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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

I wish it was from a Chinese place, but the only thing I ate that could've possibly given it to me (the rest of the stuff everyone else ate and was fine) was a freakin' tortilla that obviously we kept in teh fridge too long.
Sorry Cadet I've been distracted, I'm writing a post right now. Max himself isn't paying too much attention to the Sarge. I am wondering however, if this is a live fire exercise can we be killed? Or at least seriously wounded intentionally?
I'm OK. Just working on better understanding the story better and the people in the scene. Being Johnny come lately can make things tough, heh.
Food poisoning...that doesn't bring back pleasant memories. I've learned in nursing class that the source can be as far back as 3 days due to incubation time though. If those tortillas don't seem like enough to do it, you may want to look further back.

And this isn't a live fire exercise - I didn't want to say, but since you ask, I feel I gotta. Since it's a full immersion sim, yes, you can get killed extra hard for a mistake, though that seems unlikely given that these machines are paper. Glad for the quick heads up too. And Morbius, I don't want you feeling left out. It's ok to just hop into the thick of the story without knowing exactly what's going on or the people around you so long as you have fun.

And have an idea what to shoot at.

I also need to make an admission of my own - today did not go as planned, and I'll have to resort to posting tomorrow morning as early as I can. Sorry guys.
Hell, why not? Go ahead and change your armor if you'd like. Just make sure to clearly state the loadout IC or in here so I can keep track.
Indeed I think I'll switch my primary armor to the agressor but keep my Plasma Cannon. I don't think that the agressor is the best weapon for dealing with the most moving armors, but it will probably drop some serious hurt on them.
Well, it wasn't my intent to make them be disliked. Instead, it was my intent to play them straight. I imagined that they'd honestly believe that they were better than us, and that thinking - that firm belief - would show in how they acted. It's just that it's not out of malice or anything of the sort towards us humans. They just really do think they're better. On top of that, I also believe that they'd also want to be friendly and therefore want friends as well, but how they'd go about that wouldn't be normal. The killstealing for an example, I imagined was playful competition from their perspective, as they thoroughly expected you guys (the Nepleslians) to to try and do it back, as well as do your best to one-up them.

However, even though they mean well, that doesn't mean good things happen - most people who aren't Neko themselves, or understand them and how they think, would take it the wrong way. Which, I feel, is one of the reasons why there's been a long-running friction between Nepleslia and Yamatai. They're just plain different cultures with different norms, meaning that they're alien to each other. In the aside I'm doing with Shadow, "Which Tie?", you can see some of that - the difference extends as far as their own views of intimate relationships.

As for armor choices, if you decide to go with the Aggressor Warrior, I suggest the AOP instead. You're free to decide though. This also brings us to the Aggressor cap of 2 units too.
Yes, it's ammo is limited, but on the other hand, it's a Heavy Mini-Missile Launcher. You might as well think of it as the Boomshot from Gears of War, but with a cylinder, and with seeking capabilities.
We need this in the setting and whoever does it needs to have HE rounds available. Oh, and for when the big ass .50 doesn't work, you get a round that is 3 times as powerful. The world we live in is amazing.
We sort of do, at least in the YSE. Yamataians have a fondness for their old-as-time automatic 35mm cannons. You can find them on their tanks and ground vehicles. It would make sense for Nepleslia to have some too since they share history.