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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

That means you either highlighted your alerts, cause it wont alert you again till you look at the topic, or the forum screwed up again like it seems to do every now and then.
I find that sometimes, just accidentally waving my mouse over is enough to make them go away. If the day or so feels too quiet, it's always a good idea to check.
If you have multiple threads watched and you click one, it assumes you checked them all. Either way, sorry about being MIA. I hope my question is on topic and not too stupid

Oh damn. I'm sorry I missed that detail. I'll see what I can do next post.


We're almost wrapped up on the major stuff about the SAoY power armors - the Mindy is far more intimidating than the Daisy after all, and after figuring out how to deal with the former, the latter isn't too hard in comparison. When we wrap this up, what'll happen is that we'll likely timeskip to the face to face meeting with who we'll be fighting and the POW transfer. It's a short social being as long as you guys are interested.

And right after that, is the action.
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I would put it all together like this. Midny can kill you fast and Daisy is a bit harder to kill.
That sums it up in a nutshell!

Right now, I'm a little curious to how you're all receiving the situation. And with the two Neko we have in tow in particular. Are they entertaining and hilarious, or too Nyan-Nyan for your tastes when you all came here for some Guts and Glory? Since I'm getting ready for that meet & greet & fight, I'd like to know for sure before we get started.
Cool. I'm still trying to post in the other thread, but I'm drawing blanks. I'll see what i can do though.
Nah I meant the Steel one. I've been thinking since you posted, usually I'd have posted by now, just can't think of anything.
Well, if it helps, this is basically the moment where you guys either encourage or discourage the 'Nyanmatai' goodness. Also, I added simple NPC bios to the wiki page.There's only three for now, but it'll definitely grow as we go along.
Thanks Kampfer. That'll help out anyone scratching their heads.

Anyways, I'm slowing down just a bit more to let you guys pick your loadouts, and even have your characters discuss the merits of one thing or another with each other too. And yes, Yamatai did commit an act of genocide in the past, with some of the details up over here in the wiki. It was worse than it looks. And yes, Emi is dead serious. Given that this is downtime, each of the characters are up for side threads or Joint Posts if any of you would like. Just ask here or PM me and we can work something out. If you guys want to set up your own side thread since we're accelerating to combat again, I can also get things squared and ready too.

For now, assume most things in our inventory are open for picks. We'll be outdoors, so yes, Aggressors are good to go. We can only have a max of 2 on this though.
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