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RP: Origin [New arrival] Hey there, Stranger

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After what had been MUCH too long of a journey, at least, according to Hurgh, the Onset shuttle reappeared in orbit of Tami, luckily catching the correct side of the forest world and appearing near the origin ships anchored there. the shuttle pilot opened up a channel with the Raider "Oi, Hurgh here, I ah, got a present. Found an escape pod floatin' around and brought the girl inside wif me. Iss Irene in tha medbay? We might need 'er." Hurgh looked back into the main compartment of the shuttle, wondering if Priscilla was alright.
Priscilla muttered a bit in her not-so-restful sleep. She was sweating and squirmed a tad. It appeared quite obvious she was having a nightmare.

A few moments later, she had a coughing fit, her hand coming up to her mouth. When that was over, her hand fell back to her side it revealed a couple small splotches of shining red fluid. Despite this, the young girl didn't wake.
Sergio looked at the dainty little Helashio enter the room, serving trolley before her. He'd heard of the race before, and truthfully, the ears, and collar were give aways. He smiled a little polite smile as she spoke, pouring the tea into cups, and blushing as she continued. Of course he'd respect her personal space, granted, this made him wonder who'd have done such a thing to someone who looked rather young.

"Ah...yes, well, thank you, Farley. You have no worries, I will respect your personal space little one." The man took one of the pre-offered cups, looking rather awkward considering he was a rather big man, not exactly well dressed, yet he had the manners of a gentleman as he drank the tea, even going as far as to put a little daub of honey into it before resuming.
Camellia took the other offered cup of tea and pondered on such a request. 'Something must of happened...' She though as she gave the Helasho another glance. She was cute, Camellia had to give her that, the parts of her that looked the most out of place, her ears and tail actually accenting Farley's innocent cuteness more.

"Thank you for the tea Farley," Camellia said with a smile.
Hurgh brought the shuttle in quickly, trying his hardest to land gently and hurriedly at the same time, managing to come off somewhere in the middle with a mild thud that most people wouldn't notice. He quickly unstrapped himself and ran into the back of the shuttle, hitting the button to lower the ramp, and scooping up the girl in his arms, carrying her out of the shuttle and towards an elevator. He noticed an unfamiliar shuttle sitting in the hangar, but didn't pay much attention to it, focused on getting Priscilla into the medical bay. Roke's voice came wafting through the air as Hurgh walked, asking "Are you in need of Assistance?"
"Yeah, I need someone in the Medical bay pronto, this here Girly's in a bad state."
"I will see to it that someone is summoned." Came the curt reply.


In the Lounge, Roke's voice suddenly perked out of nowhere, nearly ruining the ambiance if it weren't for his calm tone being like that of a very good butler. "Miss Farley, I believe your assistance may be required in the Medical bay."


Roke's voice also appeared in a third place, the Medical bay itself, and the computer politely alerted the ship's doctor that she would be needed soon. "Miss Ceres, I believe you will have a patient in a moment, Hurgh seems to have picked up someone."


As if to further demonstrate Roke's Omnipresence, Aerin was alerted by the computer of the situation, as well, albeit a bit more quietly. Silently she thanked the computer for informing her, but continued on to her suite so she could grab the necessary paperwork for prospective employees before she would go check out what the fuss was.
"Thank you sir, ma'am," Farley replied, giving a short bow to each in turn before Roke's omnipresent voice filled the room. "If you'll excuse me," she continued, "It appears my presence is required elsewhere." She curtsies one last time and notes, "Please help yourself to anything on the tray. I'll return later to clean up and remove it, so please do not trouble yourselves with it. I hope you enjoy your stay here on the Raider." And with that, she exited the room, heading for the Medical Bay.
After a few more moments, Roke's voice appeared to Tadarius, as if it were a Holy vision of some diety, or something. Really, the computer just brightened a light to get the cook's attention better. "Master Locklem, We have an incoming sick child, and from what my scanners can tell, she is a bit malnourished. would you be so kind as to prepare a small meal that will not shock her system?" the computer asked, politely.
Tadarius' good eye flickered open, and his lense eye flickered on. The light Roke had been generating shook him out of his mid-day nap. With how he was awoken at often times during his term as a Marine, he was accustomed to switching between sleep and awakeness rather quickly. So, he caught on to Roke's words rather quickly.

"Alright, I'll get right on it." said Chef Locklem as he stepped out of bed, put on his jacket, straightened his tie, and went out to the kitchen. Usually, these sort of interruptions peeved him greatly, but in this case it was close for his nap to be over, and he liked kids as well. So, cooking a meal for one wasn't that big a shoe in on his time. Though, as he walked, he wondered what or who's child this was getting on the ship. Though that didn't concern him too much longer as he saw the enterance to the dining room.

When he arrived, he figured that it'd be best to prepare something that wasn't too hard to eat. He started picking away at the cabinents.

If she's malnourished, she doesn't need too much of a meal. She may be weak too, so I need to fix something that's easy to chew.

He moved to the cold locker.

Something too flavorful will upset her stomach, may make her hurl

He looked in the bread closet.

Here we go, some cheesebread... Tadarius though triumphantly as he grabbed some mashed potato mix and a can of green beans. He went and set cheesebread on a plate and began to boil some water to make an easy meal for whoever is going to get it, get down.
ON:SS Raider

The Padding of Hurgh's feet belied the urgency with which he was moving towards the Medical bay, a young girl in his arms. The young man was extremely concerned, she hadn't moved much since he had gotten out of the shuttle. With a worried grunt, the Nepleslian continued deftly down the hallway, coming quickly to the door that read "MEDICAL BAY" quite clearly. His hands tied up, Hurgh kicked the door a few times, the urgent thumps hopefully alerting the doctor that he was there.

As the door slid open, the Nepleslian man was greeted by the slender and pale figure of the doctor. She had about her her usual calm air, and was dressed in the typical Origin Industries uniform, only having traded her jacket for a crisp white lab coat. "Please state the nature of your medical emergen-" The words were spoken in a manner that verged on a monotone, pausing only when she had a clear view of the girl in Hurgh's grasp. She put a hand to her mouth, and nodded. "Right this way." Placing a hand on his back and directing him to the nearest medical table, the doctor called to her assistant. "Farley, diagnostic equipment."

"Awright" Hurgh muttered, quickly but carefully moving to the medical table and gingerly placing the girl down "She was inna escape pod, seems to be inna bad way" He informed, trying to be helpful and stepping back a few paces. He pulled his cap off and began nervously wringing it in his hands, looking very concerned.

"Yes ma'am," the young Helashio piped up as she rolled over the large machine that Irene had indicated and situated it next to the medical table. Next she walked over to the pilot and gave him a polite bow. "Please have a seat over there by the wall, sir, so that the Doctor has room to work. I can assure you that we will take the very best care of her, sir."

Priscilla stirred, shifting herself about repeatedly on her new 'bed.' She let out a couple small murmurs, and a cough, before settling back down. In her mind... in her dream... the girl could see her parents and the crew members of the Corsair, her parents' ship, being slaughtered by evil monster squids.

Hurgh swallowed loudly, moving to the chair he was ordered to sit at. He looked very nervous, having spent two hours watching the girl moan and rustle in her obviously restless sleep. He just wanted her to get better, so his efforts would not be in vain.

Having wirelessly received some of the information of how she had been retrieved from the likely onlooking Roke, Irene placed a cool, pale hand onto Pris' forehead and retrieved her Hypolathe, deftly placing a canister of radiation medicine from NAM into it before injecting the girl with the end of the pistol-shaped device. She turned over to her adopted Helashio and nodded. "It was obvious enough that she's taken a fairly severe dose, using my cybernetic eyes. But I'd like you to get a blood sample and put her on an IV. 50 cc of Endurance and 10 cc of Serenity, combined with nutrient packets, into a saline pack." She made an appraising 'hmm' and turned to the pilot. "She seemed to have a frail body to begin with, and she's now experiencing a combination of anemia, radiation poisoning and muscle atrophy, loss of bone density and degeneration of the joints because of multiple system failures in the escape pod. For now, however, I need to focus on keeping her alive. If we can feed her and keep her from strenuous activities before treatment, her internals shouldn't give out."

At that moment, the door to the medbay opened to reveal Chef Locklem with a plate and a small dome covering over it. Tadarius looked around for a moment, taking in the panicked nature of the room for a moment. He tilted his head, "I hear there's someone in need of something easy to down and good to eat?"

"Yes, ma'am," Farley replied, walking over to the other side of the medical bed, meanwhile programming her own hypolathe for blood sample retrieval. "Mister Buu has requested that I warn all patients before I administer any use of my hypolathe, Miss. I am about to use my hypolathe," and with that simple sentence the blonde girl sticks the device into Priscilla's arm and draws a small amount of blood for testing. Setting down her hypolathe on the counter and picking up a small anesthetic napkin, next the Helashio turns her attentions to the large diagnostic machine, punching in the appropriate amounts of Endurance and Serenity and making sure to add in the nutrient and saline packages. Taking the needle tip of the hose, she returns to the patient's side. Dabbing her arm with the small wet pad, Farley, without warning this time, slides the needle into the girl's vein and turns back to the machine, checking that everything is correct one last time before turning the drip on.

Tadarius flinched for a moment, catching sight of Farley's injection. He attempted to clear out those rough, risen memories quickly.

Priscilla stirred with a wince. "Mmmnnnn...." Her eyes fluttered open before squinting into the lights on the ceiling. "Wh- whuh...." She looked to the two on either side doing the procedures on either side... and flinched. "EEP!" She attempted to scramble away in the confusion of waking up in an unknown medical bay.

"AUGH!" Buu yelled suddenly, hearing the outcry from their recent passenger. His body jumped suddenly, with his hand placed flat over the dome covering the dish.

Irene placed her hands on Priscilla's shoulders, pushing down gently but placing a kind of physical resistance that would be impossible for a weakened organic to overcome. "Please, do not move. Your body is extremely weak right now." She said calmly, attempting to make a sympathetic face as she spoke.

Priscilla whimpered, and continued to struggle, though it was lessened slightly by Irene's expression. "Mommy! Daddy! H- help!!"

Grabbing her hypolathe from the counter, Farley began to program it for a stronger sedative than what the IV was administering slowly. "Miss Irene, shall I sedate the patient?" she asked stepping from the counter back to the side of the medical bed.

Hurgh looked Extremely worried, and craned his neck to better see the young girl beyond those helping her. His face looked a little strained as her pain and confusion was evident. "Y'doin everythin' ya can there, Docta?" he asked, tugging at the collar of his uniform.

"She sounds hungry." Buu said simple, drumming his fingers on the top of the dish dome.

"N- not yet..." Irene replied, awkwardly answering the questions of all three at once. She placed her cool hands on Priscilla's cheeks and forced herself to put on a bright and happy smile for her patient. As it had allayed some of the girl's fears, it was something that she would have to do. "Please, rest yourself for now. I can assure you that you're safe on this ship." She said, half-repeating her previous message with different words. The doctor was neatly avoiding any kinds of topics that might upset her patient.

Her adrenaline still going, Priscilla tried to stop herself. It seemed Irene's attempt had worked, though Priscilla was still breathing quite rapidly from her panic. She didn't so much completely comply as to just give up her struggles nervously. It had, to her oddly, tired her out quite a bit.

"She hungry 'now'?" Buu probed again, "I don't want to be serving her cold food."

Camellia looked at the underside of her wrist, where a watch was located.
After a second, she returned to her tea and plucked a cookie off the cart Farley left behind.

"They're taking a while, aren't they?" She asked Sergio, then taking another sip of her tea. "Rather rude to leave guests along." She muttered, her mouth in a flat line, expressing some dislike.
"I suppose... having something to chew on might help her a bit. Bring your foodstuffs, Mr Locklem." Irene said in an cool tone, passing her hands over the ill girl's forehead to get a quick gauge of her temperature, before beginning to stroke and massage the sides of her face while Farley administered the treatment.

"If you take only small bites or gulps, some solid food will do you some good. Although your digestive tract has suffered a bit, you do not have any ulcers, so your appetite will come back with a little bit of training." She made a half-smile and moved her hands to Priscilla's stomach, patting it gently. "Biological beings like you are natural eaters, so this kind of rehabilitation should be the easiest part."
Priscilla, still quite confused, cringed slightly. The way the doctor tried to 'comfort' her felt quite creepy and the way the doctor spoke was similiar in creepiness. The poor girl had difficulties restraining herself from trying to run away; everything was so scary and confusing, but the fact that is at least seemed like they were trying to help... with whatever it was she needed help with was keeping her there, though only just barely.
Sergio merely took a small sip of the tea as the woman across from him spoke. He smiled rather thinly as he took another small, measured sip.

"Perhaps, Perhaps not, there are many reasons one could be taking as long as they are, and I am sure we will receive an explanation, or find out in our own time."
"Allright then" Buu replied, setting the tray down on the table next to Priscilla and opening the top to reveal the food he had prepared. He backed away to give them more room, and watched expectantly to see if the girl would enjoy his food.


Aerin continued back towards the lounge, Roke having informed her of what was going on and that it was under control. She hummed, obviously trusting her staff, and opened the door to the lounge. "Sorry to keep you two waiting, there was a bit of an emergency, but it's being taken care of. With that, she pulled out a sheaf of papers and turned to face the two better. "Let's get down to business."
Priscilla looked reluctantly to the food, to Buu, and then to the food again. A hand reached out for it, hesitating as she looked to Buu again, as if waiting for some cue, before taking a piece of cheese bread and chewed on it. While she was sure it was supposed to taste wonderful and delicious, her fright made it taste quite bland. Still, she mustered a smile, afraid of hurting anyone's feelings.
Buu seemed to be gladdened by the girl's smile, and, finally realizing that he was in the way, saw fit to leave the room and return to his quarters. He was technically off-duty still and decided to get more shuteye.

As the door opened, anyone looking through it would note Hurgh standing just outside, staring expectantly inwards, still worried.
Camellia perked up when Aerin returned with sign-up sheets. She lowered her cup of tea when the CEO made apology for the wait.

"Not at all." Camellia said with a smile. "A little peace and quiet are always welcome."

When Aerin made mention of Business, Camellia placed her tea on the table and leaned forward some. "Yes, lets."
Aerin found herself on a seat nearby then put the two sheafs of papers down on a coffee table that sat in front of her two guests, each one with the corresponding name printed on the front.

"These papers are all the forms you'll need to fill out. You can either do it by hand or we can get computers for you. You'll of course receive a copy for your own records either way. But before we begin that, What sort of jobs were you two looking for within Origin Industries?"
Sergio merely released a soft shrug at the question he was asked by the petite woman sitting across from him. Granted, he did pickup the forms, and began to read through his own copies with a scrutinizing air.

"Considering I was a Marine Sargent, my talents are more combat centric, but I did pick up a few other trade skills that maybe of some assistance to Origin. So really, you could call me a Jack-Of-All-Trades." He murmured as he read through the forms, and to the next paper.
"Any position you have that deals with powered armors." Camellia said. "I've staffed every major station there is on a ship, but I'll always be at home in a powered suit." She mentioned while also looking the forms over.
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