Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

A long hafting sound drained from Stromms mouth for a moment, something resembling a sigh. He stayed silent for a moment, thinking, wondering what he would do. He didn't want to go back to combat, the thought of it... bothered him. In his current state, he lacked the will to fight, nor the mentality. He reached up to the opening part of his armor, and touched a bit of the open jaw area. It didn't hurt, but the bare feeling of it drove his hand back, causing to ball into a fist and shake.

"Hawwwwkkkk..." Stromm breathed, one of his mono-eyes looked at Uso, then he preformed the military handsign, 'Retreat'.
Autumn's armored head lifted from Ian's shoulder to look up sleepily at him. Her left arm ached;, hell, her entire body ached as she repositioned herself beside the large ID-SOL. She lightly placed her right hand on his Warhawk's knee.

"Ian, are we home yet?" She asked quietly over a private comm to Ian. Her voice sounded slightly distant with the echo of her voice box.
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

“Going on a retreat huh? I guess that means you won’t be staying around on the ship? Or does that mean you’re going to end up showing off and taking a nap? I don’t really imagine you as the kinda guy that goes to spas and such to get beautified for their adoring squad mates.”

Uso ended up glancing over at the dead bodies in the shuttle for a few moments before returning her gaze back towards Stromm, “Damn, I guess I own Adrian a beer or something once the medics put him back together. Any chance you’ll be around for that?”
"What's wrong, boy? You lost? Or are you just plain stupid?"

The inquiry from the former Red Captain caused Rico to raise his head from its constant gaze on the metal flooring of the shuttle. The sergeant smirked as the question settled in...Rico didn't lose his temper over simple insults like this. Rico still didn't like the idea of a former Red, perhaps a Red-incognito even, getting snippy with him with smarmy attitudes. The moment of aggression actually relaxed the Sergeant; it was familiar, and surprisingly welcome. It certainly took his mind off of less-appealing issues.

"You just worry 'bout yourself, old man. You got a lot more problems than I got right now," Rico dismissed snidely as he leaned back into his seat and sat silent for the remainder of the transport.


The applause quickly gave way to the regular bustle of the armor bay as technicians began working repairs and refits on the Alpha armors. It wasn't long after Alpha's shuttle had arrived, however, before another vessel approached the entrance to the landing zone next to the first shuttle. A soft electronic bell rang out inside Epsilon and Delta's vessel, accompanied by the voice of the pilot.

"We have reached the NSS Alliance. Please prepare to disembark."

As it began its landing preparation, however, a quartet of marines clad in intimidating EARTH powered armor pushed their way through the slowly dissipating crowd of engineers and Alpha soldiers. When Epsilon and Delta's shuttle finally touched ground the four EARTH armors were quick to reach the loading area of the craft. They stood silent as the vessel made its landing.
Ran spat the last of his three cigarettes out, watching it make a smoky spiral as it traveled through the air to impact upon the shuttle bay floor in a magnificent display of embers and ash. He moved to bum yet another cigarette off of someone, but the sight of a shuttle docking distracted his attention from continuing his buzz. Recognizing the shuttle as having to be carrying Delta and Epsilon, he raised a left thumbs-up at the pilot, before being bumped into by one of the four EARTHs, causing him to shove back.

"Salty motherfuckers..." Ran muttered under his breath, looking around for a few of the non-busy tech or medical guys. "YO!" He raised his stump to the crowd. "Anyone gonna fix this motherfucker up for me?"
"Sir, with all due respect, maybe you should just head to medical and wait for the others to get there." Harrison said, continuing his pressure washing spree; now moving up to the left forearm, which was covered in the spray of blood from a bleeding Cyclone he'd walked over with his arm a bit too low.
Ian felt himself pulled from a rather adult-oriented fantasy by Autumn's hand on his knee. He looked down at the armorer. He began to reply over the private line. "We should be getti-" He heard the ping, signifying their arrival and stopped. "Er, never mind, looks like we're here."
The armorer nodded at Ian as she very slowly rose to her feet. Autumn's left arm made an audible cracking noise as it moved with the weight of the Warhawk around her. "Hmm.. I think I might need to splint my arm when I get out of this armor. Think you can handle it? Unless, you wouldn't mind me waiting in line to get treated," the Geshrin woman yawned lightly as she teased Ian. The furthest thing in her mind was an actual medical examination, she had her plans and her arm wasn't hurting her too badly, after all, she had survived worse.
"Yeah, I can handle that." He followed the much shorter armor, standing from his seat. He looked around for a moment, and then rested his eyes on an AIR2 sleeping in his seat, oblivious to the world around him.

Ian strode towards the marine, and pulled the chain knife from his side. The pilot woke with a start, protesting with a whine as the Cadet walked away. Ian looked to Autumn, smiling in his armor. He then grabbed one of the numerous poles throughout the ship that had been used to support those who were more inclined to stand than sit. A loud whirring sound was then produced as the chainblade in his hand came to life. He quickly sliced the pole three times, an action that spilled sparks over the floor, leaving two lengths of metal about half as long as Autumn's arm.

He dropped the knife to the ground and grabbed the newly-created medical supplies, holding them up for the Geshrin woman to see. He turned on his private comm to Autumn. "I hear there are some pretty robust medical facilities in those escape pods."
Kagura would remain asleep until they got back to the Alliance, but when the ping came.....she was still out. The PFC was tired, moreso than she'd originally thought, after a while she'd get up and trudge off teh shuttle once it landed. "Mmm...I want to get something to eat and take a nap..." she muttered thought the helmet. "After I get this damn machine off."
Autumn grinned behind her Warhawk's face mask, she chuckled into the private comm line to Ian as she started walking towards the exit "You'll have to give me the full tour then once you rubbed some salve on my wounds. But I place myself into your very capable hands, Sir."
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

“Alright Beefman,” Uso replied as she stood up from her seat, turning towards the pile of dead bodies as she told Stromm, “I expect to see you again, and I promise I won‘t tell the guys about your spa trip. After all you need to retain that manly image.”

With that Uso headed over to the dead bodies in the back of the shuttle. It didn’t take her long to locate Adrian’s armor and drag it out of the shuttle towards the power armor bay. With the somewhat gross Adrian still in hand Uso asked, “Who here knows where I go to get people brought back to life?”

At the same time she was preparing to send a message to the IPG, informing them of the information she had been able to look through so far and a suggestion to compare brain spider scans of crewmembers now to previous brain scans to ensure that the she wasn’t infiltrated by any number of annoying bioweapons that the reds or others might have employed.
Henry shrugged, and used what space was left on his page of the notepad to get this message across to Will: 'Maybe they stole it or smuggled it in with pirates? I don't know... I doubt they're remotely smart enough to build one, judging from what I've seen.'
Stromm heaved a heavy sigh to Uso's assumption and looked out towards the opening of the bay. The jawless Sergeant walked out, surveying the area and getting a few strange looks from some personel. After taking a few steps out, he exited his armor and reclothed himself quickly.


Kokuten had already begun to move himself from his armor, and clothed himself quickly. He looked over at the Alliance personel exiting the shuttle, he noticed that their wounded numbers were a tad more than Alpha's. The Medic took a stand on top of his armor, placing a foot on the shoulders of the WATER2. He took a deep breath as he saw the exiting personel.

"Alright! This is Medical Sergeant Kokuten Gaiasis Chiaki!" Kokuten yelled, putting a hand to direct the sound, he continued, "By assigned medical order, all wounded are to report to the med bay for immediate diagnositic and healing treatment! Failure to report will give you 3 day sick leave in your bunks!" Kokuten gave a look around, and decided to add to it.

"And before any of you higher ranks try to order otherwise, this is a medical decree by a licensed officer of the Medical Corps! When it comes your safety, health, and well-being, the Medical Officers have the authority!" Kokuten nodded his head, satisfied with his small speech. Yet, had still not noticed that his friend was being drug around by the IPG officer.
Autumn paused for a moment and looked at Kokuten with a slight pout from behind her Warhawk's mask, knowing full well that he couldn't see it. She glanced back at Ian for a moment as she made her way towards the deconstruction platform.

She had time to weigh the options of forced medical leave for 3 days. Being confided to her bunk wasn't that bad of an idea- and she probably had a pile of paperwork to do but... shore leave was coming. "Well, fuck," she muttered with her comm off. "Well, I guess I'll just have to get naked and figure out what I'm going to do from there," she accidentally said quietly over the general comm line. "I'm pretty sure I just need to get tied up and it'll be okay again."
Trey jumped and woke with a start at the arrival noise, and shook himself from sleep. still a bit sluggish and tired, he sauntered back onto the Alliance. As soon as he could, he dismounted the AIR2 armor and found his uniform, putting it back on. His clothes back on, trey went back to the armor to survey all the damage done to it. The whole fron end was crunched and mangled almost beyond recognition, and in a few place there wee scorch marks where Aether beams had grazed him. The joints were looking a little stressed from his prodigous use of the PPG, and that poor LBR looked as if it would explode if he had tried to fire it. All in all, he felt sorry for the machine, And thankful that it had kept him alive.
As the Red Defectors exited the shuttle behind the first few soldiers, one of the four EARTH-clad marines strode up to the former colonel. His stature was firm and unyielding, but at the same time permeated an essence of respect for the old man. Apparently, Jefferey and his reputation preceded himself even in a select few in the ranks of his former enemies.

"We will be escorting you to a hold area until High Command comes to a decision about what to do with you. Please have you men follow me."


Rico wasn't far behind them as he exited the shuttle himself. The sergeant was quick to move to one of the NDI assembly pads to removed his armor and allow the machinery to disassemble the powered armorsuit from his body. Rico was glad to get out of the confines of his armor, taking in a heavy breath as he ran a hand through his hair and adopted his same, casual Rico Sanroma smile as he stepped off.
"......Well, shit I guess there's my answer." Ran moved towards one of the disassembly lines just after the rest of the squads moved out from the shuttle. Looking up to see Rico out of his armor, he gave him a barely noticeable nod as he positioned his WATER in one of the spots. Looking at the end of his right stump, he could only wonder as to what it'd feel like once one his right armor, it's jagged ends still stuck in his skin, were taken off.

Were his tounge in between both sets of teeth, he would have bitten it off. Looking at his bare flesh, there were now several scars running up from the base of the stump towards his shoulder where the destroyed armor scraped against it as it was removed. "Ohhh, man..." Ran pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to compose himself from the pain, causing for him to stand very indecently in front of the Alliance crew for an extended amount of time.

Crouching instead of bending over...for obvious reasons, Ran dressed himself at a rather normal pace, stopping for a minute to pick up the pack of cigarettes that would fall from his pants pockets. "Looks like you got back in one piece, Sergeant." Ran muttered to Rico through his enclosed hands, in the process of lighting another cigarette. Not waiting to hear a response, he simply walked off towards the medical office, bleeding on a few crew members along the way.
Kagura was impatient to disembark from the floating coffin that was the shuttle and blinked. She'd go and shrug off her Warhawk and went to redress at least before heading toward the medical office as well. "Ngh.." she grunted, noticing her metal arm was malfunctioning and sparking a bit from the torn circuitry and was hanging limply. "Aww damn." she sighed and headed to the medbay to get it looked out. "Hey Ran, Are you ok dude? You look like you got mauled by a woodchipper.."