It also needs to be pointed out that this submission has received very little support from anyone who has spoken up, in any of the threads about it, except for you and Lam.
Actually, this seems odd to me-- or rather, I'm surprised that people are so vehemently opposed to this. I'm getting a feeling that the majority of people are indifferent, and that a vocal few (about five) are so strongly opposed, and an even smaller few (three total, which is a
literal few) are actually interested in this thing. If I'm honest, I thought that most people would just see this and dismiss it as 'eh, whatever, technically legal but not for me' and move on. I certainly wasn't expecting such heated debate on the matter.
I can't help but wonder if we all might have a bad taste in our collective mouths associated with the tribulations of this article and its past crusades for approval.
@Wes, would you be more inclined to approve this article if something were added along the lines of: "The Imperial government does not like Neko Burger, and despite the restaurant's observation of the law a close eye is kept on the company-- law enforcement waiting for the inevitable first slip."
Or perhaps you'd prefer: "While Yamataians as a whole generally don't like Neko Burger, its locations in Yamataian space subsist on a niche crowd comprised of Nepleslian ex-patriots, curious youngsters, roving criminals between prison-stays, and would-be thrillseekers."
I guess what I'm asking is whether you feel like, as the penultimate representative of Yamataian society, Yamataian people would find this wholly intolerable on a cultural level; or whether this is something the government would oppose.
The thing I've noticed since the beginning of what I'm going to later call in my memoir (
From Conmen to Catgirls: My Time on Star Army by Lamb) "The Hounds of Nekoburg: An Exciting Tribulation of the Most Hated Fictional Eating Establishment In The Setting"; is that Amaryllis has been made to ensure that this business is both legal and funded by morally dubious orginizations who would have no ethical qualms with this surprisingly touchy subject matter. So, with that in mind: how would Yamatai shut down this business, in character? When undesirables use the freedom of the law to establish a perfectly legal venture which the people simply do not approve of, what course of action is there for Yamatai? Can we, perhaps at the risk of seeming a tad meta, say that the restaurant was established in Yamataian space and then shut down soon after due to a snap reaction from the citizens quickly and furiously petitioning their senators? I mean, in-character, what happens when Neko Burger tries to open up?