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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

It'll require a side thread. Go ahead and discuss the details of what you'd like to do here or with me in a PM. It can be set up in no time at all.

But seriously though guys. Give me your loadouts! We'll be going into PA combat, so pick your suit and gear to go with it. That M3 rifle won't cut it though Shadow, since that's just a conventional weapon. The armors are a notch above Iron Man's suits, so the guns gotta match. Check the examples of standard stuff or what's in our armory if you need to figure it out.
I've been thinking on my load out but with the gear I find it seems like the basic stuff is mostly the best for the hostile. Gonna try and get you my load out later today.
I once used the chaingun from Aggressor on Hostile, and saw several people use VOID plasma rifle. The hand weapons are mostly intechangable really. Personally though I like HPAR the most, it just feels pretty damn nepleslian.
The inventory's open guys!

After you all select what you want to use - I'll discuss with you guys anything that isn't kosher/halal here - do you want me to quickly dive into combat, or introduce the people we'll be working with, as well as up against?
I'm wondering if Richard can take a hostile with a rifle as a primary, but then have a shotgun as a back up. I really just wish there was like a sawn off or something but there's only one PA shot gun.
Er, I just figured something good for Terrence to waste some time with would be to talk with Emi. He's empathetic so he's responding to her previous statement so that misery isn't lonely.

Okay, I understand that reasoning. So then should we just list off our chosen suit's equipment here or...?
@Centurion0507 if I wasn't clear before, go ahead and grab an Aggressor if you'd like.

If you'd like @Syaoran , he could take both the rifle and the shotgun, but do keep in mind that's more for him to handle as well.

@Shadow I'll go ahead and open up a side thread for that tomorrow - it's getting a little late on my end unfortunately. Examples of what you can take with your power armor are right on the plot's wiki page, but there's also a link to the rest of the Nepleslian military inventory too. There's only a few more viable weapons for your PA listed there, but here's the link.
@Morbius Richard isn't in his armor right now, he's just asking about tips some input.

@CadetNewb Also I think i found what I can do. I found the HPAR 'Master Set' and that has the pieces to pretty much make a shorter version of the HPAR. So can I use that shortened HPAR variant to reduce the size a bit so it's not so much to handle? That way he can hold the shotgun in hand and have that mounted without sticking out too much.
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As far as I remember Hostile has weapon mount on its back, where it can put a gun when it is not in use. So in theory, you could have HPAR in your hand and shotgun on your back, just not that there is nowhere to put your main rifle apart from holding onto it, since the spot is occupied by the shotgun.
Yeah, my main concern though is just not having two full sized weapons to lug around. I'll do it if I have to, but if I can use the Master Set's shorter version that would be preferred.

If I can use that I think I know my loadout

loadout said:
HPAR Master set (short barrel)
VibroSaw Knife
Pulse Laser Array
Push Pull Plating
Left: DART
Observation Probe
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Shotjon is right; you'll be able to sling the spare weapon over your back, either above the thruster nozzles so it's horizontal behind your shoulders or the same at your lumbar. I didn't mean that he'd have to hold both in his hands, but the fact that Richard would be encumbered by the additional weapon protruding - the HPAR is 1.3 meters long for an example.

Both loadouts here in the OOC look fine to me btw. And yes Compouds, you can use the Aggressor's chaingun with the Hostile. I wouldn't recommend it though - it's weaker in total damage per second but does have that nifty high rate of fire. Good for suppression and increasing hit probability if that's what you're after.

As for Aggressor use, if you want one, you got one. Maximum of 2 per mission however. If more than 2 people want one, we're taking turns.


@Shadow - go ahead and post in the aside thread, I finally got it up.

Anyone else interested in stepping into an aside?
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I am confused....are those Militants part of the training exercise? Or is this an actual ambush, that'll determine how Richard acts.