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OOC Norian Arrival OOC Thread

Planning on one tonight after work!
Lots of people have posted, and some have not posted since. Post please, if something happens I've missed you in a reply just post again and I will make sure I get to it. @Wes let me know when you're ready to move the focus to Pisces.
Reactions: Wes
Some references - Since we're still pulling things together.

Akelost Leviathan Hybrid Arks​

The Military Titans​

Will put down another post tomorrow, to give a few more people a chance to reply that have not.
Big long post from me! I like writing bridge scenes a normal amount and I don't have a problem >.<

To be sure RPers that don't want to read all that don't have a problem, I included orders to anyone fighting in bold italics: "Employ all active combatants to make space between our allies and the gunship Hinthathae while keeping distance themselves." Further up in my post Anrui reminds combatants that "railguns clipped it" ^^
Just wondering if there is someone that is keeping the cargo gunship (The Sobek, and Lenna) up to date on some of the combat coms since Lenna said that she would be able to help in combat. Or are they not thinking that the old gunship would be able to do anything to the rouge gunship?

I know that Lenna and her ship is kinda an outsider to this event, and well I'd like to have some combat fun also the Sobek's fore hull is looking a little lonely with just the two kill marks on it. What looks to be a mountain and a Kuvexian troop ship.
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Where the Sobek III is near Gamma, it is a bit removed from where this is happening. The rouge gunship is fleeing one of the military Titans heading towards Alpha Ark. So chances are the Yamataian fleet is between the Sobek and the target.

Don't worry though, other targets are coming. People seem to want a bit of action so I will provide some things to shoot at to help add a little drama to this.

Great post! Loved it. Seems I underestimated the ability to bring about an emergency through - One gunship is not enough.


Meanwhile just a reminder to everyone to post.
Seems I underestimated the ability to bring about an emergency through - One gunship is not enough.
I don't think that's true! It took all of my brainpower and writing a post from morning to night (I scrapped a whole "call Hanako! She can think outside of the box!!" scene and chewed on it the whole day between rewrites lol) to think of something that miiiiight work. Best emergency ever!!

I hope what I put down isn't too stifling x.x
We mentioned he intends to post later, I will be posting after him.

Also, more action coming!
First part of the GM post is up, second part is coming as soon as I'm done breakfast.
Have some fun, got lots to shoot at. Gifts to receive, and problems to solve. This end battle will probably wrap up at some point, but have fun with it.
Something to be clear on - The point of the big monster etc, is more of a cameo. Its a call for a trans universal operation another day. It gives people something to shoot at for a few minutes while it delivered its message. Its not designed to prolong the operation/interfere with certain plans that were made about exit, etc.
. . . Um a think Nikicon needs a clean-up as with the bridge of the Sobek.
Yea I don't think the Sobek can handle this thing... But for the smaller things, I think it can.

What would the smaller craft tiers be? I'm guessing they are maybe mecha or starship classes?
Reactions: Wes
Light Armor - Heavy Mecha (They range in size) - Im not a very DRv3 based GM.
Reactions: Wes
I've been considering for a day or two whether or not to have the NDC show up given this event's proximity to their borders, and now seems like it might be an opportune time with a new threat to face and perhaps a need for backup, so long as people didn't feel like it would be disruptive. Do people have any thoughts on that?
I agree with Yuuki, the more the merrier. Come fight some space monsters.

Wes is going to be taking over the Izanagi from here on.
I understand, will talk elsewhere.

the more the merrier I say
Still my opinion for everyone!
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