Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

"Eh... whatever. I'm getting tired of hearing all these things."Gyles said rather blankly, sliding a bit into his chair. He cranked his music back up again and merely nodded. "Maybe I should just shut off these bloody sonics and keep chum." He mumbled to himself, as he began shutting his eyes.


Mireille simply stood there, gaping, looking at the two marines. The sight of blood, in retrospect didn't bother her very much. The sight of a man stabbing himself in th eye on purpose, did. The FIO didn't much the time to give it much thought, and decided to exert her command power. "Adrian, relax for a moment and let Kokuten do his job. You were a little hasty in removing your eye, and he panicked, just as anyone would at the sight of a friend perform ocular surgery on himself. Besides, did you think you could really install a cybernetic eye by yourself?

Just sit back and wait, please. I'm not in the mood to make than an order." She pleaded in a rather manipulatively sweet tone.
Kokuten grunted with a bit of frustration as Adrian resisted him. He moved over to the Medbay table, and then once again, stabbed Adrian with some painkiller.

"Okay, this is going to hurt, a lot... uh... more." Kokuten said, as he locked his hand with a tight grip to Adrian's hair and then a made swipe in his eye-socket with his finger to pop out what remained of the eye. When the eye would pop, he'd cut the optical nerve connecting to it(with the nearby scalpel), and attach the cybernetic.
"I'll be back in a sec; gotta take a piss break." Harrison stood up, his excuse for getting his laptop from his bunk room, so as to listen to some music and work on his books. And take a piss break (obviously). So he stood up and made his way from the multi-purpose room into the hallway. Along the way, he watched the drop-off from the Banning reveal to him a green-haired... Something. Something wearing a ragged headband and looking more confused than a first-time drunkard with a hangover in the middle of Los Apagos. He decided the laptop could wait, and walked over to the confused-looking woman.

"Lookin' for something?" he inquired.
Tweak looked up at Harrison. "I'm a new transferee, but I don't know where I'm supposed to go from here," she said. "Is there someone I need to talk to?"
"My guess would be to find someone ranking above Soldier Second Class. Right now the Marines are just teaming up in the multi-purpose room for debriefing, maybe you can find someone there." Harrison scratched his stubbly chin and extended his hand.

"Name's Harrison. William Howard Harrison. You?"
Tweak shook the soldier's hand firmly with her own four-digit grip. "Freespacer Tweak Three Seven. Nice to meet you, Mister Harrison," she said with a smile. "Where do I find the multi-purpose room?"
"Hmm... Four fingers. Interesting. Anyhow, follow me and i'll show you. Oh, by the way, don't let some of the other guys rub you the wrong way, they've been a bit lonely for a long time." Harrison guffawed as he led Tweak out of the hangar.
"Alright..." Tweak looked down at her hand, then Harrison's. I guess I should keep my hands hidden too, she thought, remembering Valen's suggestion to hide her ears. The retractable claws would be easy to keep out of sight, and hopefully only someone looking for those sort of differences would notice.

"Why have they been lonely?" she asked, following behind Harrison.
Harrison stopped fast and placed a hand on the back of his head. "uhh... No women, constant sorties, long days of hard work... You're a smart girl, do the math." He continued, undistracted, on his path to the multi-purpose room.
Once again, Ally's voice rang out throughout the ship, sending out a final notification for all NSS Alliance crew. The announcement would also reach the Alliance's shuttle bays, informing all recent arrivals as well.

Attention all personnel: There will be a vessel-wide briefing on the next steps the NSS Alliance and her crew will be taking. All immediate ship staff and military personnel are to report to the Multipurpose room in 5 minutes, at 0500 hours.
"Oh..." Tweak didn't really get it still, but she didn't feel like pursuing the topic. She looked up at the nearest speaker when Ally made her announcement again and smiled. She was already on her way there, thanks to Mister Harrison.
Henry was still busy waiting in the Multipurpose room with a book titled: "Gun Maintenance for Dummies" in his hands, reading it carefully and blissfully unaware of Autumn's performance.

He noticed Tweak walk in and gave her a momentary glance and what seemed to be a nod while still doing his reading, learning how the mechanisms in his .45 worked, and how to keep them from going awry.
Along the corridors of the Alliance was also walking, making its way to the Multipurpose room (and apparently knowing where it was), a... well, a weird thing.

It was, like, a huge evil robot from a bad sci-fi / horror movie. One of those really old and corny movies. It did kinda give the feeling that it was welded together from pieces of scrap, jagged, dark metal by a mad scientist with a really warped aesthetic sense and too much free time on his hands. The kind who probably enjoys maniacal laughter, raving monologues, and wearing lab coats all the time.

...But it wasn't that huge, really. It SEEMED huge at a first glance, but a second glance could tell anyone that it was really just 170 cm and that most nepleslians on board were probably taller than that, not to mention larger.

Plus, having a rainbow scarf around its neck did little to improve its aura of intimidation.
And being all spray-painted in random, chaotic, multi-colored patterns did even less.

...Ok. Let's say it COULD have been a reasonably intimidating "evil robot" if it were, like, half a meter taller, and spray-painted matte black, with maybe some red or some skulls drawn here and there. Skulls are cool.

But like that? It looked just silly. Silly and creepy.

And, besides, more than a robot, it looked more like a... some sort of space suit?

Apparently, it was coming from the shuttle bays. Did it come from the Banning? Probably, since, well, people would have noticed it earlier if it had been on the Alliance since the beginning.
The automata trudged on, with it's slow movements and heavy footsteps giving off the impression that it was very displeased with having to be torn from his..."harvesting" in order to sit in the multipurpose room and await orders. Oh well, perhaps there will be some good hair there that he could fashion into a multi-colored mullet or a stylish goatee. Passing through one of the corridors and about to round a corner, it's sensors picked up another life form heading in the same direction as Keid, but when it finally rounded the corner, it stopped.

This pillar of multicolored marvel. This assault upon the eyes. This monument to the need for childhood medication. It was so colorful...and yet, so dilapidated. It almost reminded him that even ugly things can be beautiful. And if he were the sensitive type...or rather, the feeling type, it would have shed a tear. Or sparked a bit.

"Your scarf." Keid said flatly, not essentially given a choice as to how it spoke, of course. It's presence to the strange creature was announced furthermore by the slight feeling of extremely heavy feet hitting the floor, becoming more pronounced as the automata got closer. "I must have it. I have many LEDs that I could trade for it." It apparently needed no introduction, and in an effort to one-up the colorfulness of the newest arrival, made it's LED body markings pulse from white, to blue, to orange.
"AH, YES. I ALMOST FORGOT THAT YOU WERE ON THIS SHIP, TOO." The... thing's synthesized voice was screechy and just a bit louder than comfort. It was almost impossible to distinguish the tone of the words: was it relief? Sarcasm? Disgust? Happiness? Hard to tell.

But, apparently, they didn't need much words at all to communicate efficiently. Well, being both freespacers and all.
With a whirling, clanking noise, the robot-thing's head split open, revealing the pretty head of its inhabitant, with her ever-smiling face nodding pleasantly at him.
"I'll gladly give this to you." she said, handing the epic scarf up to Keid (who was more than half a meter taller than her). "And I'd love to have some of your LEDs as a memento." added.
Harrison put Tweak somewhere near Henry and made a hasty introduction.

"Henry, this is Tweak. Tweak, this is my bud Soldier 3rd Class Henry Morris. Get along well, you two; i'll be right back." He sprinted out of the room again, only to almost run into the Freespacer wearing the Voidwalker suit and the hair-stealing Automata. He stumbled to a halt at the last moment, momentum carrying him ass-over-teakettle down the hallway. He looked back for a second.

"Oh, come on!" He whined, looking at the Voidwalker suit-clad Freespacer. "Do I have to show you to the briefing room too?!"
Dream turned around and smiled. "No, not at all. I accessed your ship's schematics from our collective memory and checked myself." She said in a bright, cheerful voice. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Dream Zero Zero and, until my next assignment, I'll be your resident ship priestess."
Stromm had avoided most of the Medical Crew for the nearly all the time the time he had been back. There had been quite a few Marines that pointed out his jawless condition, and asked him if he needed to go to the Med Bay. He usually responded with an angry growl and a threatening fist.

So, to hide his condition, he went to the Marine Bunk's and grabbed one of the spare green blankets. He cut the blanket vertically, so that it was thinner in it's width than before. The Sergeant then proceeded to wrap the modified blanket around the lower part of his head, making him look more like a guerilla than a marine. With this, it seemed he was just wearing a wrap around his lower head area, rather than missing a jaw. When he exited the bunk room, he heard Ally's announcment, and proceeded to the Multi-purpose room.

When Stromm arrived, he was rather suprised in seeing three Freespacers already there. He was not on the Alliance during the initial meeting with the spacers, so he had no idea what one was like. He figured there was no problem in finding out. Though, without his mouth, he couldn't really ask what was going on, but making a hawking sound wasn't any better. So the Sergeant silently strode over to the group.
"Riight... Soldier Second Class William Howard Harrison. I shoot stuff." Harrison seemed sufficiently pleased with his response, so he made the remaining distance to his bunk, took out his laptop and sprinted back to the briefing room just in time to start typing his story in the seat opposite Henry.
"Um...Nice to meet you, Mister Morris."

Tweak gave Henry a cautious smile, then looked down and sat after appearing to try to decide whether to sit next to him or one seat over. She chose the one seat over.

This new addition was not immediately identifiable as a Freespacer, unlike Keid and Dream. When compared to those two, Tweak could easily pass as a civilian. A drab-colored cloth, folded into a triangle and tied over her green hair (with the edge pulled toward her forehead so as to hide her ears), was not the normal colorful monstrosity that might have been associated with the colorful 'Spacer culture. The brown leather pilot's jacket had sleeves long enough to hide her hands, but was unzipped, showing the oversized, bright blue t-shirt underneath. The shirt's hem was tucked into the waist of pants that fit her better than the shirt, but still had cuffs that dragged a little in the back. The shoes on her feet were thick-soled things that she somehow still managed to walk quietly in. Overall, it was a sort of mechanic-meets-street-urchin-meets-raver look.