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RP [Nepleslia] Job 1 - River Raising

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Amelia waved for the doctor, Fighlan, to come over towards where she was, then looking over at Giani and shinning the flashlight over the man for a brief moment before she quickly pulled the flashlight away after seeing it. She didn't like what she saw, and instead stared at the vegetation after finding a sudden interest towards the antiseptic smelling fungi; Interesting indeed.

"What's so funny?" She asked the linguist after turning from the glowing mushrooms, crouching down besides him as she waited for the doctor to come over and help.
Seeger was quick to press down the burning ache in his legs as he made his way toward the injured. He, of course, had a duty to perform. With a little probing on Giani, he had found multiple smaller shrapnel shards and a rather nasty one in his upper right thigh.

"How ya doing big fella? Other than the large peice of metal in your leg where else hurts?" He looked towards Amelia, "I also need to know where you are hurt." He held up his palm, forestalling any rebuttal. "You both are quite obviously injured and can only make it worse by not telling me."

He didn't want to look at the pilot. She was bad. Maybe even too bad for him to fix on his own. He rolled up his sleeves, which were already sticky with his own blood. His wounds were minor probably, and he wasn't one to cry while other were in pain. After the injured pair explained their respective circumstances, he looked around in the dim light.

"I'm going to be needing a first aid kit if anyone has one, a preferably clean knife, and you all must relinquish any and all drugs to my care. For safekeeping."

He had said the last part on a whim, hoping that someone had had a cooler head when shit went down topside than he did. He almost felt ashamed of his lack of foresight to grab at least a box or two from the crate he had loaded with medical supplies.
Anyone getting close to the walls would start to find the smell increase, and if they followed it would find smaller brown fungi that seemed like the source of it.

Tara didn't look too bad; however did not look like she was breathing, from a glance. Even if watched closely, the rise and fall did not seem to be there anymore; though when checked, her pulse did seem to weakly appear every eight to ten seconds. That said, the pilot was till quite warm to the touch with a very slight discoloration to her lips..

Leaning against the half wall while having a little trouble breathing, Helen unstrapped her 6" blade from her belt and called out to the medic. She then tossed the whole thing to him while it was still in its sheath. The geologist then looked over at Tara, her eyes finally getting wet at the prospect of losing another friend today while hoping it wouldn't happen.
Gris did not really worry about stuff. She did not really have full medical pack in her backpack, just some bandages and tourniquet. Abwehrans healed fast, she did not need any of the other stuff. It seemed the pilot was dying, which was of course bad. As bad as possible. Gris sighed and took out her communicator, seeing if there was a way to call for help. Normally the tech allowed one to call to space where orbiting ship was, but here they were under-ground. That said Gris did not have to reach space, she just had to call anyone else and HE or SHE then could contact space, or police or the bloody premier. Gris did not care as soon as help would came.
Amelia opened her mouth, to say that she wasn't injured, but the doctor's remark held her back. She didn't give up, though, "Well, he's worse than me." She said, a simple triage would prove that even if such a thing was necessary at that point. She also noticed how that when she had finally paid attention to the injury on her right hand and arm that it had started to hurt, a constant throbbing that she knew was from some sort of scratch and a smaller burning sensation where the clothing was scorched from the blast. Still, it was just a scratch comparing to the world of suck that Giani had received.

She removed the thorn glove and pulled what was left of the sleeve of the sweater on her injured forearm and inspected the damage as she watched the doctor go about his work.
"Oh man!" Giani looked to Amelia, "Sugar-lips, we're either so fucked, or 'bout to be so lucky."

Hey motioned to the surface while he was still leaning against the wall.

"Magnesium. Explosives. I even had some jet fuel in there!" He laughed again, "So that metal's been gettin' hot. And if gets hot enough: soon enough that whole little package is gonna go boom on 'em. And If I was that pirate, I've probably sent in a team to start grabbin' up the spoils by now. So they're gonna' come walkin' in that shuttle, start pickin' through the salvage, and all a sudden: BOOM!" He laughed again, much harder this time, "I jus' made a mass grave. Took me like - what? Ten seconds," he shrugged. "ten seconds? Fifteen. Tops."

With that he turned to the doctor that was so busily trying to tend to him.

"Doc. I just kissed the ground so hard my shiny bits hurt right now. I don't know about all of you but seems to me like being on the business end of an AT missile isn't too good for your health. Got pain in both legs. Back feels like its on fire. Arm feels like its on fire, too. Think I hurt my neck a bit on the landing I din' quite stick. Oh and if you got somethin' for my ego and my pride. Got em both bruised a bit what with Amelia suppotin' most of my weight on the way down here."
"This might hurt a bit, I'm going to try and find the worst of the shrapnel." He gingerly probed along the marines legs until he had found the largest of the wounds, along with various cuts and shrapnel. He thrust his hand out politely asking, "bandages please." The jagged piece of shrapnel that had pierced Giani's thigh was the worst, and he began immediately. "I'm going to have to cut your trouser. Try not to squirm so I don't stick you."

He calmly caught the blade and began cutting the outside seam on his pants. Carefully, he cut the shrapnel loose from the fabric and grabbed a dented metal canteen from his belt. He'd seen the vids, marines were tough, and he didn't offer any warnings as he irrigated the area and began. He slid the blade slowly along the shard as he lifted the skin that held it in place. He didn't so much as pull, but slowly slid the piece out, trying not to let the skin catch it and cause more damage. He let the metal drop to the floor and put his face close to the wound, checking for any serious bleeding. He irrigated it again and quickly wrapped a bandage around, winding it tightly. "Well marine, you can tell some pretty wicked stories to the womenfolk about how you got this. Another plus is, you have to take your pants off to show them, so you are already halfway to the money." He chuckled at his own joke and went back to his work.

He quickly checked over the rest of his body, removing any shards that were visible, and checking his back. "Real nasty cut back here, but nothing you cant power through. You don't seem to have any spinal fractures, but try not to land on your head or back again." Sighing, "take it easy until I can do a thorough check, and try not to let that bandage come loose, it isn't arterial but you can still bleed out if you let it." He pat his shoulder and stood up, checking the rest of the injured. Amerlia's arm didn't appear serious but he could barely see and his adrenalin was wearing off, making him quite tired. He shrugged about the burns. "Not really anything I can do about them right now folks, just keep them clean if you can."

He ran his hand from his eyes through his hair when he noticed something quite painful. His face was burning from the sweat and burns but it paled in comparison to what he discovered. He had no eyebrows.
Whatever was between them and the surface, Gris' communicator could not get a recognizable signal. Even in analogue she picked up snow, punctuated by random noise spikes that could have been signals, but nowhere near powerful enough to be useful. That said, it at least offered the possibility that some where long the tunnel there may not be as much interference; though it may be a ways off.

Hearing Giani's announcement, Helen grinned, though the chuckle she tried to avoid still hurt some. "I sure hope that gets them.," she offered, "or at least it wouldn't hurt my feelings any."

Seegar managed to get at the pieces decently enough, and though bleeding, Giani managed to get way with his bones and major arteries left alone. That said, those wounds could use some treatment by more than water, and again, there was that smell.
"You -" Giani had to stop, suppressing a groan from the lingering pain of an impromptu field surgery done with all the tenderness of a drunken brawler, "- you ever get the feeling there's like, some sorta' - I don't know - divine entity tryin' to tell us somethin'?" He shrugged, and motioned to a patch of mushrooms nearby with his cybernetic arms, "Like those mushrooms, maybe? I mean, like, this place smells like a damn hospital. And for all we know, these mushrooms got some kinda' magical healin' property nobody ain't ever heard of before."

His head lazily rolled to the other side and with his other arm, he patted Amelia on the leg, and motioned to the mushrooms again.

"Know what I'm sayin', sugar-lips? What do you think? Think there's somethin' off 'bout these mushrooms over here?"
"Oh shut up." Amelia said sharply to Giani almost immediately after recoiling from the unexpected pat that caught her off guard. It was the unexpected pat that annoyed her more than the nickname. Turning towards him once she got tired of poking at the mushrooms with her gloved hand, she pulled the same hand closer, confirming the familiar smell of antiseptic from the fungi. It could smell like antiseptic but the woman still didn't trust it and wouldn't risk even using it.

"They just smell like antiseptic, but I'm not going to stand around and rub them over any scratches or anything." She said after a while, and in a surprisingly more calm tone, dusting her gloved hand on her pants to get rid of the smell.
"No signal," Gris said with a frown. She lookeed at others and than around. "Fee need to get raus of here and outside. Piratez might blow up, but even if zey do, zat won't help us much. Fee need comm-signal and call for help. So fho here is zee expert on tunnels and such things?"
"I wonder if," Helen breathed, calling over to the doctor, "they can be tested."

The woman then gave herself a moment to rest before replying to Gris, "Not sure where they went; but without the way we came in, this may end up a bit of a search. That is, unless your Abwehran strength can move a few hundred tons of dirt and rock."

She then looked over the place, past the fungi and into the shape of the tunnel itself. It looked familiar - not as a place she had specifically been before; but quite like a few she had. Natural rock, also did not look as regular as the walls seemed behind the subterranean flora.

"If this tunnel is what I think It may be, though," the geologist began again, "there ought to be more places to exit somewhere down one end or the other. Anyone care to check what's under the water in the middle, there?"
"Okay, thanks, doc." Amelia replied to the doctor before sitting down and resting her head against the wall. The woman rubbed her forehead with a gloved hand as she finally started to come down from the adrenaline and calm down from the whole thing. She knew she wasn't out of the woods yet -quite literally- but at least the respite was a something she was glad for.

"Alright, I'll get to it." Amelia called out to Helen. And just when she closed her eyes to gather her thoughts...

The raven-haired woman made her way towards the water in the middle, making a splash as she jumped down from the ledge. She walked around the area, feeling the lower part of her pants get soaked and her boots get loaded with the stale water as she trudged around, ankle deep, illuminating some areas every now and then with the small flashlight she had.
The doctor let his head fall back and smack the stone wall with a dull thud. "I'm a little tired, how about we just rest here?" He absentmindedly scooped up a small pack and started shoveling some of the antiseptic smelling growth into it, not bothering to empty the contents out.

"I don't want to be the one to try this out but if it is antiseptic, it will be invaluable if we have no supplies." He pulled himself off the ground and watched Amelia walk through the water. He dropped his hand to the large, antiquated hand cannon and debated dropping it. The thing felt like it weighed a ton and he doubted he would even need it. "Well I always did like spelunking, hopefully you big fellas can keep me safe," pointedly looking at the imposing abwehran.
As Amelia swished around in the water, her foot soon bumped against something that rose about an inch off of the floor. There seemed to be a number of them, each six inches wide and 18 inches apart along the length of the tunnel. These short rises, however, seemed to stretch about four feet across the tunnel's width, with a small trench cut down the middle of them, down to a two inch groove another half inch into the floor that ran in the same direction as the tunnel.

Going further across, another, wider groove of about four inches wide ran the length of the tunnel. Then finally another set of rises similar to the first could be found with the exact same dimensions with yet a third groove of the two inch variety running down the middle of them. Every now and then, on the tops of these rises seemed to be small protrusions that never managed to get close enough to the surface to be seen in the murky water; but they almost seemed to be the size and shape of bolts.

Meanwhile, Helen listened to what the doctor said about taking a rest and she thought about it. Staying too long down here could be the death of them, and falling asleep could very well kill a few of them. However a rest, so long as they all stay awake it might not be so bad so long as...

"That depends on how soon Giani needs a hospital," the Geologist replied, before looking back at Tara, getting more and more grey. She had dealt with friends dying on her before; boulders tended to leave very little functioning after caving a person in. That never made it any easier as she fought to keep more of a mind on how to keep those still kicking alive.
"Pretty soon, I'd guess." Amelia said as she sloshed around the water. 'And so does the pilot.', she wanted to add, but bit that back. There was no need to rile up anyone any further. She kicked at the protrusions, but other than that there was really nothing else to discern about it. She ignored the wet cold that seeped into her clothes and set her mind further into the task at hand.

"Hang on, I think there's something here." She said, holding the flashlight between her teeth. The woman crouched further down, reaching with both hands under the water to try to remove what she could only imagine were bolts. She had no idea of waat they were supposed to be holding down, but still pulled and twisted at them to wrench them free anyway. As soon as she found out more about what kind of room she was supposed to be in, the easier it would be to find a way to get out of there.
"Fuck the hospital." Giani announced, "Hospitals are stupid. I hate hospitals. Last time I went to one, they took my arm. Can't imagine what they'd try to take this time." He laughed.

Yet sadly that was the most he could contribute in his current condition. With a few moments to rest? He could probably be up and moving again, helping get out of there as fast as possible. But until then? He'd been bit in the rear by a missile, likely an AT missile if he thought right from what he remembered seeing (and feeling) of the blast. A sign from some god or another that he was meant to live through the day for some purpose. He hoped.

In retrospect, he wasn't the only one caught by that blast. How was he the only one to come out of it so messed up?

Maybe it was just karma out of balance and he was about to get some great payout.

A few leaves twitched as a barrel pushed out of a bush at the edge of the woods. Not a sound could be heard, she even was controlling her heart rate down to a point that it was only beating once every few seconds. The trigger assembly had been rebuilt a few times in the past few years, but it rocked back slowly, and smoothly. A small flash and a thunder strike, the predator had made her first move.

Two pirates had been working with a hand truck to move one of the crates from one shuttle to the other. One had noticed the barrel getting close, but not soon enough. He called out just as the explosion hit, putting pieces of schrapnel through his chest and into a few others. His partner, protected by the crate got away with just his ears ringing.

Soon, two pirates exited the dig team's shuttle, while four others came out of their own. They looked around in frustration while some uttered various curses loudly, and up above, the sound of two fighters began coming closer again.

Once She fired the tan predator was off and moving quietly and quickly to the next point. She found her tree when she tucked behind and took aim at the lead pair. She needed them to come a bit deeper into the tree line before she could finish them all off. With a dirty grin she sqeezed off another blast from her shotgun at them. Once the blast was fired, she was off to the next point.

The two from the civilian shuttle were peppered, but just enough out of range to not be mortally wounded. They cussed up a storm as they half hobbled into cover, pulling out their pistols. Slowly, the pirate near the hand truck regained his head a little, and tried for a dash to their shuttle, his four compatriots waving him over to them as they too pulled their sidearms.

"Where are you?!" one shouted from cover, "Come out here so I can see you, or we'll lay this place to waste hunting you down!"

As if to emphasize his words, two fighters came in and hit yet another row of mounds, though still a bit away from where their terror hid.

With a Shreaking laugh she taunted them before she made another quiet move to where she left the heavy weapon. She moved and grabbed the belt feed weapon and moved out around to flank the group. They were almost in posistion to her main set of teeth. She found a good spot and dropped in to start fireing off a burst of the large weapons rounds at the group. As she kept pulsing the weapon at the group she reached down to her leg and felt the remote taped there.

She managed to get around their cover just enough to fully take out those she had wounded earlier, and tagged a freash one while she was at it. They could have closed their doors if they wanted, but one idiot tried for the crate again anyway, figuring his position was protected from their tormentor's fire. The predator, on the other hand indeed no longer had a shot, and needed to be careful of the river, should she try to circle around further.

Leaving the heavy weapon where she used it, belts spent. She moved out into the bombed out fields, drawing both her pistol and a long bladed knife. With one last kackle she depreses the button on the remote and fired off the claymore mines she had first set along the tree line and river front. Those the blast of ball bearings and fire ball didn't remove from the playfield, she would finish off with her knife, the pistol was only out to look cool.

The fool and two of his compatriots whom were calling for him to get back into the shuttle were soon hit by the onslaught of fire, concussion, and metal with little time to be surprised. This left only one, who quickly stood up from behind a crate in the lea of a shuttle wall to make his way for the craft's cockpit. Meanwhile, the two fighters began coming in for another round, lining up to pepper the smoking open area of destroyed dirt and stone.

With a grin she snuck up in the confusion of the exposion and stepped inside of the shuttle sliding around the far side of the crate from the remaining person. "Hellooooo." She smiled letting her fanged teeth show before reaching froward to slit his throat. She licked the blood of the blade, with a thought that all her prey would need to be rendered before long.

She turned her head at the sound of the fighters making their current pass. They were an issue, so she took off back to the tree line. a few hundread meeters from where she started this all was a sholdermounted launcher for a rocket. tucking down the took aim at the closer one and with an exhale she fired the rocket at it.

The fighters had almost passed when the suddenly split up from each other to come aroiund again sooner. Did they see their attacker or not? If they hadn't, the one fighter exploding caught their attention. Bits of airframe rained to the ground as the other craft swooped in to try and locate the invisible terror.

Dropping the weapons system, She took off towards the second one she had left near a rock near a mound. She was sure that the Fighter had seen her, so she had to move fast or the fighter would be on her with vengance. Taking a rolling dive at the rock she tucked in behind it and pulled the weapon up to her sholder. Poking up over the rock she waited for the fighter to come around for it's next run.

The fighter seemed to line up quite well with where she was and a few flashes appeared around its weapons ports. Blasts of laser fire landed all around the pirate's tormentor, but only one came close, buzzing by an ear. Oddly enough, however, it was not trying to fire any more missiles.

With a fanged grin she squeezed the trigger spoons of the launcher and fired the rocket up and at the fighter. Once the smoke filled the air around her, she took off back to wards the woods. Ether she had gotten the fighter craft or she had missed and it would be comeing back for her.

The figher pilot saw the smoke, he targeted for where it had come from, but it was already too late. A couple shots landed around the predator, but the craft's wing got hit. It exploded in flame sending the small vehicle past the fork in the river and into a foothill a mile away.


Though the water was already cold, the protrusion she got a hold of was even cooler and had a rather rough texture, but not enough for threads on something of its diameter of about half an inch. Attempts to remove it, however, proved unfruitful, though it left a dark, orange-redish brown substance on her fingers.

Soon the ground vibrated again in a couple pulses as a roar came down the tunnel, undulating with the pulses. The glowing fungi went dark a little before it hit and stayed dark for a while after it stopped. The whole thing was more felt than heard, though it did not get to the point of actual shaking.

"What the hell?" the geologist commented incredulously as it had been a while since the last rumblings, "I sure hope that's a good thing..."

Then the ground really shook, and another pulse of a roar went down the tunnel, louder than the last. A dusting of dirt fell from above as the shaking was enough to start putting someone off balance. After that, nothing. The lights came back and things remained quiet there after.
"Damn it!" Amelia exclaimed as she lost her hold on whatever she was holding because of the tremor and fell on her butt in the water. The woman sat like that for a few moments, breathing heavily and cursing at her fate, until the natural glow from the fungi in the cave returned.

Sighing, she picked herself up, then her flashlight from under the water and kept on searching around.
After what seemed like for ever; but ended up hours after the last rumblings, some sounds started to echo from one direction down the tunnel. It seemed as if there were some kind of thumping, along with swishing and groaning sounds, rebounding off the walls. Soon a different kind of light could be seen from that direction that was much different from the pale green of the fungi that seemed to move. With the light, ripples in the water began washing up from that direction and moving past the group.

After a few moments, the lights began to individuate and the sounds started to sound more like power armor sloshing through the water. Next the silhouettes of Hostile type armors could be recognized, and when they got close enough, their weapons lowered after a cursory scan of the archaeology team. It then was about a moment after that when a gruff, female voice came out of the speakers of one.

"Now how in hell did you guys luck out and survive down here?" came the rather surprised question.

After a few words and some assurances that they were the local defence forces, including the display of the appropriate decals, the team was very cautiously moved down the tunnel to a rather large opening to another set of stairs that lead upwards. Once at the top of those stairs, everyone was ushered out of another moss covered mound into a clear, starry night. There were various shuttles and an escort ship in the blasted clearing with various armored and unarmored Marines ensuring the area was secured.

As the archaeology team was brought up to the escort ship, they passed by a woman in rags who was well bound and moping. It also looked as if she had cat ears that were drooping along with her head and shoulders, which prevented everyone from seeing how dirty her face was. The cat-eared woman also had a smell to her as if she hadn't bathed in a while.

Once aboard the escort, each person would be processed individually before eventually finding themselves at a base and later free to go their own way. Helen seemed to become sparse after everyone was released; however 6000 DA managed to make its way into each member's account.

((OOC: End))
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