "It's not good to look eager where your CO can see it."
Karurah took another bite of her food and then covered her mouth with her hand as she spoke. "I don't see why you should 'unvolenteer' you just need to do it slightly less enthusiastically right?" She swallowed. "As for being eager...well Irfan does it all the time, and she only gets in trouble because she doesn't always listen. I do not think our CO will be displeased at us being enthusiastic about what we do."