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Nepleslian Military Uniforms


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Two concept drawings:

https://stararmy.com/v-web/starchan/a/sr ... 806957.png
https://stararmy.com/v-web/starchan/a/sr ... 301299.png

The ranks are similar to what what used in the US during, the civil war: colored stripes with the rank on either side (example).

Edit: Another example
http://memory.loc.gov/pnp/cwp/4a40000/4 ... 40410r.jpg

There's a story behind the soldier on the ranks. An early Nepleslian military space colony was invaded by hostile, man-eating aliens; severely out-numbered, the defending soliders were being killed off rapidly. It seemed all was lost, but for a single remaining soldier. Although the rest of his unit had met gruesome deaths, the soldier took on the invaders with his bolt-action shotgun/rifle and somehow managed to kill every last one of the aliens with it over a period of three days. Thus, in the spirit of never giving up no matter how bad things look, the soldier has been immortalized, rifle ready, on the Nepleslian flag and ranks.
I personally think it would look better if the ordering was:

Red background, silver borders, increasing number of bars
Red background, gold borders, increasing number of bars
Black background, silver borders, increasing number of bars
Black background, gold borders, increasing number of bars

Instead of:
Red background, increasing number of bars, alternating border color
Black background, increasing number of bars, alternating border color
Also, maybe the patches can be switched for their arms? To differentiate them from Yamatai? They could say something like keeping Nepelisia closer to the heart, or something ;p
Alright, I switched them.

Also, maybe the patches can be switched for their arms? To differentiate them from Yamatai? They could say something like keeping Nepelisia closer to the heart, or something ;p
What exactly do you mean?
I mean switch their Army patch with the fleet patch in relation to which shoulder they use. Just to make it non-uniform to the other service, or something.

Still neat though. They remind me of the German pullover sweaters a lot. Those are style'n.
I've recently been working on fleshing out the page for Nepleslia's military uniforms.

Just a few images here and there, nothing particularly fancy. However, with the advent of some new artwork for some of our Grand Admirals, I also decided to create a page that describes just the Grand Admiral uniform.

It's a small thing, but we figured we might as well submit it in case there are any glaring problems or helpful comments.


We've also added and updated our current exercise uniforms with some descriptions and artwork. Browse over them at your leisure for any discrepancies.


EDIT 04/18/2012

As of right now, I'm also working on a couple more clothing pages. So, for the moment, we can suspend this until I have the rest ready to go. I'm expecting two more, so whenever they are done I'll post again to bump and have them all ready to review at once.
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Reactions: Wes
Looks good to me.

Is this FM approved yet? (Also next time please use the submission form)
Maybe we can use the white star on the black background as the NSN logo?
I wasn't aware we had a different star pattern; I thought that the current one encompasses all of our current military and navy. The NSMC name is just there to be a name.

EDIT: Look back at the opening post for an update.
Bump for the additional page, and now I think we're ready for NTSE improvements and, hopefully, eventual approval.

Thanks for getting the art!
Suku looks happy. I'm terrified.

That aside, Nice stuff! Glad to see more great Nep art and stuff!
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