Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

“Well I was plotting for you to say ‘no’ so I could then say, ‘do you want to?’ but you kinda ruined that for me.” Uso replied, looking back up at the ceiling from her position laying back in the chair, “Its not like either of us are to interested in this briefing and we can always get the highlights later from Ally.”
Kokuten strained to listen to the Spacer as she spoke so softly. "I'm sorry, but you'll have to speak a tad louder than that, I almost didn't catch your sentence." He tilted his head to try and get a better look at her face.

"So, have you enjoyed being on the NSS Alliance so far?" Kokuten asked.
"Sorry!Ihate surprisesinregards toorders. Ihaven'tbeen intheMarines longenoughto belulledintoa falsesense ofsecurity. Wecantry forlateror something,neh?" Autumn quickly replied to Uso as she looked over the top of her seat at the woman with a grin and a wink. "Idunno ifIhave plansyet."
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

“You’re such a heart breaker,” Uso replied, once again affixing her face mask over her eyes and slouching back in her chair.
"Sorry." Tweak put her feet on the floor and sat up, then looked at Koku. "'s been nice. I haven't been here long, though," she said, replying to his question in a more normal volume.

Reality was, aside from the helpfulness of Harrison, she really hoped it wasn't going to require her to be around this many people very often.
Kokuten looked the Freespacer up and down for a moment, she appeared to speak in hushed tones, and seemed a tad relunctant in her responses.

"Are you alright? You seem like you're uncomfortable, or nervous. You wouldn't happen to be sick, would you?" Kokuten said, arching a brow.
The tips of her fingers played with the snaps on the cuffs of her jacket; the neko didn't seem to be able to hold eye-contact very long, but she did well. Whether this was a nervous reaction to being in the room or because she was unsettled by Kokuten's eyes, that was for him to decide.

"I think I'm supposed to be with the maintenance crew. Wherever they need an engineer, I guess," said Tweak.
"Ah, I don't think you'll be too crowded in a power armor bay or engine room." Kokuten said with a smile, noting her inability to hold eye contact. He thought he may have a offended her somehow, which unsettled him as well.

"Er... I'm sorry, but I am bothering you now...? I can go away if that helps."
Tweak gave Kokuten's comment a little laugh, then looked at him when the medic asked if he should leave. "It's not you, I just want to be somewhere else right now," she said. Then she frowned as she thought of something. "Is it dangerous for me to be here? I read that Nepleslians don't like nekos."
"That depends on how people remember from your last time here. I'm pretty sure you'd want to stay away from Rico Sanroma." Kokuten commented, remembering Rico's reaction to her vividly.
"So I've heard." Tweak's expression turned worried and she put her heels back up on the chair again and hugged her knees. "Do you know when this is going to start? How long do they want us to wait?"
"I don't know, I hear some bigwig general is coming to do the debriefing. Could be the Master General, I don't know." Kokuten shrugged, looking up at the podium where the debriefing person was to stand.
Tweak followed his look to the stage out of reflex, but didn't find anyone there who looked like they were going to speak, so she looked away. "I wish they would hurry up," she mumbled.
"This is BOOO~RING~" Publicly announced Dream from atop Keid's shoulders. Yes, she was still up there.
Keid was already pretty much taller than anyone else, so the colorful Dream was in everyone's field of view, whether they wanted it or not.
And, in a room full of green uniforms, her style of dress was bound to attract a lot of attention: some kind of unholy crossover between a chinese jacket, a trenchcoat, and... something with really huge sleeves. And a pink miniskirt. All painted in a chaotic variety of colors and shapes. And a lot of abstract tattoos. And a lot of pendants, rings, necklaces, bracelets, stuff tied to her hair and accessories in general.
"Come on! When's this grand poobah speaker guy supposed to come anyway?"
"Right. Actually, he's a soldier. What he's wearing is supposed to be a kind of tear off between body armor and Powered Armor. It's designed to stop bullets, because this is a time before all this laser-shooting bullshit came around." Harrison seemed pleased with the review, and swivelled the screen of the laptop back into place, starting to type agai-

A thought flashed through his mind.

Gyles at the Concert said:
"Well there there was a green haired, red eyed unit called Tweak. I'm sure that you know what red eyes mean right? A test weapon." Gyles began to ponder. He really did hope that he'd be able to see her again. He shook himself out of it and continued.

"Anyway, from what I was told, she went berserk and ran from the tour group. Not sure how she ended up naked... but that's besides the point. I was working over the AIR2's autopilot, when I met up with Adrian Decane, one of our medics, looking at a Power Armor repeatedly repulsing her into the walls of the lift."

"We intervened, sort of. I don't know why, but when I saw her, I completely lowered my guard. So Sub-Lieutenant Lionheart came along and told the PA pilot that he'd escort Tweak to the PA Bay. I convinced him to take me along, since I had some experience with Nekos and was less likely to freak out and shoot her. So I was walking point, with the armored marine at the back." Gyles paused, to catch his breath.

"Well... I'll be damned. Henry, hold my seat; I've gotta find someone." Harrison picked up his laptop, stood up off the chair and moved off into the brouhaha to find Gyles Newman.
“Thank God these things always start a bit late,” muttered Pavel as he trudged quickly down the passage, sweat beading on his brow. He quietly entered the large room, stopped to catch his breath for a bit, and then snuck to a chair near the back. The bulky engineer quickly surveyed the room, whipping his forehead and settling into place.
Re: [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Stromm

Uso said:
“You’re such a heart breaker,” Uso replied, once again affixing her face mask over her eyes and slouching back in her chair.
Autumn chuckled as she called over the chairs to Uso, "We'lldo somethingat somepoint, Ipromise!"

She looked towards the door and watched the new people coming in with a grin before looking back up at Ian. "Didwe justget a bootdrop orsomething? Youmight beableto raidthe galleystill ifyou hurry!"
"Sounds good. Soda and cake for you, right?" Ian replied, not bothering to wait for Autumn's reply before hopping his chair once more and heading for the door.