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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Well, Delmar's already taken cover since the character was in overwatch. After he took the shot, he was able to move afterwards, rendering Lisa's attempt to keep him in cover moot. As for how far back the prisoners are, they're in the last cell to the right, with Ylfa's security console to their left, and left of her, another cell. The hallway itself is about 5 meters wide, and a lot longer. Currently, our biggest problem isn't something IC, but OOC - I need you all to sort of shout out where you're hiding.

Keep in mind that there's 9 rows of cells to the left and right, with the Mishhu now around the 7th I believe. There's a half meter between each cell too, so there is that much more buffer at least.
The numbering you're using, do you mean 7th form teh back (7 away from Ylfa) or 7th from the front(2 away from Ylfa)?
@Syaoran I'm guessing 7th from Ylfa being that she wanted us to draw them in.
@Compouds117 I think Delmar can give you a hand. It'll be a danger close type of shot so you'd need to take cover. I don't know how you plan to get free but if you'd like I can have Delmar use some splodies.
My plan was to use the old WW2 tactic and chuck a helmet at them. Cadet what is through the cell wall? I might need to revise and go through the wall if possible and come around the rear of the attackers.
If it's 7th from Ylfa Richard is gonna be 3rd on the right I guess. Also chucking a helmet might not be a good idea since helms have neurolinks that help control the suits.
Well now I have to worry about the armored guys a meter away from me and rockets exploding close to me. If Mark dies, one of you need to tell his non-existent wife that he always wanted a divorce.
Interior walls can be hollow. If the ships were built with solid metal walls that thick the ship would constantly be very cold and extremely heavy. The increased mass would require a massive amount of materials whi¢h add$ up fa$t. Also, a 100% solid construction would mean that kinetic forces(i.e. Munitions striking the hull or a collision in flight) would result in the shock being transferred across the entire ship. That's why cars have crumple zones, to absorb impact.

Also, the chance of losing pressure throughout whole areas is reduced by the use of bulkheads and containment fields. You can still make a ship strong without carving it out of a solid piece of steel

Also, a wall with framework(hybrid metal or ceramic studs) that's reinforced(studs extend partially into the ceiling and floor) with a metal panel on the outsides(metallic drywall) would have more than enough strength to withstand impact
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That is why ships tend to have hollowd spots between layers of armour, so the force stops there and schock does not spread over the whole ship.
Busy day today, so a quick reply; the Mishhu are moving in two's, with two suppressing and two moving. One pair to the left and one pair two the right. You can't go through the walls in this case, since it's the brig - in most other places, yes, you could have. That's why the enemy is coming in head on. You've got a few options on your table though - Ylfa said to be patient and let them come closer, but you guys can figure things for yourselves of course.
Question. How tall is the ceiling?

Also I forgot to mention, yeah Rizzo, some walls would be hollow, but only walls where you need wiring to go, besides on ships the wiring can go in cabel tunned under the floor or piping. Most walls would not be hollow then and how I explained earlier hollow spots to dissipate force and shock are between layers of armours. Having hollow wall in middle of the ship would not help you much.
Not have insulation in the walls would cause the ships environment systwms(a/c) to be less efficient. Metal is a conductor. It can conduct heat(an abundance of thermal energy) but it also gets cold(an absence of thermal energy). Space generally does not emit any thermal energy so heating the ship would require a lot of power. Also, in order to completely lock someone in a cell ventilation would need to be run to that cell. If you wanted to keep it soundproof(perhaps to keep prisoners from hearing or coordinating with those in the next cell) you'd need insulation. Since the ship is naturally cold(metal, space, ect) and the air is warmed by the enviro systems it would stand to reason that the designers wouldn't want solid wall since the cold metal would pull the heat out of the air. Less metal, less heat transmission. But even a metal panel will pull heat out of the air. That's were the insulation comes in. It retains heat collected by the metal so once the ship warms up it'll stay warmer longer.
Rizzo. Super-future setting in many respects, and a lot of things that are relevant in modern day simply aren't in SARP. Yamatai, for instance, regulates everything in their ships through nano-machines that are in effectively anything Yamatai uses, meaning they could use literally NO insulation or other such materials outside of the armor, and still have completely normal situations. Nepleslia has never been quite as "fantasy tech" as Yamatai, but they've got the tech to stand toe-to-toe with Yamatai, so you can safely assume they have their own versions of systems like that.

Outside of that though, as has already been said, if the GM says something can or can't be done, that's that. As unrealistic as it might seem to you at any given time, the GM is there to guide the plot and make the decisions, and they have final say. No matter how well you justify something, if the GM says it's not going to work, it's not going to work.
Nice to know humanity currently knows the exact details of every scientific function and material that could possibly exist anywhere in the universe, at any time. Guess we still live in a flat world where the sun revolves around us, right?
Lol. Don't hate because I chose to educate myself in real science, bro. It's why I'm only 19 and have a job with a kick ass salary