Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: NSS Alliance [[NSS Alliance]] In the Wake of the Storm

Soldier Third Class Fay Saelus had just boarded the NSS Alliance. He had traveled on the NSS Banning and was quickly ushered off the freighter due to 'certain events', whatever they were. He only remembered the power going out once, but that was all. Technically, though, the medic had stayed in his room for the entire trip.

The Geshrin/Nepleslian Hybrid was glad to be back on the Alliance again. It had been a long time since he had been aboard a ship. He had taken leave to help his mother through some rough times, but now he was back.

After hearing the announcement from Ally, Fay walked slowly to the debriefing room. He didn't want to be neither too early nor too late. Making another good impression would be nice. He almost bumped into Ian while entering into the debriefing room. Ian seemed to be in a hurry for some reason. "Oh, excuse me," the medic said as moved aside quickly to not get in the way.
Autumn watched Ian go and wolf whistled at him as he hurried off, taking the take to stare at his muscular butt. She grinned as she continued looking over the chairs at the newcomers.
After hearing Tweak's answer about her eyes, Trey had turned and faced forward again, but listened intently to her and Kokuten's conversation. When it seemed they had concluded talking, He turned around and smiled at her. He then said "So you're a Neko? cool! I was at Yamatai not too long ago getting transferred into a new body, A Yamataian one, that makes us pretty similar now!" He smiled again, reaching a hand out to her "Trey Penton, Soldier Second class, At your service"
Gyles finally roused himself from an oddly loud nap, only to notice that he was in the middle of a crowd of marines that had more than doubled in the time he was gone. And something piqued with attention. The sight of an attractive, if only a little a little tomboyish girl with green hair and deep red eyes. A shade akin to dried blood, as he remembered.

Tweak's here? I haven't seen her in ages! Though I know it'd wouldn't hurt to talk to her again, I have to remember her problems with remembering things. So I'll have to talk with her after briefing. Yeah, that'll work.


"Oh, hi there again. I needed to get some water." Mireille sat down beside Kokuten, arms around her ribcage, clutching her hurt midsection and supporting her bust. Without a second thought, the Cadet leaned over onto the medic's shoulder and breathed a small sigh of relief as some of the pain went away. "Sorry about that, the painkillers haven't kicked in completely quite yet. Did I miss anything?"
As the multipurpose room filled in with the last of the attendees for the briefing, Ally's android representation entered through the rear door and briskly stepped up to the side of the podium, subtle smile and supple features swaying as she came to a halt. The NSS Alliance avatar delicately raised a single palm to garner the attention of the room, raising her voice to a more audible level through the Multipurpose rooms presentation systems.

"If I may have your attention, our speaker this morning is ready to present your debriefing," Ally spoke with an air of command before lowering her hand back down and holding it in the other in front of her skirt. She would wait until the others had quieted down before continuing.
Autumn fidgeted in her chair as she turned her attention to the front of the multipurpose room. She pursed her lips together as she waited, tapping her foot against the floor impatiently as she waited for someone to start talking.

I guess, Ian isn't gonna make it back in time for this. I'd better pay attention to pass him the info. But I really really want to be moving around! I just feel like getting up and running around the room hugging people! I guess it could be worse... it could be a gang initiation ritual thing... it'd be interesting but I don't think I'm up for that right now. I wonder if Ian's going to bring back cake.. She thought idly to herself as she pursued her constantly changing train of thought.
Ian stopped as the AI began to speak, already halfway out the door. "Oh, for fuck's sake..." The Cadet turned and bounded back towards Autumn, clearing his seat for the third time. Deciding that Autumn may once again require some form of restraint, he quickly pinned her to his side again with one arm.
Kokuten looked down at Mireille as she supported herself on him. He smiled and wrapped an arm comfortably around her, trying to support her a little more.

"It's alright, I don't mind it." He said warmly and then went on, "I don't think you've missed anything just yet."
Autumn made an "eeping" noise as she suddenly saw a blur of green out of the corner of her eye and felt herself restrained again. "Heeyyyy," She protested in a very quiet voice under Ian's arm.

She struggled to liberate herself again to no avail. After a few more moments of futility, she sighed softly as she contented herself to simply just lean against the large Cadet's side. The fingers of Autumn's left hand tapped impatiently against Ian's right thigh as she tried to do something with her excess energy.
kai said:
After hearing Tweak's answer about her eyes, Trey had turned and faced forward again, but listened intently to her and Kokuten's conversation. When it seemed they had concluded talking, He turned around and smiled at her. He then said "So you're a Neko? cool! I was at Yamatai not too long ago getting transferred into a new body, A Yamataian one, that makes us pretty similar now!" He smiled again, reaching a hand out to her "Trey Penton, Soldier Second class, At your service"
Tweak lifted her head from her knees and looked at Trey. What was a Yamataian? Where and what was Yamatai? She chose instead to give him a smile, managing only a weak one, and gave his hand a small shake while keeping her knees held with her other one.

Then Ally made her announcement and the neko took her hand back without a word and looked toward the stage.
After Ally had began speaking, Fay decided it wouldn't be wise to be distracting while finding a seat. He instead leaned against the back wall and listened.

As he glanced around the room, he saw a girl sleeping on someone's shoulders, a woman being held in place by that tough-looking Cadet that Fay had almost bumped into a moment ago, and a couple other people that he didn't recognize. Not that the medic was surprised. All of the few people that he had met earlier had either died or transferred out. A short sigh escaped escaped his mouth as he waited for the speaker to begin.
Harrison looked around. The crew was certainly a motley one. The marines gathered around were pure Nepleslian. Some were glinting with cybernetics, others had glowing eyes, some had oddly colored hair, were heavily tattooed, some had clean skin. Most had a cigarette hanging out of the corner of their mouth. Were it not for the fact that there was a gargantuan automata, a red-eyed Nekovalkyrja and the poster child for adult ADD with a shock of hair vibrant enough to make a gambler's shanty covered in neon lights collapse in on itself standing, sitting or somewhere inbetween in the room, he would've swornd he was back home.

"Wow. How did I get dragged into this?" He guffawed quietly to himself, and leaned back in the seat. He looked behind him towards the doors, where there were still crewmen sliding in. He spotted Cheza, smoking (of course). A few marines were talking amongst themselves. An engineer was sleeping in the corner of the room.

Nepleslia's Pride and Joy, eh?
"Don't look at me, old man." Gyles said to Harrison, smirking. Keeping his sonics on was made worth it being able to make off-hand remarks. "All I know is that you'd probably be a happier man if you'd stayed indie."
Trey turned around with the handshake and became very intent with Ally's announcement. He stared straight at her, wondering who their speaker would be. he was eager to get back to fighting the Reds, and hoped he could do just that.
Gran had been idly looking around the multi-purpose room as it filled up. He had vacated his seat to an injured marine who looked like he needed a place to sit. He took a few step towards the back and stood in the midst of the others without seats, the large metal case swinging by his side. Several of the new recruits surprised him, freespacers always were a sight to see: Hulking automatons whose metallic bodies were never color coordinated, brightly colored scraps of clothing tied around pale bodies. He found himself not too far from the automaton Keid and the 'spacer Dream, but he of course didn't know who they were.

He straightened up a little as Ally made her announcement, glad that the debreifing was finally getting started.
Six bodyguards entered into the multi-purpose room, flanking an older man with a grayish spike goatee, and porcupine style gray hair. The six muscular men and woman looked mean, menacing, and rather watchful of the marines and freespacers around them. They all had relatively shaved heads, including the two females. Their beret's, instead of marked with a shielded fleet number, were marked with a shielded black helmet. These bodyguards were Blackguard.

The old man stepped up to a thin podium, his bodyguards spreading out, one of the females standing next to him. He sighed, as if feeling his old age, and then looked up at the crowd of Marines before him. His face didn't look old, it was just worn, as if it had seen more than it's share of life. A definite scar ran across his eyes, going from one edge of his face to the other. Though, the most noticable thing about this old man, was his red eyes, which gave an eerie red glow.

"Let me start this off, with saying I'm damn proud of every last one of you. You marines, you 'heroes', accomplished something today that will contribute to the expansion of our great Imperium for years to come." The old man said with a sly grin. "You didn't all do the same thing, but you all did something, and that something is what won us the battle today."

"For those of you who don't know, I am Master General Pyros Thrull Westwood. I am the supreme commander of all marine forces, but to simply put it, I'm as high up as it gets. Some of you may not know, what a 'Master General' is, well kiddies, this isn't just a debriefing, it's Military Reform 101 and I'm your college professor."

"While you all were preparing and managing for Kennewes, a great reform took place in our government. In that, we became the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. At that same time, our military was also reformed into several corps, and due to the nature of our military activities, new ranks have been put into place. These ranks have been split into two colors, red and black. Red for Marines, black for Navy. Most of you today, will be getting red bars, some with higher ranking than you have now. It is my job today to disperse of these ranks." The Master General nodded and then tapped on his PDA, every PDA room would get a small ding, signifying a new message. "And I'm done, moving on to the next subject."

"The Red Faction is ceasing to exist as we know it, we have broken their major military holds, and are moving in for the kill. Several officers in the Red Faction refused to give up after a large number of their men pulled out. Now, we are left with large militant groups, holding large cities, and defending themselves by hiding behind any citizens left. Of course, we could easily glass these cities, but we're not that barbaric. Instead, we will be conducting a series of ground operations."

"Our new friends, the Red Faction coup members, have joined up with us on a probationary status. The reason why none of them are doing hard time, is due to the fact that their participation helped us greatly. However, we are not sending them off so easily, and we plan to use them along with our Imperium marines to take Kennewes back."

"That means, some of you will be going back to the planet to partcipate in this operation. Though some of you, will not, sadly, there has been a call for marines to report to some 'Syrup Station' up in the galactic northwest. They say this will be one of the biggest reasearch gigs in the history of Nepleslia. Though for some reason, they're calling off able-bodied marines to guard this station. From what? Hell if I know, I'm just a pissed that I'll be losing fine soldiers to some madwoman."

"And this is where it winds down, the Kennewes Offensive is over, and you all have earned some well-deserved rest. So, for all of you, two weeks on shore-leave. Where? I don't give a damn, just go on shore-leave. In two weeks you all will be finding a new place to call home, so I suggest you make your goodbyes to the ship and it's naval crew before kicking your boots off and relaxing. Now, any questions?"
Henry sat down next to and nudged Harrison on his comment and handed him this swiftly written note, 'You joined, didn't you? Or were you drafted by breaking the law or what?'

Then he decided to pay attention to Pyros, he recognised him and his voice from his previous encounter with him and his fabled Blackguards to address the marines and everyone else on the state of things.

Henry was surprised when there was a reform going on, and they were going to be named "The Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia". To him, it had a bit more of a "we're gonna kick your ass" feel to it than the previous name. Then when he saw everyone's PDA's light up when they were given promotions, Henry wondered why his didn't do anything. He just thought the message had been delayed by mail server traffic.

He was satisfied that the Reds as a faction had near ceased, and their Coup members had joined up, and soon there'd be the opportunity to take back Kennewes completely.

Then Henry heard of "Syrup Station" from Pyros. Scientific research did seem appealing, if he retired or got badly wounded or something.
Hearing general Pyros call out the name of "Syrup Station", Dream woke up istantly, with a jerking motion, and almost fell down from Keid. "The Cirrus Station! Is it ready yet?!" She shouted, in the silence that followed the "Any questions?" request of the head honcho.