Star Army

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RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm


Inactive Member
Outside of the NSS Alliance's hull, small crews of engineers and technical sentries were working away at the damaged underside of the Nepleslian gunship. While the scuffs were extensive, the ship itself wasn't in any immediate danger, especially with the countless other Star Military vessels floating well within range. Back down on the planet, war still raged on, but for now the crew of the NSS Alliance was quite content with licking their wounds and reassessing their situation.

The members of Epsilon and Delta squads, as well as their Red Defector guests were situated firmly inside a large transport shuttle as it made its final approaches to the NSS Alliance. The flight had been longer than anticipated...precautions and such had to be taken to ensure that the Reds had not given the incoming shuttles any unexpected gifts...but when they were clear, it was smooth sailing from there on.

Alpha squads shuttle made it into the frontal shuttle bay a few minutes before the Epsilon/Delta shuttle was expected to arrive. When the loading hatch opened on the Alpha shuttle, they were met by a small round of applause by the armory staff awaiting the occupants of the vessel. Obviously, Alpha squads exploits had not gone unheard of.
P3C Autumn Wilde had fallen asleep on the transport carrying Delta and Epsilon squads back to the Alliance, her blood stained and dirtied Warhawk leaned to one side against the similarly bloodied Warhawk of Cadet Ian McCain. The adrenaline that had kept her awake through the skirmishes and the wound she had suffered had worn off the moment she had sat settled in the shuttle.
Kagura had long sense gotten back into her warhawk and on the transport back to the Alliance, she yawned and sat down leaning against the wall. "mmm.." she sighed and relaxed, starting to doze off, her arm aching still but it wasn't hurting as badly anymore.
Edgar was wide eyed as the crowd greeted his shuttle, he looked at Sam and then just set his head down on the console of his shuttle when it landed.

"Alright... get out of my shuttle..." Edgar sighed heavily over the intercom, and with that, Sam opened the shuttle hatch and the rear of the craft opened up, allowing Alpha to exit.


Kokuten closed his eyes as the lights of the Alliance poured into the shuttle. To him, it was like the opening to paradise, here, this was the home of the marines of the NSS Alliance. He stumbled out of the hatch, his presence met with louder roar and applause. Kokuten scanned the room of people, and thought he saw a familiar head of green hai-...

"KOKUTEN!" roared a female voice from in the crowd, and soon, the head of green hair from the center of the crowd came crashing through. It was Suku, one-siding everyone in an effort to reach her friend.

"Hah! You're still alive!" She mocked as she approached.

"I'm a Chiaki, we're not made to get killed." Kokuten responded as if refering to himself as some kind of machine. Suku looked at the shuttle behind him.

"So where's Adrian? I wanna' sock'em one when he gets out of his armor." Suku said optimisticly.

"I don't know... He was in Epsilon, so he'd be in the other shuttle." Kokuten said, refering to the shuttle on it's way in...


Stromm sat silently in his seat, his jaw missing, his mouth caked with blood and exposed through his AIR2. He seemed to be in some trance that couldn't be broken by his own means. In truth, the Sergeant was deep in thought. He kept thinking back to his incident with his jaw being clawed off by the Crooked Demon.

Everytime he thought back to it, he could feel a tingle, as if the claw were pulling at some ghostly jaw on his face. Everytime he'd feel it, memories would flood back of his dreadful night. It had rained that night, which made the pain worse. He could see his betrayers standing over him, bats in hand, their faces covered in smirks and grins. He could see them walking away, leaving him to die. The Sergeant could only stare, though, as he did now, unable to make a difference. In time, though, he became stronger, a more powerful man than he ever was, all it required was time.

"A Dekomir does not die!" ringed the words of his father. In that short moment of nostalgic pain, he wished that Crooked Demon had killed him.


Jeffery Welson Coleman sat, flanked by both of the Demon pilots. Who of which were shoving to give their commander enough leg room to be comfortable. The Red Admiral held his hammer-headed cane infront of him, standing, both hands clasped on it, and his chin resting on the top. In all his years, he had never found himself in such a collosal fuck-up. The old man wiped his forehead of sweat and then continued to stare into space.

Melissa... Alyeanna... Will I ever see the two of you again? thought the Red Admiral, longing for his family.


Ellen Oswald curled tighter into the bloodily armored bosom of her lover, Abel Exodar. The two of them had been in embrace ever since the two squads had linked up to the shuttle. She didn't care if she was getting covered in blood by being with him, all she cared about was being with him.

Abel, despite being the lesser cunning and less tempered of the two Exodar brothers, was the stronger and more passionate one of the two. She loved him for the safety she would feel in his strong arms, and yet strong, had a gentle touch that made it all the better. Her eyes would meet his ever once and a while, and soon she would be asleep.


The last few weeks had been hell for Abel Exodar, at the start of the Offensive, he was in a battalion(Northern Tip) up to 1,000 strong, now, all that was left was him, and his brother. Sure, other battalions had survived the Offensive, but the fact remained, he and his brother were the last of 1,000 men. Before word was passed around that there was coup to be started, they were down to two squads. Yellow and Zeta squad, twenty men, heavily devided on what should be done under Jeffery's orders. Then it happened, both squad slugged it out in a horrible bloodbath to decide their future, Zeta was victorious, leaving 5 men left of the Northern Tip Battalion. Abel had lost many good friends that day, and the sadness built up into a lump in his throat.

Then there was Ellen, the light at the end of his tunnel. He was so demoralized by the time they were spray-painting their armors, he almost felt like just quitting right there. Word had come down that the Vidermok had been captured, and then destroyed when a few stubborn Reds refused to give it up. He knew Ellen was on that ship, and he knew that she looked to Jeffery like a grandfather. Gladly, though, his assumptions were swayed as word came down that she had survived with the old man. He tried to remind himself to thank him later.

Then there were the Greens... He couldn't find an opinion of them, nothing to say, as only a day ago, they were mortal enemies. He could say enough that the Delta guys were okay fella's, but the Epsilon guys made him nervous. His mind began to race then, and soon he couldn't think. What were the Greens going to do them? Would they kill Cain and himself? Would they just lock everyone up? He began to tremble as his mind couldn't take it, the thought to scream began to pulse through him but...

He looked down at Ellen, and looked at her for a moment, a young beautiful woman she was. Yet, she stained herself against his armor just be with him, his heart began to melt. All this time he had been thinking what had happened, and all the horrible things, when what did matter, was Ellen. He slid his claws ever so gently through her hair, causing her to stir for a moment and look up at him. She gave him a faint smile before falling back to sleep. He was glad he was concealed in his armor, because the strong man that was Abel Exodar, began to sob silently as he held his one true treasure close to him.
"Ha ha ha ha!!" Ran had gotten back into his WATER in order to project a more commanding and victorious look towards the greeting party. Turning around to where Kennewes would be, Ran lifted a single middle finger into the air, waving it at the planet where he'd only remember it by the loss of his arm. "YEAH!!! FUCK YOUR PLANET, ASSHOLES!! FUCK YOUR SHITTY FUCKING PLANET!!!" He screamed over the applause, nearly opening his WATER to expose his indecency and attempt to pee onto the planet.

Eying the familiar plume of cigarette smoke within the crowd, Ran's WATER plowed through the crowd and snatched the cigarette from the crew member, as well as forcing him to relinquish more cancer sticks. With his WATER opening up, he pulled his left hand out of the WATER's arm and grabbed the still lit cigarette and breathed in the cancer smoke, letting it flow in and out of him. He even took the other ends of his unlit cigarettes to his lit one and lit them, inhaling two at once and having another in reserve.

"OH SWEET CANCER!!!!!" Ran's WATER dropped to the ground as the Cadet sat down, enjoying this moment so much. He tried to raise his right hand to scratch his nose, but stopped, realizing that he had no right arm anymore. "Eh well..." He then raised his head to scan what the rest of his squad was doing...and found the perfect opportunity to raise some hell in Kokuten and Suku meeting up. "Yo, it's the devil woman!!" Ran snuck up behind Kokuten and grabbed him in a one-armed headlock, biting down on his cigarette to hold onto them.

He took special care to let the smoke slowly out of his nostrils, so that he wouldn't piss off the female medic too much. "Kokuten, I sure hope you'll be the one operating on my arm. I don't want this woman taking off the entire right side of my body." He chuckled at this conclusion he made about the green-haired woman's medical competency.

"So where the fuck is everyone else...?" He let go of Kokuten and walked off, as if losing interest all of a sudden.
As Henry lifted himself up from his sitting place on the shuttle and hulked his WATER2 out of the shuttle and into the armour bay, into the applause, into the attention and praise from the members of the NSS Alliance that didn't go planetside.

He simply waved to the audience as he advanced through, then decided that he needed a smoke to calm his nerves after the fight, and to do a bit of reading afterwards.
Henry moved his Powered armour next to Ran's, de-activated it and got out of it in his jocks, quickly moving over to his clothing and putting them on hastily. He also put his characteristic glasses back on, which he'd left under his beret.

Henry then stood next to Ran and searched his pockets for a light and cigs, eventually procuring both and calming himself down with a well needed Green.
"Indeed." Henry said nonchalantly to Ran's remark as he flicked the ash off his cigarette and exhaled through his nose.

When Ran decided to headlock Kokuten in good company, he couldn't help but break out a grimace at the brotherhood that the Alpha squad had forged themselves in blood, war, and each other's company.
As the large transport shuttle floated on towards the NSS Alliance, Rico Sanroma had quieted down quite a bit, and found himself without anything to smile about. When they initially entered the shuttle, the Sergeant was all a flutter with boasts, congratulatory back-slaps and high hopes of even higher promotions...but as time dragged on, even Rico began to feel the fatigue of the moment. He remained silent thereafter, sitting across from the Red Defectors to keep a watchful eye over them as he was ordered, thoroughly bored with watching them as time dragged on in shuttlecraft.

They didn't seem that different at all. Of course, Rico knew that they weren't...he knew quite a few men who were clearly of Red affiliation in his past life. He was even friends with a select few of them, very good friends whom he, under any other circumstance, would've placed his life in the hands of. But things change, and people walk their own paths; Rico knew that they had made their choices, just as he made his own. Sometimes, the decision doesn't turn out the way one would like.

Sergeant Sanroma leaned forward a bit, taking his gaze away from the old Red ship captain and cautiously threw it to the rear of the shuttle. The small doorway to the cargo hold stood at the end of the craft, containing, among other things, a few dead bodies. Rico wrinkled his brow in confused concern as he thought about what lied ahead of him once the shuttle had landed and its personnel dispersed. He thought things would be easier after a short reprieve from the NSS Alliance to release a mess of bottled aggression. He thought things would be simpler.

They weren't. His mind was still racing to catch up with everything, from the battle behind him to the battles ahead. Rico tried vainly to smile through this, none the less. At the moment, it was all he could do.
The last member of Alpha Squad to get off the shuttle was Harrison. Slightly lethargic in his actions, he moved his hands into the air in a headbanger's sign, and moved over to stand beside Henry, his form still shrouded by the heavy, sand-caked, blast-scarred, dented, dinged and damaged FIRE1 that had brought him through the godforsaken event alive.

"Ran. Glad to see you're still hanging in. I'll be right back." Harrison then moved off down the hallway and dissappeared. A few minutes later, the sound of his footsteps could be heard. Three books could be seen in his hands, clutched carefully and delicately.

"Henry. I believe these belong to you." He said, while the armor was still moving. He came to a stop in front of Henry and put an armored hand down in front, revealing the stack of books he had borrowed mere days before the Offensive. He stepped out of the armor, still wearing his fatigue pants, and then proceeded over to grab a paint brush. Moving intricately over to the left shoulder of his armor, he rubbed away some of the heavily caked sand and put seven blood-red tally marks onto it.

"Top that, guys!" The older merc smirked, then sat against the calf of his dismounted ELEMENTAL.

"Oh yeah... Henry, I got a job for ya." He turned towards his friend and squadmate.

"Remember that aether cannon I snaked off of that PA back at the treatment plant? I want you to see if you can find a place to mount it on my armor."
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

Uso got up from her seat and moved over to her squad’s leader, Stromm, finding a seat next to him and occupying it with her beaten up armor. She lowered her canister rifle and held the barrel between her knees as her hands opened up the loading chamber so she could extract the still loaded rounds without having to fire them off.

“So what happened to you beef man?” She asked, not looking up from the rifle she had acquired while removing the ammo. “I swear every time you go off on your own trouble manages to find you.”

Once the rounds had been extracted and stored safely she closed up the rifle and held it up, looking over the various mechanisms of the device as if inspecting a child after birth.

“Though I guess on the bright side you get to have a new Jaw installed. If I were you I’d go for something with a built-in blender and toaster.” Uso laughed good naturedly for a moment before adding in, “Or you could get a retractable half meter long tongue. You’d have to beat the ladies off with a stick once they find out…”
Ian stared at the ceiling, oblivious to the rest of the world for a moment. The back of his armored head rested on the wall behind him, and his rifle occupied the seat to his left, while Autumn filled the one to his right, her unconscious head resting on his shoulder. He simply sat and plotted the quickest route to the armor disassembly and then the escape pods.


Cain stood for the voyage, his left hand holding him up by way of an outcropping of metal piping. He had stood guard near the Red Admiral, his mono-bladed claws tapping away in their deep clang on his thigh, the gouges even more pronounced now in the armor plating. He watched his brother with envy, the sibling embracing the young Ellen. Cain sighed, his comm silent. He turned his attention away from the two lovebirds, to the rear of the vessel. The casualty center.

Cain felt sadness and fatigue renew their firmness within his mind. While most of his former allies had been left with other transports for their burials, those that had fallen near the admiral had been picked up with the survivors. Those who had remained loyal to the Red cause to the end, however, were left to be buried under the rubble. The CD pilot shook his head, unbelieving that so many had sacrificed their lives for what, in the end, was nothing.

The pilot closed his eyes, and set his armor to support itself as he closed his eyes to sleep in his armor, still tapping his armored thigh until consciousness left him completely moments later.


In the back of the transport, the floor was slick and red with the blood of the dead, and some run-off from a couple of the more severely wounded further up. About a dozen ruined armors occupied this section, laid out on the ground. One, however, was leaned against the wall. Like all the others that still had a head to mount it on, the helmet had been removed. Adrian Decane's pale, cold corpse stared out at the rest of the craft with dead eyes, his metal armor still glinting clean over all but his ruined chest.
Trey sat, along with everyone else, silent. He stared at Abel and Ellen, remembering the good old days when he had first met Rosey, and how he'd quit the military soon after. In his mind, the Green soldier wondered if they too, would do the same. of course, once a soldier, always a soldier. He was evidence of this, having re-joined active duty in his nation't time of need.

Seeing these Reds, who were not much different than he was, Trey found he no longer hated all of them. before, his only mission was to kill any Reds, but now, he figured he'd only kill Reds who were shooting at him. at least that would make it easier on him. Of course, under even slightly different circumstances, he wouldn't have been able to witness this. Fatigue crossed his mind, even though his Yamataian body had increased endurance, it was still the same mind in his head, and old habits die hard. one of those habits was sleeping after a mission. Soon, Trey's head, and whole body drooped forward, and he was lost in the sweet bliss of slumber.
Gyles sighed and leaned his head back into the rigid confines of his AIR's helmet. This had been some battle, and he could have ended up as another casualty. Though with a lot of luck, and some skill, he'd managed to make it. So this is the face of war? I feel like shit, but those who've passed this day aren't much better off. Do I even deserve to live, when better men have died? Ugh... this isn't the time for this crap. I'll have to think about this when I'm not as exhausted. So fuck it, I need a drink, a shower and a soft place to sleep. He thought to himself, as he exited his armor.

The Tech Sentry took a few awkward steps around the PA, before sitting propped himself against it and passing out. Must... get... up... Hmm... no... forget it... I'll get out when someone orders me t... Were his last few thoughts before completely falling asleep.


Unsuited and finally breathing the fresh, cool, climate controlled air of a starship, Mireille looked around the armor bay for a moment. Leaning against her black AIR2, the FIO bitterly began to sob quietly. She'd lost her executioner, and her other IPG charge less than a few days after being entrusted to them. It was... embarrassing, vexing, and shameful. Her initial hostility towards Cain and Abel was simply a poorly masked attempt to conceal her seething anger, and sadness at losing a friend. A sparse few tears trickled down her cheeks, though this was covered by an extended left hand, cupped and outstretched to conceal this from any casual observer.

Do I really belong here? She asked herself. In retrospect, she hadn't been exceptionally useful during her stay on the Alliance, and wasn't much of an Armor Pilot. Mireille had to consider her assignment options. I'm sorry... Adrian.
Sleep for Autumn brought a wash of colors that she didn't quite understand. She wondered if they were perhaps memories trying to force their way into active remembrance. The dull aching of her left arm spread through her body and slowly triggered her physical memory. She felt the heavy weight of her cybernetic legs as an irritation as the surviving nerve endings of her legs remembered the burning agony of the bones shattering and slowly tearing into the flesh.

Her pulse quickened as she vividly remembered, the coolness of a knife trail lightly over the warmth of her skin and the sudden heat of her own blood spilling down her body. Her body trembled within the confines of her power armored shell and a soft, audible, hoarse moan tinged with a mix of agony and perhaps, ecstasy escaped her lips.
Stromm's mono-eye turned in the direction of Uso as she planted herself next to him. For a moment, he only stared at her, as if waiting for her to do a trick. Uso's humor seemed to bring him up, but only at a fraction. His Mono-eyes returned forward, and out of the opening where his mouth was came a small spat of blood as he heaved a sigh.


Suku quickly flew at rage with Ran's insult, which was quickly calmed by Kokuten's usually sayings. Though, Kokuten was also ready to have the shuttle arrive.


Jeffery looked around the shuttle after his self-reflection of his family. There would be time to think about them later as he surmised the situation. He looked around at the people in the shuttle, and then at the man sitting across from him, the Green who had lead the sqaud into their command center. The fellow seemed of the cocky sort, the hero type, and seemed to be forcing to keep to himself. He watched him gaze at the dead bodies, Jeffery following the target of that gaze as well. Then turned his head back to see the Green.

"What's wrong, boy? You lost? Or are you just plain stupid?" Jeffery chuckled at the leader opposite of him.
Henry was still smoking when his marine buddy Will came up to him. Henry gave a nod in his general direction.
He kept on smoking, and had started on his second cigarette. Then Will came along again with some familiar books in his hands.
"Ah -" He said with a smile and a nod in Will's direction as he took back the books and got out of his FIRE.

As he watched Will make a tally of his body count on his armour. He nudged him, pulled out his notepad and wrote down: 'How many did I kill again 6, 7 or 8?'

A job? Henry thought to himself when Will asked him a question. Considering that he was the group's Technician with a Sniper Rifle, he figured that he'd get asked all sorts of tasks from the other marines. An Aether cannon... He put his hand to his chinstrap beard and frowned. He hadn't studied Aether before, and he also knew that the ELEMENTAL series did not run off Aether power. Also, aether cannons were a bit of a risk with Yamatai running the monopoly on Aether Weaponry.

With that in mind, he flicked a new page in his notepad and wrote the following:
'As ambitious as your deed seems, there are a few problems. I'd hate to break it to you. First, these powered armours run off Antimatter, not Aether. Second, if the Yamataians hear about us having this, they'll skin us alive. Finally, I think it'd look good mounted on the left shoulder, just over where you put your body count.'
"I'll be safe and say seven, Henry. To be honest, if you nailed anyone in the Treatment plant I didn't see it." Harrison talked while he stood up off from his armor's heel and walked over to the pile of clothes he had left there before leaving. He pulled on his dress shirt and his service belt, then turned the beret over and produced an iron flask about the size of his hand. The refreshing slosh of some sort of drink was inside. He took off the cap and took a long swig of the port he had mentioned earlier before picking up the beret, placing it on his head and proffering it to Morris.

"Oh, and don't worry about the aether cannon. I hadn't realized those two things, plus the cat-people of Wierd-Ass Seven passing laws about 'em, would limit it..." He trailed off as he picked up a pressure washer hose off the ground.

"Wait a second. If the armor that was using them was a Red, then how come Yamatai wasn't all over them? Interesting." He silenced himself and picked up the pressure washer nozzle, proffering it at his armor, and let loose a torrent of high-pressure water which tore into the caked sand and ash on its leg.
Kagura had sense dozed off, still in her armor, leaning back up against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. She, like Autumn, was dreaming as well, but hers were a replay of her past; stirring memories of similar raids on ships and planetary outposts with her pirate comrades. In the back of her mind, she wondered where they were; and if she could get back into contact with them. Long story short: she missed her old friends. "Daddy...." she muttered, remembering a particularly vicious attack that had very nearly taken the old pirate's life.

That was so long ago but she remembered it like it was yesterday. She remembered the fear at being alone...
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Uso told Stromm as she looked down the barrel of the canister rifle in her hands, aiming it at some armored soldier across from her as she mouthed ‘pew pew’ from inside of her armor.

“An extending cybernetic tongue probably doesn’t feel as good as the real thing. You should probably go for one of those long animal type tongues that run on biological equipment rather than mechanicals.” Uso put down the canister rifle and leaned back in her seat, having her legs make full use of the space out in front of her to stretch out while waiting for the shuttle to reach the NSS Alliance. She took this time to bring up some of the data she had gathered during the operation, mentally planning her report to the IPG in her head.

“And since toast isn’t your thing what about getting a grill installed? You’d never have to eat raw meat again and you’d have one hell of a party trick.” She paused for a bit and then continued with her own little speech, “Yeah, a flamethrower would be cool but you’re in power armor most of the time so when are you going to get to use it? Besides, you don’t want me to have to start calling you dragon man. Beefman has a much better ring to it.”
Stromm couldn't help but laugh a little on Uso's last range of jokes, if she was joking. Her utter childishness, which seemed to disrupt the state of mind in the battlefield, helped with traumatic stress. He felt out of character enough to bring up the hand on in his armor. He placed the hand in from of his mouth, pointing a finger out ward, as if his hand were a gun. He said 'Bang Bang', which actually came out, "Hang Hang."
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

“I really don’t think that is the best idea. I know I would be uncomfortable if someone’s bionic jaw had a built in gun pointing at my lady parts. Ontop of that any caliber large enough to hurt an armored soldier would probably be large enough to rip your jaw off again…. And then you’d have to go back to the medbay and then you’d have to pick a new jaw, and then we’d end up having this exact same conversation again.” Uso looked over at Stromm from inside of her power armor. “And I don’t think you want that. . . . So what are you doing once they tape your face back together anyways?”