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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Mall Mayhem was crazy, I was apart of that one and oh man those freaking Elites man... If that's what's to come, we will have a lot of work to do to survive.
@Semjax , just as a heads up, it's leaping into the large observatory to try and crush both Terrance and Mark. I didn't think Rachael was in there?
I wasn't sure what was happening myself, and was considring helping with Rachael's body slam attack. (Queintin is going to have so many near death expereinces, i can just FEEL it.)

To me it looked like racheal wanted to charge in and knock the TASHA off course. Or, do we not have line of sight?
Ugh doesn't the Tasha weigh several dozen tons? I'm not sure Rachel is going to like that physics lesson. Assuming of course she isn't swatted away like a fly.
Then I misread your post Semjax, sorry! Rachael was off to its right-rear flank, and yes, she's able to attempt this move.
Again I would like to point out that thruster checking a tank is probably similar to running into the side of an Abraham tank with a Prius... especially if you happen to hit its barrier...
Well it doesn't have sheilds on the back, and thats where Quentin is aiming (the exposed zesu plating)

not only that but its barriers are all but shot. I am not trying to thruster check it so much as dog pile it with crazy aether blade wielding neplesians.

I can just imagine Yifa scolding them now "You are like some sort of crazed hivemind! who tries to get CLOSER to the twn ton spider tank? AND YOU DID IT IN SYNC!"

Something along those lines any ways.
Not you, but Rachel is definitely trying to ram the thing... Are you all crazy? Absolutely. I'll TRY not to accidentally shoot you. At least we are doing something in sync for once so I guess there is that...
I hope everyone realizes the Tasha still has weapons <.< it's just it's autocanons that have been rendered useless. (Richard is coming form above, so he's fairly safe)
Also note that things trajectory can be moved when in the air and not planted on the ground, whether insane or not, from a scientific standpoint it can be done with enough force. A fully boosted pair of power armor could probably succeed in doing it, if you think about it. The only worry should be of the weapons on the Tasha that can still be used.
I dont think it's flying though, unless it jumped in the air, but the way I read it the Tasha simply turned on its AG systems and pointed them down at Mark and Terrance. Because if it jumped in the air surely they would have time to get from under it before they got crushed...
From what I read it looked like the tasha can hover using its AG system, quite a ways up too.

Not sure what you mean by pointing an ag system down at someone. Besides I'd say it would be a good few meters/yards upwards at least, still need time to accelerate for a good ol fashioned 'critter stompin'.

The real problem i think is the fact that mark is being held by the thing (i think)
"It was at that moment Terrence wisely decided to get the hell out."

Lol. This amuses me. Good luck guys, kick its ass.
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