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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Quite possibly, but they still need to find out and stay alive while at it. Also, everyone can hear the shots, so how your characters react to hearing it is something to consider, even if they're in a different hallway.
I think throwing grenades in rooms is a bad idea and should be a last resort. Remember were trying to not attack more attention to ourselves.
We don't have a lot of ammo though. There is a possibility they are friendly forces hiding like we are.
Yeah that's why Richard is shouting out, since they're using an energy weapon they're likely neko.
Well shooting at an ID-SOL is like wearing red in the wrong ghetto neighborhood, you're gonna get shot. Besides, I think Mark has enough ammo at the moment he can use a little bit of it to suppress whoever is shooting.

EDIT: @Semjax Mark was roughly 33-50 feet ahead of Rachel and Ylfa so the hostile burst would of been finished before she got there and she would of been in little danger. He was already crouched and leaning over so he was perfectly fine and hardly in any danger to warrant sprinting over there and getting tackled. Also, I don't believe that with the size difference Rachel would be able to push a braced Mark that is in the middle of returning fire to the ground nor would it of been a good idea.
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It's an honest mistake. As long as you don't make more mistakes than me there shouldn't ever really be a problem with it.
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Also, I've likely asked this before, but could any of you give some feedback in the Aggressor Update thread?

Right now, we're focusing on the AMP, the bigass chaingun it can pull out and use like TF2's Heavy. My plan was to reduce the rate of fire to 30 rounds a second so it could keep shooting for longer, yet increase damage to ADR 4 by using some better magnetic systems. Others suggest that I keep the ROF as-is, and simply let people reload. The downside of that however, is for every extra drum of ammo for the AMP, that's one less canister of AOP missiles.

I'm also trying to figure out what caliber to make the gun too. I favor longer, slimmer gauss/rail projectiles since more can be fit into a smaller space, but I also know that short and fat rounds have that classic Nepleslian Punch you can't get anywhere else.

Please, if any of you got the time, post in there - feedback would be listened to.
I don't know too much about Star Army's technical nuances, but that sounds useful to me. Slow rate of fire is slow, but that's nothing compared to increased damage. By the way, I have a few noobish questions if you don't mind.

So, even base Neps have implants that can receive messages sent to them (from what I can tell) but does that also mean that he can send some back?

Another question. Do you know what kinds of religions that a Nep might have? I tried to look through the Wiki for something on the subject but I couldn't find anything, same with the implants.
It's actually not that slow. By default, it's shooting at 72 rounds per second, and dropping it down to 30 rounds in one second didn't seem so bad to me, since the overall DR was still going to be bumped up to 4 anyways. Post in that thread so I can keep track of the feedback if you can please.

As for the implants, I've double checked and the only one we get standard issue is the brain spider. Which, despite being a staple, I don't think has an article of its own. You'll have to assume your character is either checking his datajocky, or is wearing an earbud that's connected to it.
People with religious beliefs are rare in Nepleslia/Yamatai, at least amongst humans. But a tiny handful of Christian-like and Judaism-like faiths have appeared in the RP.
Found it (at last) after I made my post, but forgot to edit X D

And Wes is right in regards to religion. From what I've seen, we only make passing references with phrases like "Thank God" or "Jesus!". Otherwise, it's just not something we really focus on. We've merely just kept it's influence on common sayings and such.
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