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Approved Submission [Nepleslia] Mutant Species

Charmaylarg Dufrain

πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
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  1. Nepleslia
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  1. I agree
Mutants already exist and aren't anything new and are just getting an official species page as I promised I would 10ever ago.

Ive broken mutants up into three categories from nepleslian looking almost-human anthro to much further mutated bebop and rocksteady from TMNT. What few mutants there are on the wiki and in RP vary in what they look like and I want people to want to play mutants as a possible option and not be turned off by them because they dont appeal aesthetically or assume other players/characters wont want to interact with them.

As such Ive made it possible for mutants to not be hideously ugly and rather customizable for players that want a mutant but also want an attractive one. So like anthro or what minkin can sometimes look like but much more tragically created and with a touch of added racism~

@SirSkully for nep approval.

I also made some minor statements that there are no mutants found/wanted in red-nepleslia, yamatai, etc. Which is in part to keep them originating in nepland, keep the melting pot and differentiate from Demibears reds and the direction they are going, etc. And not trying to hide that, just that few enough of them ever leave Nepleslian cities or have ever really met a Yamatain let alone traveled there so as to reinforce the lie/meme of yamatai only allows beautiful people to the mutants. (iirc there is at least one former mutant turned minkin in yamatai canonically, and the most famous of the Mutants, my shasta, has a yamatain father~)

"and while not ever confirmed, the lack of any past or present mutants of this stage in Yamatai or confirmation of any having transferred have established rumors of mutants not being welcome in the star empire as undesirables; Wich, true or not has become believed by most middle-stage mutants who, for the most part, have never even met anyone from the Yamatai star empire to confirm it or not."

Listen, I need reasons to keep them in the sewers and not flock to yamatai to all become state-sanctioned catgirls, ok?!
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Huh. Always thought Nepleslian mutants were like the Melting Man from Robocop, or traditional 80s sci-fi/cartoon stuff. Bulbous and bullous abomination types. These just seem like Nepleslian anthros, which according to the Anthro page aren't actually mutants at all (but blend in with the mutants). Is this a retcon/new lore? Or have mutants always secretly been Nepleslia's anthro set? Could be cool to see some traditional Nepleslian mutants in the pictures since they all seem to be anthros.
Bit of all of the above.

One part is at least some of the existing mutant characters are just nep versions of anthro (shasta, morgan, etc.). It stands true that, at least in this setting, that people often dont want to play outside their aesthetic (If they dont want to bang or someone else doesnt want to bang thier chars they are unlikely to make them, In my opinion)

So there are earlier forms of mutation which are varied and more Nepleslian/human in look, slightly more gone mutants that are downright anthropomorphized and only humanoid in shape, and then latter ones where you get those 80/90s TMNT style mutants who look not human at all. It should also be said there that once you hit that late-stage if you arent that, you are likely an abomination/aberration and a non-functioning monster of instinct and animal intent.

So you have your playable for the ones who want social interaction, you furry/alien hybrids, your more traditional mutnats, and then monsters that come out of the sewers and attack people and give mutants a bad name.

(Plus i've done more with the mutants in the past 5+ years than I think anyone has since nep was made so its kind of the direction i've always pointed them in my headcanon)
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It seems like the dudes are certainly not human while the women are all kemomimi bunny/catgirls uwu. Can there be some women mutants that are nonhuman?

Interesting to see a MILF treated like Emma Watson was, but you didn't link IPG when reffing her or elsewhere. Feel like Shasta could also get linked at her first mention since she's their grime lord and all. I have other comments but... sometimes when you imagine a nurgle daemon you get an internet troll and that's fine too.
I ran out of midjourney, unfortunately so such things will have to wait until next month. And it didn’t give me a lot of not-nice fems but was glad to give me pleanty of inhuman men. (Bias?)
Yes, Hello!
I would like to ask everyone who is currently trying to gatekeep me in DMs (Not wes or ame. They have both just been giving constructive criticism) to sod off!
I will once again state that these mutants are a wide stretch of early to late-stage examples. Everyone keeps getting stuck on the literally two examples of mutants that look like cute anthro girls and not the very-many other examples that arent.
  • This is not an attempt to steal anything yamatai related.
  • Yamatai does not own a monopoly on the ability to make a cute girl if someone wanted to and you can already do so on nep. A majority of currently active nep PCs are female.
  • Im making it so people can make PCs on mutants. This includes needing to be able to use powered armor and standard-issue gear which means they need to have the ability to make a humanoid PC.
  • Not everyone wants to make a horrid crab man. They can if they want to, but they arent required and demanding they only be something unplayable is showing your hand.
  • I have done more with the mutants than everyone combined since wes first inserted them into Nepleslia and have canonized all of this in RP.
  • This is not a new concept and already exists in RP. Im just making a page for them. If you dont like it, make your own page better than mine.
  • Of the mutants made in the past few years (by me and primative polygon), only two have been humanoid-anthro looking.
  • None of you have ever given mutants a second thought. Even having the ability to have anthro-mutants in RP most of you will never so much as interact with one.
  • This is for NEPLESLIA. Not Yamatai. Core yamatai players DMing me instead of using this thread who have never played nep or read nep posts please stop.
  • The FM of this faction has already given his consent.
  • This should pass on the checklist. Your complaints arent constructive and have no actual grounds and have clearly just been I dont like that mutants can choose not to be ugly, everything in nep MUST make me feel better about playing my yamatai-catgirl who will never interact with these mutants anyway, so I can feel smug about how much worse Nepleslia is compared to yamatai.

    Can I get a checklist, Please?
This is not how I would have done this article or what I consider the "ideal" article for SARP mutants and one reason is it overlaps with the general anthro meta species...but honestly it's better than what we have, clearly some big effort went into it, and if we want to adjust later we can. With that in mind I am approving this immediately, as is! No more being stuck in limbo. It's okay if the puzzle piece of the wiki fits a little weird for now. It's not okay to you hanging. So...

I will aspire to rectify this and even Ame's concerns at some point in the future. It may appease all sides if, in the future, I overhaul the page to combine the various stages into just a general description of mutants and instead have a table like in some CCGs do about the commonality of hair or eye color to instead be about early-mid-late simply being a table or more with more and wide/more various and extreme mutations with each stage.

I dont think it will do away with humanoid-mutants looking like Anthros, since as I said I want people to actually play them and others to want to interact with them and have relationships IC instead of half-ignoring such characters or throwing out the idea of them IC. But it may explain or be easier for players in the creation process than three lengthy segments.
Reactions: Wes
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