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RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

"Hmm... well. It isn't another exclusive X-Tech design, so you can expect to see it by the time we're on our next assignment." Gyles explained, not so much worried, given the less than sensitive nature of the design. Besides, this was a Tech Sentry he was talking to, not a SAINT operative.

"I can send you the basic specs, if you don't want to handle the blueprints." He offered, scratching his temple.
Trey Turned an Eye on Deon "Hmm.. Maybe... I kinda wanna go see my family though, but I guess since we have two weeks, it wouldn't hurt to wait a few days." he stood up from his chair then straightened his uniform "First order of business, however, Is a nice long shower" And with that he left the room, heading for the bunks so he could grab some fresh duds and be on his way to cleanliness.
"Shame. I was going to liberate the hair from that man's face." Keid's one eye followed Harrison leaving the area. Upon Dream's urging, the lumbering figure of the Automata stomped it's way through the hallways in the Alliance, keeping an eye out for this "Tweak" person. "I am not familiar with who this Tweak person is. We might want to shout out to her while on our way to the bay where our....shuttle is."

At that point, Keid magnified the intensity of his voice just slightly, "You might wanna cover your ears." and then screamed out "TWEAK."


In the meantime, Ran decided to take a shower in order to wash all the sweat and grime that accumulated on him from the mission. While in the shower, he heard that same "MAIL, MOTHERFUCKER! MAIL, MOTHERFUCKER! MAIL, MOTHERFUCKER" screaming at him from his datapad. Walking out covered with a towel, he sighed, and began the arduous process of replying to the messages he had got.

Looking over the message, he simply decided to send a mass message to everyone on the Alliance telling them where he'd be. However, the message sent by Cheza caused him to send her an IM:

You're leaving us, Cheza?

Alright, then. Keep yourself safe and have fun. In case you wanna transfer to the Kenni, you've got a place in Alpha.

-Chief Ran.

And then, to get over the loss of a squad member to a transfer, he replied to Harrison's message with this mass message to everyone.

Fuck right, you're not the leader type, Harrison. Hence, why I'm squad leader. And I'll worry about my own cock, thanks very much.

At any rate, I'll just be waiting near the exit to the ship for everyone.


Ran sent that message to the entire crew manifest of the NSS Alliance, not essentially worried about of cock mentioning offending any member of the crew. Pulling off his uniform top, the Chief put on another one of his ".Addict" print shirts, leaving his uniform bottoms on, as well as his boots and of course, his pistol and knife.

Sticking a pack of Greens in his right pocket and his wallet in his back pocket, he lit a cigarette in his mouth and placed one behind his ear, holding his own bottle of schnapps in one hand and taking generous sips from it on his way over to the exit of the Alliance.
<Rifleman> said:
I'm on it. Let me get changed.
Henry wrote this Message to Ran and quickly departed Harrison for his bunk and opened his Duffel bag, looking for his casual clothing. With some searching, he did find his casual clothing, buried underneath his books.

His first move was to change into a white collared shirt with a black pair of slacks and a black waistcoat over it and a navy-blue tie with a gold-buckled belt. Straightening his tie and coat. He hummed a little tune as he put his marine's uniform in his duffel bag, folded and pressed neatly.
He still had his hip holster with old-reliable .45 in it, and still had the cigar sticking out of his mouth, burning away slowly.

He then moved back to Harrison and gave him a nudge.
"Care to change - into something more - casual?" He questioned his much bulkier colleague.
Drea, of course, didn't cover her ears, and so, she winced as Keid shouted. "Ow. No need to be so... well, no need to be so loud. Here, let me see..." She looked around, from her vantage point on the automata's shoulders, until she spotted a head full of green hair around the shuttlebay.

She waved in her direction. "Hoy! Tweak! Over here! Do you remember me?" she called out, trying to draw the neko's attention. "Need a ride to the Cirrus?"
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the SUPAH SPY

“Alright Ally, I’ll see you later.” Wazu said as he finished up his work on the Alliance with a few quick keystrokes on his terminal at the bridge. He had already cleaned himself off, dressed in the proper uniform, packed and was heading to his next assignment through the hallways of the ship when one of the intelligence officers came up behind him. He only needed to carry one black duffel bag over his shoulder and several data pads which remained clipped to his waist.

Uso quickly walked up behind him and put one of her hands on his shoulder while the other went around his right side, holding a data pad in front of him which was displaying the Cirrus station information. The light pressure of her breasts against her back through the IPG uniform was more than enough to keep him immobile, or at least that was her plan. “So where are you headed?” She asked, “I figured they have a place for you over at Cirrus?”

Wazu immediately brought a hand up to his head, a massive headache washing over him as he responded, “Huh?” Despite how things felt, his attention had just been focused on his head.

She took her hand away and grinned, “Oh, I’ll be seeing you later.” As his headache went away so did she, briskly exiting the area for her own transportation. For the moment she tried not to laugh at her own subtle joke and instead focused on her serious face, the one IPG officers are supposed to have.
Tweak had almost gone into hiding when she heard (and felt tremors through the floor from) Keid's bellowing. Dream's calls were more effective at getting her attention.

Freespacers! she thought with relief. Despite Dream and Keid's wildly differing appearances, or maybe because of them, it was easy to tell what they were. But she didn't remember who Dream was. She hadn't had time to write about her new friend back on the Banning before her memory had been reset.

The neko picked herself up from her seat on the floor and packed her writing utensil and book away before picking up her back and heading toward the odd pair. "Sorry, I don't remember you. Have we met before?" she asked, then nodded. "Yes, I'm waiting for the Cirrus-bound shuttle to leave."
Dream smiled at her from her perch and, with all the loving patience only an elder sister could have, explained: "I'm Dream Zero Zero, a Freespacer mechadruidess. We've met each other on the Banning, but things got out of hand at a certain point and we had to split up, so you probably didn't have time to record anything about me. He..." and she patted on Keid's shoulder "Is Keid Five Seven, a Warmonger who's been serving on the Alliance for a while. We're all inbound to the Cirrus, and have a brand new 'spacer shuttle all for us, one of those FTL-capable Traveller shuttles we're making these days, so let's jump in! Should be docked here somewhere, if the Alliance's gunners didn't freak out and shoot it down first." She stopped, as if thinking about something, then she added: "Ah, Keid, this is Tweak. She has a problem with long-term memory and is not hooked up to Polysentience, but she's one of us. Tweak, remember to give a bit of your hair to Keid later." She reminded her.

Dream took a deep breath, jumped down Keid - not too gracefully, and walked up to Tweak. Then, she hugged her, deeply. "Missed you." she wispered. Then, in a louder voice, raising her fist up to the heavens (well, the ceiling, actually): "Team Free Space ASSEMBLE! Let's rock the house, people!"
From the starboard bow of the Alliance, a ship was closing at high speed; responding to a signal from someone on the ship itself. The Mersina-Class Cruiser would slow to a stop just as it entered the Alliance's sensor and communications range. Over the com, a message would come; a female voice asking for the commander of the vessel or at least someone in charge. The girl on the other end was quite polite about it as she waited, sitting on the bridge of the Scorpion that had tracked their Captain's signal over the distance of space.

Luckily, the Cruiser's upgraded weapons were powered down and unthreatening.

"This is the Cruiser Scorpion to the NSS Alliance.. Please come in." the opening message said.

Meanwhile, Kagura was busy talking to Gran about possiblities for the upgrade she'd needed. "I just hope we can get to Nepleslia sooner rather than later for it, I dun wanna spend all my time on this ship..."
Tweak froze, a bit pinker around the cheeks, but returned the embrace with a hesitant sort of enthusiasm. Dream's hug was completely unexpected, even given the explanation that the multi-hued 'Spacer already knew her. Once she was released, it was hard for Tweak not to smile when Dream announced their departure to what seemed to be the entire ship but was just the shuttle bay. For a small girl, Dream's voice really could carry, and her cheerful personality was very addictive.

"Yeah!" Tweak added on impulse, breaking into a smile.
Autumn had made her journey to the bunk room to retrieve her shower things and her civilian clothes in really no time at all in her highly over-energized state. She smiled brightly, humming inwardly to herself. She was rather pleased with herself, the mission had been a success despite losing her arm.

All and all, this wasn't too bad of a day. Now to wash the grim away, meet up with people and have some fun! It's too bad that I don't really have too many civs... maybe I can grab some when I figure out where to get my new arm.. Rico's suggestion about the awesome Corp brand wasn't too bad.

Now that I think about it, I don't like the idea of combining too many things into one application since if one thing breaks,it'll make the rest of the arm get messed up too,
the armorer thought positively to herself as she carried her things under her right arm into the showers, setting everything neatly into an open locker in the changing area as she undressed, not especially caring about whoever might walk in- it was a co-ed shower after all.

She pulled her shirt over her head and stared for a long moment at her cybernetic left arm. Almost 75% of my limbs now... I'll have to be more careful in the future. I don't mind them replacements that much but... I would like to keep as much of my actual body together as I can. But, somehow, it feels reassuring to have the weight of light weight alloys with a soft whir of mechanical components and the warmth of circuitry against my skin.

She opened and closed her left hand, staring at it before she lifted it up to her lips and closed her eyes for a moment. But, the loss of the ability to feel anything this hand touches. I can vividly remember the soft warmth of of my mother holding my hand as she walked with me to the store when I was little... Her expression became thoughtful but she frowned for a brief moment as she reopened her dark green eyes. "Wecan neverdwell onthe thignswe'velost, todwell inmemory isto forgetto liveinlife andthe present," she muttered very softly to herself as she finished undressing, picking up her towel and her toiletry kit and finally walking into a free shower stall and began washing away the grim of the mission.
"Sure I guess, I'd love to take a look at it." Gran said as he pulled out his datajockey and brought up its homescreen. Gran was always a stickler for rules. If he wasn't supposed to have it or do it, he wouldn't break the rules. But no matter whether it was actually still classified or not, he couldn't help but want to take a peek. After all, he was gonna be the one who would be fixing hundreds of them over the next mission.

He glanced over at where Kagura had gone then back to Gyles. "Well, here's my netaddress." He turned his pad around so Gyles could see the info on the screen. He looked over at Kagura. "Me too; I can't wait to get some terra firma beneath my feet."
Dream virtually dragged Keid and Tweak up to the Traveller shuttle that the Free State had dispatched to assist her/them in Nepleslian space.
And frankly, compared to the Nepleslian shuttles parked nearby it was, well. weird. Like, Dream-weird.

Most Neps passing by either pointed and laughed, or stared in disbelief.

It was... random, random like a carefully assembled junkyard.
The shuttle was totally asymmetric and hard to recognize even as a spaceworthy vessel. It was more or less a jagged, box-shaped, multicolored horror (mostly pink and blue) with two mismatched robotic arms and, apparently, no cockpit at all.
Nonetheless, and a few thick and small windows strewn about showed a view of its more normal-looking inside, so, yes, it WAS a spacecraft apparently.

Dream pulled down a clunky lever that looked more like a bar of iron randomly placed there by some psychopathic welder, but that apparently HAD a purpose: the door (a door invisible until then) opened.

A whole wall of the craft was completely overgrown with a mixture of moss, lichens, fungi and other multicolored Freespacer flora, drawing attention. It was like a small vertical garden, and beautiful, in a way.
Square in the middle of the small room there was something that looked remotely like a hospital bed. Robotic arms, lamps and weird machinery hanged from the ceiling, making it look like a crossover between an emergency room, an assembly plant, and a "doctor Frankenstein" style lab.

And... that was it. There was nothing else. not even a chair, nor a monitor or a wall-mounted console - nothing. Nothing recognizable as such, anyway - the walls where full of exposed tubes, cables, wires, circuitry and assorted stuff. There was even a hole in a wall, a gaping pit of machinery barely large enough to allow a small humanoid - like Dream or Tweak, for instance - to sneak in.

"Ladies and gentleautomata, I present you the Resplendent Herald of the Star-Winged Smile!"
Keid's eyes circled around his head, in an attempt by the Automata to give itself a 360 degree view on the inside of the shuttle. The thought of a male-sounding robot in a cramped shuttle with two females would probably send the average Nepleslian into a hormonally-driven "FUCK YEAH!" fit, but not Keid. All it really was interested in was the new prospect of having a new lock of green hair from this newest addition to the wacky duo.

A pair of comparatively small footsteps was heard behind the Automata, causing it's large body to turn around to face a trembling Caretaker, with several patches of his hair ripped off, tears welling up in his eyes and knees that shook to tell the story of hair ripped out by a giant machine. "M-Mister freespacer...he-here's your stuff..." The caretaker whimpered as he dragged what appeared to be a giant black duffel bag into the shuttle, and then immediately ran off.

"...Oh. Here's my stuff." The Automata bent down and opened the duffel bag, revealing a mohawk wig, various hair products and two giant bags filled with a multitude of LED lights, which he pulled out and set on the shuttle floor. "Here are my LED lights. You may have whichever you like."
Tweak almost gaped with...well, she couldn't tell if she was awed or horrified at the shuttle. Awed, certainly, that this thing hadn't sprung an atmospheric leak and killed its pilot yet, not to mention that it had flown here at all. Horror, absolutely, that it existed. Although this cat-girl loved machines, this was asking too much. Machines needed order. Machines were order.

Dream's shuttle was not a machine. It couldn't be.

But, Dream appeared to be proud of it. And it seemed to work, despite flying (literally and pun intended) in the face of physics and all schools of mechanical engineering (except the Freespacer one, apparently)...so Tweak got in with about as much enthusiasm as she had shown while returning the chipper 'Spacer's hug moments ago. Maybe a little less.

Well, at least she knew she could withstand a vacuum. The nervous neko wondered how she knew, but that didn't excuse the fact that she knew. But it was only a small comfort. "Where should I sit?" she asked her hopeful hostess, looking at Dream after Keid had gotten in.

At the sight of the poor caretaker's disheveled and slightly raw scalp with clumps of missing follicles, plus the larger automata's mohawk wig, Tweak suddenly realized what Dream had mentioned earlier about a hair donation. As long as the metal brute didn't tear it from her, she didn't really have a problem with it, but she decided to leave the subject 'til it was brought up again.
"Yeah, gimme a sec Henry." Harrison walked slowly out of the briefing room and down the hall to the bunks where he changed into his street clothes. A white t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans with a chain from the lip of one pocket to a loop near the knee, and the duster he'd bought in Los Apagos. He kept the boots and the holster for the HHGs.
Dream waved some kind of hand signal in Tweak's direction, while kneeling down and examining the bags full of LED lights. "Oh, just sit down on the floor, or on the bed, or wherever you're comfortable. Just be careful not to ruin the culture, please. " She smiled, pulling out a handful of red LEDs from a bag and putting them in her coat's pocket. "Well, I think those'll be enough. Thank you, Keid."

Then, she looked around, staring first at Keid, then at Tweak, then at Keid again. "Wait, let's move the bed and make some more space." She said, and, in fact, an electric engine whirred and the bed slowly moved over to one side on its own.

Dream then took off her detachable sleeves, her colorful coat and her large utility belt full of pockets and gizmos and whatchamacallits, dropping everything in a corner, leaving her in skirt and her weird cheongsam-like dress. "Make yourselves comfortable!" She said, despite the fact that there were little, if any, comforts at all in the small, chaotic shuttle. Apparently the fact that it had a breathable atmosphere (by Freespacer standards) and the correct amount of radiation was comfort enough. She jumped in the small hole in the wall, sneaking inside and fitting in there snugly, leaving out only her head and shoulders.
The machinery around her then moved with a clomping noise, apparently closing over her and pinning her limbs down, making her effectively part of the ship.
In a very weird way. It was a bit freaky to see Dream's head sprouting out of a wall like it had been nailed there.

"Taking off!" She announced, and the shuttle started moving in a remarkably soft way, with no shaking or sudden accelerations. As soon as it left the shuttlebay and ventured into space just outside the Alliance, however, gravity disappeared.

"Oh. Um. Yeah. Just... hold on to something or stuff." Her clothes started drifting around.
Tweak sat on the floor of the shuttle to one side of the door, hugging her bag to her chest as the shuttle took off. When things started floating, she clinched her eyes shut until she recovered her sense of equilibrium. Meanwhile, two tentacles that looking like mobile, gelatinous blood snaked out from under Tweak's jacket, one to the left and one on her right, and wrapped themselves around the nearest available pipes to keep her from floating about too as she held her bag tighter.
Henry looked at Harrison's attire. Nice and casual were his thoughts on that. He gave him the thumbs up and began heading over to Ran and found him near the exit to the Alliance. Now he was beginning to notice how different his attire was from his squadmates.

"Yeah." He said as he leant next to him and took a drag on his Cigar, "Relaxation time - indeed." He leant his head back and exhaled, leaving a mushroom shaped cloud of smoke above him.
"What - are you going to do - for 2 weeks, sir?" He asked Ran before taking another drag, almost half of his cigar was gone.
Ran watched Henry and company walk up to him, just as he was finishing another cigarette. There was a small little pile of 3 cigarette butts on the floor, which he knew the caretakers would pick up. Their disgust at his messiness made him happy.

Looking up at Henry, he took another sip of his schnapps, already feeling a bit buzzed. And because of that he closed the bottle and put it on the ground next to him, vowing not to drink anymore until they got to the bar. "Well, I gotta get a cybernetic arm first." He looked at his prosthetic. "But I'll drink with you guys first. For the rest of the week, I'm probably just going to shack up in a motel or somewhere."
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