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New ship same business


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
RP Date
01 / 14 / 42
RP Location
Libra Star Fortress, Daichi System
2XF Libra Star Fortress - Daichi Star System

Taisa Ise Katae stood in the Observation above the Starship Production Area. Below her the new Aeon II was mostly finished. The final major section of the Plumeria 2E was being fitted into position. She could not help but to compare the new Aeon's lines to the original.

Ittô Juni Usaga Hisa the Aeon II's current Chief Engineer approached Katae. "Good Afternoon Taisa." She said with a bow. "She looks good, but until I check her out, she's an unknown. We should be able to commence power-up tests starting at 1800 hrs. She is still running on external power from the Star Fortress. Once we confirm that the Aux Fusion Reactors are stable we can bring on the internal systems, and prepare to bring the Aether Generator online."

Katae turned to Hisa, "Thank you Hisa, I am sure you will do your usual good work. I am contacting Star Army Personnel for additional crew members. I will see about getting some additional technicians to help you."
RP Date: 01 / 14 / 42
RP Location: Libra Star Fortress, Daichi System

Mazaki Seina was among the first of the new enlisted crew members to arrive. She was surprised to see that the ship was still being worked over, but she did not protest at the opportunity to see a starship in construction for the first time in her short life, especially one that she hoped would be her home for years to come. The Plumeria 2E was a beautiful ship, even when in the midst of construction. The gunship’s green hull shimmered magnificently beneath the glare of the construction lights and the dagger-shaped cannon array lent the ship’s otherwise graceful visage an aggressive, militaristic aspect. For a few moments, Seina stared at the ship in awe, taking in its balletic curvature and vibrant colors. When she finished, every detail of the gunship’s appearance was filed away into her digital memory, where it would remain with her forever.

After briefly scanning her surroundings, Seina saw the lithe figure of her captain, her uniform colored in the distinct white panels of command. She immediately floated up the stairs to the observation deck, intending to present herself before the captain and hopefully, make a good first impression. Seina brushed her sea green hair off the corners of her face and smoothed out her red-paneled bodysuit which marked her as a technician. When she felt that her appearance was properly immaculate, she ascended the last few stairs, thereby making herself visible to the captain as she approached.

After rendering courtesy with a low bow, Seina snapped to attention and spoke. “Santô Hei Mazaki Seina, reporting for assignment on the YSS Aeon II. Ready for duty and awaiting orders, Ise-sama.”
Katae had been aware of Seina's arrival, she to a moment to review Seina's records. Katae then returned Seina's bow with a lesser one. "Stand at ease Mazaki-Hei. As you have no doubt observed, the Aeon II is not quite finished. Due in part to some of the modifications that I requested. It is not often that a ship commander gets to customize their command. The ship's MEGAMI is named Eternity. She survived the destruction of the original Aeon."

She looked out at the Aeon II and grew distant for a moment. She then turned back to Seina "Android Specialist... that's an unusual area of specialization. We do have a few SAOY androids on the ship. So they will most likely be your responsibility to maintain. Although you should talk to Jôtô Hei Usaga Hisa before making any unauthorized modifications, as she is your department chief. "So what made you choose to specialize in androids?" Katae's communicator chirped.

"Well it seems that Decks 1 - 3 are operational. Walk with me and we'll continue your interview." she said as she started walking towards the nearest gangway.
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RP Date:
01 / 14 / 42
RP Location:
Libra Star Fortress, Daichi System

Seina set herself at ease with a soft sigh, before listening quietly as the captain spoke of the ship. She had known that there was a ship had a recent predecessor, but her knowledge of its history was deficient. The diminutive technician set a reminder to study it at a later time as the grey-skinned woman paused to glance at the partly-constructed gunship. When she turned around to face her once more, Seina looked directly into her striking green eyes, sensing that the woman had been reminiscing about the now-destroyed old ship.

At the mention of her department chief, Seina nodded and turned to give a quick bow to Hisa, in deferential acknowledgment. After doing so, she turned back to the captain as the woman moved towards the gangway.

“Yes, Ise-Taisa.” Seina said as she followed after the captain. “I umm...initially wanted to become a medic, but I failed to get a high enough score on the occupational assessment exam to be accepted into the training program, so I went into the program for information technology instead. Eventually, I found that I enjoyed working with droids and cybernetics because it gave me the same sense of altruism that I had hoped to experience in becoming a medic. So...I entered the specialization course for android maintenance.” Seina finished. “I hope that is a satisfactory answer, Taisa.” She added in a demure tone.

In spite of the fact that it had happened so long ago, Seina remembered the emotions that had overcame her when she realized that she would not be able to train as a medic. After overcoming the haze of her tears, she had reluctantly decided to enter the IT program rather than immediately deploying as an unspecialized soldier. At the time, Seina had never imagined that she would discover a path that would allow her to to heal people, even if they were technological in nature.
RP Date: 01 / 14 / 42
RP Location: Libra Star Fortress, Daichi System

Hisa watched the new crewmember, very colorful she thought. She sent a query to Eternity to find out where her cabin was located. After finding out her cabin was still on a deck that was not operational she turned to Katae. "Taisa, with your permission I will be heading to the upper level of Engineering. Hopefully from there I can start the power up tests. I will keep you advised of the ship's status. Mazaki-Hei, once we get the Aeon II up and running I will schedule some time to meet with you." She quickly walked out of the Observation Area.

Katae paused for a moment, "Mazaki-Hei your answer was more than satisfactory. We have a number of SAOY Androids on board as well and as some MARI drones. That should give you some opportunities to practice those skills. Also do not be afraid to request opportunities to try new skills. It is always good to have crew members who are multiply skilled."

She then turned to Hisa, "Very well Hisa. I will be in my suite." replied with a slight grin. She could not believe the size of her quarters on the Aeon II. She stared walking to the catwalk. "Come with me Mazaki-Hei, you'll most likely find a cabin with a free bunk on deck 2. Especially since we have 18 cabins on deck 2 for Enlisted members. But we'll go to my office and conclude your interview." She started descending the gangway.
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Report for interview.

It was the last specific instruction given for joining the crew, and perhaps it was the final step in that the Captain could turn her away for it. Either way, the exact outcome of this mattered little to Care, who came with practically no baggage. Either she would stir the monotony of her days with this ship, or she was simply be turned around right back to Fort Minori to fill the minor dull busywork of automatically filled paperwork and making the rarely used medical wings look good for whatever random inspections came. She left her room there exactly as she had found it, and almost precisely as she had lived in it. More than once she had received messages to confirm whether or not she lived in the specified room given how bare it looked.

She had taken little more than uniforms with her, the silent automaton stepping forward as she saw the ship, still under construction. To some, the grand construction might be an amazing sight, she was sure that some engineers would go to great lengths to put such projects on their resume, and under their belts.

She had left the YSS Kaiyō II unceremoniously after scrapping a project of a new body. The transfer was quick, quiet, and all at once it was as if she was plucked from one life into another, and she wasn't sure which one was better, or which one was worse. She was terrified of the idea of one of her old crew members finding her, or sending her a message one day, though for the life of her Care could not determine why. She had, overall, done nothing wrong other than be the antisocial awkward being that she was, with many people declaring that she could open herself to them-

Only for her to leave without a word.

Suffice to say it haunted her, as much as any other mistake in her life did. So much weighed in those halls that she could imagine boarding the ship again. History and time held little meaning to her, but her own personal experiences- They tainted places, they tainted rooms and beds and people, and seeing them, feeling them, experiencing them brought it all back. Even Fort Minori had begun to fall victim to the cruel twist of familiarity.

She boarded the ship, though it felt no different from the base this time. So many subroutines she had enacted at Fort Midori automated so much, it made things easier to handle. Emotions ran along empty circuits and burned away instead of building pressure to vents she didn't have. This did little to open her though, as dealing with emotions better did little to help her habit of refusing to burden others. Even in the records that would have been sent ahead, it mentioned a few odd qualities about the Automaton.

Class 3 Automaton, full range of emotion and sapience noted and recorded as functional.
Full sapient range and emotions seem to have been purposefully muted or lessened.
Extreme attention to orders, a tendency to overwork.
Lack of social presence.

Her face was still as she examined the ship, the multitude of artificial plates refusing to shift or alter, the odd mimic of the human facial structure ever stiff, just beyond what a human was. Eyes that clicked as they adjusted and looked around, barely audible.

Jôtô Heisho. What a strange name. It didn't feel real.
A chime went off and a voice spoke. "Greeting TraumaPatcher Care Seven Six 76-6165-3411. I am the MEGAMI for the Aeon II. Ise-Taisa is currently interviewing another crew member. Kindly proceed to the Lounge on Deck 2. I will notify you when the Taisa is ready for you. It should not take very long. Meanwhile you will be able to meet a few of the other new crew members. If you are not familiar with the Plumeria-Class 2E, I can provide you with a download of the ship plan. There are currently two other crew members in the lounge although they are not awaiting an interview."

Katae entered the ship and said. "Eternity, kindly transfer any status updates to my communicator. I do not wish to be disturbed while doing interviews."

"As you wish Taisa." Eternity replied.

She moved swiftly through the normal corridors. The Zero-G Corridors were displaying offline. When she came to her suite the door started to slide open silently. The cabin lighting came on illuminating the office and showing a box on Katae's desk. Before the door fully opened a grinding sound came from the left panel of the door which stopped moving. "Well, another item for the Engineering team to address. Watch the door she said with a chuckle." She stepped through the door and took her place behind her desk.
RP Date:
01 / 14 / 42
RP Location:
Libra Star Fortress, Daichi System

“Yes, Usaga-Juni.” Seina answered the brown-haired woman, before turning back towards her captain. While android service specialists were somewhat rare due to the dearth of sentient droids and cybernetics in the service, they were typically stationed forts and starships with a disproportionately large fleet of droids to maintain. As she walked down the gangway and into the ship itself, Seina saw a gynoid of a unique model examining the ship in the observation area. With only a single glance, she immediately realized that the droid was sentient. However, she had little conception of the origin or purpose of the automaton, especially since the design of her chassis did not at a singular purpose.

If anything, she seemed to be a primitive variant of gynoid.

Before she entered the ship, Seina paused and took a snapshot of the droid, before entering the ship. A quick index of the crew manifest stored in her digital mind confirmed her suspicions of the automaton’s sentience. However, she was surprised to learn that the gynoid was a medic. It struck her as mildly peculiar that she was a technological being responsible for the care and upkeep of organic sentients. Conversely, Seina was a biosynthetic being responsible for the maintenance of droids.

Seina had already discovered something that she held in common with the strange automata.

The diminutive Nekovalkyrja let a demure smirk shift her lips at the thought as the automatic door to the cabin grinded itself to a halt. Seina watched the door as the captain took a seat in her chair behind the desk, waiting silently for the grey-skinned woman to gesture for her to sit.
"Thank you. Please download the ship's plan." Was all she said in response to the MEGAMI of the ship. It was practically instantaneous, and she found herself scanning through schematics that uploaded to her memory. Of course, she knew that the entirety of the ship was not functional at the time, but all that did was simplify a path to the Second Deck Lounge. She began moving, tracking where she was in the ship in comparison to the map. She spoke little, other than to give proper greetings to those she passed.

To Seina, the gynoid before her was of a bizarre design, and even the files she could procure expressed that fact. A Freespacer of all things, with a unique model composed of parts that she had purchased and upgraded, all of it fitting within the military methods of Yamatai, while still holding that strange source of design. While she had abandoned the idea of a brand new body of an entirely new design, she had not abandoned the idea of upgrades so easily.

Quite quickly she entered the lounge, clicking eyes seeing the other two crew members waiting there. Light blue circles peered at them from a gray face, and the synthetic flesh did not betray the stoic look that she had practiced for months on end. With a lack of ideas to introduce herself, she simply stood to the side, that final objective waiting patiently in her head as she further looked at the design of the ship. She had not looked through the ships manifest yet, but she knew she'd have plenty of time to familiarize herself with all the unique medical details of its personnel. At times medical services could be repetitive, usually taking some medical salve to cover and heal a wound with little else needed, the advanced bodies of the synthetic soldiers being more than enough for anything else.

She'd do better in the field, but in a way that rang the same tune as paperwork in an office. It was an activity, a method in which she did her job, it did not attract nor repel her any more than anything else. The only trouble with the field was, with its innate chaos, it often felt like she was supposed to have a wider handle on things than she really did. She had spaced a Kuvexian ship before, but from what she later examined from the reports, her countdown had just barely given another team member time to patch a breach in someone's suit before the entirety of the ship lost atmosphere.

The risk was, in her opinion, not worth the result.
RP Date: 01 / 14 / 42
RP Location: YSS Aeon II

Captain's Suite

Katae pulled up a few volumetric screens and quickly responded to each of them. "Take a seat Mazaki Seina, I assure you the seat is fully functional."

Across the ship intercom system the voice of Hisa came across. "Attention all personnel - Fusion generator power test commencing. We expect auxiliary power to be online in ten minutes."


A blue haired female sat on one of the couches. "Hello, I am Nito Hei Jalen Himari, I am a member of the Science Department. I've been on the Station for a few weeks getting some additional training."

A brown haired man wearing a brown body suit stood up. "I am Josea Gustav, Scientific Studies Serve Liaison. I was the first member of the SSS to serve aboard a Star Army Vessel that was back in YE 31. I carry the Honorary rank of Ittô Juni."
RP Date:
01 / 14 / 42
RP Location:
Captain’s Suite - YSS Aeon II

Seina nodded and quietly took a seat across from her captain’s desk. Feeling slightly exposed with the door lodged open, the diminutive Nekovalkyrja anxiously brushed at the edges of her short bob-cut and ran a hand over her bodysuit. Her appearance remained immaculate, but she could not shake the sense of anxiety that permeated her emotions. Fortunately, the voice of the chief engineer over the intercom offered a brief reprieve from Katae’s piercing eyes. If everything on the ship worked, it was likely that they would set off within the day. Her heart swelled with patriotic pride at the prospect of serving on a ship as it was launched. As she looked at the Blazing Sun flag mounted on the wall behind her captain’s desk, Seina felt her anxiety dissipate as she remembered why she was here. The Kuvexians threatened the peace that Yamatai had brought to the Kikyo Sector. Her purpose was to do her part in vanquishing them, whether that involved fighting on the front lines, maintaining droids, or even performing dreary, yet important work. Like every Nekovalkyrja, she was a small, yet important piece in a well-oiled machine that was built to defend the Yamataian way of life from those that sought to destroy it.

If she failed in executing her duties, the lives of trillions of innocents were all the more vulnerable to exploitation under the Kuvexian regime...
RP Date: 01 / 14 / 42
RP Location: Captain’s Suite - YSS Aeon II

Katae watched carefully the body language of Seina. She was not entirely sure what epiphany the Hei had, but her instincts said it was good. "So Mizaki-Hei, how are you with working in a dynamic group? The engineering team has lots of tasks and responsibilities. Sometimes you will need to work alone and other times as a team. And of course you are a soldier, so you will be expected to be active on away teams as needed."
A junior enlisted and a notably high ranking Warrant Officer. She gave the proper bow of respect to the Ittô Juni as he stood to greet her, momentarily curious as to his appearance. A vast majority of Yamatai's military that she saw consisted of female Nekovalkyrja. Men of any kind were not... Uncommon, by any means, but higher ranks tended to thin the number of those who hadn't converted bodies to that of the majority. Even she had been tempted to do so, but the processing differences of the body seemed as if they would be more trouble than they were worth, especially given her role in a team.

"I am Jôtô Heisho TraumaPatcher Care Seven Six 76-6165-3411." She rang off the numbers like a machine would, with such a thin gap between them that any sense of organic rhythm was lost. The exact numbers weren't necessary for anything other than her legal and medical documents, after all. Cold eyes scanned the duo of them briefly as she continued speaking. "However, for brevity's sake, everyone on board is directed to simply refer to me as Care. I will be acting as a medic of the YSS Aeon II and her crew." Though she could easily rattle off her prior history, she didn't view any of it as notably important to share, especially as a greeting.

"I've been stationed at Fort Midori for some time." She simplified. "I was initially programmed as a medical unit by the Freespacers." Once more she neglected specifics, she doubted anyone in Yamatai knew or rightly cared of the various clans of the strange wanderers, particularly after their clashing history. "Therefore it would be quite apt to say I was made for the job." It was a terribly dry joke, and by tone alone, it was difficult to tell if it was a joke at all. "Please do not hesitate to approach me with any medical concerns you may have during our shared time aboard the vessel. As a medic, it is my primary protocol to ensure both proactively and reactively the health and well being of the crew."
RP Date:
01 / 14 / 42
RP Location:
Captain’s Suite - YSS Aeon II

Seina sat motionless as she listened to Katae. As a Nekovalkyrja, she was considered to be a Tier One soldier. When it came to fighting on the frontlines, joining away teams, and fighting in power armor, Nekovalkyrja soldiers were first choice to fulfill those roles, even if they specialized in non-combat occupations. They were simply stronger and more capable soldiers than virtually of their non-Neko comrades, in spite of their distinctly diminutive and feminine stature. Seina did not consider it to be a speciest judgement, but rather, a physiological reality.

“Of course, Taisa. I completely understand and accept my responsibility for those duties.” Seina began. “I believe that I work well in a group environment. I’m very...cooperative and willing to defer to those with more experience and expertise.” The pink-skinned Nekovalkyrja spoke after a brief pause. “I always seek to do more than my share, because there could be unforeseen circumstances that result in a member of the team being incapicated or otherwise unable to carry out their duties. Also, the more I do something, the faster I become good at it. Ultimately, I want to achieve perfection in everything that I do. I don’t want anyone to question my usefulness to the unit.”
RP Date: 01 / 14 / 42
RP Location: YSS Aeon II

Josea listened to Care her origin intrigued him, He sent a mental query to Eternity for additional data. There was not much in the ship's system. He asked Eternity about that. Her response was that the crew member had chosen to not add personal data to her record.

"Although I have not heard of a Freespacer serving with the SAOY, it must be quite a culture change for you. If it is not too personal why did you choose to leave the collective?" He inquired.

Himari listened to Josea. She had a number of questions she wanted to ask, but watching Care she decided that such things would probably be done in a more private manner.

"Well, I look forward to learning more about you in our travels. I must also say that I am intrigued by seeing you. I'm sure we will have opportunities to engage in discussions." she said.

RP Location: Captain’s Suite - YSS Aeon II

Katae smiled as she listed to Seina, "I have no doubt in your capabilities. But remember there needs to be a balance in your life. I'm sure you will give the Star Army your best. However do not forget to take care yourself as an individual. I expect members of the crew to engage in social activities. Be it shore leave, or shopping trips. Congratulations. you are officially a member of the crew. We have quite a lot more cabins for crew members than the old Aeon did. So you are free to choose an unoccupied one, or choose to bunk with another member. Do not expect to have a cabin all to yourself. But the privilege of picking which bunk you want in a cabin that you get to first is yous."
RP Date:
01 / 14 / 42
RP Location:
Captain’s Suite - YSS Aeon II

Seina’s pink cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson when she saw the fond smile appear across her captain’s delicate features. Immediately, she knew that she had fulfilled and perhaps, exceeded her captain’s expectations. Seina was Nekovalkyrja, born to fight and inevitably, die in service to Yamatai. As such, she was expected to adhere to the highest standards of performance, conduct, and loyalty. They were were nearly-impossible for the typical natural-born recruit to achieve. It wasn’t surprising that almost every young Nekovalkyrja experienced anxiety at the thought of failing to reach those exacting standards, especially when many did not begin to push the limits of their enhanced bodies until much later. Nevertheless, the standards were only an initial illustration of what the Nekovalkyrja body could achieve when honed through discipline, training, and experience.

In spite of the woman’s admonition regarding the importance of rest, recovery, and leisure, Seina knew that the captain admired her drive and lust for perfection. Ultimately, all she wanted was to be the best. She had no doubt of the wisdom in her captain’s advice, but Seina was well aware of the capabilities of her body. The ability to stay awake for three days would be wasted on her if she didn’t ever use it.

“Yes, Taisa.” Seina replied submissively. “Also, I wanted to ask you one question, regarding cross-training.” The Nekovalkyrja continued. “Would it be possible for me to train as a medic, at some point?”
It wasn't common for people to ask more personal questions about her Freespacer background. She personally had not met any other members who had, at a minimum, kept their name while serving, but as far she was aware she had not met another. The fact that an Ittô Juni had never met one prior did say quite a bit as to her rarity. Normal questions considered things such as what the Freespacers as a whole were like. She paused for a moment to find the right words before responding, her eyes not moving away from the duo.

"I left, in essence, to find a better purpose in my life." The word 'life' didn't seem like it fit, but nothing else quite produce the same meaning that she wished to convey. "I was designed by and for a small group, a role that did not require full sapience, despite my intelligence reaching that level. Overall, it's not that I disagreed with their wants, what I wanted did not align with theirs. As such, I left, and at the time Yamatai appeared to be the best method to aligning myself with my goals." She, of course, left out those goals, as they ultimately proved to be futile expanses of grass being greener on the other side.

"As for the culture, anything can be a culture shock. I suppose it simply affects some people more sharply than others. I can't say that the culture was anything too difficult to grasp." Her eyes moved to the Nito Hei, pausing for just a moment to better affirm the switch of topic. "Of course, it would be my pleasure to better familiarize myself with the crew of the ship at any time."
Libra Star Fortress - Daichi System

Kurohane Shunjou sat alone in the passenger compartment of a shuttle on approach to dock with the Star Fortress. Finally, he thought. The solitude in a metal box he wasn't even the one flying had been nearly too much to stand. The minkan was very much a people-person, and this quiet loneliness didn't suit him at all. Not only that, he was forced to endure the trip in this tight uniform! He always hated wearing it. It was designed to be comfortable, of course, but it just never felt right on him. He was most comfortable in a flight suit or the yukata he typically wore at home, but the way stuffy clothes like this hugged his body, he couldn't help but scratch vainly at his chest and thighs. He couldn't wait to get out and meet his new crewmates, at least. Some new faces and interesting personalities would be a welcome distraction.

Within half an hour, the shuttle had finished landing in the docking bay and the entry hatch slid open. The pilot's black-furred feline ears twitched as he stepped down the ramp and looked around, taking in the sights of crewpeople performing maintenance, inventories, and all the usual work that goes on in hangars like this. The familiar sight brought a wide grin to Shunjou's lips. Environments like this were like a second home to him. The first being the cockpit of a fighter, with his actual apartment back on Yamatai being a distant third.

The diminutive catboy looked for the most important-looking person he could spot and walked toward them at a rushed pace, before stopping to offer a deep bow as opposed to the more common salute. "Santô Hei Kurohane Shunjou, fighter pilot. Reporting for duty! I was told to arrive here for an interview."
RP Date: 01 / 14 / 42
RP Location: Captain’s Suite - YSS Aeon II

Katae was surpsied when Seina brought up cross-training. It was not an entirely unusual request, but seldom brought about during their first discussion. Katae paused for a moment. "As your commander I am supposed to encourage you to become the best soldier that you can be. Cross-training for a skill like that is definitely something I will approve. Once we get underway get with Ittô Juni-Sunflower. She is our senior medical person. I will send her my authorization for you to cross-train. This concludes your interview. Find yourself a cabin and get your gear stowed. I prefer to allow crew members to choose who they share a room with. After you stow your effects, you should report to Ittô Juni-Usaga for your work assignment." she said.

From the speakers the voice of Hisa came clearly. "Attention all personnel, this is Juni-Usaga. Secondary power has been successfully brought online. All ship subsystems are operating withing normal parameters. If you encounter any system malfunctions. Route them to me via Eternity."


Josea had listened to Care. There was a certain cadence to her speech pattern. He wondered if it was a personal affection or was it part of your core programing. He noticed that she would answer the questions pointed to her. But the responses was almost sterile, or rather almost redacted. It was not his area of responsibility, so he did not ask about it. "Well, my role on the Aeon is that of Liaison. I am a member of the Scientific Studies Service. I hold multiple degrees, and have skills for maintaining equipment. So when things get broken, I typically volunteer to help." He said to her.

Himari listened to Care and then Josea. "Well, I am assigned to Cabin 4 on Deck 2. So far there are no other occupants. You are welcome to take a bunk. Or you can choose another Cabin."

Eternity's voice filled the Lounge. "TraumaPatcher Care Seven Six 76-6165-3411 report to the Captain's Suite for Interview."

Himari spoke, "Well, looks like it is your turn to meet the Taisa. See you later."

From the speakers the voice of Hisa came clearly. "Attention all personnel, this is Juni-Usaga. Secondary power has been successfully brought online. All ship subsystems are operating withing normal parameters. If you encounter any system malfunctions. Route them to me via Eternity."

Hanger Area

A Nekovalkyrja with green hair and eyes approached Shunjou. She returned his bow with a lesser one given her status. "Santô Hei Kurohane, I am Ittô Juni Kahen Yani. Acting XO for the YSS Aeon II. The Taisa is conducting interviews. There is one crew member ahead of you in the queue. So I will take you to where you will probably be spending most of your time. The Aeon II has been fitted with the Ke-S3-F4200 Hanger Deck Package. It was created by Taisa Ise Katae. Sadly they have not yet fulfilled our request for small craft. Do you have any questions at the moment?"

From the speakers the voice of Hisa came clearly. "Attention all personnel, this is Juni-Usaga. Secondary power has been successfully brought online. All ship subsystems are operating withing normal parameters. If you encounter any system malfunctions. Route them to me via Eternity."

"Well, that is fortuitous. It means we can finally move about via the Zero G Passageways. You can drop off your bags at the ship's lounge. Then we head down to the Hanger Deck." she said.
RP Date:
01 / 14 / 42
RP Location:
Cabin Two, Deck Two - YSS Aeon II

As she gazed into the Taisa’s piercing green eyes, the pink-skinned Nekovalkyrja immediately sensed that her request had been unexpected, though not unwelcome. Seina had thought that her appeal was a hopeless shot in the dark, especially given her low scores in the medical sections of the occupational assessment exam. She had not even fully thought it through as the words left her lips. Nevertheless, if her captain was willing to let her cross-train into medicine, she had no intention of squandering the miracle opportunity. She would study and practice during all of her free hours so that she didn’t let the Taisa and herself down. It wouldn’t be easy or painless by any means, especially given her deficiencies in the subject. Regardless, Seina felt that she was more than willing to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve her goal.

Seina was normally a patient and emotionally serene individual, but she could barely restrain the tears of joy that threatened to burst forth from her eyes as she stood up from her chair and gave the captain a parting bow. In an ultimately futile effort to do so, she held her bow for slightly longer than normal, hoping that gravity would simply push the tears off of her face. However, when she arose, the tears of her joy and relief were clearly visible across her features.

“T-thank you, Taisa. So much.” Seina stammered out. “I-I’ll pick a cabin and report to J-Juni-Usaga immediately.” She finished.

With that, Seina quickly turned and left the captain’s suite, wiping the tears from her eyes as she walked through the passageways and floated down the stairs towards deck two. She didn’t bother with being choosy, opting to pick the first cabin with an open bed that she saw. As she entered the room, Eternity informed her via wireless transmission that she was in cabin two, with Juni-Sunflower and Juni-Gustav. Then, after pausing for a few moments to take in her surroundings and the neatly-organized personal effects of her colleagues, Seina requested the top bunk in her silent reply to the ship’s MEGAMI.

When her query was accepted, Seina immediately began to unpack her belongings.
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