Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

[NSMC 309th/Aquila Mission 3.5] Terror Over New Bernese.

Charmaylarg Dufrain

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
RP Location
New Bernese High Orbit
The Hades Crown had cut its engines and, With a certain kind of litany, Accepted its defeat. The tender was circled slowly; The other, Larger, Infinitely more well armed corvette continued its orbit around the transport at a distance of almost ten thousand kilometers, Not even a speck in the horizon from the point of view from the bridge of the Hades at that distance yet the range was easily considered well within point blank in the kind of engagements the corvette was capable of performing.

The drives dead and left to cool to the void of space, The distant warship signaled its intent over a tight beam and began to close the distance as cautiously and restrained as a starving wolf could manage under the circumstances. After all the Hades Crown was carrying vital supplies and even more vital munitions compatible to the corvette, In fact they where intended for it...

"NSS Anemone, Hades Crown receives you and is prepared to begin refueling and rearmament at your digression."

NSS Sickslayer, Wardroom.

The wardroom was packed to burst. Men and women of every shape, Size, And culture packed together like sardines in what was usually a sparsely occupied wardroom onboard the sickslayer. In one corner a group of senior marines from the four ships of the lance staked their claim over a refreshment table, Grunting and hushed conversations passed between them as they secretly passed a flask amongst themselves with an impressive display of sleight of hand as they glared about the gathering conference.

In another group a joint taskforce of naval ensigns composed themselves with more poise and bering, But only just barely as they shared stories of various situations they'de stomped out or took charge of with varying degrees of embellishment.

Another housed a mismatch of bridge crew and lower enlisted occupying the massive half-moon shaped couch, A single upper enlisted gunner trying impress an intelligence officer from the IPG, Explaining cross-path targetting against moving ground targets the size of a small car with curbstomper torpedoes from a staggering distance of over a hundred kilometers, The spook hid her bored expression well.

At the far side of the wardroom, Setting themselves up by a pre-established monitor display the upper-echelon of the lance stood in solemn silence over the majority. Captains, Commanders and lieutenants from the entire lance save the Anemone spoke rarely not out of any disdain for their crews behaviors, But more out of silent appraisal as the sole lieutenant native to the SickSlayer continued on in her melodic hymn, The words indistinguishable through her thick kuznyetski accent, But the sound and tone made up for the unintelligible lack of translation.

Nearby, Silently humming the tune out of earshot in rythm with the kuz officer, An older and more venerable member of the crew oversaw the embroiling of another letter onto the massive battle-flag of the ship, Carefully supervising the young Helashio senior crewman as she neared the edge of the corner and the available space prompting a satisfied grunt from the wizened older master chief petty officer supervising.
"Down another row for the next part, Dont worry about symmetry so much."

Meanwhile, With the absence of surface mass on the ship to hold all the craft the pilots attached to the lance where remotely shuttled to the flagship and had finally all assembled and been shoved into the confusing gathering, The massive flag imminently catching the eye as soon as they where ushered into the assembly. The DIoN flag was large enough to cover a large vehicle and obscure it completely. Usually hung in the bridge the ships battle flag listed the deeds the ship and its crew had performed since its commission from the fleet yards.

Several small spaces where dedicated to honorable mentions where the Sickslayer had lent its marine compliment to aid in an NPF boarding operation. Another where the ship had helped evacuate and scuttle a merchant freighter. A larger swathe contained the signatures of some of the current officer and seinor enlisted cadre as the first crew.

The smallest spot of all on the flag was a single name on the polar opposite of the accomplishments.
Jeremiah Lohan, YE39.
The ships first and so far only fatality had been an equipment accident. But any death of a crew member was memorialized and remembered until the day the ship was sunk or scuttled, Where it would remain until it too became lost to the void.

Largest of all, And still being embroidered by the Helashio and her seinor supervisor in big bold letters read:

===NSS Sickslayer.===
NSS Anemone, NSS War Owl, NSS Ink Eater.
1st Assault Fleet, Jackdaw-Hunter Pack 4.
Until the last red falls
YE-39, YE40,

@Gunhand4171 @Whitehart @paladinrpg @krisslanza @Grey Library @Biesecker @SirSkully @Luno
Aquila's back! 2nd thread up bills/grills! We're skipping ahead to YE40 to catch up with the times. Luno, and Bie's chars consider them only just now arriving. Skully's char isnt a pilot yet but will be. Expo and meet and greet for a couple posting rounds and i promise we'll get some action soon, ye? Also its to get some time to see if pal and grey are still around, Im not writing anyone off the plot if they arent. Also im going to be enforcing a 2-week limit to posting. If you cant find the time to sit down for 20 min and write out a post at least once in a 2 week timespan than im going to NPC you for that round. If it keeps happening ill be disappointed in you as ye GM...
Alyse may not have been much of an impressive height when compared to a lot of the people around here but for a Helashio 6'2" was pretty non standard, the stature that her matronly chest and muscle-wrapped hourglass frame helped the porcelain-skinned, silver-haired woman fit in a little better though - broad shoulders and an overall powerful form shifted underneath the uniform as she went about making changes to the ship's battle flag, giving a small frown at her work before looking back at the officer.

"Are you sure sir? it isn't the most well-done job as is but I've been trying to keep it tidy," the Helashio admitted with a weak smile, the job was a tiny bit rough but overall rather well done - Alyse's amber eyes looked back to what progress she had made as the two little ears atop her bun of silver hair dropped slightly in defeat.

"Alright, down another row it is - you got it, sir," the ship mechanic answered herself, moving to further the progress made thus far as it became a little apparent why Alyse's overall appearance and demeanour earned her the nickname 'Marshmallow' by a few other crew mates. She didn't mind though, it was a fun little nickname and had no negative connotations so far.
After all her time wearing her Disrupter Flight Suit, the young officer had to mentally admit it felt good to be back into her more comfortable uniform. It was a shame the room she found herself in at the moment, was rather crammed to the point of bursting... the brunette swept her eyes across the room as she played with a lock of her hair.

"You think they could've filled this room anymore?" mused Judith aloud, her gaze focusing more on her fellow pilots. "It's kind of nice to be out and about, but this room is so full, how am I supposed to have any fun?"

The brunette sighed softly and shook her head. It had been a while since she had time to just sit around and have a relaxing round of gambling...
Edward sat with Judith and the rest, he was hunched over his Datajockey playing an old school retro game, he kept the sound low and he bit his lip just a bit underneath his mustache. He seemed to be completely involved in his game but spoke up halfheartedly, "Well, yes, I do think they could fit more people in this room, I dare say this room has seen much more action then this. If you want fun you we can play Megazario 3K together."

He stayed looking at his jockey but the room was not lost on him, it was indeed packed. Edward had long ago realized that he had to at least make appearances in these gatherings, it also allowed him the opportunity to try out various news hacks he was playing with, right now he had Happy (the Mobile version TM) attempting to break into some of the lower enlisted personnel's datajockeys. Gossip was so much more fun when acquired digitally and he loved gossip.

"Thinks thats more than enough for now, Lass." The older woman ruffled the helashio's hair before lightly shoving her towards the assembly proper. "Go socialize a bit. Any of the officers from the lance bother you and ill have Ly sort it out later." She didnt wait to receive any response to her order and took up the rest of the task herself, Starting with poking the flat of her thumb with the needle and placing a bloody fingerprint underneath the embroidery, Like many of the other similar marks on the battle flag like a loche of hair sewn under one set from Alyse, A drop of blood from Freya, A medal from the captain. Anyone who was tasked with marking the flag left some part of themselves no matter how small so one day, When the ship was either retired or recovered from battle the crew was still a part of it until the very end...

Nearby, However the pilots of Aquila where not unnoticed. The vice commander of the lance, The captain of the Anemone had sent a proxy in her stead in the form of her lieutenant while she personally supervised the refueling and rearming of her ship, The designated firing platform for the lance proper.

The lieutenant had been and was still staring daggers at judith, Some unknown slight fueling a petty one-sided rivalry between them. She had started towards judith for a moment before another officer dragged her back into a conversation, Forcing her to placate with just idle glaring for the time being. She offered a similar hostile glare to the kuz first officer of the Sickslayer, Letting some notion slip that perhapse she found a greivance against any and every female officer in the lance, Even ones who while technically outranked her like judith, She still had authority over and could get away with petty catfighting.

Another such scenario was happened between Edward and of all things the Sickslayer's ACE, Deuce, Of all things. From the moment the pilot entered the wardroom the ACE had turned their attention towards him, And though while giving off a nonplussed demeanor from its projection, it was clearly watching the man with some intent that if many of the officers wheren't currently too engrossed to notice she had stopped her report they might have followed her gaze towards the man.

The pilots had little time to notice this or even act upon it before another person practically threw themselves between the two pilots with a sigh, A figure in the black of the IPG had separated herself from the marines and found a newer, More interesting group to bother.

"Some party, Eh, Commander" She grinned, All but hoverhanding the busty woman.

Alyse's bear-like ears twitched a little as her silvery hair was ruffled, one amber eye squeezing shut as her porcelain features creased happily - the Helashio understood that some of her features weren't exactly common around here but even then it seemed some people were almost obsessively curious about them, not that she was complaining, it felt kind of nice actually.

Alyse rose to a stand and straightened out the uniform keeping her frame in check before snapping off a salute at the officer and giving her a thankful smile. "Alright sir, thank you and you take care now," she happily chirped out before spinning on one heel to face the intimidating crowd, the white and silver woman wasn't anxious around people and in fact she quite liked people so long as they were decent enough but the helashio's broad shoulders coupled with her hefty chest and muscle-clad form didn't exactly make moving around tightly packed crowds without bumping into people a particularly easy feat.

So she began milling into the crowd carefully, despite trying to avoid it she still managed to gently bump a few people before apologizing - at one point Alyse could have sworn she felt somebody reach out to palm her rear but after being unable to pin down the feeler she just brushed it off as an accident and continued moving until somebody or something grabbed her attention rather than a pale body part.
"Megazario 3K...?" replied Judith, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. "I have to admit, I don't really keep on top of games like that... tend to be more involved in games of chance and betting... that sort of fun. This room is a little crampt for my usual tastes, I think." the brunette chuckled to herself, her eyes darting about the crowded room once more.

The busty officer had felt like someone was staring daggers at her - a vaguely useful trait growing up on the streets - and she was pretty certain it was another officer in the room, whose gaze seemed to bore into her. The brunette racked her memory but came up short as to whom she could've slighted recently to elicit such a response, and the woman's appearance didn't ring any bells either...

Judith wasn't able to linger upon the thoughts for long though, until an unexpected and new figure had introduced herself to the small area the Aquila pilots had managed to find. The young officer was quick to return the grin, pushing the earlier glaring out of her mind for the moment.

"It's certainly the most crowded party I've been apart of, I think! It could really do with a bit more elbow room... and it could do with some drinks and cards." observed the woman, chuckling heartily.

"Nah dont be like that, Commander." the spook refused to let up, Slipping an arm around her neck, And then trailing a finger down her chest, And then her side to her hips, Before oddly enough trying to slip a hand into one of her uniforms back pockets almost trying to cop a feel before whipping her arm preemptively back and launching out of her seat, Hands held up defensively, Backing away with a grin and a wink to join with a group of the marines who where practically on the verge of lifting her up on their shoulders as some kind of idol having watched the whole thing.

It was no secret Judith Branthese was one of the more attractive and shapely women within the lance and was subject to men and women alike ogling her and even some of the more bold of its crews or marines had even tried to make advanced on the senior officer over the past year, Though if he results where anything other than obvious nobody yet knew.

Though before any of them could even continue the party with the IPG spook, The kuz lieutenant stopped her melody in an instant and snapped to attention, A cry of "Captain on deck!" cutting most of the chatter and forcing the entire wardroom to straighten up and face the companionway, Aquila and its pilots included.

The senior Captain and leader of the lance was of average height for a nepleslian, With charcoal black skin and a pocked and scarred face that openly bordered on scowling at the procession. He was out of shape and bulky, But still strode into the wardroom with a gait that implied he was anything but out of shape. He didnt speak or so much as glance at anyone as he cut through the middle of the room, Marines and sailors alike making a path for him until he finally came to the group of officers from the lance and his lieutenant who snapped a curt salute.

"At Ease." His augmented voice boomed when he returned the salute and turned to face the gathered assembly. People eased and started to slack again but nobody spoke over a hushed whisper as the captain let an appraising gaze over the group, Lingering on each one in turn until the kuz lieutenant appeared at his side with a mug of something letting off a slight whisp of fresh steam.

Calloway took a sip first and then grimaced, Striding over the group of marines and the spook before casually offering the mug to an NCO who froze, Confused until the old senior crew woman who had been tailoring the battleflag appeared in time to slap him on the back and snatch a flash he had been hiding behind his back, Pouring the contents liberally into the captains mug before taking a swig herself, Earning a tension cutting laugh from the procession.

The captain again took a mouthful of what was now visible as some type of coffee and moved back to his place without complaint before addressing the party again, This time his augmented voice boomed less but still commanded everyone's attention.

"Who can tell me what we're celebrating, And why?"
Judith wasn't a stranger to the attention of her fellows, but it was pretty rare that any of them had been as hands on and forward as this woman! If she was a shy, demure wallflower, she would've probably squeaked or yelped, or something equally feminine and girly. Of course, the busty officer wasn't exactly a Nepleslian for nothing, so the overly forward physical contact only yielded a normal reaction of the brunette officer's eyes widening and a reflexive jolt from unexpected contact.

The officer opened her mouth to reply to the spook's advances, and her defensive gesture, but the sudden cry of "Captain on deck!" cut off that train of thought, years of engrained military training taking hold as Judith hastily leapt to her feet and giving proper respect to the captain. As she stood there, and then being allowed at ease, Judith recalled the spook's earlier hand motions seemed to have led to one of her pockets... she would have to take a moment to check herself later, although she suspected fishing around in her uniform's pockets while the captain was around and talking, wasn't the best idea.
Edward had stood with everyone else and addressed the Captain entering the room. He shifted nervously back and forth and glanced at the discarded data jockey. He had noticed his game running a bit slower than usual and that led to him to some odd data packets coming from the somewhere. His immediate thought was someone was looking through his jockey remotely and whoever it was was pretty good.

The question about why they were celebrating was a little lost on Edward, he had never really paid much attention to the actual ins and outs of military life, this was a career for him sure but he was in it for the challenges not the rigmarole.
Alyse remained standing and greeted the Captain as respectfully as everyone else, her snowy tones and fuzzy ears making the Helashio stand out a tad as she stood alongside other figures in the crowd - though the ship technician remained quieter than you'd think someone built like her was capable of, sure the bear-eared woman had a answer in her head but she doubted it was the answer their superior was looking for.

Afterall half the reason she was here was her being indebted to whoever the Nepleslian that fixed the crack in her skull was, were they here to celebrate? to mourn? a little of both? Alyse still hadn't quite gotten her head around all the aspects of this hardy people's culture, having spent most her short life running around Yamatai after the family that created her...

...she still missed the Du'tonns sometimes, biological or not they had been her family.

A couple brave souls broke the silence their captain demanded with the obvious answers of To fight the reds! and then a followup that they where kicking their asses for a year AND THEN SOME! which each earned a round of quiet agreements and applause from the assembly before being cut off from a scowl centered from the scarred captain, Obviously not the right answers.

The captain was silent and vigil over the crowd as two other captains took to his side, The sole exceptions to the remarkably quiet officer cadre. The lanky and hatchet faced captain of the War Owl with his dark high and tight hair and equally dark olive eyes; A captain Langolire. And the captain of the Ink Eater ; A short and vibrantly colored neko who barely stood to the captain of the Sickslayers gut but whose cold gaze gave anyone pause to consider. The War Owls captain spoke up without losing the momentum of his superior.

"To fight... The... Reds?" He asked almost as if the idea was ludicrous in itself. Then repeated it louder and with such a tone that when he glared at the marines who had been so gawdy in the way they said it moments before, Some shirking back as much as they could without making it outright obvious they where willing themselves out of the captains gaze. Only their rankers and NCOs stood their ground.

"Those cowards aren't reds!" He barked at the whole room this time. "Those whelps are cowards and traitors who ran when the going got tough and didn't even have the balls or common decency to die with the rest of their men."

He rounded on the officers, Scattering them out of the way and made a simple hand gesture at the screen where the ACE, Deuce was watching impassively before blinking away and revealing a display of the operations theater over New Bernese. Everything from the Hray guarding over the pass near fort puckett to the massive Militia manned wall and even the current billet of the 309th was visible in real time, Evident as many of the militias unit icons moved ever so slowly outside the wall, Shifting positions and manning defence works as Red icons kilometers away and more scattered brown Fatneck icons filled a massive portion of the left hand of the theater, Some close enough to touch that they where likely in contact, Some even of all three together as the three powers on new bernese duked in out bellow.

"They ran then, And they ran as soon as the first settlers arrived here to the safety of their wasteland and mountain fortresses, Cowards the lot of them."

Without a glance or even gesture the screen changed again and the markers changed once and then twice and then again and again in a panoramic view as the movements of each unit and force changed through the progress of an entire year since the first militia operation at the start of the year to the 309ths arrival and even a light blue marking of Aquila showing up from time to time.

Very little actually changed... Positions where lost and taken and lost again. Unit icons imply blinked out of existance as they where encircled or destroyed or routed, Lines of battle where traded between engagements but very little actually changed as it ran from the first engagement to the last.

"Grand Admiral Valke is owed his dues when it comes to the Reds." The Inkeaters XO pointed out, A bulky half-SOL speaking for his captain who never spoke publicly lest her rather cutesy tone of voice take away the meaning of her word. A saying many of the officers used to refer to the 1st assault fleet presence over what was essentially in the overview of the 3rd assault fleet. "He, And by the extent of his will, His fleet are owed their shot at any instance where the reds might rear their ugly mugs. And WE are the tool he uses in this instance."

"We've spent our licks and yet we're still here." Captain Calloway finally addressed them once more, Almost nonchalantly like he was talking to himself. "Reflect on that and why it is we're still here. Now get off my ship if you dont have a damn good reason to be here."

Confused, Most of the rabble started to siphon out of the wardroom with the exception of a handful of ranking marine NCO's, Ensigns, And other such personnel including the spook and a number of formerly unseen civilians in the jumpers and coveralls of the planets Militia aviators. The master chef petty officer, More often just referred to by her name Freya by the crew of the lance at large practically materialized behind Alyse with a hand on her shoulder, Blocking the helashio seinor crewman with a silent gaze and guided her over to the pilots of Aquila who had been equally kept by the XO of the Anemone who practically barked at them to sit back down, Mostly directed at Judith before the small gathering had formed a relative semi circle facing the projector and the captain who regarded the group with a nonplussed expression, Taking a casual drink from the mug before the screen changed to focus on the mostly red occupied territories and one particular airfield at its flanks, Not far off from Aquilas first operation when they deployed planetside, And cycled between various angles and pictures, Before finally speaking up again.

"It's been a long year. Is the current strength and morale of your pilots up to par for a final sortie, Commander?"
Judith was fairly new to the operational area, so getting to see some of the history on the entire Red situation was a bit enlightening... still, the brunette was a bit surprised at how little seemed to have actually happened, all things considered. Battles had certainly happened, and territory changed hands, but it all seemed to very quickly return back to a status quo. Still, Judith wasn't about to question the logic of her superior officers, or the workings of the military at large.

Out loud, anyway.

As the crowd dispersed, the young officer was quickly shepherded - alongside her flight - to their own little area of the room again. It was clear Aquila Flight was one of those with a 'damn good reason' to be here, as she had suspected. When the projector changed over, the busty officer quickly noticed the signs of her own first engagement, as she had guessed, the Flight had been given that task for a reason. One didn't go and poke the hornet's nest unless you were trying to gauge something about the hornets, after all...

Her idle thoughts were interrupted by the captain directing a question at her. A purely hypothetical question, she reasoned, given she knew the captain only wanted to hear one actual answer, and she had no real reason to not give it.

"Aquila Flight is always ready to go sir." answered Judith confidently.

Truth be told, she wasn't actually sure on the morale or strength of her Flight, given her recent assignment, but she had figured they were probably used to this kind of thing.
Edward was already on his feet ready to squirm his wiry frame out of the breifing when he was held back by the XO. With a bit of a man pout and a sick burn of an arm crossing he planted himself roughly back in to his chair. He had things to do after all, important things. It was rare that a crowded briefing room would instill anything in the slender computer expert but it had. It had struck him that there were a lot of patterns in the movements of both the enemy and the allies. There must be a some basic maneuvers that he coulld garner and program to push in to enemy computers that initated a pre determined manuever. Interesting.

He waited for Judith to answer the man before huffing out a mumbled and quite impertinent, "duh." In truth Edward hated being the center of attention and had spent a lot of his military career doing his very best to avoid confrontations like this in general. He preferred his superiors to talk to his superiors without him present. He tapped his foot as the group went on, letting a stray gaze sweep over the ushered Helashio.
The mountain of Helashio let out a small sound of surprise as she was stopped from slinking away, though the look dulled a little as she was ushered the woman's silver eyebrows were still partially raised in surprise as she stood at the back of all the pilots. Alyse was just a simple ship mechanic so why the hell was she told to stand with all the aces and legends of Aquilla flight? Maybe there was some special ordinance to be fitted but for some reason she doubted that to be the case.

Regardless of why she was here here she was so the Helashio studied the screen intently before noticing Edward's eyes look in her direction, causing the porcelain-skinned woman to offer him a friendly smile and an involuntary flick of one bear-like ear before her golden eyes went back to the briefing - hoping to maybe gleam why she'd been roped into it, remaining quiet incase it was all for nothing.

Though once again, she doubted that to be the case.

"Aquila Flight is always ready to go sir." answered Judith confidently.

"With all due respect, Commander." The Kuz lieutenant interjected, Nodding in the direction of the back of the wardroom where the spook was carefully trying to make it not obvious she and a couple of the marines had been obscuring someone from the flight the entire time, Just in time for them to casually move aside from the subject in question who had been observing the party well before the rest of the flight arrived.

"Commander Vega will be returning now that his previous assignment is complete." The captain started. "While myself, Captain Harrington of the Anemone and Lieutenant Duece of the inteligence and Pacification group," The captain nodded towards the aforementioned spook. "Have all been privy to or overseen the commanders assignment the past year as a cooperative action between the elements of the third and first assault fleet presences over new bernese and the intelligence and pacification groups liaison onboard our sister fleet's sole ship in orbit. It has been deemed such that further action from this point on these efforts wont yield any further results and are no longer to be considered need to know or classified information. If and when the commander chooses to relinquish his whereabouts the past several months is to his discretion. But he will furthermore be taking leadership of the flight once again with commander branthese acting as his executive."

Without ceremony the captain continued nodding towards the senior chief with her helashio charge infront of her and a seperate petty officer with a small lanky seinor crewman from the War Owl. In turn the two upper enlisted shoved their charges forward and where called to attention by the executive lieutenant of the SickSlayer

"Senior Crewmembers Alyse Du’tonn and Dexter Habbershan have both completed the required training, Course work, And flight time under naval pilot regulations requirements under the YE39 Central branch issued flight manifests. These two are hereby inducted into the Nepleslia Star Navies flight wing and each hereby promoted under the authority of the acting commanding authority in theater, One Lysander Calloway, Captain, NSN. To the rank of ensign and are hereby ordered to report to Commander Nero Vega of the first assault fleets 78th Tactical Battalions Aquila flight, Currently stationed onboard the NSS Sickslayer for orders. That is all."

Before there was time to applaud or start any such fanfare the two where dismissed back towards the flight with a shiny new pair of ensign ranks replacing their old ones and the group was settled down to their seats as three figures, Sensing it was their time, took station beside the captain.

The three wore simple flight suits of the New Bernese militia, But with varying color tones and unit patches. Denoting each one to be parts of the 88th Godslayers, 72nd Malachite, And 4th. The latter pilots flight patch denoting no visible callsign in trade but instead the yamatigo kanji for death, Or Shini.

"Ladies and gentelmen." The pilot from the 4th started, A grim look of determination on his face...

New Bernese Airspace.

The flight, After deploying had found themselves virtually blind upon making planetfall... The weather planetside was currently covering the majority in an intense storm of sleet. Water and ice intermingled to cover the flight, Leaving only the heat of their craft to stop any ice from taking hold.

The mission was a simple one, On paper. The flight would take a backseat to a spur of the moment militia operation planetside. Three different aforementioned wings of the new Bernese militia would break ground into BRR territory and strike at the heart of its air capabilities. Over 89 different craft, Including the Aquila Flights. Would be taking part in the operation to destroy two known BRR airbases housing a majority of their veteran pilots and known named aces and air wings. The current storm the driving force behind the operation as intelligence gathered from actions of none other than the spook, Duece. And Commander Vega had lead to discoveries on the enemies craft and their capabilities from stolen data and plans.

Despite the location they operated in, The intelligence suggested that the BRRs craft had trouble cold-starting in extremely bellow zero tempetures like it would be in the wastelands. And that unlike many of the Zen or Origin craft the militia used, Could not VTOL or STOL take off and required dedicated airstrips to settle off. The storm, While sleet for the flight. Was an outright blizzard in the wastes and would landlock most if any craft not already off the ground leaving them sitting ducks for the task force, Affectionately titled TF Whiteout by militia leaders...

"Aquilia this is Seaweed" A voice broke the static to the flight as the Aquila craft neared the rendezvous for the operation, Dozens of icons appearing on their huds and friendly militia craft appeared as soft blue icons and one Massive icon indicating an AWACS craft, Seaweed easily five times the size of the largest fighter with a massive radar disk on its spine and pertruding cannons from its sides like a gunship in the spirit that no neplslian craft was ever without teeth...

"Good to have you aboard. Fall into formation, Operation starts west in ten mikes. Questions comments or concerns now, Commanders Vega and Branthese call in when you're ready, Seaweed, out."

After zack left some of the craft we know and love are gone. Heres the current craft list is as follows for use:
two NA-FA-7x (Goliath), two Na-YF/A-6X (Scythe), and two Na-F/A2 (hammerhead). Two Na-FA5 (Hornet, Will be given an NPC gunner) ...

Im working on a new craft (By working i mean i havent even started but i kinda wanna make it so lets see where my motivation goes, eh? And when its done will be available next mission maybe ye?

Commander Nero Vega took a drag from his cigar and let it out slowly before putting it out on the bulkhead as he was reintroduced to the flight that he once and now commanded. Once the fan fair was finally over and the Captain was done with his speech Nero stepped up. "Alright Aquila, let's get going."

Skies above the AO

Nero was very happy to back in the seat of a Scythe, and at the head of his formation again. As he broke through the atmosphere his craft was buffeted on all sides by wind and sleet. "Aquila flight this is Aquila 1, callsign Crux, we have entered the AO. Fall into formation." He said as Seaweed broke through and updated their IFFs.

"Seaweed, this Aquila 1 reporting in." He said simply as he prepared for battle.
Edward was facing a big change but not an unwelcome one. Previously it had been status quo to be flying some kind of fighter but recently the options had opened up and so he had gladly accepted the opportunity to slide in to a Hammerhead for this mission. The increased support role was, afterall, his particular specialty. As he and Happy adjusted to the controls he may be a bit rocky but he was a quick learner. He settled his portable hard drive of software in to the upload port and began filing them for use.

Once in the air Edward took up a spot in the back ranks and scanned over the schematics for the Seaweed. He loved crafts like those, the sheer amount of information and tech they had really gave him that Nep style boner most got from guns. He made Happy send a digital greeting to the Seaweeds main AI, the personal connection should allow for faster and smoother updates to his Hammerhead. Those updates would give him and the Flight a slight advantage on intel, and vice versa as they would be far in advance of the AWAC and woud send information back just as fast.

"Aquila four, call sign Virus is in position. I will be assisting with targetting folks so don't get jumpy if your locks have a mind of their own," he said not wantng the less tech savvy pilots get confused later on.
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From new commander to new executive, huh? I think I've been a new something quite a lot in the past few months...

Still Judith wasn't going to consider complaining, it would after all be pointless, and the busty now-executive, had to admit it was a bit of a weight off her shoulders. She had always considered Aquila Flight was going to be difficult to command, given her highly limited flight experience and the overall veterancy of the actual flight. The original commander returning should significantly improve the morale and efficiency of Aquila... and let her learn in a less demanding and potentially disastrous position.

In theory.

The brunette wasn't going to have much time to dwell on the thought, or get an idea of the new Commander Nero, given how quickly a new operation was given out, and the group was already being ushered out.

New Bernese Airspace

Judith was still certain her suit wasn't right for her measurements, but she didn't exactly have time to bring it up before the operation, as usual. Perhaps the suit was just always supposed to feel so tight and constricting, or perhaps they had simply never considered making a suit for a woman of her... endowments.

The Na-FA5 Hornet was certainly different then the Hammerhead the young executive had been flying last time, but she was always willing to try something else out. That and given the objectives laid out in the briefing, the Hornet seemed well suited to the operation at hand... of course, that was assuming everything would go exactly as planned. While the operation was certainly sound, the busty woman wasn't new to the military at large. Things rarely went exactly as planned.

"Good to have you as well, Seaweed. The only comment on my mind right now is, I don't think they make these Disrupter flight suits for women like me. Let's hope everything goes smoothly, so we can wrap this up and I can get this thing off sooner." replied the executive smoothly, relaxing her pre-mission nerves with some casual banter.

The brunette toggled off the comm to Seaweed for a moment, the young woman inclining her head slightly towards the back. "Sorry, we were in such a rush to get going earlier, I didn't happen to catch your name, but nice to have you aboard."

Judith's other free hand held a small object she had fished out of her uniform's pocket prior to the op, she lifted it up slightly and played with it between her fingers as she considered it. It looked like a flashdrive or something, and she was pretty sure that handsy woman had given it to her... the thought had crossed her mind to plug it in and see what it was about. She was pretty sure it wasn't something too personal or irrelevant to the situation at hand...
Alyse barely had a moment to process the sudden news before her tall, muscled and well-endowed figure was pulled back into the crowd - it all seemed like a blur as somebody managed to rummage up a half-SOL's flight suit that would be slightly baggy but should fit the vat-born Helashio until something a bit more permanent could be made, still it was not something she had been expecting to ever happen, the pale pile of carefully picked genes had signed up as an engineer after all but she was hardly sloppy when put in a working cockpit...

Funnily enough, the large Helashio had been directed towards a Scythe and entered without question, tucking her bear-like ears down flat against her skull to better fit a helmet on - it was the tiniest bit uncomfortable though would have to make do for now and before she knew it Alyse was making her first flight as a Nepleslian pilot, though she split through the atmosphere with a good bit of talent alongside skill and entered the formation without hassle.

"Aquila three, callsign~" there was the briefest pause as Alyse considered dropping the callsign, but she was a pilot now and it was the only pleasant nickname the folks around here had given to her so far so...

"~Marshmallow, in position and ready to go - I get what you mean about the suits," the newest member finished with a hidden smile as her unfamiliar voice filtered through the communications network, ears fluttering slightly out of excitement under her helmet - Alyse knew this was nothing to take lightly but she was ready to prove herself worthy of this sudden honor.