What are we going to see in terms of products? Clones of Russian guns? Because we have plenty of those. All of which are manufactured in Nepleslia by established companies.
So what market is this intended to cater to? You won't get the Nepleslian military because we already have an AK clone and if that isn't good enough, Zen has a higher powered rifle of similar aesthetics.
From an IC standpoint, setting up in E-5 means you will not be tapping Nepleslia, the largest gun market in the setting. Two reasons. (1) The distance makes prices more expensive in Nepleslia and (2) Nepleslians don't really use "foreign" guns. Not when they can get NAM, Zen, or Styrling pieces easily on the street and NAM's military grade stuff on the black market.
So yes, you can end up with a Russian-esque gun company but what is its point beyond simply "I want it cos I like it"? Without a purpose, it becomes one of the many companies submitted, approved, and then left unused.
Make your character first. Not his toys.