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RP: Origin [New arrival] Hey there, Stranger

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"I got Engineering from my parents" Aerin said, sipping her beer "Funny what things pass on in different families" she muttered, before turning towards the door. "Shall we continue our tour?" the short Yamataian woman asked.
"Allrighty then" the Tiny woman responded, walking through the door and holding it open for Camellia. As Camellia came through, Aerin turned around and stopped dead, there was a new person in the room.
Meanwhile in the wardroom of the Raider, a rather tall, if not physically muscular man sat with uncommonly good posture as he looked at the plate before him. In truth, he'd arrived at the sametime as the new arrival. More or less 'acquiring a ride, free of charge, and without consent'. As it were. A large, sectioned hoagie (which appeared to look as if a lot of time and effort into its making) lay on the plate, even a glass of what could be construed as juice beside him. He even had a napkin across his lap as he looked to be chewing.

With a swallow (and part of the hoagie in hand), he heard the door to the kitchen open, and looked over to a rather tiny woman staring right at him. The man simply blinked, and looked down at the hoagie.
Camellia blinked, looked at the man, then Aerin, then the man again(though truth be told it was his sanwich). After the pause, she tilted her head. "Can I have a piece?"
Aerin continued staring for a few more moments before putting a hand on the Holstered Energy pistol at her side. Blinking the surprise away, she stepped a few more steps into the room and asked "Who are you, and how did you get here?"
The man motioned Camellia forward towards the uneaten half of the hoagie as he watched the tiny woman's hand twitch towards the holstered weapon she had. He too had a holstered weapon at his side, a rather large revolver, except his own hand did not go anywhere near it. In truth he seemed to be managing the sandwich with a calm demeanor about him, even taking a small nibble of it before choosing to reply.

"My name is Sergio, Sergio Langley Plissken." He introduced himself with a soft nod, making a move for the napkin in his lap to dab at the edges of his lips.

"As for the second portion of your question, and there is no need to place a hand on your weapon." He nodded towards her hand, and the pistol. "Simply put, I'd chose to look for employment aboard this fine vessel, and was peckish as no one was around to assist me, I made my way to your fine wardroom and kitchen respectively."
Camellia made her way over to Sergio's table and happily took the half of a hoagie. Walking back to Aerin with the sanwich, Camellia gesgured to her, "want some?"
Aerin continued blinking, but, despite the man's size, he did seem rather harmless, and as Camellia went and grabbed the piece of sandwich, his danger seemed to diminish even more. She let her hand slack, turning to Camellia "No thank you, I'm good." she said, walking over to Sergio. She sat down at the table in a seat opposite the man, and intertwined her fingers, placing elbows on the table and chin on hands, looking at the eating man. "So, what kind of employment were you looking for. And, it is quite convenient that you showed up right at the same time as Camellia here." she asked, seeming genuinely interested. Telepathically, she was communicating with Roke, asking him to compile a file on everything this man did since first appearing on internal sensors, and his point of origin. She would figure out the particulars later.
Sergio merely placed the half eaten hoagie upon the plate as he turned in his seat to stare down at her. In truth, he was taller then her even as she sat. He took in her posture, and arched an eyebrow at her line of questioning.

"Convenience is something that everyone seems to be taking advantage of in this day and age. But I had not known it was common for one to question their good fortune when it has been placed before them." He then frowned at the hoagie, having neglected to add more to it. But still, it was fairly good.

"Employment wise, Madam, "The title again, a hint of her lack of introducing herself behind it. "The real question would be, from my prospective, what is available?"

As he spoke, 'Roke' provided her with the information she asked.
Camellia walked over and sat with Aerin with Sergio, where she started to happily eat the half-hoagie. She was partly listening in, but mostly enjoying the sanwich.
"You can call me Aerin, Aerin Tatst. I am the CEO of Origin industries and the captain of this ship. right now we're a little ah, Understaffed, as you must have noticed" Aerin said, looking over the information Roke had given her, mentally. "We need all sorts of people. Most obviously, Security" she finished. "I had Figured that Roke would be enough but I suppose he isn't as watchful as I had hoped." Mentally, the woman chided the computer, whom had probably been conserving power, figuring Aerin had things under control; this was one of the problems of a sentient computer.
Sergio inclined his head.

"I am capable of security, or a plethora of other roles if necessary." The man stated as he eyed Camellia and the rapidly declining half of the hoagie in her hands. It seemed that woman had a fondness for it. Well...turkey was just good all around in his opinion.

"Your computer system can access my records and resume if you wish."
"Which network are they on? The Nepleslian or the Yamatain?" Aerin asked, likewise looking at Camellia's eating habits, and thinking them fitting for someone whom hadn't eaten in weeks. "I'm sure Roke would love to do that" the woman said, sarcastically.

"Yes, of course I would love to do that Miss Tatst" the computer interjected, the voice coming from the ceiling, sounding something like a refined butler or dignitary of some kind.

"See? Such a helpful computer." the sarcasm in both their tones was easily heard, but there seemed to be no bitterness in it. "I assume you are Cybernetically enhanced or Yamataian? Generally those whom aren't don't realize Roke is around until he speaks."
Sergio simply wore a thoughtful look at the brief exchange between woman and machine. It was all a little amusing in its own way...

"Nepleslian Network, of course. As I am, Nepleslian. And yes, Ms. Tatst. I am cybernetically enhanced. I do hope that is not an issue?" He asked, politely as he took a bite of his own portion of the hoagie as he waited for her to continue.

As Roke would likely access them, Sergio's information would take a moment to be searched, and then retrieved at his bequest. It looked all rather straightforward, former marine Sargent, participating in several past, and rather bloody conflicts between the Greens, and Reds he'd participated in a familiar one being the Kennewes offensive. It seemed however that he'd opted out of service his standing within the Military untarnished, deciding to strike out on his own.
Camellia polished her half of the hoagie off shortly after Aerin turned back to Sergio, and with a lick of the lips and dusting of her hands, Camellia downed the last half of her beer and sighed in contentment. "Ahhhh. I haven't eaten something that good in nearly four months."
"Nothing wrong with Cybernetics, no. if they help you do your job, then all the better. We already have one full-conversion Cyborg aboard, our doctor Irene Ceres" Aerin explained, ignoring Camellia as Roke looked up the relevant information on Sergio. Aside from a vague similarity to the formatting used on Irene's information, there was nothing of real note, and Roke dismissed the correlation as a commonality for Nepleslia. "Perhaps it will be good to have someone aboard whom has already found something to exploit in my security be in charge of making security better" she mused, turning back to Sergio and giving him another look over.
Sergio simply scratched the side of his nose at the mentions of security. Truth be told, it had been horrendously easy to infiltrate this ship, making it look legit. Granted, her looking him over was odd to say the least.

"Security is more or less ninety percent personnel, ten percent technological systems. You have the technology, but simply lacked for the dedicated personnel, Little Miss." The man it seemed had already given her a nickname...but he did not seem to be insulting her in truth, he was simply looked like a man explaining a issue in passing.
"I should have known this, But I'm used to smaller ships. The Raider here is three times as large as any ship i'd commanded previously, and has a decidedly larger crew compliment." Aerin nodded, taking in what this Sergio had said, but wanting to find out more about this man. "So, I wonder how you did manage to get in?" she asked, having by now mostly forgotten Camellia, sitting next to her.
"The same way any person looking for employment would board a ship. The airlock." Sergio replied as he offered Camellia a small smile at her remark on the sandwich, granted, that was supposed to be his lunch...
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