Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

"Atsome pointI'll jointhem. IoweChiaki adrink. I'mallfor beingfashionablly late," Autumn replied, still grinning at Ian with a wink. "ijust gottarememberto getabetter armwhenwe'replanetside! Andgetlots ofcakeeeeee!"
After a moment, Ally would again speak up, this time looking a little flustered. Her voice was amplified throughout the room once more, but also rang out through the entire ship to catch those whom might have already left the multi-purpose room.
"Attention, all personnel slated for transfer to the Cirrus Research Station after your two weeks of shore-leave. I'm afraid you...will not be receiving two weeks prior to arriving at the Station. Executive orders from High Command, at the request of the Head Administrator, Cassefin Montreal, have ordered that you will all be making your trips to the Cirrus Station immediately. A shuttle is being readied in the bay for those are required to leave on this shuttle, which will be departing in thirty minutes. I apologize if this inconveniences you. That is all."
"Sounds like a plan, Autumn," Ian responded, putting away his datapad. However, as he did this, Ally spoke. That the other marines were being deprived of their shore leave made the Chief laugh. "Poor fucks. They're probably going to be tortured by some random bitch administrator for months on end while we're fucking shit up, fucking each other, and getting drunk."
Fuck it. I'm not going, and besides... I'm better off in Power Armor than running around some science station. I'm an engineer, not a physicist... Gyles though to himself, after briefly considering the possibilities presented by the position. There wasn't much to gain by taking the job, and he figured he'd do better work staying in the field. Besides, he knew he couldn't leave Kagura alone, could he?

The Tech Sentry walked over to Kagura and grinning, said to the purple-haired marine. "Hey Kagura. Drink and a new arm sound good?"


"Oh... and there's not a reason to worry, Sergeant. I've received a posting as a liaison in your detachment, so you won't be entirely surrounded by strangers." Mireille said rather mischievously, tracing her slender spidery finger appendages down Kokuten's back. She brushed her hair back, giving him a rather relaxed and nonchalant grin. "I need to take a shower first... so you can drop by my quarters in about 15 minutes."
Autumn continued to grin as she tried to stand up and squirm into some sort of movement. "Cooooool! I wannagetashower firstbeforewe gettothepartying! Unlessyou're gonna showerwithme you'llhavetolet megoooooooo."
Kokuten's eyes picked up, and he looked at Mireille for a moment, his mouth curling into a smile. "Well, that's one good thing I can look forward to." Kokuten continued, "But do you think you'll be alright getting a shower with your ribs in that condition?"


Pyros listened in to Ally's announcement, and nodded approvingly. He gave a look around the room, "Well, I believe that concludes the briefing. You're all dismissed to go as you please or are orderd. First, however, I'd like to see one Sergeant Stromm Kumorok Dekomir."


Stromm's head picked up as he heard his name called, he stood and saluted. The Master General took notice of him, and walked over to him. He clapped a hand on Stromm's shoulder, a bit of dismay striking his face and voice.

"I just want to say, I'm sorry for your loss, must be tough." Pyros said, nodding to the Sergeant. Stromm was a little confused, his face showed, and Pyros seemed to catch it. "You... don't know?" Pyros asked. Stromm shook his head no. "God damn... Well, sit down, boy."

Stromm complied, and sat, still not understanding what was happening.

"Your mother, boy, she's dead." Pyros said grimly. Stromm's eyes widened, a bit of a hacking noise coming from his open jawed mouth. "Major Dekomir, your father, informed me the other night. She was traveling by cab to one of the local AwesomeCorp marts. One of the cars popped a tire, it swirved into a Cargo Truck, and all hell broke loose after that. Your mother's cab was hit by a car moving out of the fray. She bit it on the way up the hospital."

Stromm was silent, however, he seemed to shake lightly, as if losing himself.

"Funeral is being held later in the week, so you'll be able to cat-..." Pyros began to say, but he seemed to stop when he saw the Sergeant put his forehead into his palm. The Master General was silent for a long moment. "You're going to the Cirrus, arn't you...?"

The Sergeant nodded lightly. It seemed that the Master General thought he couldn't help any more than he did. He patted the Sergeant soldier, and exiting the multi-purpose room with his entourage of bodyguards.

Stromm only kept his forehead in his palm, shading his eyes.
Autumn stuck her tongue out at Ian as she stretched her arms with a light pop of her right shoulder. She glanced around the room and saw the jawless Stromm up front with the master General looking sad.

She couldn't hear what they had said but she bolted over to Stromm and wrapped her arms around the large man from behind and gave him a hug. Her arms looking quite small against him. "HIi DeltaSergeant! Welcomeback!" She said brightly in a very giddy, friendly feminine voice.
Upon seeing that there were, indeed Marines ready to drink with him, he bounded off to his bunk room, narrowly avoiding the depressing talk that Stromm was getting from the Master General. On his way back to the bunks, he actually managed to not knock over any caretaker on his way, which one would only guess because he was in a good mood from the prospect of drinking.

Finally in his bunk room, he reached under his bunk and pulled a fresh pack of cigarettes out of a carton, popping it in his mouth and lighting it. Taking a long drag of it, he also pulled out the large bottle of schnapps he had hidden and took a good swig of it, all the while typing this message out to everyone:

So, anyone know of a good bar planetside?


Keid took the muffin from Dream and popped it in her mouth, simply because even though she had it in her hand, crumbs were getting in his beautiful afro wig.

"I would suggest we go along with the rest of the Marines going to the Cirrus, simply to avoid any problems that the officials give us."
Fay finally made a decision. He would go onto the NSS Melissa Kenni. He selected the option for that ship on his communicator before deciding to mingle with some of the other marines for a while.

He heard a little about some sort of party at a local bar to start off shore leave. The Saelus wasn't sure if he would be going or not, but it would give him some time to meet some of the marines that he would be giving first aid to.

Fay then noticed a woman, whom he assumed from her build that she was a Geshrin, hugging onto a larger man... or at least trying to hug him. She seemed rather hyper at the moment for some reason. After a few moments of study, the medic deduced that she was affected by some sort of stimulant.
Kagura rose from her chair and stretched out and yawned, feeling a little bord by all this, and it seemed like her choice had been made. "I guess they decided for me, I'm going to the Kenni. There's no way I can go to Cirrus with my arm liable to shut down at any time." She muttered and glanced to Gyles. "As good as that sounds, I already told Gran he could show me to a good prosthetics engineer." she said and thought.

"But I don't think I'd argue if you both wanted to show me one, I really do need a high quality arm." she said. "And I'd rather be sober for the work so I can make sure I'm not loopy doing stupid shit while it's being repaired." she chuckled.
At Ally's new announcement, Tweak's eyebrows went up. She sat up, putting her feet back on the floor, then, when the General gave the approval, left the room as soon as she could. She made it as far as the hallway before she stopped to decide where to go.

Shuttlebay. Right.

The green-haired girl turned to retrace the way she had come to the room only a little while earlier and started walking.
"No." Henry told Harrison verbally, "Cirrus can wait - for now. We've - a war - to complete."
He then pulled out his Datapad and wrote a message to his Cadet, squad leader and all around 'badass', Rui.
Henry O. Morris said:
Certainly. I'm no stranger to drink and vice versa.
As he put it away, he heard the announcement for people to head to the shuttlebay if they wanted to head to the Cirrus. He just shrugged it off and decided: I'm better off in my own company here. We've a job to do.
Dream *MMMPH*ed for a bit. Hard to talk with a muffin in your mouth.

After chewing it down to size, she pouted to Keid: "But! But but but! Solar sailing! And, it's easy for you to say, but I've been in Nepleslian environment for almost a week, and, even with all the chemical and radioactive isotopes injections I take daily, it's really starting to wear thin. Breathing nothing but Nitrogen and Oxygen all day long is bad for your health. Well, for mine, at least."

She started brushing the fallen cake crumbs out of Keid's afro. "C'mon! C'mon! Please! Pretty please! Let's at least ask if we can use it! It could be a good chance to do regular maintenance on you, too! You look like you could use some!" She nagged.
"..." Keid jumped slightly, mainly because Dream dared to touch it's afro. Normally, it would have thrown the small Freespacer off of him, but because she was so kind to him...and because she was also cleaning his afro, he let it slide. "...Well, fine. Let's go ask someone." With one eye tracking the Master General's exit of the room, the Automata lumbered after it, keeping one hand near Dream should she fall off his shoulders.

"You'd better talk to him, though" It said, ripping a piece of hair from a passing caretaker, ignoring the chorus of shrieks, screams and girlish giggling that strangely accompanied his actions. "I'm sure these meatbags would prefer hearing a favor being asked from another meatbag-ish creature." His cooling fans whirred gently, mimicking one of Keid's artificial "sigh"s.
Pavel sat stunned in his chair. There had been no promotion, which was no great surprise. He didn't have enough time in yet to be promoted, and it wasn't as if he'd been on the front tearing up enemy armor with his bare hands. He could live with that.

He had been switched over to the navy side, something the engineer had always dreamed of. That was wonderful, yes. One step closer to his goal of running an engineering section on a starship. The new black insignia was good, very good, but. . .

The Cirrus. A station, out in the middle of nowhere. No prospects of job experience, no chance for any sort of excitement and probably no good drinking for light years. Worse by far was his new job description- “environmental advisor.” Sure, it sounded nice, but Pavel knew that was an illusion. Apparently, some bit mugwump, in his wisdom, had decided that in case of some sort of an emergency the marine detachment should have someone who new a bit about the way space installations were put together. Pavel was close, convenient, and expendable. Therefore, he was going to be banished to the end of the universe, forced to deal with infantry every single day, and have nothing better to do with his time than repair the odd broken firearm.

And the final nail in the coffin- thirty minutes to departure. No prospect at all of drinking himself into oblivion. Pavel was sure there were no gods. Or if there were, they delighted in his suffering.

The bulky engineer clanked to his feet, prosthetics grinding slightly. He had to get going at once. With a heavy heart, Pavel stumped his way down to the docking area.
The Keid - Dream duo lumbered after the General, followed by much stomping and some occasional screaming.

"Hey! Headboss Pyros!" She called out to him. Apparently she had already found his new nickname. 'Master General' sounded so boring, after all.
"Headboss Pyros! We have a request! There's one of our Traveller shuttles hanging around here - It's the shuttle that brought me here from the Free State. Is it alright if we 'Spacers use it to get to the Cyrrus on our own? Please? Pretty Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?" she asked, giving him the Puppy-Eyed Stare™.
"Right. I'm gonna stay with the Kenni for right now, no need to deprave the Corps of its almighty firepower. First, I gotta do something." He stood up and walked around the crowd to the Freespacers Dream and Keid. He seemed like some kind of out-of-place nobleman, striding forward, hands in his pockets and head held high. First, he came to Keid.

"Looks like you're going to the Cirrus, aye? Look, sorry about the sideburn misunderstanding earlier on. Just don't go around grabbing onto peoples' heads and tearing off their hair." Then he looked to Dream. Interesting... He would have to do some research on Freespacers later. He scribbled an address onto a sheet of paper- his datapad address- and handed it to Dream.

"Stay in touch. I might want to research Freespacer culture a while later, when I get done here i'm gonna probably go flying around the galaxy poking around, and if I end up in Freespacer territory I don't want to look like a blithering idiot."
Dream redirected her attention from the General to the piece of paper that Harrison had just put in her hand.
"Ooh, what's this?" She wondered, holding it upside down. "There's some sort of marks on this, like some form of writing- wait, don't tell me, Nepleslian alphabet, right?" She asked.

She clearly didn't know how to read it.

Then, she looked down (she was still on Keid's shoulders, after all) to Harrison himself. "...Who are you, anyway? A friend of Keid? Well, Keid's friends are my friends, too!" She smiled brightly. "I'm Dream, Dream Zero Zero!"
She sighs, rolling her eyes at the announcement made by Ally. Wiping out her Data Pad she sends Ran another message.

Guess I have to cancel on that Ran. Gotta catch a flight to Cyrrus in a half hour.

She shoves her hands into her pockets and yawns. Well this is gonna be fun. She leaned back and stretched before starting on her way to the Shuttle Bay.