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Resolved Neshaten paperwork


Everything Is Magical
alright so I have two requests for the thread, both are pertaining to the faction.

1. I would like to have @RaWolfe instated as the second Co-FM of the Neshaten faction, I have spoken to him about it one on one but im sure he wouldn't mind confirming here if need be

2. As @IQ and I have been discussing, it's just about time for the Tsumi to get moved into their appropriate subfaction location, I don't know how well known it is but his creation the Tsumi were submitted as a subfaction for the Nesh and have been Rp'ing in open RP up until now to ensure they got off the ground a little more, also for some IC reasons of where they were before ending up in nesh space.

So long as he has no issues with me submitting the request on his behalf I'd like for a Tsumi subforum to be established within the neshaten forum which we can move the current threads into and continue using in the future, I believe he's either asleep or working at the time I'm posting this so I haven't been able to confirm one on one beforehand.

Tagging @Wes as site manager and @Ametheliana because you've been able to handle FM badges for me in the past
Confirm the Tsumi sub-board. Whatever the name will be, the Tsumi will become an 18 and up plot after the first thread, so I'd add to the request it having 18+ permissions
What threads would go in the Tsumi forum? Usually subforums are made after two missions -or something equal to mission threads- have been undertaken.
Also we'll need a forum description text.
As far as I’m aware, though I could be slightly off, the first mission is close to wrapping up and the second one will start soon after. Im pretty sure the couple of jps people have done have been posted as well so its got a couple of threads, ill let @IQ come up with the description

these are the current threads I can see, i not sure if there’s anymore hidden in the 18 zone already
Correct, there's currently three threads, two JPs and the main Tsumi thread which is close to being finished.

I wanted to hold off from making a subforum and a board until the second mission for that reason, though as I stated, I wanted to push the Tsumi plot into 18+. With Club having no full site permissions and me respecting that wish, we agreed to have it in a subboard of Neshaten.

Anyhow, that small tidbit of explanation aside. @Wes

The Tsumi Dominion

Fierce, bloody and craving conflict, the Tsumi are a race of warriors that took to space after being forced from their home. After years of wandering through the cosmos with finite and rapidly depleting resources, they finally settled. Out of nescessity, moreso than choice. But no Tsumi doubts that this is the hill they will either hold or die on.
If I am not making a board right now, then in order to push it into 18+ I would need to move those threads into Adult Open RPing, is that okay?

When you want the subforum, just @ Wes or myself and we'll get it sorted.
We didn't want to move them to 18 until after they got an 18 board so that I don't have to get 18+ perms for where it currently is and I could just get access to its own personal board, thats a bit of a bad explanation but basically we basically need to have them made 18+ at the same time as they geat a sub-board
No, this is not ok. As Club said, as I said in my initial post. He doesn't have access to 18+ sitewide and doesn't want it. Therefore an 18+ subboard in Neshaten would solve this issue easily.

@Wes any word on this?
If you don't want an 18+ board then I misunderstood.

What is it you need done now? If it's just a subforum you don't need to @ Wes, I'll do this tomorrow for you.
I was talking to club on my lunch about this. So you want a or subforum that is 18plus under nesh. Special access for club to view the subforum that gets created with out adding access to the rest of the 18 forums.

Now since a plot needs two mission threads to get a subforum is a second mission thread created yet or no?

Also in regards to access that will have to be looked since it would have to be created specifically for club.

Hope I got all this right.
I can work on making that subforum and also a role for club to see it. To clarify and for context: he's over 18 but wants to not see 18+ content. The tsumi should be 18+ content and as Neshaten FM, club should see the sub and not have to see the rest of 18+. I'll let @SchererSoban work on anything else like moving the threads linked etc once it can be done. I'll post when that is because it'll be when the board is made.
Yep thats all correct, i even have access to one other 18+ board already for the super awesome crimefest plot
Club mind testing if you can the new subforum. Also moved threads for testing. Please let me know if other threads need moving.

Only one goat was lost to make this possible.
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