Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

Henry saw the odd freespacer bounce up and inquire about the Cirrus.
Oh - It's the Cirrus station, not Syrup. Henry chuckled to himself as he analyised the old man's grammatical error. He could forgive him because he was a bit old.

He nudged Harrison and wrote him this note: 'This Cirrus Station - If I ever get wounded badly in the field, I'd head there - For now, I'll stay with you to take back Kennewes.'
Master General Westwood, eh? Looks like the old hardass decided to sing for the crowd instead of some upstart youngling. Harrison turned to Henry with a half-smirk on his face.

"I joined, without much choice. I was a crewman on the merc ship Flare, we flew around the galaxy for a bit until Lor issued one helluva a DOA bounty on our heads from when we liberated around twenty Helashio over the course of two weeks. A few bounty hunters grappled our ship, brought us in and imprisoned my crewmates, then shipped us off to some death rock where God knows what would've happened if I'd stayed for a few more years. Luckily, I made parole and came back here looking for my ship. Which would branch off into a longer story, which would grow longer and before it was over we'd both be dust."
Kagura sat back in her chair, listening to this old windbag talk about the updates in the gov't, something a former pirate captain wasn't too interested in. Perhaps she'd go back to her Scorpion for her time off and see her old crew? But when he mentioned having two options: Kennewes again or thei....Cirrus Station under the command of some researcher? "Sir," she started, raising her metal arm, the light gleaming off the workmanshp of it. "Can we make this decision of which assignment we want after the leave period or do we have to turn it in before we go?" She asked.
Autumn stopped her incessant fidgeting when the Master General announced that they'd be picking their new ship assignments. She gently squeezed the top of Ian's thigh as she looked up at him, wondering where he'd go. She had already decided to got back to Kennewes, she had found some sort of familiarity and combat fighting some sort of enemy and the notion of beig a security guard did not appeal to her.

Besides, going back to war meant more chances for her to find more prospects after the heat of battle. She wasn't worried about loosing more of her body with cybernetics and she wasn't worried about dying but she'd be damned to be stuck with no new prospects of one nighters after a few months.
Fay listened carefully to everything that the master general had to say. He then thought carefully. The medic did feel a little bad about missing the Kennewes Offensive entirely, but that didn't mean that he'd have to fight on Kennewes now. It sounded like it would be mostly ground combat, so there would be a lot of casualties. Thus, a lot of medics would be needed, no?

Then again, Fay didn't care too much for combat. Maybe having a medic with the guards on that station would be a good idea, too. There probably was doctors and nurses aboard already, but having a medic would give first aid to any wounded... if there were any. The Geshrin-Nepleslian Hybrid would have to make a decision soon...
Pyros looked at Dream as she made her shouting, the Master General scratched his spike goatee. His face showed a bit of surprise, but his lips began to curl in a smile. "The Cirrus...? Oh! Ah! Ha ha ha hah! I've been calling the Syrup Station for months. Yes, it is complete, fully operational, and is already recieving it's first wave of scientists, now it is awaiting security teams for dispatch."

He then looked over at Kagura, "Yes, decisions must be made before shore leave. The Central Corps is demanding they know where are people are going in the soonest possible times. Desk hopper's are shit, eh? Heh heh heh."
Kagura sighed a bit at that and shook her head, now she was on the spot having not been able to make a decision on it. "This is a pain in the ass..." the pirate muttered.
Kokuten observed his orders and rank change, and noticed something was fairly wrong with both of them. Distress seemed wash over the Medic's face as took a look at the Master General and then back at his datapad. His DataJockey showed an image of a black bar with a bronze outline and a think bronze bar going diagonally with a black star within that. There were large letters next to the bar, PETTY OFFICER (E-4). His next assignment, instead of having a choosable set of them, was marked 'COLONIZATION'.

"S-sir... There's something wrong with my orders." Kokuten piped up, he looked at the Master General, his eyes dimmed a little. Pyros' head swivled in Kokuten's direction.

"What, boy?" Pyros asked.

"The Navy's bar color is black, right?" Kokuten queried.

"Mm hmm." Pyros nodded.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I'm a marine, correct?" Kokuten questioned again.

"Mm hmm." Pyros nodded, again.

"So, why are my bars black? It says I'm a Petty Officer." The Medic explained.

"Does your assignment say 'Colonization'?" Pyros asked.

"Yes sir." Kokuten nodded.

"Hrm, I didn't think they'd pick anyone from this ship to serve in colonization efforts... Well, anyway, this means you're heading to the galactic northwest to assist with the colonization efforts in Operation: Cockbrush." Pyros said, before the female Blackguard next to him tapped him on his shoulder, leaned in, and whispered in his ear.

"CB...? What the hell kind of name is that?" Pyros grunted at his bodyguard.

"The official one." she replied, her voice raspy.

"To hell with that, I'm calling it Cockbrush." Pyros waved her off. Kokuten was a little confused on his situation, however.

"But don't I get a choice?" Kokuten asked.

"No boy, you've been hand picked by the Naval Corps commitee to assist in colonization efforts. They go by your grades in the Medical Academy, and your medical performance during the duration of your service. You should be proud, boy, you've just been named one of the best medics in the fleet." Pyros smiled at the Medic, but then switched to a more serious expression when he eyed Adrian. "Just be lucky the commitee didn't review your friend over there, or he may have been in for an overdue court martial."

Kokuten wasn't very proud of himself, he was actually a little shocked, his dimmed green eyes had changed to a milky white color. The Medic just seemed to gaze off into the back of the person sitting infront of him. The DataJockey in his hand just seemed to hang from his fingertips as he let it sink in.
"Fuck that security shit..." Ran muttered to himself, pulling his Data Pad out from the back of his pocket. Seeing his Cadet rank changed to Chief, he simply sighed, and immediately went for the options to be chosen. "I'll see too many goddamn caretakers on board a ship..." Ran popped another piece of nicotine gum in his mouth, selecting the option for the Melissa Kenni. Not really asking Stromm next to him where he was headed, Ran simply put the Data Pad back into his back pocket and popped his knuckles.

"Wonder if there's gonna be a drinking party..." Ran pulled his Data Pad out again, sending a message to all of the members of Alpha, Delta, and Epsilon squad:

Any of you motherfuckers gonna go drinking after this?



The large Automata brought it's hand up to grab a loose portion of Dream's shirt, preventing her from falling over and putting her back on his shoulders. "Where are you going, then?" It asked towards Dream, snatching up a muffin from a basket of muffins that the caretakers had brought in, bringing it up to it's shoulders to give to Dream.

"I go wherever your hair goes."
The congratulatory speech meant nothing to the displaced neko. Neither did all of the hubbub about reassignment of both government and military ranks. She couldn't check her new rank because she never had one to begin with, as well as the fact she lacked a datapad.

While Tweak glanced up when Cirrus Station was mentioned and recalling from a note in her journal that she was headed there once it was ready, she spent the duration of the Master General's speech and the following Q & A waiting to leave. At least the room had quieted when the man had taken the stage...Wait, two weeks? She frowned, plopping her chin onto her knees. What was she going to do for two weeks?
The armorer reached into her side pants' pocket and selected her orders to send her to the Melissa Kenni. She saw the less ofical message from the now Chief Rui of Alpha and responded.

P3C Autumn Wilde to Chief Ran Rui said:
On planet side, oh fuck yeah. I owe Chiaki a drink.

~ Wilde

Autumn replaced the data pad in her pocket again and fidgeted against Ian's hold again. She looked up at him curiously, "HeyIan? Whatchagonnado?" Autumn asked the large Cadet very softly as her hand accidentally slipped into the realm of 'inappropriate touching'. "Foryour shipassignment?"
Koenig808 said:
The large Automata brought it's hand up to grab a loose portion of Dream's shirt, preventing her from falling over and putting her back on his shoulders. "Where are you going, then?" It asked towards Dream, snatching up a muffin from a basket of muffins that the caretakers had brought in, bringing it up to it's shoulders to give to Dream.

"I go wherever your hair goes."

Dream grabbed the offered muffin with a nod of thanks. "I'm going on the Cyrrus! You wanna come, too? They're looking for security personnel, it seems. It's gonna be fun!" She was enthusiast. "Oh, I can't wait. You know, I can give you a ride if you want. I have a Traveller Shuttle lurking around, we can just jump there and get going!"

She still is holding the muffin in her hands. She probably forgot about it entirely already. "I mean, we'd probably arrive earlier with a Nep craft, but it's been like forever since I last did some sweet freestyle solar sailing!"
"So Henry, where are you off to? I was thinking about Cirrus myself." Harrison cracked his knuckles and looked around. He wondered just who was going there besides him. Probably the freespacer who had screamed about the Cirrus Station, and possibly himself.
Fay sighed as he continued to think out the pros and cons of either decision. It was all just so sudden. Maybe he could think about it some more during the next two weeks.
After a speech Deon went back to leaning against the wall for a moment longer. Options being weighed in his head. Well if the crazy robots are going one way, the other suddenly just got a LOT more appealing. And it does mean I get to work on power armor some more...

A possible rank increase however was pushed to one side at the mention of a party. One quick

Oh heck yes, drinks for everyone!
written in response before he started looking to see who might come along. Though it was that moment he noticed Tweak as well, and a smile turned into one serious glare. "Who..let..that on the ship?"
Kagura hissed a bit and crossed her arms, she couldn't figure out which she'd pick. The cirrus started to sound like a good place to go because of how easy it'd sound like it was. But the Melissa Kenni was also a good assignment to go to and she'd also get to play with all the nifty destructive gadgets the military had.
Ian stared at his datapad for a while, an annoyed expression apparent on his face. He began to raise his hand before Autumn's hand brushed up against his more censored areas. He looked down at her with a grin, discreetly returning a similar motion on her own body for a slight moment.

"I'm staying right the hell here. You think I'm carting myself off to some shitty frontier station?"

He looked back to his datapad, still annoyed by it. "And you have any idea what the hell a 'chief' is?"


Adrian had taken a wall spot next to Uso, half paying attention to the Master General's speech (easily missing the comment pointedly threatening a court martial and the news of Kokuten's transfer), but had been far more interested in examining the lighting of the room and holding his finger in front of Uso's mask and wondering if she'd notice. When his datapad beeped, he ignored it, but the second time drew his attention. He pulled it from his side and took a look.

"Staff Sergeant."

The medic broke out laughing as he typed a reply to the next message in his inbox.

Re: Ran Rui said:
Yeah, I'm going out.
Autumn grinned back up at Ian with a shrug as she placed her wandering hand back onto the large ID-SOL's knee. "Idunno haven'theard ofthe rankbefore Ithinkwe missedamemo duringtheOffesive orsomething. Butit'll cool!I'm goingto theKenni toooo. Butwhy doyou lookannoyed?"
"Annoyed? Just the rank thing." Ian replied. He then noticed the other message in his datapad inbox. He clicked it open and read it over before raising the pad to Autumn. "You going?"
Looking around the room, her hands in her pockets she cocked a brow Who'd wanna go back to that fucking place again? Shrugging she wouldn't mind going on the Cyrrus, she always kinda liked brainy guys.

She chuckled to herself as she replied to the message sent by Ran.
Drinks? Sure thing Ran. I could go for a couple rounds.