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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

I think something more like the NTW-20 is what you're looking for. It's a mean, mean 20mm Anti-Materiel Rifle that should look pretty familiar. In the past, there have been attempts to make something along that and with an ADR of 2, but they've been shot down. No matter what's inside the ammo being shot, the recoil compensation used on the rifle, or even plain hot plasma being sent down range, having anything more than PDR 5/ADR 1 hasn't been allowed.

Also, I'll be posting tomorrow for Sledge Mama instead of today guys. Aside from having more of us post, there also seems to be another player interested in joining us.
Well there is this baby, that can even be used by infantry. Than there is this and it took me bloody 15 minutes to find until I scrounged it up from Phaedra's bio where it is mentioned somewhere in history. Not sure why this gun is not on any list. @Kampfer you might want to look into that since it is one of few cool guns Uso made. Well except it has only 3 rounds and magazine size of a brick....
Alright guys, post up! In this part, feel free to make up terrain features as you go along and take your positions. Once actual combat starts however, you'll have discretion to pull off your task as you see fit. Even then though, make sure to work together, otherwise, things may not end well.
Heads up! We've got a new player coming in - his name is @Oscar_Geare and he'll be joining us soon. How soon? I don't know if you all are partial for just slipping him in, or would prefer for the current combat to finish first. I'm glad to do either, so long as it's fun of course. Also, can I at least have one or two posts before it starts in earnest? This is pretty much your chance to pick out what kind of cover you think would be available and best in some rolling woods. If you're short on ideas, go ahead and ask too.

Afterwards, they'll be coming in fast and hard.
Personally since the current fight has not yet started I say slip him in. That way he can get used to everyone and they can get use to him in terms of combat as quickly as possible.

I'm quite happy to wait until it's over if it'll affect the meta too much - after all, this squad just seems to keep spawning new members.

Leonel specialises in PA Repair, so if one of you get busted up too much it provides a perfect opportunity for him to slide in. While I can hardly wait to join in, I don't want to jump in out of nowhere.
Jumping out of nowhere or not, I can easily come up with something worthwhile to explain it, so it really just boils down to how soon you want to get in, and if the others are ok.

Also, I suggest having Richard make up his mind on what he wants to do in the aside thread - he's trying to train to get better before they arrive after all, right?
Yeah he wants to do some basic training for 'staying alive in disadvantaged situations' kinda stuff. Sorry I didn't make that clear.
I'm not sure how to go about following these orders given. Anyone have some suggestions?

EDIT: Are we on the defensive or the offensive, because if we're doing defensive I actually have the beginning phases of a plan for that.
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I think we're offense and defense? Either way I know we have a flag, not sure about the other team though, so we have defensive duties regardless.
It's a defensive plan - Ylfa knows that since the Yamataians are faster, they have initiative. That's why she wants to lure them into committing to a fight, and then counter. For this part, basically dig into good positions. Like I said before, go ahead and make up the terrain as you go, and from there, I'll post around it.


Leonel needs to be put in ASAP, the group needed more midgets.

Aye skipper!
From what I read of Leonel's history, Mark should like him. I decided to go with some guerrilla warfare type stuff and bury rx33 to catch them unawares. My only question is will 200 meters be far enough or do I need to adjust the distance?
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Oh man, I know I said 200m was ok, but the tree caught me off guard.

Seeing that activity this round was a bit lower, I need to ask, were you guys feeling a bit lost? Syaoran is probably the most familiar with my GM style since I Co-GM Yamatai's 5th Fleet with him as one of the players, and given that we'd talked about this a bit before, I'm guessing it's the same problem. As he can tell you, there's going to be points where I'll let you guys go ahead and basically carry out an order on your own, no rails attached - I don't ever want you guys feeling you're on rails. The downside is that, after talking with him and Brett_M - another player - about 5th Fleet, is that there's no clear direction. My guess is that, in the future, I should provide suggestions as to what actions your characters can take rather than just giving an order, a rough environment, and carte blanche.

Does this sound about right? Remember guys, if there's ever a hard moment, I'm actually glad to hear what you have to say, since that means I can at least try and fix what's going on and keep our RP going smooth. If you don't want to say it here in OOC, a PM is fine too.
Yeah sorry about that. I was gonna see where the agressors posted up and follow one of them. Or just post yesterday,which ever came first, but yesterday ended up being a very bad day. Sorry about that, I'll get a post out by tomorrow for sure, wont wait that long again.
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